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View Full Version : Kathy Kirby Dies aged 72

May 22nd, 2011, 00:28
I'm sure many (especially UK) SGT members will be sad to learn of the death of Miss Kathy Kirby - one of the last great "belters"

A wonderful talent that, like Dorothy Squires and Frankie Vaughan, never reached its full potential.

jinks (with a small "j") - please don't consign this thead to "Global Forum" I believe it is "relevant" to many SGT members in Thailand



May 22nd, 2011, 02:16
Didn't she perform at The Venue last year? Some posters will be truly shocked by this news.

I won't be one of them, and if this is relevant to Gay Thailand, so is the news that Shirley Bassey was launching a boat in Southampton today!

Well, you know Brad, surprising as it may seem, there are some people who are interested in more than which BKK/Pattaya rentboy has the biggest cock.

I know it may hurt you to hear this, but it's true

Now, if YOU aren't interested, why comment?

I'm sure if KQ was here he would testify to Kathy Kirby's skills - he knows talent when he sees it

:occasion9: :occasion9:

May 22nd, 2011, 04:28
jinks (with a small "j") - please don't consign this thead to "Global Forum" I believe it is "relevant" to many SGT members in ThailandThat's exactly the reasoning lonelywombat employs when he posts one of his boring threads on, say, "The treatment of dandruff in pubic hair" and justifies its inclusion in the Gay Thailand forum on the basis that one of the ingredients of a new medication - coconut milk, for example - is grown in Thailand.

May 22nd, 2011, 04:50
Didn't she perform at The Venue last year? Some posters will be truly shocked by this news.

She performed for me in the mid 80's at the Nightingale Club.

Our mutual friend, the late Jean McKinnon (the last Betty in Wilson Kepple and Betty) invited me to dinner before going to the club. I sat and dined through her performance and then later watched a word for word repeat at the club.

She still had the trappings of a Star, her musical director was there without warning, if his fee was not forthcoming - no show!

Lovely Lady. Great Voice. R.I.P. Kathy.

May 22nd, 2011, 06:23
I remember seeing her on Juke Box Jury when I were a lad.


May 22nd, 2011, 17:30
i literally only clicked on this post to see what the f*ck this could
possibly have to do with anything gay or thailand related. mr.
impala is right, this is nonsense. who the hell is this dead chick
and why do we care?

May 22nd, 2011, 19:39
jinks (with a small "j") - please don't consign this thead to "Global Forum" I believe it is "relevant" to many SGT members in ThailandWell, well, here we have a member who made a HUGE song-and-dance about 'undue influence' and getting 'special privileges' allegations against Justme for getting a locked thread unlocked, and now he himself is pleading for the very same kind of concession from the moderator.

and if this is relevant to Gay ThailandBrad does have a point though, unfortunately it seems he simply has'nt the same level of 'undue influence' as some here seem to.

I do however think netrix is showing an unusually harsh lack of respect, maybe it is posted on the wrong forum, but it's still a human-being under discussion. Kathy Kirby, yes one of the many excellent singers saddled with awful material my parents played at home. Matt Monroe was the only crooner I could listen to for more than one song. Even Sinatra rated his vioce better than his own.

May 22nd, 2011, 22:44
jinks (with a small "j") - please don't consign this thead to "Global Forum" I believe it is "relevant" to many SGT members in ThailandWell, well, here we have a member who made a HUGE song-and-dance about 'undue influence' and getting 'special privileges' allegations against Justme for getting a locked thread unlocked, and now he himself is pleading for the very same kind of concession from the moderator

I asked ("pleading" is a ridiculous exaggeration) for the thread to be left on the busiest forum so that people who might be interested would have a better chance of seeing it, that's all.

The death was not widely reported (relegated to the "entertainment" section of BBC website, rather than "News") and I believed that, as many SGT members are of a "certain age", they might remember Kathy Kirby and be interested in the thread.

It was a simple request which jinks could allow or dismiss as he wished. I was not going to throw my toys out the pram if he chose to ignore it.

The major difference between my single, solitary request and those of Justme is that the thread is not about me - and I have nothing to gain in terms of self-justification or credibility by it remaining on GT forum.

Surprised you failed to grasp that important distinction.

Actually, on second thoughts, I'm not.


May 22nd, 2011, 22:52
i literally only clicked on this post to see what the f*ck this could
possibly have to do with anything gay or thailand related. mr.
impala is right, this is nonsense. who the hell is this dead chick
and why do we care?

You're one of those people who writes in to the TV station aren't you?

You know - the kind of person who cannot simply press the OFF button on the remote - but who chooses instead to sit through an entire programme you are not interested in, and then make a song and dance about how much you disliked it.

I feel for you, honestly, I do.


May 22nd, 2011, 23:12
People are going way off topic but the truth of the matter is that what Scottish Guy did was to post this in a wrong place and ask for special privs to keep it there even though he knew he was wrong when he posted it.
He says that when I requested a thread to be unlocked it was different because it was for "me". It was for me to show "evidence (remember that word Scottish? "and I have the evidence to prove it") evidence that this board has a lying, cheating, manipulative, horrible person and to allow the ongoing 2 month bullshit to end showing such. But for some unknown reason which I have yet to hear, mr. jinks, with a small j, chose this particular time to lock the thread. After 2 months, and now longtime SGF members would report so as to put the issue to sleep once and for all. Just before they reported, thn and only then did he lock the thread so that nobody would ever know who was lying and who was not.
That my dear Scottish is the difference. Mine was in the correct place and under the correct thread.

May 22nd, 2011, 23:23
.....the truth of the matter is that what Scottish Guy did was to post this in a wrong place...

OMG - I posted in the wrong place!!
Send for the Forum Police!
Take me away in irons!
The Wrong Place poster is on the loose!
Lock up your daughters!

Get a grip on yourself Nelly. You're losing it big-time.
However, your 2 sidekicks will be along shortly to back you up, no matter what you say.

May 22nd, 2011, 23:31
I did not bring it up, I just basically responded when I was dragged into it. I agreed with him. So fuck off.

May 23rd, 2011, 02:08
is not about me Who cares about you anyway? You held a great fuss regarding Justme's one and only, very reasonable request to the moderator. You have, after creating that fuss, gone and done the very thing you complained about. It needed to be pointed out. I did. You see, if you go around causing trouble, and are guilty of blatent hypocracy, it has a habit of coming back at you.

Since your u-turn, change of mind, going back on your word, reversing your decision, not keeping to your word, all we see from you is trouble. On this thread alone there are 13 posts, 5 of them are yours and in that very short space of time you have managed to be in disagreement with....Justme, Newalaan, Brad, Netrix,Thonglor55. It must be everybody else eh?

You are the source, for whatever reason, of a great deal of the negativitey on this forum. Why don't you do the forum a favour and stand by your word, the one where you resigned from the board. I guarantee your contributions will not be missed. Why don't you try it for 6 months just to see. Your comeback is days old, yet the membership is tired of you already.

May 23rd, 2011, 02:41
You are the source, for whatever reason, of a great deal of the negativitey on this forum... I guarantee your contributions will not be missed.
What an incredibly perceptive post, except for one small detail. It's more true about you than anyone else.

May 23rd, 2011, 05:39
What an incredibly perceptive post, except for one small detail. It's more true about you than anyone else.Sorry to be so ignorant "Once In Awhile", but could you please point me the right direction here, I'm not sure if your post is meant to be amusing, funny, witty, sharp, hilarious, accurate, ironic, sarcastic? it's just so hard to tell from the actual text. When my 10 year old nephew comes round i'll ask him. It seems to have come from, and is aimed at, more someone in his age group. Failing that, my senile old grandmother might be on your same wavelength, I'll try her with it.

I don't suppose you interupted yet another thread just slop out this drivel, and I know this will seem absurd to you, but have you ever considered the notion of posting something to do with actual topic on a thread for once? I've already posted mine.

May 23rd, 2011, 08:53
When my 10 year old nephew comes round i'll ask him.
I do apologize for making my posts too difficult for you to understand and I'm sure your nephew will be more than able to help you understand all the big words. I know what a burden it is for you swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool, but I'm quite sure your parents had no idea of the dangers of consanguineous marriage, just as their parents didn't either. It's no wonder Grannie is a few slices short of a loaf. Fortunately your nephew seems to have been spared the curse. Such a pity that there was no "Special Needs" programs when you were a wee tot.

May 23rd, 2011, 20:50
i literally only clicked on this post to see what the f*ck this could
possibly have to do with anything gay or thailand related. mr.
impala is right, this is nonsense. who the hell is this dead chick
and why do we care?
I agree. Who the f*ck is Kathy Kirby and why the hell is this in the Gay Thailand forum? Never heard of her. Even Bin Laden's death was posted in the Global forum.

May 23rd, 2011, 21:18
i literally only clicked on this post to see what the f*ck this could
possibly have to do with anything gay or thailand related. mr.
impala is right, this is nonsense. who the hell is this dead chick
and why do we care?
I agree. Who the f*ck is Kathy Kirby and why the hell is this in the Gay Thailand forum? Never heard of her. Even Bin Laden's death was posted in the Global forum.

Not even in your dreams was Bin Laden a Gay Icon.
Kathy Kirby was one of the first Gay Icons ... even before Dusty :notworthy:

May 23rd, 2011, 21:25
Who is Kathy Kirby and why the hell is this in the Gay Thailand forum? She is apparently a favourite singer of scottish-guy, the fact it has nothing to do with 'gaythailand' matters not, anyway Scottish-guy would never dream of creating a fuss if it were another poster making a similar post. I imagine it has a special dispensation for fear of yet another explosive tantrum. It would appear it's here because of "undue influence" as far as I can make out.

I do apologize>>>>...blah blah blah......>>>>>no "Special Needs" programs when you were a wee tot.Since the one you were on obviously didn't help you much, it would appear they are a waste of time. Of course I'm just basing that assessment on the inane drivel you post as you lurch from off-topic thread to off-topic thread. Perhaps there may be "special needs" programs available for senile old codgers, so you might still be in luck, although I'm not sure just how much help can actually be given to half a brain. How unlucky is that Once In Awhile? to have been saddled with the motor-skills half which allows you to type on the keyboard rather than the half which allows you to form interesting or coherant thoughts.

but have you ever considered the notion of posting something to do with actual topic on a thread for once?Kathy Kirby?...dead?....topic?......relevant comment? Thought not.

May 23rd, 2011, 21:56
Alaan... Your description of Once In Awhile is entirely accurate but he just isn't worth this much of your effort replying to.

Once In Awhile is a cranky old f*ckstick who does almost nothing else here but attack perfectly reasonable and positive members because he finds something he doesn't like about them. He adds almost nothing else to the forum. Look through his posting history and you'll see over 80% of his posts serve no purpose other than to attack another poster.

He has no rational follow-through or integrity in his posts either. He'll attack you for posting off-topic when he's off on every other thread doing the same. He just does not give a toss.

The same applies to thonglor55. These two are just bitter, mentally f*cked up losers. Ignore them.

May 23rd, 2011, 22:38
but he just isn't worth this much of your effort replying toReplies to his junk are just more of asides really, mostly add-on's to other postings because he is so easy to wind up. But I admit it is getting boring and tiresome as his replies are somewhat disappointing in both their unfunny content and comlpete lack of wit. Occassionally his replies can be entertaining, but that's only when the amusement is not intended on his part, more laughing at him than with him.

May 23rd, 2011, 22:39
...blah blah blah...

Since you are in the middle of one of your overarching childish grand mals I'll put it in terms you can better understand - I know you are, but what am I?

May 23rd, 2011, 22:59
he just isn't worth this much of your effort replying to.
And yet here you are - again!

who does almost nothing else here but attack perfectly reasonable and positive members
Not at all. I really only like to respond to the self-important, self-satisfied, self-righteous, intellectually stunted blowhards such as yourself.

You are right about one thing

He just does not give a toss.

May 23rd, 2011, 23:00
Since you are in the middle of one of your overarching childish grand mals I'll put it in terms you can better understand - I know you are, but what am I?No, I'll stick with blah blah blah. It was put there for a purpose, to save anyone from having to re-read the drivel inbetween the start of your post and the end of your post. A bit like your lastest jumble of letters and words thrown together in some kind of random fit...see above. I assume you understand what you are trying to say, but spare a thought for those of us who still have the function in both halves of our brain intact. I see you still retain the motor-skills half.

Still no on-topic comments about Kathy kirby Once In Awhile? Does a thread actually exist in which you have ever posted anything remotely attached to the subject?

May 23rd, 2011, 23:20
I do apologize newalaan for taking so long to figure you emotional and intellectual maturity, but now that I have I think we have a winning formula for debate.

I know you are, but what am I?

May 23rd, 2011, 23:36
Once In Awhile? Does a thread actually exist in which you have ever posted anything remotely attached to the subject?
They do exist, but rarely. Once In Awhile's entire presence on here is spent following other members like Combat, Justme, Wesley and you around and posting snipes and dickheaded attacks at them. That's pretty much it. It's all he does. Even BadBoyBilly has a more positive presence on this board than Once In AWhile.

If you follow his posts for a while, you'll see there's a striking similarity in tone, style, character and stance (likes/dislikes) with another arsehole poster... Smiles. Only Smiles hardly posts anymore. Could it be that Smiles doesn't want to tarnish his image by making THIS many cranky arseholly attack posts so he enlists a second handle for this?

May 23rd, 2011, 23:44
They do exist, but rarely. Once In Awhile's entire presence on here is spent following other members like Combat, Justme, Wesley and you around and posting snipes and dickheaded attacks at them.

I've had him on ignore for that long I never knew he still loved me Beachy...Perhaps eveyone else should just ignore him as well, you certainly won't miss his philippics that's for sure... :occasion9:

May 23rd, 2011, 23:49
I'm flattered that you think I write as eloquently as Smiles, but as I told you many times before we are not the same person. And as is your usual modus operandi of repeating something over and over again hoping to make it true, sadly it just isn't. Interesting though that you spend so much time ruminating about 2 posters you claim to have nothing but contempt for. How Freudian is that?

May 24th, 2011, 01:42
Combat - what does philippics mean?

May 24th, 2011, 03:22
Combat - what does philippics mean?

An abusive tirade

Brad the Impala
May 24th, 2011, 03:28
I know you are, but what am I?

A boring condescending cantankerous cunt, since you ask.

May 24th, 2011, 03:34
A boring condescending cantankerous cunt, since you ask.
Knowing that you are much the same intellectual level as newalaan and how much you hate to be left out Bradley - this is just for you - I know you are, but what am I!

May 24th, 2011, 03:43
Combat - what does philippics mean?

An abusive tirade

A philippic is a fiery, damning speech, or tirade, delivered to condemn a particular political actor. The term originates with Demosthenes, who delivered several attacks on Philip II of Macedon in the 4th century BC.
You may recall that Demosthenes tried to warn the Greeks about the dangers of Phillip of Macedon. And we all know what happened to the Greeks. So it is actually a compliment, although I am quite sure that our little lapdog combat did not quite have that in mind.

May 24th, 2011, 03:54
Of course, once you reminded me of Demosthene it all made sense

As I remember, Kathy Kirby was a Diva in publisising the works of Demosthene.

She will be missed

May 24th, 2011, 09:25
A philippic is a fiery, damning speech, or tirade, delivered to condemn a particular political actor.It sounds like our Presbyterian lay preacher newalaan in full flood.

May 24th, 2011, 16:30
It sounds like our Presbyterian lay preacher newalaan in full flood.Speaking of flooding, rather than infesting each and every thread with your many forms of enlightenment, perhaps you could consider a forum sabbatical (as promised) and instead issue a concentrated annual collection of all your thoughts, wisdom, outpourings and general slop in the form of an annual Thailand almanac, Notes from the Ghetto or the like. It would save a considerable amount of bandwidth.
You may recall that Demosthenes tried to warn the Greeks about the dangers of Phillip of Macedon. And we all know what happened to the Greeks. So it is actually a compliment, although I am quite sure that our little lapdog combat did not quite have that in mind.The trouble with wikipedia and google searches is that even the dimmest of half-wits now have access to information way beyond their thinking capabilities.

May 24th, 2011, 20:30
Once In Awhile's entire presence on here is spent following other members like Combat, Justme, Wesley and you around and posting snipes and dickheaded attacks at them.
I've had him on ignore for that long I never knew he still loved me Beachy...
Yes, it's easy to forget, since "Once and always an arsehole" isn't as skilled at expressing his love as say, Surfcrest. :rolling:

Maybe he has to spread it around too much... to others like Brad, for example:

[quote="Once In Awhile":2epbihco]I know you are, but what am I?
A boring condescending cantankerous cunt, since you ask.[/quote:2epbihco]

May 25th, 2011, 07:13
Maybe he has to spread it around too much
Don't worry poodle, knowing what a narcissist you are, and how you need constant validation, be assured that I still love you best.
And that's even taking into consideration the post (now deleted) where you want to have me killed.

May 26th, 2011, 15:23
Yes, it's easy to forget, since "Once and always an arsehole" isn't as skilled at expressing his love as say, Surfcrest. :rolling:

You're a joke Beachlover......how does that fit for size darling?

Brad the Impala
May 29th, 2011, 01:10
Yes, it's easy to forget, since "Once and always an arsehole" isn't as skilled at expressing his love as say, Surfcrest. :rolling:

You're a joke Beachlover......how does that fit for size darling?

If only you were capable of amusement!

May 29th, 2011, 01:18
If only you were capable of amusement!
If only you weren't a humorless dickwad.

June 7th, 2011, 00:21
Yo Surfshite... LifeтАЩs been so good lately, I think I need something to make me feel grounded again. Could you write me another one of your 1,000 word+ PMs describing your fantasies about me having a miserable life? They were a hoot! :rolling:

You're a joke Beachlover......how does that fit for size darling?
If only you were capable of amusement!
Surfcrest CREATES amusement for others when he shoots himself in the foot. It's just a shame he hasn't managed to repeat that performance...yet. :rolling:

how does that fit for size darling?
I admire your persistence in asking me out on dates, inviting me to take a tour of your "multiple billion dollar company" lifestyle and proclaiming yourself to be my "loving friend" but you should know that "darling" is just not going to work either! :rolling:

Top marks for effort though! You're way ahead of thonglor55/homintern in competing for the "Creepy Stalker of the Year" award. :rolling:

June 7th, 2011, 16:58
You're a joke Beachlover!

June 8th, 2011, 18:34
You're way ahead of thonglor55/homintern in competing for the "Creepy Stalker of the Year" award.Haven't you got over that vision of your legs draped over homintern's shoulders yet? People must be wondering what you saw in him, given by your own somewhat startling admission that his stomach is so fat he can't even see his own penis.

June 9th, 2011, 00:02
People must be wondering what you saw in him

"People" don't you mean 'you' who has a very strange obsession with this rather childish thought?