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March 28th, 2011, 16:26
A quick note to tell you that we have updated our website today and we have posted more HOTT BOYS that can be found umonsgt our staff and go go boys!

Hope you enjoy!

March 28th, 2011, 16:32
A lot of tattoos???

March 28th, 2011, 16:45
A lot of tattoos???


I love tattoos,where is the link?? Mind you, I love the scruffs of Sunnee and shoe shiners,so I am no one to listen to. :laughing3: :laughing3:

Bucky why you not posted the link,I'm lazy! :laughing3: :laughing3:

March 28th, 2011, 17:19
Try clicking on the Logo :idea:

March 28th, 2011, 17:41
No photo of the one who looks like Stan Laurel*.

Very disappointed.


* I mean facially - not an insult (hope that's clear enough Unkie)

March 28th, 2011, 17:56
Very nice. Some very attractive guys, and I really like the photo styles. Much more flattering than the normal photos taken in the dark at the bar with a crappy camera that seems to be the norm.
Looking forward to seeing the new staff in the flesh...so to speak :sign5:

March 28th, 2011, 19:08
Im sorry. The website is www.happyplacebar.com (http://www.happyplacebar.com)
Scottish Guy....Stan was fired. This is the second time that his behavior was unacceptable to me. The first time he got offed by a customer and the customer paid for one night and then they both disappeared to Phuket for 2 weeks. he came back and we fined him 2,000 baht and he worked 2 nights and disappeared. He will not be allowed back with payment of ANY fine.

March 28th, 2011, 20:11
Like the website - it's modern, colourful and inviting - cant wait to be there again in about 3.5 weeks time - days counting........

March 28th, 2011, 21:24

What's not to like!

Good CLEAN looking bar,Good mix of good looking lads and variety. :sunny:

Also, the prices are supposed to be very competitive or better than most in the area for what they offer. :sunny:

Site shows the place to be moden and well cared for. :sunny:

It reminds me of the laid back and great atmosphere I used to like in FunnyBoys... :headbang:

That's the good stuff about it,and a place I would recommend for my old Hotel guests apart from Throb and Splash...............BUT.... I ALSO used to love the after hours of the scallywags of Holiday in Sunnee........there again,no accounting for taste,it's all in the mouth! :laughing3:

March 28th, 2011, 22:25
Very nice. Some very attractive guys, and I really like the photo styles. Much more flattering than the normal photos taken in the dark at the bar with a crappy camera that seems to be the norm.
Well done, Unkie for using a professional photographer... something most business owners don't bother doing (to their own detriment).

March 29th, 2011, 02:29
To Curious:
Some have tatoos and some do not. Many boys these days get tattoos. Not up to me. :love4:

March 29th, 2011, 03:47
Very nice. Some very attractive guys, and I really like the photo styles. Much more flattering than the normal photos taken in the dark at the bar with a crappy camera that seems to be the norm.
Well done, Unkie for using a professional photographer... something most business owners don't bother doing (to their own detriment).


Well,slap my laptop!!!!

I always did and for all the websites as well, and all publicity,and that was from the early 2000's :headbang:

Not bad for someone not up to date and living in the past, Beachy!.. :laughing3:

March 29th, 2011, 04:59
..and that was from the early 2000's

Not bad for someone not up to date and living in the past, Beachy!

You said it! Remember, 10 years ago Beachy was in Junior High and probably hadn't had his first wet dream.

Everything is realtive, Gramps.

March 29th, 2011, 06:16
Throb & Splash had one of the best websites. Wasnt that done by the late Brian (Boxer)?

March 29th, 2011, 06:18
..and that was from the early 2000's

Not bad for someone not up to date and living in the past, Beachy!

You said it! Remember, 10 years ago Beachy was in Junior High and probably hadn't had his first wet dream.

Everything is realtive, Gramps.


I know,48 years of age and on the scrapheap in this ' material world ' Isn't it terrible,what am I going to do! :dontknow:

I'd like to be a nun but heard its a bad habit.

March 29th, 2011, 08:06
A nicely done website.

Over the last four or so months, I've dropped into the bar half a dozen times.
It is comfortable inside, the service is OK, the go-go boys are more energetic than almost anywhere else while on stage, and the general atmosphere pleasant.
The selection of boys is certainly varied, some faces seen before in other bars. I have never seen a stunner (to my eyes) here, but have seen some who appeal, for sure.
I have always gone alone, and potentially have been looking for an 'off'.

But the number of ladies/Russians in the bar have always made me too uncomfortable to do so. Maybe that is just me.
As the ladies/Russians are encouraged to be present, I now look elsewhere where the bar feels a bit more 'gay for gays'.

March 29th, 2011, 09:30
But the number of ladies/Russians in the bar have always made me too uncomfortable to do so. Maybe that is just me. As the ladies/Russians are encouraged to be present, I now look elsewhere where the bar feels a bit more 'gay for gays'.As I've remarked before, when bar owners complain about boorish behaviour from Russian males, there is a simple answer - ban women.

March 29th, 2011, 15:10
....10 years ago Beachy was in Junior High and probably hadn't had his first wet dream.....

Well I'm approaching 100 (aren't we all) and I STILL haven't had a wet dream!!

Can't see the attraction myself.


March 29th, 2011, 15:58
Based on my last visit the photos on the website are pure unadulterated Pattaya. Most of those boys would have to pay me.

March 29th, 2011, 16:08
Based on my last visit the photos on the website are pure unadulterated Pattaya. Most of those boys would have to pay me.

Sydneyboy this could be exactly the kind of gimmick we are looking for:

Simply post a photo of yourself (make it a big one) and we will all declare EXACTLY how much we would be willing to pay you.

Go for it sexyboy - I for one can't wait!!

:occasion9: :occasion9:

March 29th, 2011, 16:29
We are on a Soi that has both men and women and I think usually there are no more than 6 Russians that will come in and visit us just to see a show at showtime, just like most of the bars in Boyztown. Unfortunately, there just are not enough gay customers to make any bar profitable let alone break even without a few extra patrons to see the show. That is why you see bar after bar closing. One or two customers in a bar.

On the other note Scottish, I would love to see this one get up on a stage in a bikini and take bids!! :sign5:

March 29th, 2011, 16:57
...On the other note Scottish, I would love to see this one get up on a stage in a bikini and take bids!! :sign5:

In the UK it is/was traditional to shout "GET 'EM OFF" at strippers but I fear in Syndeyboy's case, cries of "KEEP 'EM ON" might be heard

:laughing3: :laughing3:

March 29th, 2011, 19:52

Jesus, talk about being hit too many times with the ugly stick!

Imagine this thing hitting on you, and telling you how handsome you are? For his sake, I hope he gives absolutely amazing, out of this world blow jobs.

March 29th, 2011, 20:32
Ah... come on, Matt. I don't disagree with you but that's not very nice! The photo's from Unkie's website.

March 29th, 2011, 20:53
Judging by recent "boy" photos posted on SGT - the prostitution business is in rapid decline - it's apparently not the attraction to good-looking boys that it once was.

Either that or Punters are lowering their standards to an unfathomable degree and actually hiring the examples shown.

Either that or the amount of advertising by individual bars is in indirect proportion to the attractiveness of the staff on offer.

Which is it? Or all 3?

:occasion9: :occasion9:

March 29th, 2011, 20:57
The picture that someone posted above, which is off our website is of a DOORMAN. Thank you. Not a go go boy.

March 29th, 2011, 21:22
The picture that someone posted above, which is off our website is of a DOORMAN. Thank you. Not a go go boy.

Yes, but the Doorman is for hire isn't he?


March 29th, 2011, 21:31
Sure he is, everyone is available except Mwa. :sign5: And that was not a good pic for the webmaster to pic but there are a few others on the site of that boy and while I admit, he aint the prettiest of all, he is a nice sweet doorman.

March 29th, 2011, 21:52
Judging by recent "boy" photos posted on SGT - the prostitution business is in rapid decline - it's apparently not the attraction to good-looking boys that it once was.

I think it's a range of things.

1.) Lower number of tourists, and instead, just expats who live in Pattaya off a pension, and try to weasel a couple hundred baft off the boy's tip. Gone are the days where loads of tourists would show up for the 2 week a year vacation, looking for the time of their lives, and willing to pay for it.

2.) Although the red shirts won't tell you this, Issan economy is in steady incline, so the need to prostitute yourself isn't as great anymore.

3.) The perception of Pattaya and farangs has declined. Before, Thais up in Issan would think it's somewhat of a magical place where East meets West, and dreams are born. Now, it's just seen as a filthy whorehouse.

4.) The internet. Why bother going all the way to Pattaya, when you can easily hope on Camfrog or GayRomeo, and find good paying farangs 30 mins from your home village?

And loads of other reasons.

March 30th, 2011, 20:32
perception of Pattaya and farangs has declined. Before, Thais up in Issan would think it's somewhat of a magical place where East meets West, and dreams are born. Now, it's just seen as a filthy whorehouse.
Heh... That might impact supply.