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View Full Version : People Against Democracy fined for airport closure

March 25th, 2011, 13:52
A civil court in Bangkok (http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/local/228591/pad-ordered-to-pay-b522m-to-aot) has found 13 leaders of the People Against Democracy (PAD) movement (the Yellow Shirts) liable for the closure of Bangkok Airport and ordered them to pay the AoT Bt522 million in compensation for airport closure with 7.5% interest per year.

March 25th, 2011, 19:54
mmmm no one has made a comment yet... GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yellow or Red, they have both brought down the country and have use "patriotism" or "democracy" as their facade. :laughing3:

Thai Dyed
March 25th, 2011, 20:59
they have both brought down the country and have use "patriotism" or "democracy" as their facade.

Are you sure you are not talking about American politics? That's all I hear the Yanks talk about, "patriotism", "democracy" as well as their "constitutional rights" to carry guns, and "religious freedom" which in America means fundamentalist Christianity exclusively. Then also, the right to go having bombing raids in any country that doesn't obey their orders: Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, now Libya, not to mention dozens of clandestine wars being fought by the CIA and its "black forces" all over the globe.

Wow! Thailand all of a sudden seems like paradise!

March 25th, 2011, 23:43
they have both brought down the country and have use "patriotism" or "democracy" as their facade.

Are you sure you are not talking about American politics? That's all I hear the Yanks talk about, "patriotism", "democracy" as well as their "constitutional rights" to carry guns, and "religious freedom" which in America means fundamentalist Christianity exclusively. Then also, the right to go having bombing raids in any country that doesn't obey their orders: Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, now Libya, not to mention dozens of clandestine wars being fought by the CIA and its "black forces" all over the globe.

Wow! Thailand all of a sudden seems like paradise!


Whilst I am in agreement on the fact that I am against those in power in the USA exporting their 'version' of democracy around the World,assisted by their British lapdog prime ministers,I can't honestly say it makes Thailand 'paradise'....The place is still rotten to the core with corruption.

Was thonglor55 making a deliberate gaff or am I mistaken,I thought the yellowshirts,of whom I am vehemently opposed,called their party the Peoples Alliance for Democracy,which is a contradiction in terms when you look at their behaviour! :dontknow:

March 26th, 2011, 00:11
While I agree that sometimes America gets a bit carried away at being the worlds Policeman, it is always the first to be called upon when the majorit of other countries has a catastrphe and needs money. When you talk about Iraq, I could not agree with you more but when you talk about some of these other countries, the people are struggling to rid themselves of horrible dictators and oppression. They call for assistance with the US because they know that they can count on thier assistance to help them for a democracy. If you dont live in USA, then you cannot really grasp what you are talking about as far as rights and democracy. Dont get me wrong, you do have rights and democracy also but we have a different standard. Be easy on us and next time you need help, think about what you said and who you can count on when someone blows up a bomb in your contry. Its the experts in USA that people call upon to assist them in getting to the bottom of it. When other countries have earthquakes and floods, its the money from the good people of the USA that helps you rebuild.
Love you too!


But seriously now getting back to the POST TOPIC, good luck getting that judgement collected!

March 26th, 2011, 01:18
If you dont live in USA, then you cannot really grasp what you are talking about as far as rights and democracy

You're a fucken idiot... I'm sorry, but I don't know how else to respond to such stupidity. Yes, the USA two-party system, which for all intents and purposes is a one-party system controlled by corporations and the military industrial complex, is an absolute shining example of democracy that all countries should strive for.

You betcha!

Worst part is, many Americans are so blinded by the patriotic bullshit that's shoved down their throats from the time they're born, they actually believe this. All the while, the US is currently almost as close to a police state as you can get.

March 26th, 2011, 01:32

I am fairly confident Britain can grasp all concepts of freedoms and democratic rule! :hello2:

I am not USA bashing and Britain is also one of the biggest givers for Foreign aid, comparable with its size and GDP,something which infuriates the British public,when we are giving aid to Countries such as India,which has its own space programme. At the same time,massive cuts to UK services.

Britain is an Island and has for far too long been 'punching above its weight' and its commitments to World problems,whilst so many of the larger powers and EU states are not interested,and sit idly by. It always seens to be USA and UK getting involved in EVERYTHING. This also creates dangers and resentment for its citizens around the World.

Let the Middle east get involved and send in troops and munitions,No,because they are too busy putting down democratic protests in their own Countries which seems,on the face of it,to be getting ignored by USA and UK such as Yemen,Bahrain,Syria, Saudi Arabia,etc.

We don't see the Italians,Germans and many other EU countries rushing to help in NATO causes. :dontknow: :dontknow:

The Thai situation,getting back on topic was a fiasco,also largely ignored by the West whilst farmers were killed on the streets of Bangkok. A bloody disgrace,but no oil in Thailand!

March 26th, 2011, 02:30
If you dont live in USA, then you cannot really grasp what you are talking about as far as rights and democracy

You're a fucken idiot... I'm sorry, but I don't know how else to respond to such stupidity. Yes, the USA two-party system, which for all intents and purposes is a one-party system controlled by corporations and the military industrial complex, is an absolute shining example of democracy that all countries should strive for.

You betcha!

Worst part is, many Americans are so blinded by the patriotic bullshit that's shoved down their throats from the time they're born, they actually believe this. All the while, the US is currently almost as close to a police state as you can get.
Oh my god....
There really is stupid Americans not only in America but they also export them to Thailand.


March 26th, 2011, 04:00
Was thonglor55 making a deliberate gaff or am I mistaken,I thought the yellowshirts,of whom I am vehemently opposed,called their party the Peoples Alliance for Democracy,which is a contradiction in terms when you look at their behaviour!At least someone is awake out there! I've always believed my rendering of their acronym is the more accurate one. The usual left-wing, anti-American suspects on this Forum are themselves guilty of the same hubris as the PAD - "we know that other people are unworthy of democracy".

March 26th, 2011, 07:21
You're a fucken idiot... I'm sorry, but I don't know how else to respond to such stupidity..

Now we don't want any confusion here at all, feel free Cdmatt to say exactly what you think,without holding anything back!

Never mind justme's feelings,he can take it! :laughing3: :laughing3:

March 26th, 2011, 07:40
Yes, the USA two-party system, which for all intents and purposes is a one-party system
The famous bipartisanship: 1 party + 1 party = 1 party => 0 declaration of war.

Britain is an Island and has for far too long been 'punching above its weight' and its commitments to World problems,whilst so many of the larger powers and EU states are not interested,and sit idly by.
Again, a fine example of the benevolent master race in action.

March 26th, 2011, 09:47
Well you can think badly about Americans all you want and call us stupid, and maybe sometimes we are BUT the point is that the American people DO have thier hearts in the right place. I said before and I say again, they shell out billions of dollars when everyone else calls on them for aid. Maybe we are stupid for that and I for one, do think that we should take care of our own before we go around the world worrying about everyone elses difficulties. But then again, we are human and we do believe on helping other people in need.
The policemaen of the world? Yes. our government gets too carried away inflicting our views on others. Maybe our government doesnt want another Nazi type situation in the world, to get out of hand. Who knows. It aint a perfect system. Oh well.

And CDmatt and Giggsy, while sometimes YOU may be naieve, I dont think I would disrespect you in an intelligent conversation and stoop low and call you a "fucking idiot". Yes, we have some people who just dont know because they are uneducated and dont give a damn, but I think we can find some "chimney sweep" people in your country as well.

Thai Dyed
March 26th, 2011, 12:10
If you dont live in USA, then you cannot really grasp what you are talking about as far as rights and democracy

You're a fucken idiot... I'm sorry, but I don't know how else to respond to such stupidity. Yes, the USA two-party system, which for all intents and purposes is a one-party system controlled by corporations and the military industrial complex, is an absolute shining example of democracy that all countries should strive for.

You betcha!

Worst part is, many Americans are so blinded by the patriotic bullshit that's shoved down their throats from the time they're born, they actually believe this. All the while, the US is currently almost as close to a police state as you can get.

Wow! Spot on Matt! This observation makes me reconsider all the other things I have taken exception to in your comments. I have totally missed this side of you and now regret that I have been, at times, so hard on you. Cheers!

March 26th, 2011, 14:20

We have a new coalition in England now with two like minded leaders..............................

March 26th, 2011, 16:36
And CDmatt and Giggsy, while sometimes YOU may be naieve, I dont think I would disrespect you in an intelligent conversation and stoop low and call you a "fucking idiot".

You're the one who said unless you live in the USA, you can't understand the concept of democracy and freedom. Do you actually believe that? The USA is #1 at bombing the shit out of brown people, and I'll give you that. They can do that better than any country, hands down. That's about it though. Just look at the UN HDI, or hell, even the US prison population will tell you it's hardly a freedom loving country.

the point is that the American people DO have thier hearts in the right place

That's debatable, and tells me you don't know much about the history of your own country. Don't get me wrong, loads of Americans are great people, and do genuinely want to help. There's also loads of Americans who love to puff out their chest, while yelling, "fucken sand niggers! kill 'em all!".

they shell out billions of dollars when everyone else calls on them for aid

You do know that "help" from the US generally comes at a hefty price, right?

Well you can think badly about Americans all you want and call us stupid

I don't think badly about Americans at all. I just don't like Americans who strut around saying the USA is #1, when they obviously have no idea what they're talking about. Especially when they do it while out of country. That's the worst. Sitting in some small bar in Bali for example, listening to some asshole droan on to the poor 19yo bartender about how awesome the USA is, and how imperfect Indonesia is. People like that I can't stand.

March 26th, 2011, 17:12
Well you can think badly about Americans all you want and call us stupid, and maybe sometimes we are BUT the point is that the American people DO have thier hearts in the right place. I said before and I say again, they shell out billions of dollars when everyone else calls on them for aid.

Sorry ... but on a per capita basis, Americans are amongst the stingiest of all western countries ... while at the same time believing that the US government has a much greater foreign aid budget than it does. While there is a difference between private and public donations, America's total contribution is large because of its large population. Per head of population, it fares badly in comparison to other nations. It also fares badly as a proportion of GNP.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mo ... _countries (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_charitable_countries)

The WorldтАЩs Most Generous Misers

As a local example ...

2005 Boxing Day Tsunami Donations
Following the Boxing Day Tsunami (26 December 2004), private donations made to the tsunami appeal in the first 15 days were ranked by the UK Guardian newspaper in ┬г per head of population:
Norway - ┬г7.06
Sweden - ┬г6.44
Netherlands - ┬г4.90
Australia - ┬г2.80
Germany - ┬г2.77
Saudi Arabia - ┬г2.14
Canada - ┬г1.99
Austria - ┬г1.67
Britain - ┬г1.65
Greece - ┬г1.11
United States - 58p
France - 43p
Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2005/ja ... velopment2 (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2005/jan/16/tsunami2004.internationalaidanddevelopment2)

March 26th, 2011, 17:14
Well CDMatt, I was not sitting in a bar in Indonesia mouthing that USA was #1, nor for that matter did I even say that the USA was #1, I was not stating Indonesia or for that matter, anywhere was imperfect as opposed to the USA. As a matter of fact, I wasnt even speaking to you or responding to any of your comments. I did not call you a "fucking idiot" but now I do think you have a problem maybe with Americans and everytime you are confronted with one as you certainly do seem to take it personally. as for puffing up my chest when I give money to worthy causes, I certainly do not, but what I do not appreciate is when I do give a "considerable amount" to worthy causes, people are quick to jusmp up and attempt to show that our funds are unappreciated. Makes me think three times, next time I am asked to contribute and maybe we can go down to "the stingiest" and let you take it all over.

What I was responding to and took offense at was this post:

Are you sure you are not talking about American politics? That's all I hear the Yanks talk about, "patriotism", "democracy" as well as their "constitutional rights" to carry guns, and "religious freedom" which in America means fundamentalist Christianity exclusively. Then also, the right to go having bombing raids in any country that doesn't obey their orders: Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, now Libya, not to mention dozens of clandestine wars being fought by the CIA and its "black forces" all over the globe.

March 26th, 2011, 17:53
Just two things come to mind when I hear someone say America:

Democracy: Guant├бnamo Bay. Rendition to various countries for torture before being locked up indefinitely without any hope of being put on public trial.

Human Rights: Death sentence by lethal injection, electric chair etc.. carried out with blood relatives of victims family being allowed to watch.

I could list a few more, but feel like throwing up already...

March 26th, 2011, 18:41
Well Combat, I said that our government is not perfect and I have very little say when it comes to these things. I do't believe in Guantanamo Bay and I don't believe in the death penalty. So don't lump us all together and don't think that everyone thinks the same way. Nuff said.

March 27th, 2011, 00:42
Just two things come to mind when I hear someone say America:

Democracy: Guant├бnamo Bay. Rendition to various countries for torture before being locked up indefinitely without any hope of being put on public trial.

Human Rights: Death sentence by lethal injection, electric chair etc.. carried out with blood relatives of victims family being allowed to watch.

I could list a few more, but feel like throwing up already...

... and I am getting a hard-on :rolling:

People are different in so many ways ... celebrate human diversity :thebirdman:

March 27th, 2011, 22:39
mmmm no one has made a comment yet... GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yellow or Red, they have both brought down the country and have use "patriotism" or "democracy" as their facade. :laughing3:
Agree! Just a shame they haven't been as hard on the PAD as they were on the Red Shirt leaders. This latest ruling, holding them financially accountable is a positive step, but I'm skeptical if it'll be followed through.

As far as America goes... It's far from perfect (no country is) but if you set aside its enormous flaws and how f*cked up some of its people are, you still see a country, which has achieved enormous things and played a large role in making the world what it is today, influencing the world away from communism and delivering some of the greatest technological and economic break throughs, which are used throughout the world today.

I wonder what kind of criticism we might level at America if Russia had become the dominant power in the world or if things had turned out completely different.

March 28th, 2011, 00:22
Somebody should also sue the red shirts leaders in civil court for lost income, cost of burning down buldings in may and other expenses for cleaning up the city.