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View Full Version : All those bar owners and those famous from the past

April 18th, 2011, 22:52
Having just spent a not so exciting 21 day stay in Pattaya, I have been reflecting on the many years gone by when leaving Pattaya meant tears at the airport.
Not so much nowt,in fact I was much glad to get home.
I was bored and that my friends was putting it bluntly.

Oh I know things change,bar owners change,but that sparkle has left it seems and I will not be in a hurry to come back.
I also couldn't help to notice that most gay men(which believe me there were not many) are all sitting by themselves at every table,making no effort to converse anymore to each other.
I noted several gentleman staying at the same hotel as myself went through their entire trip not speaking to anyone,whether by choice or not finding a friendly face that I am unaware.
I did attempt to speak to one gentleman out on the terrace,,my age 60's,I believe he was German,but with a flurry of his wrist waving my voice away I quickly stopped talking.
I did wonder why the gay farang has changed,become less friendly to each other,mind you even these newish bar owners were not up to the same ezxciting standard as those gone by.
Many use to introduce themselves,not these newer ones it seems,not even a sense of humour from some,thats even if they make an effort to talk to you.
I really do not know how the bars in Soonee and boyztown apart from a few,actually survive,I do feel personally the new young gays will also not like what I experienced and I am very very doubtful whether a gay scence will survive in Pattaya.

I miss the bar owners of days gone by,the 80's ,the 90's,even the 2000's,the community I use to sit with,the boys who in the past had that sparkle in their eyes,the funny jokes,the chit chat and the laughing,oh my I sat through pain and boredom my last 10 days.
Many many of you will not know the real fun times when every night going out was excitement.

I would like dedicate this thread to those in the days gone by who made all our trips enjoyable,not so much nowt and if anyone may have any updates on former bar owners or showboys,lively characters,please where are they now?
It seems the 2000's have seen a mass exodus of these characters through death,sickness,business sale,bankruptcy etc.

Let me start with Kevin Quill with Throb showbar and the wunderful swimming show they had,no need for updates on Kevin.
Robbie of Le Cafe Royale now deceased a wonderful wonderful man.
Do we have any information on others may it be?

April 18th, 2011, 23:20
My feelings are similar and older.
Before Throb the building was Cockpit Cabaret bar on the ground floor and Le Birtro 1 floor with Michael Burchall's (The owner) apartment on top.

A great scene in the street with many many small parties going - every terrace was full, CoCobanana was full, Olivers cafe was busy, boyz boyz was healthy all evening.

Each bar and club had a real presonality running it.

One thing thought, we were ripped off on prices....... 20 years ago a long drink was 80 baht on the terrace and 100 baht inside.
YES +20 years inflation makes them seem cheap now.

The other difference.....I had hair, well just a little :) and the lady on my left is still working the cabaret scene.


April 18th, 2011, 23:33
Michael was a wunderful man,even publishing a book I believe about Pattaya's gay heyday.
Of course Michael went on to own the Top Man go go,but I believe was sick and went back to the UK.
Do we have any word on him?

Oh really I cannot see the new Farang Gay generation arriving in Pattaya seeing any excitement to it.
I really cannot imagine the new younger gay farang wanting to go back to Pattaya,for what really.
I did speak to one young farang boy in his 30's and he did not enjoy it at all,booored out of his mind he said.
I cannot see that community spirit among us anymore and its disappearing.
Oh I will be back but may leave it a few years this time.

Where was the parties,the excitement,and many many other things that have gone.
I don't believe everyone still enjoys themselves,sorry gentleman but the number of gay visitors is down.

I actually had more fun sitting in my hotel room or out on the terrace calling gay romeo boys than stting in bars.
I was getting so bored I was ready to call the airline to cut my trip short.
I may go back to Pattaya possibly in 2012,however a shorter trip may be better,but then with Gay Romeo I can stay in any cheaper country so Pattaya has lost its gay sparkle.
Of course Im too old to run a bar but I damn sure I could do a better job than those bar owners who sit on their computers ignoring you playing computer games. :lam:and the boys playing with their phones,oh Lord take me back to the 90's.

April 19th, 2011, 00:50
Michael was a wunderful man,even publishing a book I believe about Pattaya's gay heyday.
Of course Michael went on to own the Top Man go go,but I believe was sick and went back to the UK.
Do we have any word on him?

He was vey sick while in Pattaya 4-5 years ago, he recovered , sold out and moved back.
He has returned as a tourist a couple of times.

I speak with Mike every couple of months when there is something to say.

I have a signed copy of the book, with a very small credit in it for the cover photograph.

Gay affairs pattaya 2008 (http://www.gayaffairspattaya.com/index/boyztown_1998_to_2008.htm)

Link to the December 2008 Thread (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/gay-thailand-f9/boyztown-1998-2008-autobiography-michael-burchall-t16787.html)


April 19th, 2011, 12:50
The late Ian had a rule that Ian Mc Knight [ day manager]and Robbie should be on the patio every day from 5pm "creating a crowd" and mixing with hotel guests and visitors. Whenever a fresh face arrived he was always welcomed. It was hands on managemnt with Big Ian, and he personally on deck as mine host from around 7 until close.

You never had that with Ambience and I doubt that even David carries on the tradition at CR. However when David owned My Life he and Terry did make every visitor to the bar welcome, and after David sold out Terry maintained the welcome.

So now there is a total lack of involvement from the owners, and you almost feel like an intruder when walking into the soi.

April 19th, 2011, 14:18
The late Ian had a rule that Ian Mc Knight [ day manager]and Robbie should be on the patio every day from 5pm "creating a crowd" and mixing with hotel guests and visitors. Whenever a fresh face arrived he was always welcomed. It was hands on managemnt with Big Ian, and he personally on deck as mine host from around 7 until close.

You never had that with Ambience and I doubt that even David carries on the tradition at CR. However when David owned My Life he and Terry did make every visitor to the bar welcome, and after David sold out Terry maintained the welcome.

So now there is a total lack of involvement from the owners, and you almost feel like an intruder when walking into the soi.


And what some don't realise is when you enjoy the job and make people welcome, the money comes in and looks after the business anyway (as a rule),even in quiet times,if you make the effort you will get your share of what's out there and more!

Of course, I do believe many resorts have taken a hammering with the economy,the way many board members are talking,it seems that the entire atmosphere has changed in Pattaya with the influx of a larger and different crowd and culture from Russia, the Baltic states and others.??

April 19th, 2011, 14:33
Casting my mind back a few years,whatever happened to that polite handsome young man who took over the management of the Ambience group when it was sold? I believe he spoke Thai and was possibly Swiss or near abouts? I think this was around the year 2007 ?

Please do not think it's only Boys town,it's Soonee plaza as well,you could count the customers on one hand,AND the majority of those customers were seated in the corner at the "green chair" bar for some unknown reason,all in single tables of course.

Took a walk into Soi Bookhow,and the bars there were crowded with customers,drinks advertised from 40 baht,so please do not think it's quiet everywhere,the gay crowd is dropping,the bars are boring,the entertainment is gone.

The "straight"areas are still doing a brisk business,possibly because they have new ideas,and are prepared to be competetive.

Sex is why we come,but even after a few days that loses its attraction,I prefer GR boys,not that they are anything to write home about,even "long term" is now a past service,it's now wham bam thankyou ma'am with many boys.Oh well,time's are a changin.

April 19th, 2011, 14:53

Sex is why we come,but even after a few days that loses its attraction,I prefer GR boys.


Gents I have logged on to this GR site about twice, I was not impressed so after all the hype etc from you guys and others, I have come to the conclusion that I MUST be looking in the wrong place or area when I looked on the previous couple of occasions. I saw a few foreigners, some of them Itlaian and other regions of Europe trying to sell themselves in Thailand, A few older Foreigners, who I took the view thought they might get out of paying the boy/bar and that was it apart from some Thais in Bangkok and Pattaya trying to sell themselves but NOT MANY!

Can somebody provide a link to where exactly I should be looking. I am honestly not chasing trade,I'd tell you if I was.. :laughing3: ...My sort don't go on GR anyway and I'm not that interested anymore to be truthful. I am however, very intrigued by this constant references to GR, and think I may have missed something??.. :dontknow:

April 19th, 2011, 14:58
I would like you Mr Quill to tell me why areas such as Soi Bookcow are doing a brisk trade and many straight areas are busy whilst the Pink Dollar has dropped.
Tell me would you as a enterpreuner go into the straight market because it certainly seems as though the enterpreuners have left the building within the gay market.
Even the Ambience hotel is forgetting about its former past gay clientele and welcoming the lager louts by advertising on expedia.

April 19th, 2011, 16:12
Owning a bar has often been seen as giving a Westerner who wishes to stay in Thailand the opportunity to do so. Most have no experience in running a bar in their own country nor in the hospitality industry generally and have no interest in learning how to be hospitable. The description of the two owners deciding to run the bar by working the crowd is how it should be done; most are interested merely in owning the bar, and pretty much leave running the bar to their Thai staff. For such people their bar is more of a hobby than a business, giving them the legitimate excuse they need to remain in the Kingdom - which is their only interest. As more Westerners have taken this route the standards of bars have continued to decline, thus giving customers no reason to return

April 19th, 2011, 16:22
Thonglor55 is correct.

The situation now is that a number of bars have what are basically absentee landlords (in part for the reasons Thonglor55 describes, and in part because these are individuals with too much money and too little interest) - and the day to day running is left to people who generally are interested in nothing more than the salary at the end of the week or month.

If you open a bar and you are remotely interested in it succeeding, the most basic requirement is that you have to BE THERE and BE PROFESSIONAL.
It's not rocket science.


April 19th, 2011, 17:25
Thonglor55 is correct.

The situation now is that a number of bars have what are basically absentee landlords (in part for the reasons Thonglor55 describes, and in part because these are individuals with too much money and too little interest) - and the day to day running is left to people who generally are interested in nothing more than the salary at the end of the week or month.

If you open a bar and you are remotely interested in it succeeding, the most basic requirement is that you have to BE THERE and BE PROFESSIONAL.
It's not rocket science.


I made some trips to thailand back in 1986 but did not visit again until I think 1995. This was about the time the internet took off (God...that makes me sound old) so I don't recall having much information about where to go. I think I had a Spartacus guide which described Boyztown. I went to Boyztown my first night and went into The Cafe Royale. The stout figured gent (rubenesque?) guy who owned it or managed it (Ian I think) spotted me called me over chatted me up, introduced me to a few people etc.. I check out of my hotel the next day and into The Cafe Royale. I was a loyal customer for several years and recommended the place to many a gay traveler going to thailand.

I started going to other places over the years but would still pop into The Cafe Royale out of loyalty or habit. I stopped going there a couple years ago.

You are right it aint rocket science. The place needs an owner manager to be more hands on. Its a shame really as the location seems to be ideal. IMHO.

April 19th, 2011, 17:54
Can I just clarify I wasn't talking specifically about LCR - Tom is there during the day and David is around at night, and although they are Managers rather than owners, both do take an interest.

There's another category of owner I forgot about: the kind that are in situ but who seem basically to be on an ego trip. This type swan around Boyztown all day and night to no obvious purpose, and are in and out of every other bar - perhaps more than they are in their own barS (that's a hint!). But for all this trolling around they hardly speak to any customers, preferring to converse with an extremely small clique and just "be seen".

Again, it illustrates the same problem - high prices with no corresponding effort to involve or engage the "punters". And as many have said, it wasn't always like that.


April 19th, 2011, 18:03
I need a stiff drink as I agree with scottish-guy and thonglor55. That is rare.

This thread and "Reviving Boyztown. What does it take" are both positives and we are talking about absentee owners, hobby owners and those with little or no hospitality experience.

The discussion about cheap drinks ignores the lack of interest, lack of financial need and lack of experience of running a business let alone a hotel/bar/BROTHEL.

Maybe we are getting to the truth of what is wrong and hopefully others with more experience will now contribute.

April 19th, 2011, 19:33
Having just spent a not so exciting 21 day stay in Pattaya....in fact I was much glad to get home.....I was bored and that my friends was putting it bluntly.....oh my I sat through pain and boredom my last 10 days.

Sorry tonyfromken64, I also have some of the same feelings about Pattaya, but why didn't you move on and had some other experiences?
There are so many nice and exiting places in Thailand.

I am never more than some few days in Pattaya, because I know I will also get bored too. Then it is "on the road" again, up north, maybe to CM, BKK or an island.

April 19th, 2011, 19:48
The other difference.....I had hair, well just a little :) and the lady on my left is still working the cabaret scene.
You look a bit like Klaus Maria Brandauer (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001970/) who played one of the Bond villains... evil man.

April 19th, 2011, 20:39
You look a bit like Klaus Maria Brandauer, who played one of the Bond villains... evil man.

No matter how I read this, the implication is that our esteemed moderator is evil ?????

April 19th, 2011, 21:40
Apologies to the OP for the slight derailment.

giving them the legitimate excuse they need to remain in the Kingdom -I personally know nothing about running a bar in Thailand and don't particularly want/need to, but since we have an expert here, the use of the word 'legitimate' do you mean legal? as in a legal right to remain in the kingdom just because you own a bar. Do all bar owners require a work permit?
f you open a bar and you are remotely interested in it succeeding, the most basic requirement is that you have to BE THERE and BE PROFESSIONAL.It's not rocket science.If you do not have a work permit, does that not mean you have to be very careful about being there and being professional? I have read of bar owners having big problems when caught 'hands on' in their bar if they don't have a work permit. If they are 'hands-on' management it's my understanding that if a Thai can do that work no work permit will be given to an 'alien'.As i say I don't know any of the technicalities regarding bar ownership and management in Thailand, I'm certainly willing to be 'educated' but preferably by those who actually know what they are talking about.
For such people their bar is more of a hobby than a business,
Thonglor55 is correct. The situation now is that a number of bars have what are basically absentee landlords (in part for the reasons Thonglor55 describes, and in part because these are individuals with too much money and too little interest) Two comments about this....one, at least the hobby is giving Thais experience and work/income. Two, if there were no owners like this it's clear that there would be even less bars in Pattayaland/Sunee shrinking the scene even further. I think having absentee owners is preferable to not having them at all. As i say at least it gives opportunities for Thais to have work as waiters, bar tenders, hosts or whatever.

Also running a bar itself is not 'rocket science' you don't NEED to be there,I suppose it is preferable, but there are many bars with very capable Thais managing them and hosts with personality attracting customers which have been running for years. If the Thai staff are honest, i don't see any reason for a bar not to be successful despite having absentee or hobbying owners. If somebody has a surplus of cash then a bar hobby would be an interesting way of keeping busy if you live full time in Thailand.
deciding to run the bar by working the crowd is how it should be done I don't go to bars to have owners 'work me' sometimes i feel its much better if the 'owners' keep out of the way. I'm there for drinks, relaxation and chatting with nice Thai staff, the last thing I want is some farang owner in the way.
But for all this trolling around they hardly speak to any customers, preferring to converse with an extremely small clique and just "be seen".Sounds ideal to me! I very much like going to Mikes La Cage, the owner is very affible and nice, but all i need from him is hello if he is there. The rest of the time is for enjoying the company of nice young attractive waiters/hosts, I can get my fill of farang bar owners/managers back in farangland.

April 20th, 2011, 06:43
I would like you Mr Quill to tell me why areas such as Soi Bookcow are doing a brisk trade and many straight areas are busy whilst the Pink Dollar has dropped.
Tell me would you as a enterpreuner go into the straight market because it certainly seems as though the enterpreuners have left the building within the gay market.
Even the Ambience hotel is forgetting about its former past gay clientele and welcoming the lager louts by advertising on expedia.


OK a bit of a trade off,you tell me where I should be looking on this GR and I'll try to answer your question.

I was and have been in the straight market in the UK and was successful in that area of trade. I have been in the hospitality/licensed trade for 30 years.

If it were me in Pattaya right now, I'd be off my backside and out looking at whichever bars were doing the business,gay and straight, and for what reasons.

I would then look and see if it could be adapted to the gay market, and then do two things, (1) Do it bigger and better than the place I had been to see OR (2) If I was unable to compete, such as not having a big enough venue, I would do it smaller and more select/classy.

I would be asking myself what were the main draws and attractions for people going to these places and I would be listening to my younger managers and staff who frequented these places and taking advice from them.

The above is common sense and not difficult, but you would be surprised at how many would sooner whinge about trade than do something proactive to encourage it.

I recall going in to a guesthouse in Pattaya where the owner was such an arse, he only wanted customers from England,Ireland,Scotland or Wales and set his stall out to discourage all others. He was also anti gay and a bigot to boot. He would then moan,groan and complain about lack of trade! He had already cut out 90% of potential customers with his policies and couldn't see it.

There are also the ones who think everything in the till is profit and then having nothing left for low season. There are those who drink all the profit themselves and the absentee landlords who are spending their cash in other bars whilst their ' loyal' staff are stealing theirs.

Pattaya, a great and easy way to lose your life savings with the temptations on offer and then, if that is not enough, there are the old hands of Pattaya,the con men waiting like vultures to steal from you as soon as your back is turned.

That's why a lot of these clowns don't last long and there are plenty of them in Pattaya

April 20th, 2011, 07:43
giving them the legitimate excuse they need to remain in the Kingdom -I personally know nothing about running a bar in Thailand and don't particularly want/need to, but since we have an expert here, the use of the word 'legitimate' do you mean legal? as in a legal right to remain in the kingdom just because you own a bar. Do all bar owners require a work permit? ... Also running a bar itself is not 'rocket science' you don't NEED to be there,I suppose it is preferable ...What a remarkably obtuse person you are, newalaan.

April 20th, 2011, 08:45
I know that Cafe Royale had work permits for the two Ians and Robbie, but there were legal requirements re the ownership of the company. By contast Monty never had a work permit and when certain people covetted the lease of the poolbar, he was arrested and thrown into the monkey house, for working without a permit.

With the exception of the hotels and larger venues, I gather all small bars and restaurants, farang owners are not permitted to do any form of work, even clearing tables, that a Thai can do. That is why you will see owners propped up against the bar or occupying a table strategically placed to observe what is going on.

In most cases few farang need to make a living from these places, they are more a hobby and often live on the premises. They need to be there to prevent being robbed blind.

April 20th, 2011, 15:23
The man that was hired several yes=ars back to run the Ambiance was named Michael and yes he was Swiss. I think it was his mother or father that died and he became a mess, ran back to assist the other and visited here I think onkly once after.

April 21st, 2011, 06:09
I would like you Mr Quill to tell me why areas such as Soi Bookcow are doing a brisk trade and many straight areas are busy whilst the Pink Dollar has dropped.
Tell me would you as a enterpreuner go into the straight market because it certainly seems as though the enterpreuners have left the building within the gay market.
Even the Ambience hotel is forgetting about its former past gay clientele and welcoming the lager louts by advertising on expedia.


OK a bit of a trade off,you tell me where I should be looking on this GR and I'll try to answer your question.

I was and have been in the straight market in the UK and was successful in that area of trade. I have been in the hospitality/licensed trade for 30 years.

If it were me in Pattaya right now, I'd be off my backside and out looking at whichever bars were doing the business,gay and straight, and for what reasons.

I would then look and see if it could be adapted to the gay market, and then do two things, (1) Do it bigger and better than the place I had been to see OR (2) If I was unable to compete, such as not having a big enough venue, I would do it smaller and more select/classy.

I would be asking myself what were the main draws and attractions for people going to these places and I would be listening to my younger managers and staff who frequented these places and taking advice from them.

The above is common sense and not difficult, but you would be surprised at how many would sooner whinge about trade than do something proactive to encourage it.

I recall going in to a guesthouse in Pattaya where the owner was such an arse, he only wanted customers from England,Ireland,Scotland or Wales and set his stall out to discourage all others. He was also anti gay and a bigot to boot. He would then moan,groan and complain about lack of trade! He had already cut out 90% of potential customers with his policies and couldn't see it.

There are also the ones who think everything in the till is profit and then having nothing left for low season. There are those who drink all the profit themselves and the absentee landlords who are spending their cash in other bars whilst their ' loyal' staff are stealing theirs.

Pattaya, a great and easy way to lose your life savings with the temptations on offer and then, if that is not enough, there are the old hands of Pattaya,the con men waiting like vultures to steal from you as soon as your back is turned.

That's why a lot of these clowns don't last long and there are plenty of them in Pattaya

Oh! how overwheming these expertise are, when i was running various establishments in Thailand, i was very successful, now look at you lot, not capable of running a piss up in a brewery! if your all so clever, why are you not all runnnig your own bars now? lets see about wahts come and gone in the last few years? shit loads, thats what, most run by people on here now, look at sunee, what a dump, most bars shut now, or up for sale, soi day night, yes sure kevin, your so clever, so why did your bar last about 3 months, and googie, where is here, dead? the place is dead soi 1 in boyz town empty, lots closed now, i think in 6 months it will look very different, but dave disco tonight really busy with thai's, seems they dont want or need our money any more?

April 21st, 2011, 06:20
I need a stiff drink as I agree with scottish-guy and thonglor55. That is rare.

This thread and "Reviving Boyztown. What does it take" are both positives and we are talking about absentee owners, hobby owners and those with little or no hospitality experience.

The discussion about cheap drinks ignores the lack of interest, lack of financial need and lack of experience of running a business let alone a hotel/bar/BROTHEL.

Maybe we are getting to the truth of what is wrong and hopefully others with more experience will now contribute.
Sorry, i don't get the point, if you dont like a place, dont go to it? is that rocket science? who gives a fuck? go to places that you like and you are confortable in ad then you dont have to write a load of crap onthese sites, but then again if you were happy, what the fuck would you do?????

April 21st, 2011, 06:32
Oh! how overwheming these expertise are, when i was running various establishments in Thailand, i was very successful, now look at you lot, not capable of running a piss up in a brewery! if your all so clever, why are you not all runnnig your own bars now? lets see about wahts come and gone in the last few years? shit loads, thats what, most run by people on here now, look at sunee, what a dump, most bars shut now, or up for sale, soi day night, yes sure kevin, your so clever, so why did your bar last about 3 months, and googie, where is here, dead? the place is dead soi 1 in boyz town empty, lots closed now, i think in 6 months it will look very different, but dave disco tonight really busy with thai's, seems they dont want or need our money any more?

Congratulations I am always impressed by a successful business owner. Maybe it is old age but I cannot recall you ever mentioning any of those places by name. Did you own or just manage them and are they all still in business and as profitable as when you were running them.

April 21st, 2011, 08:57
I'm just wondering if anyone knows what happened with the following managers/entrepreneurs:
- Billy; former manager of Amigo/Lion Beerbar and former owner of Boy E-san
- Kai; former owner of the Amigo imperium (Amigo a Go Go and Lion Beerbar were, where Don Plaza is located now)
- LouLou; former (or maybe still) owner of some bars on Sunnee; one of them Minou Beer bar
- The Swiss guy who owned Gentlemen Club in the Pattaya Land area
- Mark; the choreographer of the shows in T&S
- Mark from Crazy Dragon used to have a business partner; I think that they ran Sammy's together. What happened to this partner.

Just a few people I know/knew and just curious about their where abouts.

April 21st, 2011, 10:00
Mark's partner, Peter died a couple of years ago. Robert the man who owned The Thai Gentlemen's Club turned it into a beer bar and then gave up the ghost. I first met him in 2005 during my first visit to Pattaya. I talked to him about buying a bar here. He told me of all the problems he had to contend with (the police, his housekeeper stealing anything she can get her hands on etc.) and that his bar never made any money. Advioce I shall always be thankful for. He probably went back to Switzerland.

April 21st, 2011, 12:49
Does That mean I do not have to make John his breakfast this morning. :rolling:

April 21st, 2011, 12:53
I'm just wondering if anyone knows what happened with the following managers/entrepreneurs:
- Billy; former manager of Amigo/Lion Beerbar and former owner of Boy E-san
- Kai; former owner of the Amigo imperium (Amigo a Go Go and Lion Beerbar were, where Don Plaza is located now)
- LouLou; former (or maybe still) owner of some bars on Sunnee; one of them Minou Beer bar
- The Swiss guy who owned Gentlemen Club in the Pattaya Land area
- Mark; the choreographer of the shows in T&S
- Mark from Crazy Dragon used to have a business partner; I think that they ran Sammy's together. What happened to this partner.

Just a few people I know/knew and just curious about their where abouts.

Billy is fine and well living back at home in E-San spoke with him at New Year :happy7:

April 21st, 2011, 12:57
Mark's partner, Peter died a couple of years ago. Robert the man who owned The Thai Gentlemen's Club turned it into a beer bar and then gave up the ghost. I first met him in 2005 during my first visit to Pattaya. I talked to him about buying a bar here. He told me of all the problems he had to contend with (the police, his housekeeper stealing anything she can get her hands on etc.) and that his bar never made any money. Advioce I shall always be thankful for. He probably went back to Switzerland.


Robert actually owned the freehold on the Gentleman bar but wanted silly money for it, I don't know if he ever sold it on.

Peter as you say, died of heart attack in Sunnee, Mark from Throb/Splash is usually to be found in the nearest DELI filling his face in Pattaya these days and still lives over that way.

I've tried contacting Michael Burchall,former owner of Cockpit and Topman who is now in UK but have had no response from him on e mail or FB.

April 21st, 2011, 13:07
Oh! how overwheming these expertise are, when i was running various establishments in Thailand, i was very successful, now look at you lot, not capable of running a piss up in a brewery! if your all so clever, why are you not all runnnig your own bars now? lets see about wahts come and gone in the last few years? shit loads, thats what, most run by people on here now, look at sunee, what a dump, most bars shut now, or up for sale, soi day night, yes sure kevin, your so clever, so why did your bar last about 3 months, and googie, where is here, dead? the place is dead soi 1 in boyz town empty, lots closed now, i think in 6 months it will look very different, but dave disco tonight really busy with thai's, seems they dont want or need our money any more?

Congratulations I am always impressed by a successful business owner. Maybe it is old age but I cannot recall you ever mentioning any of those places by name. Did you own or just manage them and are they all still in business and as profitable as when you were running them.


devilsadvocate is attempting to be sarcastic implying that I have stated I know all there is to know and since I've left the place has gone to rack and ruin. It is something I have certainly not said and he is twisting the thread to suit him so he can manipulate and give justification to his ' having a go'

He needs to chill out,have a vodka and say ' Thanks for the Roubles guys and when is Vladimir Putin due in town? '..... :alc:

He knows very well why the bar closed on Soi day night and he also thinks it was bloody selfish of Googie to go and die. Well, what can I say, that's the Irish for you,just can't be trusted.

He's obviously finding life frustrating at the moment in Pattaya with the scene constantly changing,poor lad!

April 21st, 2011, 22:50

For those interested Michael Burchall is alive and kicking in the UK and hasn't e mailed me because he has been extremely pressed for time getting final fittings and alterations for his new bridesmaid dress for the wedding of William and Katy next week.

He is very busy and has no time to post on SGT as he is also doing the buffet after the wedding in the gardens of Buck House and all food will be provided by his new company specialising in outside functions called ' Meals on heels'

He remembers you all in his thoughts whilst he enjoys a gin and tonic in the grounds of his new abode making the most of the glorious heatwave the UK is having right now.

If anyone cares to line the route on April 29th, he will be waving a pink tinted union jack. :king:

April 22nd, 2011, 17:48
Sorry, i don't get the point, if you dont like a place, dont go to it? is that rocket science? who gives a fuck? go to places that you like and you are confortable in ad then you dont have to write a load of crap onthese sites, but then again if you were happy, what the fuck would you do?????

devilsadvocate is attempting to be sarcastic implying that I have stated I know all there is to know and since I've left the place has gone to rack and ruin. It is something I have certainly not said and he is twisting the thread to suit him so he can manipulate and give justification to his ' having a go'... He's obviously finding life frustrating at the moment in Pattaya with the scene constantly changing,poor lad!
Kquill, in case you didn't realise, Devilsadvocate is "let me tell u" reincarnated...

April 22nd, 2011, 19:36
Kquill, in case you didn't realise, Devilsadvocate is "let me tell u" reincarnated...


If that's so I am amazed, LMTU was always sweetness itself whenever he met me in Pattaya!.... :dontknow:

April 22nd, 2011, 19:59
Hi, If that's so I am amazed, LMTU was always sweetness itself whenever he met me in Pattaya!.... :dontknow:

Except of course when your back was turned!

April 23rd, 2011, 03:20
Hi, If that's so I am amazed, LMTU was always sweetness itself whenever he met me in Pattaya!.... :dontknow:

Except of course when your back was turned!


I sure wouldn't be amazed at all by that kind of mischief... :evil4:

April 23rd, 2011, 09:43
Kquill, in case you didn't realise, Devilsadvocate is "let me tell u" reincarnated...Any more PMs from homintern and his 33 alternate posting identities you'd care to share with us Beachcrest?

April 25th, 2011, 15:36
Having just spent a not so exciting 21 day stay in Pattaya,

I have never been able to understand the attraction of Pattaya. Bangkok has everything, different things in different areas.

April 30th, 2011, 05:00
Having just spent a not so exciting 21 day stay in Pattaya,

I have never been able to understand the attraction of Pattaya. Bangkok has everything, different things in different areas.


Beach??....... Sea breeze??.....less traffic???......easier to get around???....just a guess.

May 7th, 2011, 08:01
Did the same guy run the show at Birdcage and then later at the now defunct TopMan ago go bar,I recall his name being Mark?
I really loved the shows he put on.

May 7th, 2011, 12:09
Did the same guy run the show at Birdcage and then later at the now defunct TopMan ago go bar,I recall his name being Mark?
I really loved the shows he put on.


Yeah, that was him, short,balding and barrel shaped now usually found at any deli or restaurant with an ' all you can eat buffet! ' :laughing3: :laughing3:

commonly known as Marsha, in Pattaya, What the guy can do with a hamburger!

May 7th, 2011, 14:53
Great choreographer !!!!!!I enjoyed his show's but I think the location of the Birdcage was too far out away from everything "gay".
I realise they were aiming for the tourist market,namely the Chinese Tourists that use to come in by the busloads into the Day Night Hotel,but from my observations there are no buses parked outside the Hotel anymore.
Im not sure why they lost the Chinese market,I guess price?
Still I enjoyed the Birdcage.
Unfortanetely that area is virtually a ghost town at night and the current premises are still for lease as is the premises next door.

I do remember about 7 or so years ago this area (day night)had a hive of gay business's including the Funny Boy's Karaoke,Butterfly Karaoke,Googie's Cafe,Papa Davids Cafe,Lek's Boys,Red Baron Bar and a few others.

May 7th, 2011, 14:59
Great choreographer !!!!!!I enjoyed his show's but I think the location of the Birdcage was too far out away from everything "gay".
I realise they were aiming for the tourist market,namely the Chinese Tourists that use to come in by the busloads into the Day Night Hotel,but from my observations there are no buses parked outside the Hotel anymore.
Im not sure why they lost the Chinese market,I guess price?
Still I enjoyed the Birdcage.
Unfortanetely that area is virtually a ghost town at night and the current premises are still for lease as is the premises next door.


Yeah, and to be quite honest it may not have survived anyway with the massive global downturn and everything else that occurred.

I am sad to lose the money and investment but Que sera sera