View Full Version : Fem schoolboys sent to butch camp

April 20th, 2011, 08:25
This report from the BBC just received. Not sure whether to laugh or be upset

Malaysian schoolboys sent to butch camp

Authorities in Malaysia have sent 66 Muslim schoolboys identified by their teachers as effeminate to a special camp to receive counselling on masculine behaviour.

The boys will undergo four days of religious and motivational classes and physical activities designed to guide them back to what has been described as the "right path in life".

The schoolboys allegedly displayed "feminine mannerisms", although educators in the conservative state of Terengganu did not detail what they were.

State officials say that if left "unchecked" the students could end up gay or transsexual.

Activists say it is appalling that educators are persecuting children for expressing their personalities and identities.

The state's education director, Razali Daud, says although homosexuals and transvestites do exist in Malaysia, the authorities want to limit their numbers.


Khor tose
April 20th, 2011, 12:34
This report from the BBC just received. Not sure whether to laugh or be upset

I sort of agree about not knowing whether to laugh or cry. On one hand learning to be more butch can save an obvious gay boy from terrible harassment from his fellow schoolboys, but it can also produce scars of its own and sends a definite anti-gay message. If they were just training them to "pass" and did not include any suggestion that being gay it could be benefical. Sadly, i doubt that is their motive.

April 20th, 2011, 12:59
As long as religions continue to push the false belief that people "choose" to be gay instead of born that way, you will see this kind of absurd behavior. It's in their interest to say it's a choice so they can assign "Sin" to homosexuals. If they admit it's the way god made you, they have no grounds for their bigotry.

April 20th, 2011, 17:30
On one hand learning to be more butch can save an obvious gay boy from terrible harassment from his fellow schoolboys

And it could also turn him into a sociopath, who decides it's a good idea to take a gun to school and open fire on his teachers. Or maybe turn him into a lonely emo kid who likes to take razor blades to himself all the time. Forced behavior modification therapy like this generally creates more problems than it solves, and that's especially true for sexuality.

How about just telling the kids whoever they are is fine, and letting them know that they'll always be loved? That way seems to work quite well!

April 20th, 2011, 19:52
My thanks to the member that sent me a link to Fridae.This is a fuller report.

Boot camp for 66 тАШeffeminateтАЩ schoolboys in Malaysia draws outrage
by Sylvia Tan

Civil society groups in Malaysia have blasted the Terengganu Education Department for sending 66 schoolboys with тАШeffeminateтАЩ tendencies to a 4-day boot camp held to intervene before the boys тАЬreach the point of no returnтАЭ, meaning before they "become" gay or transgender.

Civil society groups and Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil have expressed their outrage following a report in MalaysiaтАЩs New Straits Times newspaper that the Terengganu Education Department has sent 66 schoolboys with тАШeffeminateтАЩ tendencies to a boot camp. The four-day camp, which started on Sunday, is said to comprise religious and motivational classes and physical activities.
тАЬBesut boot camp for 66 sissiesтАЭ. News of the camp has since made headlines around the world.

In a report titled тАЬBesut boot camp for 66 sissiesтАЭ, the Times on Monday quoted education department director Razali Daud as saying that the camp, which is officially called a "self-development course", is being held to intervene before the boys тАЬreach the point of no return.тАЭ

He said the boys aged between 13 and 17 were identified by their schoolteachers in Terengganu state as students who displayed 'effeminate' mannerisms. It is not clear what 'effeminate' mannerisms mean.

"We understand that some people end up as mak nyah (transvestite) or a homosexual, but we will do our best to limit the number," Razali was quoted as saying.

Meanwhile, Women, Family and Community Development Minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil has declared the camp to be illegal and called for it to be abolished in a statement released on Tuesday, reported The Malaysian Insider.

тАЬWe believe that such тАШboot campsтАЩ must be abolished on the basis that they are harmful and do not serve the best interest of the child, and are therefore in clear violation of the Child Act 2001.тАЭ

тАЬEvery child is entitled to protection and assistance in all circumstances without regard to distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, social origin or physical, mental or emotional disabilities or any other status,тАЭ added the minister, referring to the preamble of the Act.

тАЬThe experience of being singled out on the basis of perceived characteristics is an extremely traumatising experience, particularly for adolescent teens.тАЭ She was quoting as saying in the New Straits Times.

The education department has also come under fire for violating the basic tenets of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) which Malaysia ratified in 1995. In a letter published by Malaysiakini.com on Tuesday, the Joint Action Group for Gender Equality (JAG), a coalition of seven womenтАЩs groups including Women's Aid Organisation (WAO) and Sisters in Islam (SIS), blasted the education department for тАЬperpetuating restrictive gender stereotypingтАЭ which will ultimately be тАЬdetrimental to the developmentтАЭ of the children involved.

тАЬArticle 2 of the CRC dictates that all children should be accorded equal rights and treatment without exception, the Education Department of Besut is clearly in violation of this.

тАЬSecondly, the role of education as entrenched in Article 29, is to nurture the personality and talents of the child and inculcate respect for human rights in preparation for responsible adulthood. However, the boys in this case have been denied and persecuted for the expression of their personalities and identities.тАЭ The letter read.

PT Foundation, a community-based organisation that provides HIV/AIDS and sexuality education and care services, said in a statement made available to Fridae that it disagrees with the education departmentтАЩs stance that any тАШeffeminateтАЩ behaviour needs to be modified and that "if not corrected" may lead to homosexuality and transexuality.

тАЬBy forcing them [the boys] to change is to tell them that they are not acceptable as they are. As far as I am aware, no religions force such doctrines on their followers. These teenagers may become scarred for life and it will take many years of counseling and psychotherapy to be able to accept themselves as they are.тАЭ Said Acting Executive Director & Programme Director Raymond Tai.

The northern Malaysian state of Terengganu, which is governed by the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition after a short rule by the Islamic Party of Malaysia (PAS) from 1999 until 2004, is said to socially conservative. The PAS is however said to enjoy strong support from the state of Terengganu.

Related Links

* Besut boot camp for 66 sissies (New Straits Times)
* 'Effeminate' boys in Malaysia sent to 'anti-gay' camp (BBC)
* тАШSissy boot campтАЩ violates law, says Shahrizat (New Straits Times)
* The parenting factor behind sissies (New Straits Times)
* PT Foundation
* Sissy' boot camps violation of human rights (Joint Action Group)
* No to тАШsissyтАЩ boot camp (Free Malaysia Today)
* Press Statement by The Joint Action Group Group for Gender Equality

April 21st, 2011, 04:22
Sissy sleepover YEA!!

awaiting details of the showers/bunking arrangements

certainly they will all meet lotsa new friends

April 21st, 2011, 16:23
The Malaysian Women & Children's minister has declared that sending these kids to the camp is illegal. It remains to be seen what will be done about it.

April 22nd, 2011, 13:44
The state's education director, Razali Daud, says although homosexuals and transvestites do exist in Malaysia, the authorities want to limit their numbers. [My emphasis.]


Of course, as the Nazis realised with their usual insight into these things, the only way to actually achieve that aim is to kill them.

April 22nd, 2011, 16:06
Christ... How f*cked up is this?

Malaysia can be a real mix when it comes to the gay thing. On the ground there's a thriving gay scene and lots of lovely gay people to meet. But the government doesn't accept gays so you occasionally get f*cked up things like this happening sporadically.

Lonely, you should include a link to the original source of the content. The original article is here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-13141466

April 22nd, 2011, 21:56
Oh no they did it!

And here are some exclusive pictures from the camp.




April 23rd, 2011, 18:02
Lonely, you should include a link to the original source of the content. The original article is here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-13141466

Actually I cut and pasted from The Age who carried the story on their wire service.

To assure you that I can quote to your satisfaction here is a message for you, message 36
http://www.baht-stop.com/forums/index.p ... 0622&st=25 (http://www.baht-stop.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=10622&st=25)

April 24th, 2011, 06:21
Students parade outside the Institute for Sexual Research prior to raiding the building

The state's education director, Razali Daud, says although homosexuals and transvestites do exist in Malaysia, the authorities want to limit their numbers. [My emphasis.]- BBCOf course, as the Nazis realised with their usual insight into these things, the only way to actually achieve that aim is to kill them.
"Furthermore, the assumption that the Nazis had a long-term, social strategy for a "final solution" for homosexuals does not withstand the test of a critical examination. [...]

We can however, discern a differentiated effort to deter the тАЬhomosexual minorityтАЭ from their sexual practices.

The purpose was to integrate them as heterosexuals into mainstream society, or failing that, to force them to do without sex. The main issue was to be "Umerziehung," or REEDUCATION.

In tandem, criminal law threatened drastically increased punishments. Together, these measures were supposed to deter homosexuals. [тАж]

For this purpose, the Nazis ultimately devised homemade theories of homosexuality that divided homosexual men into "Hanghomosexuelle" (habitual homosexuals) and "Gelegenheitshomosexuelle" (opportunistic homosexuals), those who seduce and those who are seduced, and so on. "All these particular classificatoins had two characteristics in common," observed R├╝diger Lautmann, "a wide margin of discretion the 'guilt' of a homosexual offender or for determining a sanction, and the assumption of curability is always present."

Although only some homosexuals were physical victims of National socialist persecution, the day-to-day life of every German homosexual during the Third Reich was deeply affected and influenced by the official repressive policies. Political officials and society together rejected homosexuality. [тАж]

Homosexual men who were older than thirty got married in order to artificially balance their peculiarity with the behavior that society expected." [Hitler's marriage being the most prominent example, china]

[i]Berenbaum/Peck, The Holocaust and History, 2002 (Grau)

The Nazi attitude toward homosexuality was ambivalent. Most of those eugenicists who inclined toward the Nazis had in the 1920s quietly if not enthusiastically accepted the arguments of Freud's colleague Magnus Hirschfeld (1868-1935) that homosexuality was an innate and unmodifiable trait of 2.2 percent of the population. [...]

Hence from the standpoint of their own Weltanschauung even these convinced Nazis saw no need to interfere in the private lives of those who by their own nature if not choice were already marked for biological death. In fact, Hans F. K. G├╝nther (1891-1968), professor of rural sociology and racial science (eugenics) first at Berlin and then at Freiburg, who became the chief authority on such matters under the Third Reich, held that the genetically inferior elements of the population should be given complete freedom to gratify their sexual urges in any manner that did not lead to procreation, because in this way they would painlessly eliminate themselves from the breeding pool. Also, Hermann G├╢ring's cousin Matthias G├╢ring (1879- 1945), greatly interested as he was in promoting psychotherapy, gave it an institutional base in the German Institute for Psychological Research and Psychotherapy (which in 1938 incorporated the Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute), even if he forbade his proteges to mention explicitly the Jewish contribution to Freudian psychoanalysis.

However, Nazism in Germany, like Marxism-Leninism in Russia, conspired against the beneficiaries of the liberal system, which included homosexuals as well as Jews and gypsies*. Legal reformers had by 1933 decriminalized homosexual acts between consenting adults in many European and most Latin American countries, beginning with the Constituent Assembly in France in 1791. Nazism inclined even more than Soviet Marxism (decriminalization in the penal codes of the RSFSR of 1922 and 1926 was reversed by Stalin) toward the assertion of certain traditional values and beliefs including the Judeo-Christian taboo on homosexuality and petty bourgeois as well as nationalistic antipathy toward it. Furthermore, the Nazi leaders - like other right-wing nationalists - were preoccupied with birth rates, in part because they foresaw extensive German colonization of Eastern European areas that they intended to annex. The most frequent theme in their official statements on homosexuality echoes one of the paradoxes of the "sodomy delu┬нsion," namely that homosexual practices are limited to a vanishing handful of degenerates, but so contagious and able to "spread like wildfire" among all strata of the population that if firm measures are not taken to halt the growing evil, the end result will be race suicide. Some of them even cherished this belief to the point of wishing to encourage homosexuality among inferior races as a way of promoting their biological death.

The pronounced homophobia of certain Nazi leaders may have stemmed from the reaction of the small-town petit bourgeois German or Austrian to the homosexual subculture of the large cities. The network of bars, cafes, bathhouses, rendezvous, meeting places for hustlers and their clients - and homosexual rights organizations - - flourished with a considerable degree of toleration from the sophisticated police authorities in the bohemian quarters of such metropolitan centers as Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, and Vienna. Berlin alone, in 1932, had some three hundred bars and cafes frequented primarily or exclusively by homosexuals or lesbians. At the same time the cities appalled the Nazi leaders by their steadily sinking birthrate - a consequence mainly of the economic burden that children represented to the urban population. The cities were for Nazi demographers a "deathtrap" for the Germans whom they attracted from the countryside. Hence in their twisted logic the homosexuality of the large cities was a major cause of the statistically indisputable fact of the loss of fertility and the excess of deaths over births. As far back as the eighteenth century the novelist Restif de la Bretonne (the predecessor of the Marquis de Sade in the pornographic genre) had composed an archetypal work entitled Le Paysan perverti on the fate of a country yokel falling victim to urban vice and depravity.*

The principal figures who determined or influenced Nazi policy in regard to homosexuals, apart from Hitler himself, were Heinrich Himmler (1900-1945), the Reich Leader SS; his protege Karl August Eckhardt (1901-1979), who after the war devoted himself to editing early Germanic legal texts; Rudolf Klare, who under the supervision of Erich Schwinge (1903- ) wrote a dissertation at the University of Halle in 1937 entitled Homosexualit├дt und Recht (Homosexuality and Law); and the Munich psychiatrist Oswald Bumke (1877-1950), who is falsely asserted to have treated Hitler in 1919 for the hysterical blindness resulting from his service at the front during World War I. On 15 October 1932 Bumke wrote a letter meant only for Hitler's eyes, urging him to remove from his entourage Ernst R├╢hm, the leader of the SA, because of R├╢hm's "corrupting influence" on German youth and assuring him that "homosexuality has in all ages been one of the most objectionable phenomena of degeneration that we encounter among the symptoms of a declining culture with great regularity."

The confused and illogical thinking of these homophobic policy-makers had certain common themes. In 1937 an article by Eckhardt in the SS newspaper Das Schwarze Korps mentioned that documents seized by the Nazis after they came to power named two million men involved in the homosexual organizations that had flourished under the Weimar Republic, but opined that a mere 2 percent - 40,000 - represented a "hard core" that was responsible for infecting the others. To identify this source of contagion and root it out of German life would be the task of the Nazi party. This approach differed from the Nazi rationale of the decision taken to kill Jews and gypsies during the war. For the Nazis Jews and gypsies were a race, and membership in the race was defined by ancestry; this, however, was a meaningless criterion when applied to homosexuals. The Nazis argued that they had to liquidate Jews and gypsies because these nomadic peoples were trespassing on the Lebensraum of other nations; this conception had, however, no relevance to homosexuals, inasmuch as the latter had never constituted an ethnic group distinct from the one from which they individually descended. So while the mass murder of Jews and gypsies was Nazi policy during the war, there is no evidence that the Nazi leadership ever contemplated or undertook a mass screening of the German male population in order to identify even "hard core" homosexuals for imprisonment or execution.

Several writers have highlighted Reich Leader Heinrich Himmler's "We cannot permit such a danger to the country. Homosexuals must be eliminated root and branch." But his F├╝hrer did not fully share Himmler's viewpoint. Although Hitler had condemned the raucously lascivious "pleasure lust and sexual obsession" of Weimar, which he had in part attributed to the deliberate engineering of moral decay by Jews, the enemy of v├╢lkish values and morals and "the hothouse of sexual imagery and stimulation" that was engulfing Germany, Hitler argued that the males involved in "gross types of deviate sexual activity" could not possibly be Germans but must be of Jewish extraction. He may have hated Berlin less for its "gross moral depravities" than for its fostering of pluralism, liberalism, and socialism. Besides, although advocating and attempting to instil hardness and even brutality in his followers, he [Hitler, china] did not denounce the blatant homosexual Ernst R├╢hm until forced to do so by Heinrich Himmler, the most fanatic homophobe, who worried that 2 million men - 10 percent of German males - would not reproduce because they were "contaminated by this frightful malignancy." Hitler was probably not "fundamentally and intrinsically antihomosexual," as Frank Rector alleged.

The motives for the revisions of Paragraph 175 were never consistently set forth; the commission that had prepared the so-called reform of the penal code had been unanimous in the view that the criminality of male homosexuality needed no discussion. The most common justification was the pro-natalist* argument that homosexuality diminished the German birth rate, which obsessed the German leaders who hoped to increase births to 1.5 million a year. The Nazi movement and the German judiciary were indifferent to lesbian activity; the official commentaries thus specified that Paragraph 175 could not be extended by analogy to women. [...]

Rudolf Klare provides the fullest treatment. Although he asserted that of ancient peoples the Jews alone had proscribed homosexual activity, Klare rejected "liberalistic" arguments for legal toleration. He concluded that the solution to the "homosexual problem" was the complete exclusion of homosexuals from society. Although Klare himself was ambivalent, constitutional* biologists in Nazi Germany *continued to voice in criminological journals the position that Magnus Hirschfeld had argued for 30 years, that is, that homosexuality was innate. Paradoxically, the prominent role of such Jewish figures as Hirschfeld and his collaborator Kurt Hiller (1885- 1972) linked the homosexual emancipation movement with the hated "Semitic influence" that the Nazis were determined to eradicate from German life. Ironically, German military courts imposed less severe sentences upon homosexual offenses during World War II than did American ones, less sophisticated and more confused as to what measures they should adopt."

http://www2.hu-berlin.de/sexology/BIB/H ... ocaust.htm (http://www2.hu-berlin.de/sexology/BIB/Homosexuality_and_the_Holocaust.htm)

"Homosexuality outside Germany (and incorporated Austria and other annexed territories) was not a subject generally addressed in Nazi ideology or policy; the concern focused on the impact of homosexuality on the strength and birthrate of the Aryan population. During the war years, 1939 to 1945, the Nazis did not generally instigate drives against homosexuality in German-occupied countries."


May 7th, 2011, 12:02
Wow amazing imagine them helping Gay teens in the West like this, all they want to do is push it under the carpet.

May 8th, 2011, 06:12
And here are some exclusive pictures from the camp.

PLEASE tell me the story behind those pix. Loved 'em.