View Full Version : Happy Place Customers raise 9,026 b for Jing Jai

April 23rd, 2011, 04:27
I would like to thank all of those customers who placed their hard earned money in our Baan Jing Jai collection box.
As you may know, Baan Jing Jai is an orphanage which I have personally contributed to for several years. They are an orphanage for children ranging from new born to the age of 18 who have no one to care for them and no where to live. Previously we were proud to build them an entire new playground for 150,000 baht from personally donated funds between myself and a few of my freinds.

The collection from the box was tallied last night and came to 9,026 baht and will go to them tomorrow.
Thank you all from your personal donations as well as the 20% from Boy Bingo!
:hello2: :love4: :hello2: :love4: