View Full Version : omg ANOTHER 1.. TSUNAMI

March 11th, 2011, 18:10
Tsunami Hits Japan After 8.9 Megaquake

A 33ft tsunami kills at least 44 people across Japan's northeastern coast after the country's biggest earthquake on record.
The 8.9 magnitude megaquake caused a huge wave that hit the port of Sendai city, sending ships crashing into the shore and carrying cars and buildings through streets.

News agencies report a ship carrying around 100 was swept away by the tsunami.

The quake also rocked the capital, Tokyo, which was among the cities shaken by at least 19 subsequent aftershocks.

Mass evacuations are taking place after tsunami warnings were issued for the entire Pacific basin.

March 13th, 2011, 05:24
One town, Minamisanriku has been completely wiped out except for a few buildings and the lastest reports coming in say 10,000 people from that town alone are still unaccountable for. As the days go on the death toll and distruction are becoming mind boggling.

March 13th, 2011, 16:39
And now a nuclear meltdown looks likely. Fucking great icing on the shit sandwich that the great nation of Japan is being served right now. Whole cities being washed into the sea. It's a goddamned Apocalypse. I think the death toll will be much higher than from the 2004 Tsunami. Maybe in the Millions. The coast of the Indian Ocean is all beach towns. The East coast of Japan is one huge Megalopolis. One of the most densely populated places in the world. Humanity has lost a lot of souls this weekend. :sad11:

March 14th, 2011, 09:26
And now a nuclear meltdown looks likely. Fucking great icing on the shit sandwich that the great nation of Japan is being served right now. Whole cities being washed into the sea. It's a goddamned Apocalypse. I think the death toll will be much higher than from the 2004 Tsunami. Maybe in the Millions. Get a grip Spike. You're behaving like Chicken Little.

March 15th, 2011, 21:22
Got to feel sorry for the workers doing the dirty work trying to contain the nuclear reactors right now... I hope there's nothing like that movie K19 where workers exposed themselves to lethal doses of radiation to do what they had to do to prevent a meltdown.

March 16th, 2011, 05:48
And now a nuclear meltdown looks likely. Fucking great icing on the shit sandwich that the great nation of Japan is being served right now. Whole cities being washed into the sea. It's a goddamned Apocalypse. I think the death toll will be much higher than from the 2004 Tsunami. Maybe in the Millions. Get a grip Spike. You're behaving like Chicken Little.

I'm sure the Japanese will come through ... after all the Chinese people of Nanking did after 1937:

On December 9, Japanese troops launched a massive attack upon the city of Nanking. On the 12th, the defending Chinese troops decided to retreat to the other side of the Yangtze River. On December 13, the 6th and 16th Divisions of the Japanese Army entered the city' s Zhongshan and Pacific Gates. In the afternoon, two Japanese Navy fleets arrived. In the following six weeks, the occupying forces engaged in an orgy of looting and mass execution which came to be known as the Nanking Massacre. Most experts agree that at least 300,000 Chinese died, and 20,000 women were raped. Some estimate the numbers to be much higher - 340,000 and 80,000 respectively.


March 16th, 2011, 09:28
And now a nuclear meltdown looks likely. Fucking great icing on the shit sandwich that the great nation of Japan is being served right now. Whole cities being washed into the sea. It's a goddamned Apocalypse. I think the death toll will be much higher than from the 2004 Tsunami. Maybe in the Millions. тАЛWhat do we know less than one week on? Without trivialising the events, the total number of dead is around 10% of the 2004 tsunami and around 10% of the Haiti earthquake (which seems to have dropped off everyone's radar). That's still a big number, but let's compare it to, say, annual road deaths in my home country, America. The latest reported figure there is 33,808. The area impacted accounts for around 2% of Japan's GDP

Then we have the nuclear fallout question. I'm told that a poster in this Board, Aunty, who has claimed to be a scientist (and is well known as a racist), has been running around on another Board in Chicken Little fashion (it's catching) screaming on the first day "What's happening to our planet?" and when the very first explosion occurred at the nuclear power plant "It's another Chernobyl". Only today after many more explosions has this event come close to being described as a Chernobyl event by scientists, and all the knowledgeable talking heads in the mass media (ie. real scientists) have been discounting the risks to the population at large. Here's one of them (today)
The risk in Tokyo, and most other centres outside the 20-kilometre exclusion zone, remains very low at this stage. Radiation levels about 30 times the normal background level were detected yesterday morning and last night, as a plume of slightly contaminated air was carried away from the Fukushima plant by the wind. But this is nowhere near enough to cause health problems - it would not be noticed by most people unless they were exposed for a very long time.However after both recent earthquakes scientists have been warning that the real "big" earthquakes are yet to come - Tokyo itself, San Francisco and Wellington in New Zealand are all due, or overdue, earthquakes whose predecessors have completely destroyed those cities

March 16th, 2011, 14:46
Without trivialising the events

A few days ago you thought it was worth making a few of your infantile jokes about the events, now you are comparing one disaster against another. What difference does it make the loss of life on any scale is devastating?

March 16th, 2011, 15:28
A few days ago you thought it was worth making a few of your infantile jokes about the events, now you are comparing one disaster against another. What difference does it make the loss of life on any scale is devastating?As Horace Walpole remarked in his correspondence "I have often said, and oftener think, that this world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel." You are clearly a feeler, combat - something to which I'm sure many a Pattaya prostitute can attest. To rephrase your question - What difference does the scale of any loss of life make? The jokes about the Challenger astronauts or Princess Diana started within minutes of their deaths, and the world is not a worse off place. The British comedienne, Jennifer Saunders, is famous for referring to the events in New York in 2001 as "7/11". Because tens of thousands died, rather than a handful of individuals, then humor should be banned, is that your thesis? Or can people only be humorous when they are also being tasteful? Or it's okay but after a "decent" period of time, when events are not so immediate? Arguably all jokes are infantile, and the best ones completely tasteless. Perhaps you would like to ban jokes altogether? That is a rhetorical question, the answer is obvious. Do stop pursing those spinsterish lips of yours, it doesn't make you any more attractive.

And, needless to say, you have missed the point of my post completely so as to rush into some thonglor55 bashing. I was not comparing events for the sake of it, but pointing out that the Chicken Littles of this Board (and elsewhere) are completely lacking any sense of perspective or proportion. That is a point I don't expect that you and your fellow cyber-bullying three stooges can possibly appreciate.

March 16th, 2011, 15:59
And, needless to say, you have missed the point

I didn't miss any point, and to accuse someone else of cyber bullying is farcical to say the least. You started making childish jokes as soon as the unimaginable events happened in Japan which to me sums up that you are 'someone' (sic) without any moral codes.

March 16th, 2011, 16:12
You started making childish jokes as soon as the unimaginable events happened in Japan which to me sums up that you are 'someone' (sic) without any moral codes.And your point? Your opinion of me is nothing new, either to me or to anyone else on the Board. You are simply wasting Spike's bandwidth with this pointless bullying.

March 16th, 2011, 19:25
without any moral codes.

Another self appointed moral arbiter. In reality though a holier than thou, humorless, bully.

March 17th, 2011, 06:39
talking heads in the mass media (ie. real scientists) have been discounting the risks to the population at large. Here's one of them (today)
The risk in Tokyo, and most other centres outside the 20-kilometre exclusion zone, remains very low at this stage. Radiation levels about 30 times the normal background level were detected yesterday morning and last night, as a plume of slightly contaminated air was carried away from the Fukushima plant by the wind. But this is nowhere near enough to cause health problems - it would not be noticed by most people unless they were exposed for a very long time.

Are these the same real scientists in the Mass Media who said the air was safe to breathe in Manhattan after 9/11? 30 times normal levels of radiation? That is supposed to ease people's fears? How would you feel if it was 30 times the normal radiation level in Bangkok? or LA? I am not reassured.

What do we know less than one week on? Without trivialising the events, the total number of dead is around 10% of the 2004 tsunami and around 10% of the Haiti earthquake (which seems to have dropped off everyone's radar). That's still a big number, but let's compare it to, say, annual road deaths in my home country, America. The latest reported figure there is 33,808. The area impacted accounts for around 2% of Japan's GDP

I'm pretty sure just from memory that the official death toll from the '04 Tsunami was pretty low at first ( five digits even over a week in) and then it climbed over a few months to something like a quarter of a Million. They haven't even started to dig out the rubble from this yet.

I really, really hope I'm wrong, but I think when all the dead are counted this will be one of the worst disasters in recorded history.

March 17th, 2011, 13:31
I'm pretty sure just from memory that the official death toll from the '04 Tsunami was pretty low at first ( five digits even over a week in) and then it climbed over a few months to something like a quarter of a Million. They haven't even started to dig out the rubble from this yet.Wrong. The figure for the toll could be (and was) reliably estimated within 24 hours
I really, really hope I'm wrong, but I think when all the dead are counted this will be one of the worst disasters in recorded history.You are wrong and we already know you are wrong. The number of people dead and missing is somewhat less than the figure I gave for annual road deaths in the US. That dead and missing figure is the worst-case scenario.

As for your 9/11 comments, you fail to distinguish between how safe people feel and how safe people are. I am more interested in objective statements than subjective feelings, although I know that for most people perception is reality (hullo combat). Fortunately I am not now nor never have been most people. It's one of the advantages that growing up gay has given me - a different outlook on life, secure in the knowledge that if most people think that homosexuals are depraved perverts then it is clear that most people are deluded fools (hullo combat), and that if some form of sexual behaviour between consenting persons is illegal then clearly the law is an ass. As a corollary, complying with the law - any law - is an option not an obligation. It is a philosophy that has stood me in good stead all my life.

March 17th, 2011, 18:06
And, needless to say, you have missed the point

I didn't miss any point, and to accuse someone else of cyber bullying is farcical to say the least. You started making childish jokes as soon as the unimaginable events happened in Japan which to me sums up that you are 'someone' (sic) without any moral codes.
You hear that, Combat? You've been called a "cyber bully" and an "ESL teacher" by two people in the same week.

Of course the first dickhead is a sad fuck loser with dozens of handles he uses to attack people on this board and the second is an outright proven liar and fraud so why would a respectable guy like you care what they say?

March 17th, 2011, 18:33
You hear that, Combat? You've been called a "cyber bully" and an "ESL teacher" by two people in the same week.

I can't sleep at night worrying about the next tirade from him. He only digs himself in deeper and deeper with every post. Saying the numbers killed in Japans disaster only equate to the numbers killed on the roads is just idiocy. Forget Japan 9/11 was nothing either according to his logic as the numbers killed in that mind blowing evil attack didn't even come near to those killed on the roads in the States so why all the fuss?

March 17th, 2011, 19:10
The worst thing is there will probably be entire families wiped out or wiped out except for one or two members. I spoke to one of the guys who did victim identification in Thailand after the Boxing Day Tsunami and he said one of the saddest things he saw was the same Mother coming back to them four times to collect the bodies of each of her four four children each time they identified one. She had to make the long journey from home four separate times over the period of a few months because that was how long it took to get through identifying the thousands of bodies...

March 18th, 2011, 03:47
I can't sleep at night worrying about the next tirade from him. He only digs himself in deeper and deeper with every post. Saying the numbers killed in Japans disaster only equate to the numbers killed on the roads is just idiocy. Forget Japan 9/11 was nothing either according to his logic as the numbers killed in that mind blowing evil attack didn't even come near to those killed on the roads in the States so why all the fuss?There's a phrase about arguments having legs (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:fU0VJ3ZPzQ4J:www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/posting-guidelines-and-discussion-f11/using-facebook-contol-trolls-t20805.html+Beachlover+legs+homintern+neck+meeja). Your arguments don't have legs, combat.

March 18th, 2011, 05:32
There's a phrase about arguments having legs. Your arguments don't have legs, combat.

Legs, now they are something that you would know all about being such a creepy lowlife having more than two.

BTW lowlife over 100,000 kids without a home (lastest count still rising) equates to one hell of a yearly road accident toll, but of course having to grow up gay as you put it gave you a 'different' outlook on life so you find no requirement to show any compassion about anyone or anything!

March 18th, 2011, 09:33
There's a phrase about arguments having legs. Your arguments don't have legs, combat.Legs, now they are something that you would know all about being such a creepy lowlife having more than two.I'm not sure that I can go as far as homintern who not only had two of his own but often had www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/posting-guidelines-and-discussion-f11/using-facebook-contol-trolls-t20805.html+Beachlover+legs+homintern+neck+meeja]another (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:fU0VJ3ZPzQ4J:[url) two draped around his neck[/url].

March 19th, 2011, 09:40
There's a phrase about arguments having legs. Your arguments don't have legs, combat.you would know all about being such a creepy lowlife
LOL. Would you look at that, Combat.

Surfcrest's new best mate, Thonglor55 (AKA homintern) is talking to himself again. He posts with one handle (meeja), then replies to himself using other handles (thonglor55/X-ray). That puts Surfcrest's new best mate on par with his other demented best mate who used to talk to himself here - LMTU!


March 19th, 2011, 11:01
... homintern ...Ah yes, the love that dare speak no other name.

March 21st, 2011, 13:59
Isn't it ironic. . .

Fish are now eating raw Japanese.

March 21st, 2011, 14:21
... even in Surfcrest's (sorry, Beachlover's) home town newspaper (http://www.smh.com.au/business/what-doesnt-kill-us-makes-us-20110321-1c32k.html).