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View Full Version : Gay magazines,are they doing their job?

May 30th, 2011, 06:38
There are a few magazines on the market for the gay communuity in Thailand.

I try to read all of them when I can,but not being in Thailand continually through out the year makes it difficult.

That's why I prefer those who make the effort to go online.

AND i prefer magazines who dont just talk about bars and advertising,topics such as health,travel,financial for gay single men interest me a lot.

Many mention with good reports the old Spartacus magazine ,is that still around?

I have been reading this magazine online ,OUT IN THAILAND,it is relatively new but they are starting to cover a broad range of subjects.

I quite like Out In Thailand's current edition on the article where they interview The Rainbow Association,it may not interest you however.

Do anyone of you really read the gay magazines in Thailand and what topics do you think are important? :read:
Do they interest you,or do you just skim through them?
One thing I do is cut the discount coupons from them,especially to Unkle Buckie's Happy Place bar half price drinks.
More discount coupons and I will be even more happier.
See what you think.

James Barnes
May 30th, 2011, 11:17
Dear tonyfromkent,

Many thanks for your kind words about OUT iT.

I am very pleased that you are able to keep in touch with the gay scene in Thailand while you are away by reading the magazine online. The latest Google analytics report shows that we are now being downloaded by guys in 53 different countries. I have no idea how that happened but it is great news.

We are due to start a monthly financial advice column in the July issue and also hope to have a regular report from Isaan. Any suggestions, story ideas or contributions are warmly welcomed- just email me: editor@out-in-thailand.com

Again, many thanks for your interest in the magazine, which I hope will improve with every issue.

Best wishes,


May 30th, 2011, 11:34
You sound like a nice man James,yes I love reading your magazine and that's why I have told everyone about you and to maybe suggest ideas and articles to write about because I know that you want to know what we know and what we want to know.
Maybe even get some contributors from here,there's some fantastic writers amongst us and photgraphers here too.
You only have to look at Bao 's website for stunning photography and for a story on remarkable fitness in the senoir years look at xiandarkthorne's blog.

Even a story on farang's who live in Issan,TOQ'S blog is great.

So hopefully you will accept good contributions.

You probaly know I have several boyfriends who own go go bars, one probaly soon to be my future husband,so maybe even doing a bar profile or something like that would be good on the gay business owners.

Hopefully others can give you some ideas too,despite the bad name this forum gets,there's some great people on here and really good people who make up the gay community in Thailand.
I really dont want to go into personal matters on here James(,i will email you instead)but i met my boyfriends on here and i use to have two good friends in Sunee Plaza a few years ago but they sadly disapeared when the pool bar closed,i haven't really got over that because they use to tell me things through the gate when it was closed at night.
Anyway i will email you about that.

Discount coupons are a great idea too for those of us who are on a budget.

Im beginning to like you.....a lot James,you listen to your readers and that'a rarity.I hope your magazine becomes no 1.

James Barnes
May 30th, 2011, 12:24
Dear tonyfromkent64,

Once more, a million thanks for your kind words and positive thoughts.

I have just found xiandarkthorne's blog and agree that it is an informative, intelligent and inspiring read, hopefully he will read this and get in touch with me and the same goes for Bao. I do think that bar profiles are a good idea and would be most grateful if you would email me with any that you would like to nominate.

Losing touch with old friends is a sad affair and any way I can help, I will- maybe we can put an appeal on www.out-in-thailand.com/facebook (http://www.out-in-thailand.com/facebook) ?

You are not the first person to suggest discount coupons and I will chat to our marketing director to see if we can make them a feature.

It is my firm belief that a magazine is its readers- if we do not listen to them, they will certainly not read us!

Best wishes,


May 30th, 2011, 16:16
Losing touch with old friends is a sad affair and any way I can help, I will- maybe we can put an appeal on http://www.out-in-thailand.com/facebook ?
Yes Thankyou James,it was a few years ago and im still trying to track them down,I have sent you an email.

May 30th, 2011, 18:12
"TOQ'S blog is great"

@tony - would you have / could you paste the full URL for that by chance as I'd like to have a read. Thanks.

May 30th, 2011, 18:23
Yes N irish guy HERE is a link http://freeblognetwork.com/TOQ

Quite interesting but hasn't been updated for a while,interesting to read about a gay farang who lives in a small village with his BF.

Another is xiandarkthorne's mostly about his resilience to life and his coping with depression and fitness in his senior years. http://xiandarkthorne.blogspot.com

There are a few more i enjoy too.

May 31st, 2011, 00:40
Many thanks for that. - Although by rights I really feel that Im letting the side down by not now inserting some form of totally non witty, personally insulting and degrading jibe, aimed at someone/anyone/ no one in particular on the board as seems to be the want these days but hey I think I'll refrain and just leave it at a hearty thanks and sure maybe it's start a trend ! :-)

lol seriously though :-) thanks, I look forward to having a read at those sometime soon.

James Barnes
May 31st, 2011, 10:46
Losing touch with old friends is a sad affair and any way I can help, I will- maybe we can put an appeal on http://www.out-in-thailand.com/facebook ?
Yes Thankyou James,it was a few years ago and im still trying to track them down,I have sent you an email.

Dear tonyfromkent64

Sorry to say that I have not had your email- did you send it to editor@out-in-thailand.com ?

Best wishes,


May 31st, 2011, 12:07
Losing touch with old friends is a sad affair and any way I can help, I will-

James, how thoughtful of you! I lost touch with this friend a few months ago and desperately want to locate him again! Can you find him for me? Please?
Send me a PM as soon as you locate him and I'll be right over to pick him up!

[attachment=0:1z0dj2im]lost friend.jpg[/attachment:1z0dj2im]

James Barnes
May 31st, 2011, 13:01
Dear Rene,

As soon as he has finished his exertions :bounce: in my bedroom, I'll ask him to get in touch with you!

Best wishes,


May 31st, 2011, 17:00
as for the contents of the mags re information:
I think at least 99% of that is well covered in non-gay info and does not specifically purport to gays anyway. I understand those in Thaild can only survive on paid ads. I also think/suspect that a lot of older articles in since died mags are being recycled now-esp. about ''gay life/visits'' to nearby Asian countries. When I see one I will read it, but I will not go out of the way to aquire them. Anyway-for more recent and detailed info re gay places the Thai www-sites do a better job anyway.

James Barnes
May 31st, 2011, 17:06
as for the contents of the mags re information:
I think at least 99% of that is well covered in non-gay info and does not specifically purport to gays anyway. I understand those in Thaild can only survive on paid ads. I also think/suspect that a lot of older articles in since died mags are being recycled now-esp. about ''gay life/visits'' to nearby Asian countries. When I see one I will read it, but I will not go out of the way to aquire them. Anyway-for more recent and detailed info re gay places the Thai www-sites do a better job anyway.

Dear pong,

I urge you to read OUT in Thailand Magazine. You will find it packed with gay relevant, Thai relevant stories with great photospreads and handy guides with maps. I think you may have a pleasant surprise.

You can register free at www.out-in-thailand.com (http://www.out-in-thailand.com) to read current and back issues.

Best wishes,


Sen Yai
May 31st, 2011, 19:47
Why do you require registration before allowing access to your site?

May 31st, 2011, 21:44
I think Sen Yai it has to do with Statiscal purposes as well as keeping a record of how many online readers they have.

I have decided to put an advert in there myself to find two long lost friends.

June 1st, 2011, 01:15
I grab all of them I can get during my holiday in Thailand, then I skim them while still in Thailand and read them thoroughly when back in Europe.

James Barnes
June 1st, 2011, 12:58
Why do you require registration before allowing access to your site?

Dear Sen Yai,

Registration to certain areas of the website has a benefit for the reader who will then get our regular e-newsletters, enter the competitions that we are just starting to hold and also control voting for the first Annual OUT iT Awards announced in our June issue; the email verification is also a benefit for the magazine to monitor the identity of those who post comments or write online letters; it is also a benefit for advertisers who can be shown statistics regarding the numbers of registered users- amazingly, OUT iT is now downloaded in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Registration is simple, quick and free, so I hope that you will become part of our success story.

Best wishes,


Khor tose
June 3rd, 2011, 10:29
"OUT" Magazine has just put out their new issue. In it you find a glowing fluff piece about the indoor barbeque lady. James I think you needed to do a little more research on this one.

James Barnes
June 3rd, 2011, 11:11
Dear Khor tose,

You can rest assured that all stories that are printed in OUT iT are thoroughly researched.

Best wishes,


June 3rd, 2011, 12:28
Dear Khor tose,

You can rest assured that all stories that are printed in OUT iT are thoroughly researched.

Best wishes,


Dear James,

And excuse me for being cynical, when you are attracting advertising revenue from such places,(which you are indeed from the person mentioned). I find it difficult to believe you would be impartial in the publication of any stories which would be less than favourable to the said advertiser.

I know very well how it works, just like it used to and does with all the other gay mags in Thailand. Nicey nice glowing articles and features are a trade off (gift/bribe/incentive) for such advertisers to stay and/or commit themselves to extended advertising contracts.

You massage their egos, they help your bank balance.

I used to be in Thailand in the business and I was regularly approached by such publications and offered the above.

I can understand you doing this , it is survival in a tough marketplace, what it is not in my view, is unbiased or ' thoroughly researched ' reporting.

No offence to you personally but you can't kid a kidder!

James Barnes
June 3rd, 2011, 12:48
Dear kquill,

Please suspend your cynicism for a moment!

The copy brief tone for all writers in OUT iT is: 'Intelligent, inspiring and informative'. If we cannot say something good, we will not say it!

There is more than enough negativity out there to go around and the magazine is intent on being positive- a principle that goes against fashion and promotes Thailand as the world's number one gay destination. Please bear in mind that we are now being downloaded in more than 50 countries where negative press regarding this country abound.

I would also like you to consider the difference between a 'lifestyle' magazine and a hard news organ.

Of course, to stab advertisers in the back would be to shoot oneself in the foot, if you'll forgive the mixed meatphor but I don't expect that any reader would deny this truth.

However, as Mae West said, 'Better to be looked over than overlooked,' so I am more than a little pleased that the magazine provokes discussion.

Best wishes,


June 3rd, 2011, 13:17
If we cannot say something good, we will not say it!

Of course you will only say "good" things because you are nothing more than a shill for your own interests and those of the people who pay you to do their bidding.

On top of that, you are further burdened with the overhead of a very dubious personal history.

Khor tose and kquill have been far too kind in their comments. The regular readers here already know the game you are playing.

June 3rd, 2011, 13:19

I appreciate the frankness and honesty of your reply, so therefore the magazine is a non serious light hearted look at Thailand and the gay lifestyle?... That's fine. I will read it and treat it as such.

You mention that negative publicity is basically rife in many Countries around the World, regards Thailand, well unfortunately it is very much deserved and they should get their act together by treating Foreigners more fairly, and stop the corruption or try their very best to get it under control. It is now totally out of control and at its worst levels for decades.

At the moment, it is more or less, a Mafia Police state.

It needs a democratically elected government to manage the Country and non interference by the dinosaurs in the hierarchy of the Police and Army, a fact that most working class Thais would certainly agree with.

Is it going to happen in the next elections??..................NO.

James Barnes
June 3rd, 2011, 13:21
If we cannot say something good, we will not say it!

Thai Dyed
June 3rd, 2011, 13:29
If we cannot say something good, we will not say it!

James, if the truth be told, you are much the same as a pimp flogging his wares. In fact, I'll go with the pimp since at least I'll have a good time in the process unlike the warmed over rubbish you are trying to fob off on your readers.

June 3rd, 2011, 14:04
Free magazines are like free advice - worthless because they rely on the self-interest of the provider. In the case of the throwaways in Thailand, they serve their advertisers' interests and have some promotional material thrown in posing as an article to support the advertising - a review of one of the bars or restaurants advertising, for example (hence "we never say anything negative"), for which the advertiser pays an additional amount or premium. That's how the publisher makes a living, since the reader pays nothing for the magazine; the publisher relies wholly on advertising revenue. Occasionally I'll pick up one of these magazines that litter gay venues like Dick's Cafe and elsewhere, mostly to fill in time if I'm bored or waiting for someone to turn up. It's marginally less boring than some of the drivel that's posted here by lonelywombat, or posters like newalaan pontificating via his latest sermon - only because occasionally there's a pic of a boy that's actually worth looking at for a moment or two. I'm certainly not going to register for one of their sites since, every opportunity being seen as a money-making one, my email address is likely to be sold on to some spam merchant.

June 3rd, 2011, 14:09
I think it's great everyone has differing opinions but someone asked "What is the name of the game"?
James runs a business and provides a service to his customers,his customers being advertisers,so like any business the name of the game is to make money.

I think some of you have been rather harsh on him,as he said he runs a gay lifestyle magazine,maybe if you give him more ideas of what you want to see rather than putting him down.
I think we need mags such as this in the community,dont we?

I dont see anything wrong with a business approaching him to write a good review,that's his business,that's what his does for money,that's the name of the game,and i would do the same if i ran a advertising agency,that's what there in business to do,i cannot see why you are giving him a hard time.

James Barnes
June 3rd, 2011, 14:10
I'm certainly not going to register for one of their sites since, every opportunity being seen as a money-making one, my email address is likely to be sold on to some spam merchant.

Dear thongklor55,

Please see http://www.out-in-thailand.com/magazine/privacy to confirm that this is something that we would never do.

Best wishes,


James Barnes
June 3rd, 2011, 14:15
if you give him more ideas of what you want to see.

Dear tonyfromkent64,

Many thanks for your kindness.

I do welcome any positive ideas and submissions from readers and hope that some will take up your suggestion.

Best wishes,


June 3rd, 2011, 14:39
I think some of you have been rather harsh on him,as he said he runs a gay lifestyle magazine,maybe if you give him more ideas of what you want to see rather than putting him down.If it's a "lifestyle" magazine and he wants suggestions then I'd like a "Top 5 boys in the bar" review section where boys in some of the bars who advertise are featured along with some feedback along the lines of "Understands the need to make his customer happy if he wants repeat business" - in that particular case the answer could only be "yes" or "no". You know, a restaurant style review but where the boys are on the menu. I'm sure that some of our members would be happy to be on the review panel, the bars would throw in the "off fee", so the only cost for each reviewer is the cost of drinks and the tip for the boy. I might even be persuaded to make the sacrifice myself. Over to you, Mr Out.

Sen Yai
June 3rd, 2011, 14:45
.... my email address is likely to be sold on to some spam merchant.

Please see http://www.out-in-thailand.com/magazine/privacy to confirm that this is something that we would never do.

Actually, your privacy statement makes adequate provision for you to renege on that promise:

.....We may change this Privacy Statement at any time and for any reason......

....Out-In-Thailand will not share your personal information collected from this web site with an unrelated third party without your permission, except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Statement.

This web site may contain links to other web sites. Some of those web sites may be operated by Out-In-Thailand, and some may be operated by third parties....... This Privacy Statement does not apply to any other web site, even the other Out-In-Thailand web sites.

James Barnes
June 3rd, 2011, 14:47
I think some of you have been rather harsh on him,as he said he runs a gay lifestyle magazine,maybe if you give him more ideas of what you want to see rather than putting him down.If it's a "lifestyle" magazine and he wants suggestions then I'd like a "Top 5 boys in the bar" review section where boys in some of the bars who advertise are featured along with some feedback along the lines of "Understands the need to make his customer happy if he wants repeat business" - in that particular case the answer could only be "yes" or "no". You know, a restaurant style review but where the boys are on the menu. I'm sure that some of our members would be happy to be on the review panel, the bars would throw in the "off fee", so the only cost for each reviewer is the cost of drinks and the tip for the boy. I might even be persuaded to make the sacrifice myself. Over to you, Mr Out.

Dear thongklor55,

Thank you for taking the time to think about this and make a your suggestion.

If you or any member has enjoyed a particularly good experience in any gay venue (even if they do not advertise) I would be happy to hear about it: editor@out-in-thailand.com

Best wishes,


June 3rd, 2011, 15:08
Free magazines are like free advice - worthless because they rely on the self-interest of the provider. In the case of the throwaways in Thailand, they serve their advertisers' interests and have some promotional material thrown in posing as an article to support the advertising - a review of one of the bars or restaurants advertising, for example (hence "we never say anything negative"), for which the advertiser pays an additional amount or premium. That's how the publisher makes a living, since the reader pays nothing for the magazine; the publisher relies wholly on advertising revenue. Occasionally I'll pick up one of these magazines that litter gay venues like Dick's Cafe and elsewhere, mostly to fill in time if I'm bored or waiting for someone to turn up. It's marginally less boring than some of the drivel that's posted here by lonelywombat, or posters like newalaan pontificating via his latest sermon - only because occasionally there's a pic of a boy that's actually worth looking at for a moment or two. I'm certainly not going to register for one of their sites since, every opportunity being seen as a money-making one, my email address is likely to be sold on to some spam merchant.

I like to see the glass as half full.
I don't see gay magazines as 'litter' in gay venues; their being there is sign of the gay friendly culture that has been built up here in Thailand over the years keeping the staff of Dick's cafe and other venues in jobs. Would you prefer to see the place littered with christian evangelical crap?

I think the reason for negative moronic postings is that many of their authors don't live here at all and resent those who do.

I would encourage the different magsazines to give us 'boy-pics'. on a regulasr basis; not hit and miss as some presently do. I recall the leading magazine producing 2 issues in a row last year without a single boy picture. I was scared they were turning straight as many gay bars do or (secretly) want to do.

June 3rd, 2011, 15:25
Would you prefer to see the place littered with christian evangelical crap?Why present that particular alternative out of all the possibilities? You're assuming that my use of the word "littering" implies a value judgment about whether such magazines should be around at all. They serve their purpose for the tourist trade but see them for what they are: a booklet with a few maps and bar pics supported by advertising; Newsweek or Time magazine they're not.

June 4th, 2011, 10:01
Would you prefer to see the place littered with christian evangelical crap?Why present that particular alternative out of all the possibilities? You're assuming that my use of the word "littering" implies a value judgment about whether such magazines should be around at all. They serve their purpose for the tourist trade but see them for what they are: a booklet with a few maps and bar pics supported by advertising; Newsweek or Time magazine they're not.

1) Yes, the word 'littering' does imply a value judgement.
2) The mags. in question serve a bigger and better purpose than providing 'a few maps and bar pics' for tourists. I've read informative articles on health issues, art and culture, legal issues and so on-all are more germain to an expat existance than to tourist visits.
3) I mention christian evangelicals because this cohort in particular has a lot to say about sodomites. Many bible groups are funded by USA interests to oppose freedom of sexuality here, in Cambodia and elsewhere in the region. One of the more recent groups ('Don Naam') is funded to 'save' 'ladyboys' from their life of sin.
4) Gay mags. openly available (not alone in gay venues but in neutral venues also) are indicitive of a tolerant, acccepting society obviously taken for granted by people like you.
5) To repeat, I prefer to see the glass as half full, not half empty.

June 4th, 2011, 10:19
2) The mags. in question serve a bigger and better purpose than providing 'a few maps and bar pics' for tourists. I've read informative articles on health issues, art and culture, legal issues and so on-all are more germain to an expat existance than to tourist visits.Germane or not, you can find that sort of information everywhere and almost all of it is not gay-specific; they have to fill up their pages somehow, I suppose.

3) I mention christian evangelicals because this cohort in particular has a lot to say about sodomites. Many bible groups are funded by USA interests to oppose freedom of sexuality here, in Cambodia and elsewhere in the region. One of the more recent groups ('Don Naam') is funded to 'save' 'ladyboys' from their life of sin.It's always interesting to see others' hobby-horses. You can tell a lot about a person simply by listening to what obsesses them, but the comment is completely irrelevant to this discussion.

4) Gay mags. openly available (not alone in gay venues but in neutral venues also) are indicitive of a tolerant, acccepting society obviously taken for granted by people like you.On the contrary I do not believe Thailand is a "tolerant, accepting society" at all. Thailand is as homophobic as many other societies; it's simply that they don't confront homosexuals because the whole social fabric is built around conflict avoidance, and nothing else. I'd also point out that there are very few people like me and particularly I take nothing for granted. (Let the thonglor55 bashing begin).

5) To repeat, I prefer to see the glass as half full, not half empty.I guess everyone has their favorite cliches that help them justify their attitudes.

Thai Dyed
June 4th, 2011, 14:51
Gaybutton is taking James Barnes to task for publishing so much so-called "information" in his magazine that is false, misleading, out of date, and inaccurate. There is absolutely no reason to even glance at this dreadful publication. In fact, it will lead you astray. Barnes is strictly into self promotion and has no interest whatsoever in anything other than trying make a quick Baht, and that at anyone's expense.

I do a public service every time I see a pile of his magazines by grabbing the stack and dumping them in the garbage.

[attachment=0:1vkpcdod]Dump OUT here.jpg[/attachment:1vkpcdod]

June 5th, 2011, 16:36
2) The mags. in question serve a bigger and better purpose than providing 'a few maps and bar pics' for tourists. I've read informative articles on health issues, art and culture, legal issues and so on-all are more germain to an expat existance than to tourist visits.Germane or not, you can find that sort of information everywhere and almost all of it is not gay-specific; they have to fill up their pages somehow, I suppose.

3) I mention christian evangelicals because this cohort in particular has a lot to say about sodomites. Many bible groups are funded by USA interests to oppose freedom of sexuality here, in Cambodia and elsewhere in the region. One of the more recent groups ('Don Naam') is funded to 'save' 'ladyboys' from their life of sin.It's always interesting to see others' hobby-horses. You can tell a lot about a person simply by listening to what obsesses them, but the comment is completely irrelevant to this discussion.

4) Gay mags. openly available (not alone in gay venues but in neutral venues also) are indicitive of a tolerant, acccepting society obviously taken for granted by people like you.On the contrary I do not believe Thailand is a "tolerant, accepting society" at all. Thailand is as homophobic as many other societies; it's simply that they don't confront homosexuals because the whole social fabric is built around conflict avoidance, and nothing else. I'd also point out that there are very few people like me and particularly I take nothing for granted. (Let the thonglor55 bashing begin).

5) To repeat, I prefer to see the glass as half full, not half empty.I guess everyone has their favorite cliches that help them justify their attitudes.

I would like to see "The Beautiful Boy" added to the pile of gay reading matertial (as in this instance at least Germain would be germane) and other publications also.
But for what they are (fee and advert. funded) the gay mags. in question do their job. Original question posed-answered in the positive.
We don't need posters to explain the machinations of advert. driven publications, we know about it already. As regards your perception of Thai intolerance there's a cliche I could use to 'help justify' my attitude having the words 'heat' 'kitchen' and 'leave' but no doubt a well read guy like you knows it already but probably I shouldn't take that for granted.

June 5th, 2011, 17:03
As regards your perception of Thai intolerance there's a cliche I could use to 'help justify' my attitude having the words 'heat' 'kitchen' and 'leave' but no doubt a well read guy like you knows it already but probably I shouldn't take that for granted.God knows what that means. Presumably the poster has (yet another) cliche rattling around in what passes for his thought processes.

June 5th, 2011, 17:35
I can't believe people are getting their knickers in a twist about FREE magazines.
Am I missing something .....
....are there sinister people going around, thrusting these publications into unsuspecting farang hands and insisting they take magazines home and read them?

:dontknow: :dontknow:


Khor tose
June 5th, 2011, 18:49
I can't believe people are getting their knickers in a twist about FREE magazines.
Am I missing something .....
....are there sinister people going around, thrusting these publications into unsuspecting farang hands and insisting they take magazines home and read them?

Well, I am not getting my knickers in a twist, but I a little surprised that you are letting this pass as you are usually the first one to spot crap when you see it. I am talking about this:

The copy brief tone for all writers in OUT iT is: 'Intelligent, inspiring and informative'. If we cannot say something good, we will not say it!

There is more than enough negativity out there to go around and the magazine is intent on being positive- a principle that goes against fashion and promotes Thailand as the world's number one gay destination. Please bear in mind that we are now being downloaded in more than 50 countries where negative press regarding this country abound.

Come on now. After all the press from Andrew Drummond and papers all over the world about this lady (sic) and her partner, he is promoting these people as positive for the gay community, and positive for Thailand. I find this neither intelligent, inspiring or informative and his answer borders on pure horse...., something you are usually very quick to pick up on.

June 5th, 2011, 18:54
Im sorry Khor Tose - I have just risen from the pit after a Saturday night spent with the Britain's Got Talent Final and copious amounts of booze.

I have read your comment and, right now, I don't see what the quote from Mr Barnes has to do with Andrew Drummond and Bonnie & Clyde - you'll have to be more explicit


Thai Dyed
June 5th, 2011, 20:19
Im sorry Khor Tose - I have just risen from the pit after a Saturday night spent with the Britain's Got Talent Final and copious amounts of booze.

In your case, scottish-guy, I fear it's not the booze that's to blame.

http://pattaya-times.com/a6410-police-c ... s-magazine (http://pattaya-times.com/a6410-police-crack-down-on-distribution-of-bogus-magazine)

Khor tose
June 6th, 2011, 13:56
Im sorry Khor Tose - I have just risen from the pit after a Saturday night spent with the Britain's Got Talent Final and copious amounts of booze.
I have read your comment and, right now, I don't see what the quote from Mr Barnes has to do with Andrew Drummond and Bonnie & Clyde - you'll have to be more explicit

Thai dyed is "out there" with some old news that has no import. Suggest you read from page 2 on this thread to understand what we are really talking about. Hope you are feeling better today. I suggest temperance. :drv: :hello2:

Thai Dyed
June 6th, 2011, 15:25
Thai dyed is "out there" with some old news that has no import. Suggest you read from page 2 on this thread to understand what we are really talking about.

Well "bless my trousers"! The Pattaya Times reported there were rewards on these guys heads. I want to know who got the reward? Can you tell me Khor tose?

Pattaya Times 03.11.2010

Police are now looking for James Barnes, the foreigner named as "Editor" in the pages of the bogus copies of "Thai Spice" who lives in Chiang Mai. It is illegal for a foreigner to be the "Editor" of any publication in Thailand. This is a restricted profession allowed only to Thai nationals and it is impossible to get a work permit or for a foreigner to be employed with the title "Editor."

Anyone with information leading the arrest and conviction of these men will be rewarded. Please email drew@pattayalawyers.com if you have any information about this case or these men.

Barnes falsely stated under the Thai Spice website heading тАЬThe EditorтАЩs Mail,тАЭ тАЬBy now, you will know that SPICE! Magazine is under new management and,bless my trousers, I am the new editor.тАЭ

June 6th, 2011, 15:42
May just interject that the owner of the Pattaya Times is the ex-partner of SPICE. That james Barnes and this guy from Pattaya News got into a nasty divorce and then this article came out.
Reward for the arrest and conviction? well if there is no "real" type of arrest warrant, which I am under the understanding that there is NOT and therefore can be no conviction, well then there can be no reward. :sign5:
All of this because the title The New Spice was too closely related to Spice Magazine. so OUT came OUT! No harm and now all is in the past.
My Understanding of the situation. Dont believe everything you read.

Thai Dyed
June 6th, 2011, 15:51
Ah shucks! I missed out on a reward! I can see I would never be a Pink Panther.

But what about this statement from the Pattaya Times article. Is this true or false?

It is illegal for a foreigner to be the "Editor" of any publication in Thailand. This is a restricted profession allowed only to Thai nationals and it is impossible to get a work permit or for a foreigner to be employed with the title "Editor."

[attachment=0:1ob13e1g]Not Thai Dyed.jpg[/attachment:1ob13e1g]

June 6th, 2011, 22:59
"justme" said: "No harm and now all is in the past."

So Barnes just lets that news article sit there? He never invoked the libel laws to get it removed and to clear his name? I find that hard to believe. I find it VERY hard to believe.

June 7th, 2011, 00:04
Rene, I am not the spokesperson for James, what he did and why, I am not sure. My understanding was that the titles may in fact have been too close and may have infringed upon the old owner and therefore a deal may have been made to kina let it all go away. You know that happens every hour in Thailand! :sign5:
For an indepth and CORRECT statement, you would have to ask the man himself and if he wishes to go into it he will and if not, he wont.

Thaidyed, as with the above, I dont know that answer. These statements and explanations as to this and the above, were passed on to me long ago by a person that was in the know. We never got into a discussion on if it was legal or not. I am sure that he has got a good attorney or more than one and that his attorney has advised him that it was ok, otherwise he would have changed it.

It would be nice if he closed the door on that chapter but really, I think that just changing the name to OUT so that it wass not close to SPICE, must have resolved everything.

June 7th, 2011, 08:50
Illegal? Not at all, my dear Watson.

Legal Issues for Foreign Investors:

1. Foreign Business Act

A. Introduction
Foreigners in Thailand derive their legal rights primarily from the domestic laws of Thailand. In general, foreigners enjoy the same basic rights as Thai nationals.

Restrictions on foreign ownership in commercial banks, insurance companies, commercial fishing, aviation businesses, commercial transportation, commodity export, mining and other enterprises exist under various laws. In addition, Thai participation will frequently be required in those activities seeking permission from the BOI.

B. The Foreign Business Act
The Foreign Business Act of 1999, which became effective on March 4, 2000, repeals and replaces the 1972 National Executive Council Announcement 281, better known as the Alien Business Law. The Act serves to define an "alien," and identifies the scope of foreign participation in business in Thailand.

C. Businesses Subject to Regulation
Businesses that initiate activities that fall under Lists 1, 2, or 3 of the Foreign Business Act (listed below) are subject to the limitations imposed by the Act.

Activities that fall under List 1 are strictly prohibited to aliens.

Businesses that are covered by List 2 are prohibited to aliens unless specific permission is granted by the Commerce Ministry, by and with an appropriate Cabinet resolution. Alien juristic entities allowed to engage in List 2 activities must meet the following two conditions:

At least 40 percent of all shares are held by Thai persons or non-alien juristic entities (This may be reduced to 25 percent on a case-by-case basis)

Two-fifths of the members of the Board of Directors are Thai

Activities in List 3 are prohibited to aliens unless permission is granted by the Director General of the Department of Commercial Registration, Ministry of Commerce, by and with the approval of the Foreign Business Board.

An alien can engage in businesses in Lists 2 or 3 if he is a promoted investor in accordance with either the Investment Promotion Act, the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand Act, or other laws.

List 1 - Businesses in which alien participation is not permitted

Newspaper undertakings and radio and television station undertakings [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
Lowland farming, upland farming, or horticulture [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
Raising animals [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
Forestry and timber conversions from natural forests [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
Fishing for aquatic animals in Thai waters and Thailand's Exclusive Economic Zone [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
Extraction of Thai medical herbs [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
Trade in and auctioning of Thai ancient objects or ancient objects of national historical value [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
Making or casting Buddha images and making monk's bowls [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
Dealing in land[/*:m:1rxcb9gy]

Legal Issues for Foreign Workers:



1. Having residence in the Kingdom or having permission to stay in the kingdom temporarily under immigration law (i.e not simply as a tourist or transit - traveller)
2. Not applying for work in any of the 39 reserved occupations ( as a stated in the Royal Decree. B.E.2522).
3. Having the knowledge and/or skills to perform the work as stated in the application for a work permit.
4. Not being insane or mentally sick.
5. Not being sick of leprosy, tuberculosis, drug addiction, alcoholism, and eephantitus.
6. Not having been imprisoned due to a violation of an immigration law or an alien working law within one year of applying for work permit.



B.E. 2522 (1979)

Given on the 11th Day of March B.E. 2522;
Being the 34th year of the Present Reign.


Prescribing works relating to occupation and profession in which an alien is prohibited to engage

Manual work; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
Work in agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry or fishery excluding specialized work in each particular branch or farm of supervision: [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
bricklaying, carpentry of other construction work; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
wood carving; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
driving mechanically-propelled carried or driving non-mechanically-propelled vehicle, excluding international aircraft piloting; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
shop attendance; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
auction; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
supervising, auditing or giving services in accountancy excluding internal auditing on occasions; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
cutting of polishing jewellry; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
haircutting, hairdressing or beauty treatment; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
cloth weaving by hand; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
weaving of mats or making products from reeds, rattan, hemp, straw or bamboo pellicle; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
making of Sa paper by hand; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
lacquerware making; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
making of Thai musical instruments; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
nielloware making; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
making of products from gold, silver or gold-copper alloy; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
bronzeware making; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
making of Thai dolls; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
making of mattress of quilt blanket; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
alms bowls casting; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
making of silk products by hand; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
casting of Buddha images; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
knife making; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
making of paper of cloth umbrella; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
shoemaking; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
hat-making; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
brokerage or agency excluding brokerage of agency in international trade business; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
engineering work in civil engineering branch concerning designing and calculation, organization, research, planning, testing, construction supervision or advising excluding specialized work; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
architectural work concerning designing, drawing of plan, estimation, construction directing or advising; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
garments making; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
pottery or ceramic ware making; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
cigarette making by hand; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
guide or conducting sightseeing tours; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
street vending; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
type-setting of Thai characters by hand; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
drawing and twisting silk-thread by hand [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
office of secretarial work; [/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
legal or lawsuit services.[/*:m:1rxcb9gy]
Better translation: http://www.thailawonline.com/en/others/labour-law/forbidden-occupations-for-foreigners-jobs.html

The Pattaya Times newspaper was established (?) by Drew Walter Noyes in 2007 to keep foreigners updated on the latest laws, regulations and opportunities in Thailand for business and property investments. Read the Pattaya Times newspaper, Thailand's only American-owned (?) newspaper for Ask drew Noyes advice column and breaking news. http://drew-walter-noyes-editor-pattaya-time.blogspot.com/2011/05/drew-walter-noyes-of-pappa-law-and.html

Thai democracy, Thai law, Thai boys ...

June 7th, 2011, 12:22
Well Pattaya Times NEWSPAPER might be different than a MAGAZINE or there may be something else not there.
I/we dont know but I am sure he has appropriate legal counse that he relies on.
May I suggest you just read the magazine and enjoy it.

June 7th, 2011, 13:52
The owner of a publication is not the same as the editor - an an editors job IS a reserved occupation - check out Pattaya Mail, or Pattaya People - the editors are Thai nationals, not the owners. Any foreigner calling himself an editor for a correctly registered Thai publication is, for me, asking for trouble.

Thai Dyed
June 7th, 2011, 14:27
The owner of a publication is not the same as the editor - an an editors job IS a reserved occupation - check out Pattaya Mail, or Pattaya People - the editors are Thai nationals, not the owners. Any foreigner calling himself an editor for a correctly registered Thai publication is, for me, asking for trouble.

Thanks for your input Patexpat!

Here's how Barnes lists himself in his magazine and on his websites and posts here:
James Barnes
OUT in Thailand Magazine

Thai Dyed
June 7th, 2011, 14:35
May I suggest you just read the magazine and enjoy it.

Well, the magazine is full of incorrect, outdated, and in some cases totally false information. I can't figure out why anyone would waste their time reading it. Since they are free, I grab a stack of them to line my garbage bin and the kitty-litter tray.

June 7th, 2011, 14:50
Might I suggest that many tourists pick them up for the adverts, maps and pcs? To see what is going on and where the bars/places are that they want to go to?
Not sure how many people know or feel the same wy you do and just want to see the before mentioned.

June 7th, 2011, 14:59
Might I suggest that many tourists pick them up for the adverts, maps and pcs? To see what is going on and where the bars/places are that they want to go to?I'd be careful, justme. When I suggested earlier in this thread that such a purpose was their only justification, another poster flayed me mercilessly for ignoring or even denigrating their high intellectual content.

June 7th, 2011, 15:36
Might I suggest that many tourists pick them up for the adverts, maps and pcs? To see what is going on and where the bars/places are that they want to go to?I'd be careful, justme. When I suggested earlier in this thread that such a purpose was their only justification, another poster flayed me mercilessly for ignoring or even denigrating their high intellectual content.

Exactly why I cannot get excited about this storm in a teacup.

It''s a measure of the intellectual deficit of some SGT members that they imagine these trashy magazines to be some kind of professional journal !

June 7th, 2011, 16:54
If you or any member has enjoyed a particularly good experience in any gay venue (even if they do not advertise) I would be happy to hear about it: editor@out-in-thailand.com

Best wishes,


And that just about sums up the critical worth of such a publication. Why not allow contributors to warn the rest of us about BAD experiences? That would be a far more useful service to readers.

By the way, it's not an issue confined to freebie magazines. Even the critical faculties of a paid-for publication like the Pattaya Mail are non-existent. When did Miss Terry Diner ever warn us off a bad restaurant? Search the small print and you'll see that the Mail actually solicits restaurants to sign up for a review (and I would be amazed to hear that restauranteurs are not charged for what invariably turns out to be a positive plug).

Thai Dyed
June 7th, 2011, 17:06
Might I suggest that many tourists pick them up for the adverts, maps and pcs? To see what is going on and where the bars/places are that they want to go to?

The maps, the locations of bars, the reviews and coverage of events are exactly where the false, incorrect, misleading and outdated information are in this magazine. I will continue to use the magazine for my cat to shit on and to line the garbage bin. If you rely on this rag for any kind of information, you are already in deep shit.

I shall pass over in silence the added possibility that Mr. Barnes may be in violation of the laws of Thailand as Patexpat has pointed out. That's always a fun thing in this country, nay?

June 7th, 2011, 17:54
an an editors job IS a reserved occupation
No, it isn't. See above.

June 7th, 2011, 18:22
Well if you see a mistake in a listing or the map, why dont you point it out so that it can be researched and corrected or explained as to the fact that your correction is not correct? :dontknow: I am sure he works with a very limited staff and while things may nt be to our standard of excellence, at least he is trying and putting his money where his mouth is.

June 7th, 2011, 18:28
Well if you see a mistake in a listing or the map, why dont you point it out so that it can be researched and corrected

This seems to be what is being carried out right now with another board and it's members.



June 8th, 2011, 09:37
... at least he is trying and putting his money where his mouth is.He gives head jobs for money? Is he cute?

June 8th, 2011, 23:54
"OUT" Magazine has just put out their new issue. In it you find a glowing fluff piece about the indoor barbeque lady. James I think you needed to do a little more research on this one.
I just saw the article on Jim Lumsden... That is absolutely DISGUSTING! What was this magazine thinking?!

Sorry, but this isn't a case of breaking the "if we cannot say something good, we will not say it" rule... you could have just NOT written an article at all!

June 9th, 2011, 00:10
I had a flick through the last couple of issues...

It's a magazine mostly focused on the commercial sex scene in Thailand and oriented towards farangs who visit Thailand for this, or farangs who have boyfriends who came out of the prostitution scene (usually live in prostitutes). There's nothing wrong with this. That's just what it is.

I don't think it's something most gay Thais will be interested in and gay foreigners who aren't into that scene probably won't find it as interesting either.

It does make some effort to cover other aspects of gay life and culture in Thailand but it's pretty minimal. Editorial/copy standard is fairly second-class but this is to be expected as it is not a high-end publication like GQ. Nothing wrong with that.

The value proposition of the magazine is mainly based around the gay business listings and maps, which comprise half the pages. Based on this, I think the magazine has most value for new or less regular gay visitors to Thailand as a way to get them oriented in a very basic way. So it's not surprising that most posters here don't hold it in high regard. It doesn't hold much value for most of them.

Imagine a new visitor sitting in his hotel room after checking in. He's wondering where to go. He sees a copy of this magazine, picks it up and presto, there's maps, ads, info etc. That's probably where the magazine delivers the most value. It's also a good vehicle for gay businesses catering to the gay farang paid sex segment to promote themselves. That's about it.

It's fine, as long as the information within it is accurate (there's some doubts about this) and the Editor In Chief isn't too sensational or spammy in promoting it on these boards.

if the truth be told, you are much the same as a pimp flogging his wares.
Who GIVES a f*ck?! The magazine is a business. It's there to make a profit!

Every business that posts on this website is a "pimp flogging his wares"... Why aren't you giving them all shite for that too?

The owner of a publication is not the same as the editor - an an editors job IS a reserved occupation - check out Pattaya Mail, or Pattaya People - the editors are Thai nationals, not the owners. Any foreigner calling himself an editor for a correctly registered Thai publication is, for me, asking for trouble.
James Barnes is listed as "Editor in Chief". Some other guy (the name sounds Thai) has the title of "Publisher/Editor". Maybe that's how he gets away with it.

June 13th, 2011, 01:12
"OUT" Magazine has just put out their new issue. In it you find a glowing fluff piece about the indoor barbeque lady. James I think you needed to do a little more research on this one.
I just saw the article on Jim Lumsden... That is absolutely DISGUSTING! What was this magazine thinking?!

Sorry, but this isn't a case of breaking the "if we cannot say something good, we will not say it" rule... you could have just NOT written an article at all!

Can you explain why YOU would give a f*ck? You're one strange dude Beachy pet. :rolling:

June 13th, 2011, 01:32
Can you explain why YOU would give a f*ck? You're one strange dude Beachy pet. :rolling:

If you do, be very careful in what you say.

June 13th, 2011, 04:27
If you do, be very careful in what you say.

No, No, No.
Let him say it ... then ban him :hello1:

June 14th, 2011, 15:32
The value proposition of the magazine ...{chortle}

June 15th, 2011, 20:30
There are a few magazines on the market for the gay communuity in Thailand.

what do you mean by "gay magazines" and what do you think their "job" is in the "gay community in Thailand"?

all of the discussion here seems to focus on the free listing "magazines" found in the falung-oriented bars that are mostly focused on promoting the local venues but surely the "gay community in Thailand" means more than just falung sex tourists and expats!

despite the attitude and limited range of interests of some of the posters in forums like this, the "gay community" in Thailand is maturing and is not as shallow or small or closeted as it used to be and it can support "real" magazines like those you find in many other cities in the world!

as an example have a look at Attitude, a recent Thai-language spin-off from the UK gay magazine of the same name, it is available at most major bookstores and newsagents for 120 Bht every month - there is even an iPad app - and it has stories about real people in the community not just go-go boys and has advertisments from real products and companies not just go-go bars

I would love to see more local magazines like this but with with some English content as well - there are a lot of things going on in Thailand that are of interest to (local and) falung gays that are not covered in any depth in the free listing magazines or the regular press!


June 15th, 2011, 21:34
Ah, bkkguy, "tonyfromkent64 is a now banned troll. It's great he sparked a discussion but don't try to rationalise his posts.

surely the "gay community in Thailand" means more than just falung sex tourists and expats!
Totally agree... The main magazine discussed "OutIT" basically caters to the commercial sex segment of the gay community and little more. Nothing wrong with that but that's what it is so no point expecting more.

the "gay community" in Thailand is maturing and is not as shallow or small or closeted as it used to be and it can support "real" magazines like those you find in many other cities in the world!

as an example have a look at Attitude, a recent Thai-language spin-off from the UK gay magazine of the same name, it is available at most major bookstores and newsagents for 120 Bht every month - there is even an iPad app - and it has stories about real people in the community not just go-go boys and has advertisments from real products and companies not just go-go bars

I would love to see more local magazines like this but with with some English content as well - there are a lot of things going on in Thailand that are of interest to (local and) falung gays that are not covered in any depth in the free listing magazines or the regular press!
Totally agree. Attitude looks impressive. It's just unfortunate - for those of us who don't read Thai - that it's mostly in Thai.

June 17th, 2011, 02:14
Ah, bkkguy, "tonyfromkent64 is a now banned troll. It's great he sparked a discussion but don't try to rationalise his posts.

Just like you on GBT,Gay Thailand and BS. :hello1:

June 17th, 2011, 04:42
Ah, bkkguy, "tonyfromkent64 is a now banned troll. It's great he sparked a discussion but don't try to rationalise his posts.

Just like you on GBT,Gay Thailand and BS. :hello1:

It's SGT that is of interests not what goes on on other forums bogan,,,,

June 18th, 2011, 00:10
Ah, bkkguy, "tonyfromkent64 is a now banned troll. It's great he sparked a discussion but don't try to rationalise his posts.

Just like you on GBT,Gay Thailand and BS. :hello1:

It's SGT that is of interests not what goes on on other forums bogan,,,,

That may be YOUR opinion? I think a number of other posters would disagree you halfwit. Your response to my statement of fact is pathetic Combot. Face it mate, you and your split personality have zero credibility with regard to ANY GT forum. :rolling: It's getting more amusing by the day. Maybe with both of you out the way there will be more breathing space for sane people to post instead of the constant crap/bullying that you both tend to favor. :thebirdman: :bounce:

June 18th, 2011, 04:30
That may be YOUR opinion?

Duh....Why do I get a feeling that you won't be around as long as you might want to be around!