View Full Version : R they really trying to off us all?

May 13th, 2011, 22:51
I know the Internet is full of truths, half truths and total bold faced down and dirty lies. We all try to make sense of what we read and disregard the Bull-S.

After reading parts and pieces of the below link....To say the least it has my head spinning. There is a ton if information on this site (True or Bull-S) I am not sure. Have a look. Bookmark it for later laughs or cries.

I realize it is heavy reading and subject matter. Please give yourself at least 10 minutes before getting bored.

It has to do with what is actually a fatal dose of radiation. The title of the article is:

"Radiation exposure chart admits cancer radiotherapy delivers fatal dose to patients"

May God help us all if any of it is true.


May 14th, 2011, 09:42
Interesting... I think once you're certain the cancer will kill you if left untreated and if they think it can't be better treated any other way, then you may be better off taking the radiotherapy. It's possible death vs. certain death. But I've heard of people opting to use alternative therapies to treat their cancer.

May 14th, 2011, 10:48
"Radiation exposure chart admits cancer radiotherapy delivers fatal dose to patients"

The idiot who wrote this article is trying to equate whole body exposure limits with the short, focused doses used in radiation therapy. It's comparing apples and oranges.
When you wrote "half truths and total bold faced down and dirty lies" you hit the nail on the head in regards to what he has written.

If you want a better understanding of radiation therapy go to the Wikipedia link below. It's straight forward enough for the layman to understand. It explains when, how and why, unlike Beachlover's thinking and guessing.