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View Full Version : The Most Handsome Hunks 19th May Party

May 3rd, 2006, 21:02
I think it would be very far fetched to suggest, "must be some of the most handsome guys in Thailand, if not Pattaya at the moment".

The Krazy Dragon is a drastic improvement over the former Crazy Pub. They have spent a great deal of money to tastefully decorate and clean up what used to be there. Now the "Buttboy Bar" is the sleazy place to go in Sunee.

The elevated platforms that they dance on throughout the bar and in front of each seating area are a great idea. I love the mirrors that they dance on and the loose shorts that they wear to enhance the view. Also nice to know that for a small tip they will give you a close up view if what they have and for more of a tip will go farther. I sat with the owner one night and he gave me a run down of all the boys and the positive comments they have received about their performances after the "off".

Every once in a while they become alamed at the door and they send some of the boys into hiding upstairs. While the boys rotate from table to table with the music, some latch on to you a bit too hard for my liking. I would rather pick my boy than he pick me.

A big pat on the back to the management team that cleaned this place up and made it the most beautiful bar in Sunee. A couple of the boys are knock-outs in my opinion, but the rest are pretty plain looking.


May 5th, 2006, 13:03
... some people may condemn me for this, but I too like Krazy Dragon. I didn't know it in it's previous incarnation, 'crazy pub', and I was a little wary of the place when I first went, but having been to Krazy Dragon several times now, I have to say it's pretty darn cool. The guys have no embarrasment, although when 'new' they tend to be a little more reticent about flashing, the more established guys are quite charming, chatty and friendly. One or two are a little more hands on, diving off the table to give you a quick back massage with or without encouragement, but on the whole very enjoyable.

As for the guys themselves, they are mainly the 'I am a Man' type, with some great tattoos with maybe half a dozen or so that are said to be ladyboys - gay in thai speak. Quite a few I do find very attractive, the guy with the long black hair over one side of his face and the others with great smiles and personalities. Also, and this is where i'll get the crtics, one of the guys has to have the thickest foreskin I have ever seen (no, I don't need to get out more), it's hard to describe but even the other guys in the bar often stop to have a looksee.

I'll now hang my head in shame (whilst going back for another look). :cheers:

May 5th, 2006, 17:10
Krazy Dragon owners desire credit for doing something original and that works..Some nites better than others and some boys hotter
than others but that is subjective and each of us have our own preferences.. The draft beers are a bargain and served in the right
glass..The boys seem to be having a good time and are well tipped on busy nites..One friend of mine offed several boys from Krazy and
was very satisfied.. In addition to Butt Boys, upstairs at Ozone can be sleezy some times..I checked out Y2K, between Sunee and All Boys
and thought I was in a morgue..It is a shame because the boys look good but they just stand in the dark (terrible lighting) and don't move..
Some were leaning on the mirrored back wall and seemed to have trouble staying awake.. One or two smiled a bit and made an attempt but the
rest were expressionless and joyless.. I mentioned it to the doorman outside, who must be the least attractive doorman in Thailand and he couldn't care
less.. I had come from K-boys and that place was rocking with great lighting, lively boys and lots of life..Never got to All Boys and wonder how
it is working now that it is half the size..

May 17th, 2006, 21:32
..... its all in the eyes of the beholder ...

American Teacher-old
May 17th, 2006, 22:08
And I get yelled at for spamming? Honestly, I think it is great that LMTU likes to give updates on venues in Pattaya - and I know that he doesn't own the venues he promotes - BUT, promotion is still promotion.

LMTU does more promoting in one week than I do in one month.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for promotion -- we all know that. But let's be fair and see it like it is.

Just my two cents...


May 18th, 2006, 23:01
LMTU Don't worry you keep on telling us about all the lovely things going on in Thailand. Now what time is the Handsome Hunk Competition at Krazy Dragon please - some of us need to dine out beforehand.

American Teacher - I think that Europeans and Brits especially, react negatively to the relentless, non-stop advertising and promotion of your own commercial venture. It's just too much too often. We are used to a much softer sell and with a lighter touch.

May 19th, 2006, 03:50
If Nodys Nook suddenly produced wonderful food at a competitive price, I will soon tell you and dont worry I will go there as soon as my spies tell me the food is up to standard, but what's the point of getting all this advertising, when you cant keep the customers and make them want to come back...............

If Nodys Nook suddenly produced wonderful food at a competitive price, I will soon tell you and dont worry I will go there as soon as my spies tell me the food is up to standard, but what's the point of getting all this advertising, when you cant keep the customers and make them want to come back...............

If Nodys Nook suddenly produced wonderful food at a competitive price, I will soon tell you and dont worry I will go there as soon as my spies tell me the food is up to standard, but what's the point of getting all this advertising, when you cant keep the customers and make them want to come back...............

If Nodys Nook suddenly produced wonderful food at a competitive price, I will soon tell you and dont worry I will go there as soon as my spies tell me the food is up to standard, but what's the point of getting all this advertising, when you cant keep the customers and make them want to come back...............

If Nodys Nook suddenly produced wonderful food at a competitive price, I will soon tell you and dont worry I will go there as soon as my spies tell me the food is up to standard, but what's the point of getting all this advertising, when you cant keep the customers and make them want to come back...............

If Nodys Nook suddenly produced wonderful food at a competitive price, I will soon tell you and dont worry I will go there as soon as my spies tell me the food is up to standard, but what's the point of getting all this advertising, when you cant keep the customers and make them want to come back...............

If Nodys Nook suddenly produced wonderful food at a competitive price, I will soon tell you and dont worry I will go there as soon as my spies tell me the food is up to standard, but what's the point of getting all this advertising, when you cant keep the customers and make them want to come back...............

If Nodys Nook suddenly produced wonderful food at a competitive price, I will soon tell you and dont worry I will go there as soon as my spies tell me the food is up to standard, but what's the point of getting all this advertising, when you cant keep the customers and make them want to come back...............

If Nodys Nook suddenly produced wonderful food at a competitive price, I will soon tell you and dont worry I will go there as soon as my spies tell me the food is up to standard, but what's the point of getting all this advertising, when you cant keep the customers and make them want to come back...............

If Nodys Nook suddenly produced wonderful food at a competitive price, I will soon tell you and dont worry I will go there as soon as my spies tell me the food is up to standard, but what's the point of getting all this advertising, when you cant keep the customers and make them want to come back...............

If Nodys Nook suddenly produced wonderful food at a competitive price, I will soon tell you and dont worry I will go there as soon as my spies tell me the food is up to standard, but what's the point of getting all this advertising, when you cant keep the customers and make them want to come back...............

If Nodys Nook suddenly produced wonderful food at a competitive price, I will soon tell you and dont worry I will go there as soon as my spies tell me the food is up to standard, but what's the point of getting all this advertising, when you cant keep the customers and make them want to come back...............

If Nodys Nook suddenly produced wonderful food at a competitive price, I will soon tell you and dont worry I will go there as soon as my spies tell me the food is up to standard, but what's the point of getting all this advertising, when you cant keep the customers and make them want to come back...............

If Nodys Nook suddenly produced wonderful food at a competitive price, I will soon tell you and dont worry I will go there as soon as my spies tell me the food is up to standard, but what's the point of getting all this advertising, when you cant keep the customers and make them want to come back...............

Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk, I have to see this everyday, read it once and twise and ... LMTU, i like your information, but stop this bluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurk on Niddys Nook ! I real don't care if i have to pay 100 or 200 bath more if i like the place and the people, we not all sticky farang, some have money ! Last week i go eat in my town brugge and pay 15.000 bath, on Niddy's i pay 650 bath for 2 people and get out "Mao ". Your money problem is very relatief ! Niddy's Nook have some standart if you notice. But this is your problem low lander as you are care about 10 bath more or les. Go eat your hamburger on your low places LMTU, but understand the captians never seets white the crew !

May 19th, 2006, 04:12
American Teacher - I think that Europeans and Brits especially, react negatively to the relentless, non-stop advertising and promotion of your own commercial venture. It's just too much too often. We are used to a much softer sell and with a lighter touch

On the beginning there was Chris making some small promotions for Niddy's and there where some people atack him for that. Chris never want to post on SF anymore but then he did atack back, full your mouth white his promotions and at this moment he is a real hit on SF. Good done Chris !

May 19th, 2006, 10:13
"..Now what time is the Handsome Hunk Competition at Krazy Dragon please - some of us need to dine out beforehand. ".....and I hope Boxer shows up with his camera in hand. Be nice to see some Pattaya pics other than BT events.

May 19th, 2006, 12:34
LMTU Don't worry you keep on telling us about all the lovely things going on in Thailand. Now what time is the Handsome Hunk Competition at Krazy Dragon please - some of us need to dine out beforehand.

American Teacher - I think that Europeans and Brits especially, react negatively to the relentless, non-stop advertising and promotion of your own commercial venture. It's just too much too often. We are used to a much softer sell and with a lighter touch.
Americans don't like spam either. Especially cheesy spam. The best way to get business is to be good, worry about promotion later, and not very much, because people will talk.

May 19th, 2006, 12:35
LMTU Don't worry you keep on telling us about all the lovely things going on in Thailand. Now what time is the Handsome Hunk Competition at Krazy Dragon please - some of us need to dine out beforehand.

American Teacher - I think that Europeans and Brits especially, react negatively to the relentless, non-stop advertising and promotion of your own commercial venture. It's just too much too often. We are used to a much softer sell and with a lighter touch.

If the Handsome Hunk comp' is like all the other comp's I have been to i.e. Ugliest/Funniest Katoey etc, the proceedings seem to start around 10.00pm and then go on, and on, and on until enough drinks are sold or enough flowers purchased and then given to the contestants to satisfy the owner. It will probably last longer than the Eurovison Song Contest, which takes place one night later in Athens.

Chris, the majority of the board has no problems with your posts. They are usually short and sweet and informative. The only problem I have is the then barrage of posts from the same people who drone on and on about how awful Niddy's is. I tend to skip over these now as they are repetitive and have nothing new to say. I still have not been to dinner at Niddy's but I hope to do so in the next week or so.

I now expect this post, like several others on the board, to go off topic and result in attacking Niddy's once more or repeating the 'i'm only posting my opinion of Niddy's' theme. Well, we get it, again and again, it's your opinion, it's been heard several times, move on!

May 19th, 2006, 12:39
Well having carefully re-read LMTU's posts to see if I had missed his mention of a 9 p.m. start - I hadn't it was not there - He does not say it is a competition. Maybe they will just look around the room and choose the best looker? I suspect not as the owner is very well aware of customers need for flesh. "When business is thin give 'em some skin" as my UK model money-toy-boy would say.


May 20th, 2006, 13:15

But Im sure as with most of these things, they make it streach out to sell you pleanty of drinks.

Lordy, lordy did they make it stretch out! I got there about 9.30pm and the comp' started around 10.30pm. I believe they only had about 6 guys or so in competition, fully dressed and then because there was so few boys, almost every gogo boy in the place also started strutting their stuff. To say the first hour was a little frantic and chaotic would be an understatement. We then moved onto the underwear round and then the finals which included what I believe was a Mr Popularity (all night roses were being hawked at 50 baht, 100, baht and 400 baht prices which were bought by the patrons and handed to the boys - the flowers then converted into points - 1 point, 2 point 10 points respectively). There was also going to be a Mr Handsome prize which would be decided by (for some unexplainable reason) a UEFA referee!

I think about midnight the Katoey MC announced that time was running out to give flowers to the boys and after the next song they would award the winner. 'After the next song' became a theme for the next hour or so until the final prizes were awarded. I think I left after 1.00am with little idea as to who won but I had to stick around to see the craziness inside the Krazy Dragon as one gaggle of Farangs fought another group who doshed out the cash on ever more bunches of roses - It was like an auction gone looney and I am sure that the owners made thousands more (many many thousands more) than the 6000 baht prize money handed to the boys.

If anyone has pic's please post them as I would like to know (after 4 hours in the place) exactly who won? I know it wasn't my favourite (a travesty for number 85) but beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

EDIT: Oops! Just seen teepee's post with pic's, although still unsure who won what, but thanks anyway.

May 20th, 2006, 17:36
photos on www.boxertravels.com (http://www.boxertravels.com)

May 20th, 2006, 17:37
[quote="TeePee"]Well having carefully re-read LMTU's posts to see if I had missed his mention of a 9 p.m. start - I hadn't it was not there - He does not say it is a competition. Maybe they will just look around the room and choose the best looker? I suspect not as the owner is very well aware of customers need for flesh. "When business is thin give 'em some skin" as my UK model money-toy-boy would say.