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May 15th, 2011, 11:59

May 16th, 2011, 11:02
scared me for a minute, mark. :headbang:

May 16th, 2011, 12:46
Made you look though L O L :rolling: :rolling:

Thank you all for another fantastic night your support is really appreciated.
Regards Mark and John :love4: :love4: :love4:

May 19th, 2011, 09:59
scared me for a minute, mark. :headbang:

Yere imagine that Netrix,no one around so you can buy sex.
Why don't you get off your lazy bum and go to the gym and smarten yourself up and find men who really want to have sex with you.
Are you really that ugly you have to fly to Thailand and pay prostitutes ?
Maybe if you didn't sit half your time at a computer and went to the gym you wouldn't need to hire people to get your rocks off.
At least your using one of your hands a lot,it seems.

May 19th, 2011, 10:05
Why don't you get off your lazy bum and go to the gym and smarten yourself up and find men who really want to have sex with you.Why bother with such an effort? Who wants some needy character who is emotionally dependent on someone else? They're so hard to shake off when looking for fun. Find them, feel them, fuck them, pay them and forget them. It works for me.

May 19th, 2011, 10:09
No but Thonglor you tell me why half these guys have to fly all the way to Thailand to pay prostitutes when they could go to the sauna's in their own Countries and meet Asian guys?
Why do they need to pay a business person to get their rock's off?
I have a chinese student friend 23yo who has friends in their 20s meeting guys in there 40 s and 50 s in sauna s and its not in Thailand.
Silverdaddies is another website but no these lazy lazy guys are slobs who wont exercise.

May 19th, 2011, 10:11
go to the gym and smarten yourself up

This from the guy trawling around Sunee Plaza drunk, after having pissed his pants? Classic.

May 19th, 2011, 10:36
Oh it is,im glad you get excited.Now im going to hit you with my handbag you little bitch.

May 19th, 2011, 10:44
I see you your

Calm your gay nerves petal. Is this the typing equivalent of a sputtering rage?
I'm not sure what's worse? Pissing your pants or then posting about it. Haven't quite grasped the whole glass houses thing yet have you?

May 19th, 2011, 10:46
No prizes for second best hon! you little bitch you.

May 19th, 2011, 10:52
You may want to check this out before you are next out whoring in Sunee.

May 19th, 2011, 10:57
Oh baby,you really know how to hurt a guy.
But I like you, at least you have balls to stand up to me........sorry you born as a pussy though.

May 19th, 2011, 13:18
No but Thonglor you tell me why half these guys have to fly all the way to Thailand to pay prostitutes ...?I take it that's a rhetorical question. But you could tell us why you do. Something about Asian guys looking half the age of their Western counterparts perhaps?

May 19th, 2011, 13:30
go to the gym and smarten yourself up

This from the guy trawling around Sunee Plaza drunk, after having pissed his pants? Classic.

mr. fromken, it's obvious you have no idea what i look like or anything at all about me.
i'm quite "smart" enough and better looking than most of the guys you've ever paid for
sex, i'm sure.my guess is i'm half your age, and about a fourth of your weight. i've never
been so drunk i blacked out, and i haven't pissed my pants since kindergarten.

but please tell us more about your adventures, it's quite entertaining.

May 19th, 2011, 13:34
... better looking than most of the guys you've ever paid for sexHow fascinating. You were there? You're a voyeur perhaps?

May 19th, 2011, 14:29

May 19th, 2011, 15:06
You got my posted deleted because of your stupid comment,are you happy with yourself?

no, actually i'm quite sure it was you who got your post deleted.
and, ahem, you're the one who was stupid enough to get shitty
drunk and piss yourself in public, and then go online bragging
about it sweetie. getting that post deleted was the best thing
that's happened to you in quite a while. poor, poor man.

May 19th, 2011, 15:35
Wonder how much further off topic you guys can get with all the personal jabs and insults. Why not take it private :dontknow:

May 19th, 2011, 19:10
Jesus Christ... In case none of you realised, Tonyfromkent64 is a reincarnation of BadBoyBilly.

BadBoyBilly is a big f*cking ugly lardy degenerate from Australia who's been trolling these forums under countless different handles for years.

He's been playing stupid games on here with this "Tonyfromkent64" handle, posting long-winded sympathy-inducing stories and questions, then deleting them and/or kicking up a big fuss about the replies etc.

Personally I don't mind his current handle as apart from these few, most of his posts have been sort of ok to date. But whatever he posted about pissing his pants at CornerBar etc. is getting too ridiculous.

May 19th, 2011, 22:14
You Sir are pratically on every forum making the same accusation.

I have a friend called" Martin" who claims he has seen you at his ""Place" and you are everything you say you are.
But as a matter of interest do you not go to any gay bars in Sydney Australia? Isn't Sydney one of the Gay Mecca's?
Im sure there are many poster's on this forum from Sydney who would love to meet you,a 25yo handsome young muscular stud Asian boy as intelligent as yourself.

Next time Im in Sydney ,I will hopefuly meet you and we can go out to the gay bars together all expenses paid,even the taxi to pick you up ,just don't forget your walking stick .............when i pick you up from the nursing home dear.

Now this thread is about Krazy Dragon,please show some respect to Mark.

May 19th, 2011, 22:49
You Sir are pratically on every forum making the same accusation.

I have a friend called" Martin" who claims he has seen you at his ""Place" and you are not a 25yo boy from Australia,so please grow up,but if im wrong I apologise.
But as a matter of interest do you not go to any sauna's in Australia or gay Clubs ?
I never hear you post about them?

This thread is about Krazy Dragon,please show some respect to Mark.
Since Billy will no doubt edit his demented shite 9 times, the above quote is what he originally posted.

I have a friend called" Martin" who claims....
BadBoyBilly... Who's "Martin"?

Is Martin your left man boob or your right man boob or did you just get so overwhelmingly fat that they merged?

At what age did you accumulate so much lard that your arse merged with your belly via the two slabs of human fat hanging off your hips? Does the fat in your arse ever jiggle its way around to the front? Do you have buy your oversized clothes from the fat fuckers association?

Are you just a big fucking ugly, stinking fat sack of loser lard-filled shite, Billy?

May 19th, 2011, 23:00
lol, oh dear ,is that the best you can do? Touched a raw nerve dId I dear?
Your blood pressure must be going through the roof right now,put the oxygen mask back on you old fool before some poor b.....d has to give mouth to mouth to you Darl.

Oh dear whose Martin Place?Im surprised you haven't been to Martin Place dear.But I suppose if your stuck in that wheelchair.......you poor bastard,you cant get out ,I imagine with your anxiety it must of been a stroke?
I wonder if God will re incarnate as you as an Asian,I mean that's what you want to be don't you?

May 19th, 2011, 23:07
lol, oh dear ,is that the best you can do? Touched a raw nerve dId I dear?
Your blood pressure must be going through the roof right now,put the oxygen mask back on you old fool.

Im surprised you haven't been to Martin Place dear.But I suppose if your stuck in that wheelchair.......you poor bastard.
Billy, you stinking tub of disgusting shite, do the world a favour and suffocate yourself to death with your own man boobs.

Did you seriously piss all over yourself in public? Are you a fucking diseased animal? Jesus christ...

May 19th, 2011, 23:22
Oh, it make's you angry doesn't it ,make's your blood boil,Now now dear dont get so upset darl,you will have another stroke you poor poor thing.

Sorry I know you have an obsession with badboybilly but Im not him but I can see your frustrated dear.

Now dear let me tell you that Martin Place is a well known Sydney City pedestrian mall and business precinct.
I thought you of all people would have known that,and just because you didn't I just want to remind you that Elizabeth St in the Martin Place precinct is No Stopping" zone dear,so don't stop your wheelchair there darl.

It's obvious you don't know Sydney City too well dear.

Martin Place is a walk away from Circular Quay.It has the Reserve Bank of Australia there ,it is the financial hub of Sydney,Oh well I knew I would catch a bullshitter out.Dont try to pull the wool over my eyes you silly old fool.
As my Grandfather told me "never try to bullshit a bullshitter"
Try looking up the Sydney Suburbs before you pretend to come from there.

Now let me remind you sweetcheeks,there's no second best,Im a lot smarter than you ,never forget that,if you are going to bullshit at least learn the Sydney landmarks before you do,now pee off and come back when you have created another exciting persona.(Why don't you come back as a hot 18yo black stud)only don't pick Sydney this time.

And dear there's nothing wrong with my big boobs,they re getting bigger and i can jingle them up and down probaly more than you can do!

May 20th, 2011, 03:26
Im surprised you haven't been to Martin Place dear.Beachlover is more familiar with Cabramatta.

May 20th, 2011, 04:54
Billy, you stinking tub of disgusting shite, do the world a favour and suffocate yourself to death with your own man boobs. Did you seriously piss all over yourself in public? Are you a fucking diseased animal? Jesus christ...
Since Billy will no doubt edit his demented shite 9 times, the above quote is what he originally posted.
At what age did you accumulate so much lard that your arse merged with your belly via the two slabs of human fat hanging off your hips? Does the fat in your arse ever jiggle its way around to the front? Do you have buy your oversized clothes from the fat fuckers association? Are you just a big fucking ugly, stinking fat sack of loser lard-filled shite, Billy?
BadBoyBilly is a big f*cking ugly lardy degenerate from Australia For goodness sake Beachlover, what are you on nowadays? it's one thing to flood the forum with repetitive insults to the same posters time and again (as above), give reams of un-neccessary google search results on hotels and other places in Thailand you have never visited and that posters are quite capable of doing for themselves, but do you really need umpteen posts on the SAME thread just to repeat yourself?

Do you really think multiple postings like this get taken seriously by anybody? Either you are starting to lose it completely or the poster has touched a number of raw nerves, whichever it is, pull yourself together, it's starting to get deflating clicking onto SGT and all i see are a line of posts from you and a line from thonglor55, neither of whom are posting anything remotely interesting, and making posts simply for the sake of it, as soon as i see a reply or replies from either I look at a couple, throw an occassional hook to Thonglor to break the tedium,then pass on the rest. This is the second poster you have wished dead, you really need to take a break. The amount of mouth-froth and spitting saliva you must have lost on this thread alone must have left you dehydrated.

I'm begining to wonder just how old you really are, the amount of venom and sheer rage on show here must equate to decades of pent up frustrations.

May 20th, 2011, 08:05
Wonder how much further off topic you guys can get with all the personal jabs and insults. Why not take it private :dontknow:
Because they're drama queens?

May 20th, 2011, 09:12
Wonder how much further off topic you guys can get with all the personal jabs and insults. Why not take it private :dontknow:
Because they're drama queens?

point well made :)

May 20th, 2011, 09:28
For goodness sake Beachlover, what are you on nowadays? My analysis of the relationship between cyber-bullying and narcissism (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/posting-guidelines-and-discussion-f11/cyber-bullying-t21089.html) is now in the Posting Guidelines Forum
Because they're drama queens?No, Beachlover is a narcissist and cyber-bully as I've shown (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/posting-guidelines-and-discussion-f11/cyber-bullying-t21089.html) in the Posting Guidelines Forum

May 20th, 2011, 09:38
" ... Beachlover is a narcissist and cyber-bully as I've shown (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/posting-guidelines-and-discussion-f11/cyber-bullying-t21089.html) in the Posting Guidelines ForumPerhaps ~ out of desperation ~ Beachy will start trying to post pithy messages on my Blog << blog.php?u=38 (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/blog.php?u=38) >> A Blog which I can't even remember starting.

May 20th, 2011, 10:58
I look at a couple, throw an occassional hook to Thonglor to break the tedium... The amount of mouth-froth and spitting saliva
Geez, Alaan... You converse at length with other bullsh*t posters yourself and then attack me for it? Don't start on "mouth-froth and spitting saliva" because YOU of all people are known for long ranting frothing at the mouth (albeit of a different style) posts!

I don't usually go into lengthy slagfests with Billy but happened to be up late and bored waiting for an e-mail so... yeah, decided to let myself go. Sparking a rant from you - my favourite mouth frothing poster- was a bonus. :happy7:

other places in Thailand you have never visited
Now you're claiming to know where I have and haven't visited?

This is the second poster you have wished dead
Actually it's the third. :rolling:

May 20th, 2011, 11:07
Your right Mark it has confused me.
Good Luck with Krazy Dragon,I see on various websites it's for sale.

May 20th, 2011, 20:32
I mis-read it and it fooled me, I admit. I thought someone had bought it.

May 20th, 2011, 21:54
I mis-read it and it fooled me, I admit. I thought someone had bought it.

It's unlikely,but available for 3.5 million baht,apparently no offers below according to its website.