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May 26th, 2011, 19:41
The Yuk Yuk Awards being defunct now due to an essentially humourless message board (these times denoted below as "an Era" **) I thought ~ if some miniscule smidgen of Ha Ha still exists ~ searching for a few posts from the old EZBoard Archives might entertain. The search was basically random ... through the years 2004 and 2005. Found some true oats as well as some frothy chaff.
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On how Opabinia feels about sponaneous combustion and how the fire is extinguished to the delight of all. Win / Win indeed!: One Is Not Enough? (http://sawatdeeforum.yuku.com/topic/3015/One-Is-Not-Enough)

On how an event in a Pattaya bar caused eyebrows to rise, and how that mischevieous Khun Sanitary Na Pakin and Mother of Pearl took advantage of a full-on pachydermian stampede and attempted to divert it by "showing leg" . . . thus quite rightly receiving admonitions: Pattaya gone mad (http://sawatdeeforum.yuku.com/topic/3024/Pattaya-gone-mad)

On how things never change: fucking Russians in 2005 and still fucking Russians in 2011. That greatest of wittified posters, Edith, (gone now apparently, but remembered) attacks Pearl with a horifying insult "you can come over and wax my floors. You can do the waxing in a bikini, so long as parts of you don't smear the wax. On second thought better wear a mumu." and Boxer (as usual) obsesses about Russian off-fees. Russian Boys (http://sawatdeeforum.yuku.com/topic/3023/Russian-Boys)

On some dude publishing a porno rag about Living with Ladyboys and the early emergence of BadBoyBilly. Can you recognize his style, and his very first handle?
The original post was apparently deleted, but the responses (in thrue Sawatdee style) were left alone to whet whistles. Living with Lady Boys (http://sawatdeeforum.yuku.com/topic/3665/Requested-excerpts-from-Living-with-Ladyboys)

On the pros and cons of sleeping over. Pearl thinks it's uncivilized, but then she thinks having some fun at the Queen Mother is/was disgraceful as well. Edith goes all poetic (see below). PeterUK pulls the Scat Card. They sleep over do they? (http://sawatdeeforum.yuku.com/topic/3670/Do-they-sleep-over)

Thai Guy Alternative:
A Tibetan Terrier.

Ten similarities:
Hair in the eyes.
Very friendly (Hello, Falang!) toward strangers.
Roll over.
Like to bury a bone.
(Then) Hog the bed.
Get gas.

And hung about the same.

On The Boys, all relaxed and happy-go-lucky and demanding a calendar and a cluster-fuck. Here's an example of a 2-page thread which does not descend into the nastiness and blackness of the Beachlover-&-Friends Era ... 'BFE'**.
Hedda has his obligatory few cynical words, but is, mostly, for him, somewhat pleasant. Who-s-in-Thailand-Who-s-not-When-you-coming (http://sawatdeeforum.yuku.com/topic/3751/Who-s-in-Thailand-Who-s-not-When-you-coming)
And in the same vein: 'On Long Distance Relationships". A thread nowadays guaranteed to start up the worst of dogfights (based on the 'Your-BF's-a Prostitute-and-that's-all-he'll-ever-be-End-of-Story hypothesis), but back in the days seemed a more decent affair, eliciting thoughtful ~ even friendly, responses Long Distance Relationships (http://sawatdeeforum.yuku.com/topic/4170/Long-Distance-Relationships)

On the price of Black Label in 2004 and the proper spelling of 'Whiskey'. Pete1969 started this thread ~ his first ever on Sawatdee. Pete1969 was the same man who, years later in Chiang Mai, opened up a gay hotel and bar, and ended up dead, in a bed, not of natural process, in the same hotel. Never heard the end game of this sad affair. The hotel went bust. New-to-board-and-a-question (http://sawatdeeforum.yuku.com/topic/4223/New-to-board-and-a-question)
I wonder what his bar charged for a bottle of Black Label?

On how the 'Pookie' Conundrum came about: when Members get frisky and the thread deteriorates rapidly ~ and hilariously ~ until, at the end, the word 'cunt' is used. Let's just say, at that moment (and in the classic phrasing of Bob Guccione) the Board "went pink" for the first time. Et Tu Pookie (http://sawatdeeforum.yuku.com/topic/4594/Et-tu-Pookie)[/*:m:cv09bw4o]

May 26th, 2011, 21:24
Those were fun, Smiles - thank you! As besmirched as the board's been the last couple of years I'd forgotten how much fun it can be when regular contributors aren't so hell-bent on spraying the place with their caustic input.

This whole bit about how some people feel it's merely "spirited and lively" when they repeatedly post nasty comments but call the same vitriol "vicous attacks" when someone points the spotlight on them has gotten really, really tiring. I found it interesting how when there was talk of a new owner who might come in and clean house that at least one suddenly came up with "can't we all just get along?" a la Rodney King. The whole experience of scanning threads has been somewhat like carefully pacing your way through an unmaintained doggy park.

Ah, well. It's a sign of the times, I guess. Anyway, it was fun to see some of the older names again! :cheers:

May 26th, 2011, 22:01
A Doctor Writes
Re: Pattaya gone mad #2 [-]
let a elephant in to his bar!!

Some (Thai) people think it's good luck if they crap on your head.
I ran this one by my old man. Shook his head (I could hear it shaking on the phone) and said: " ... no no no, that's a bird, not an elephant ... "

May 26th, 2011, 23:53
miniscule smidgen of Ha Ha, true oats as well as some frothy chaff, Opabinia feels about sponaneous combustion
mischevieous Khun Sanitary Na Pakin, full-on pachydermian stampede, receiving admonitions,
wittified posters, better wear a mumu." and Boxer, and a cluster-fuck, 'Pookie' Conundrum
the Board "went pink"
Here's an example of a 2-page thread which does not descend into the nastiness and blackness of the Beachlover-&-Friends Era ... 'BFE'

No wonder it didn't descend into nastiness no one can understand a word of it. :laughing3: