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View Full Version : Eros Bar re-opening party Friday March 11.

Happy Boy
March 9th, 2011, 18:16
Renovations are completed now time for party.
Friday march 11, 8.30 PM to 1 AM
Come see what is new at Eros in Sunee Plaaza


March 10th, 2011, 03:29
You've got the homeliest set of sex workers on the planet! What are you thinking?

March 10th, 2011, 03:34
You've got the homeliest set of sex workers on the planet! What are you thinking?


I'm not trying to be hurtful to the boys concerned, and I realise that everybody has their own taste, but I have genuinely never seen anything like it.

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

March 10th, 2011, 10:49
Many Thai boys don't photograph well. I remember a boy at Krazy. He was a stunner with longish hair but his photograph was terrible.

March 10th, 2011, 12:57
Scary! What a turn-off as a party invitation. http://www.erosboybar.com/profiles.html

March 10th, 2011, 13:11
Scary! What a turn-off as a party invitation. http://www.erosboybar.com/profiles.html

and they've put the good lookers on the website.

These guys expect to earn a living having sex with paying customers - no wonder they are so thin.

March 10th, 2011, 13:29
Pure unadulterated Sunee Plaza, and that is not a compliment.

March 10th, 2011, 13:40
Pure unadulterated Sunee Plaza, and that is not a compliment.I would not consider employing any of them for adultery. I may stroll down for a drink if I've nothing better to do, but the question "How about a spot of sodomy?" is unlikely to spring from my lips.

March 10th, 2011, 14:55
Arsenal Wrote:

Many Thai boys don't photograph well

I don't like to critisize anyone for their looks - but for Christ's sake that boy "Bird" looks like the Bride of Frankenstein

I don't know if we can blame the camera angle on this one..

March 10th, 2011, 15:18
Does the person hiring need vision correction? I am sure some of them have lovely personalities though.

March 10th, 2011, 15:45
Does the person hiring need vision correction? I am sure some of them have lovely personalities though.Might it be another example of "buggers can't be choosers"?

March 10th, 2011, 17:28
...that boy "Bird" looks like the Bride of Frankenstein....

Extremely unfair on the lovely Elsa Lanchester :laughing3:

Take a trip along to Unkie's - where you will find a boy who (although very sweet) is the spitting image of Stan Laurel.

I think Unkie is missing a trick - if they teamed up together, got a couple of bowler hats, a stroboscope, and dressed in black and white, they could do a reprise of the classic "piano moving" scene. They say slapstick is dead but I reckon it could be making a comeback at Happy Place.

:occasion9: :occasion9:

March 10th, 2011, 17:35
What are you thinking?
OMFGI'm not trying to be hurtful to the boys concerned
Scary! What a turn-off as a party invitation
These guys expect to earn a living having sex with paying customers - no wonder they are so thin.
Pure unadulterated Sunee Plaza, and that is not a compliment
don't like to critisize anyone for their looks - but for Christ's sake that boy "Bird" looks like the Bride of Frankenstein
Does the person hiring need vision correction?

Hillarious! THESE quotes from, no doubt, a very attractive, fit, toned, bunch of farang 'lookers' who have to travel half way round the world for their wallets to 'get noticed' by other gays. These comments only show just how far the delusion of so many farang who come to Thailand has set-in. What i see from this thread are not how unattractive some boys can be percieved, but just how pompous some farang can be with their rather high opinions of themselves, well...to criticise as they have, these thai bar workers surely the MUST be FAR more attractive than the boys they rip into......right?

Why couldn't you just say that many of the boys are 'not my type'. Certainly these and many other boys will probably think some/many/all of the above farang are 'not their type' but need their money so they wouldn't dream of being honest with regards to how attractive they actually are, it seems some here are starting to believe that the fantasy ride in Pattaya with available boys and sex has a connection to the REAL world, and worse, are starting to take seriously the flattering words of sweet talking boys when trying to prize their customers money from them. Sad.

Just recently back from a visit to Thailand and a week in Pattaya, we visited this bar and the boys and waiters were pleasant, a big bar with comfortable seating, they had a mix of boy types, a couple of which were to my taste, but despite most not being 'my style of boy' i did enjoy the visit and the banter there.

March 10th, 2011, 17:53
Hillarious! THESE quotes from, no doubt, a very attractive, fit, toned, bunch of farang 'lookers' who have to travel half way round the world for their wallets to 'get noticed' by other gays...

The distinction which you have failed to grasp is that the posters you have identified are (thankfully) not attempting to prostitute themselves.
Call me old-fashioned but I would have though that SOME degree of attractiveness might be a distinct advantage if choosing that line of work.

Why couldn't you just say that many of the boys are 'not my type'.

I said almost exactly that.

...Just recently back from a visit to Thailand and a week in Pattaya..

Is that why you're pissed off then?

It seems to me that you may be one of those queens who are so desperate to get pumped that you will fuck any old hobbledehoy irrespective if they have cross eyes and a hump. I suspect you apply the "Rooster" criteria to your choice of sexual partners - i.e. "AnyCockleDoo"

:occasion9: :occasion9:

March 10th, 2011, 17:56
Hillarious! THESE quotes from, no doubt, a very attractive, fit, toned, bunch of farang 'lookers' who have to travel half way round the world for their wallets to 'get noticed' by other gays.

It means that the 6 people you quoted would rather spend their 'offing' money on different boys and that the boys shown on the Eros website have probably chosen the wrong career.

March 10th, 2011, 18:01
Why thank you Scottish, I guess your pleasant self is starting to return to its old former self again?
Anyway, while we may have one or two skinny ones, we also have tall ones, short ones, many butch boys and a few fem boys. We have noticed that if we allow most to come work at our bar, the ones that do not get offs within a month or two kinda disappear. It is a great variety.

March 10th, 2011, 18:06
Why thank you Scottish, I guess your pleasant self is starting to return to its old former self again?

I thought the contribution to which you refer was extremely pleasant.


March 10th, 2011, 18:22
I am not a banana. If I were a banana and I wanted a banana, I would eat myself. I am not selling myself as a banana. If I go to the market to buy a banana, I buy the better looking bananas. Rotten bananas, deformed bananas, simply don't sell, except at a deep discount.

I have a new theory. Maybe the Thai government is offering tax credits for hiring exceedingly homely sex workers. Or maybe the person hiring is Thai and doesn't have a clue what foreigners consider good looking vs. what they consider shockingly ugly for a sex worker. These guys should have work but not as sex workers. They are not qualified.

March 10th, 2011, 21:12
You've got the homeliest set of sex workers on the planet! What are you thinking?
Like Scottish, I don't mean to be hurtful to them either but I agree with most comments here. I think "homeliest set of sex workers" is a bit of a kind understatement LOL.

Seriously, they look like very the bottom of the barrel as far as boys of any kind in Thailand go, sex workers or not... I know there's a lot of ugly farangs in Sunee Plaza as Newalaan points out but I reckon they're not that far below the standard of these boys as far as looks go! Character would be another thing...

I like Newalaan's comments though...

March 10th, 2011, 23:20
Take a trip along to Unkie's - where you will find a boy who (although very sweet) is the spitting image of Stan Laurel.

I think Unkie is missing a trick - if they teamed up together, got a couple of bowler hats, a stroboscope, and dressed in black and white, they could do a reprise of the classic "piano moving" scene. They say slapstick is dead but I reckon it could be making a comeback at Happy Place.

You say that the above quote was being pleasant? I think you need to be educated on what is pleasant and what is an attempt at being a catty old queen. Not humourous at all.

I am not a banana. If I were a banana and I wanted a banana, I would eat myself. I am not selling myself as a banana. If I go to the market to buy a banana, I buy the better looking bananas. Rotten bananas, deformed bananas, simply don't sell, except at a deep discount.

While i agree that I found only ONE boy slightly attractive on the Eros website, those bargain basement 600 baht ones ones might really be the trick for some of you thatcan afford them, I would like to tell all of you a quick story, specifically directed at those of you that think you know what is handsome/beautiful and what is not.

A few months after opening the bar, I noticed a real BIG ladyboy amongst my staff. Certainly not a delicate flower and I proceeded to tell my manager to let her go as I did not see how anyone would ever off her. A waste of a salary. I decided to can her at the end of the night rather then send her home right then.

Later that night a dear freind of mine came in. Sitting in the back row, I said "Mel, what do you think of that one right there in the middle?" (referring to the big ladyboy) To my shocked amazement, he replied "I was looking at that one and that would be my second choice."
it has now been several months and this boy that I wanted to let go, gets offed about 3 times a week!

Later that week i hired a boy who looked very nice indeed. We dont ask them to disrobe, we listen to reports from customers.
Well it turned out later that he had silicone implants or hormones but alast the boy had TITS! I was shocked as you could not detect them under the nice shirt he had worn. Well I thought, there has got to be someone who wants tits on a boy!

The moral of the story is that I don't buy bad bannanas or bruised ones, but I do give many a chance, as I was evidentally not put on this earth to decide who is handsome and sexy and who is not. Sure, I turn away boys that look like me, but most I give a chance to. If they dont get offed, they tend to leave on thier own.

I once had a boy that I thought was the cat's meow! I mean he was as sexy as sexy could be. 20 years old, ripped body and nice long well kept hair. A beautiful cock and a sweet ass. I had 1 or 2 customers that told me that they thought he was the ugliest boy they had ever seen. I still see him around with punyters and I still think he is hot.

So it goes to show you. We are not all the perfect judges as to who is hot and who is not. So I for one let many of the boys work and let look at the off figures at the end of the month to tell me who is hot and who is not.
:love4: :alc:

March 10th, 2011, 23:43
Take a trip along to Unkie's - where you will find a boy who (although very sweet) is the spitting image of Stan Laurel.

I think Unkie is missing a trick - if they teamed up together, got a couple of bowler hats, a stroboscope, and dressed in black and white, they could do a reprise of the classic "piano moving" scene. They say slapstick is dead but I reckon it could be making a comeback at Happy Place.

You say that the above quote was being pleasant? I think you need to be educated on what is pleasant and what is an attempt at being a catty old queen. Not humourous at all....

I beg to differ - I was laughing even as I typed.

I'm unsure whether its the Stan Laurel or the Oliver Hardy comparison you object to.

As the boy in question is the DOUBLE of Stan Laurel -my companions nearly spat out their drinks when I pointed it out and we went back 3 times just to make sure - so it's not just my opinion. I even said he was sweet - and we took off 2 of your other boys into the bargain - what more could you want?

I guess you must feel annoyed by the Oliver Hardy comparison?

I would have thought you had a thicker skin than that -I'm very disappointed.

By the way - this catty "old queen" is considerably younger (and far less of a queen) than you dear.

:occasion9: :occasion9:

March 11th, 2011, 08:03
What i see from this thread are not how unattractive some boys can be percieved, but just how pompous some farang can be with their rather high opinions of themselves, well...to criticise as they have, these thai bar workers surely the MUST be FAR more attractive than the boys they rip into......right? I can speak only for myself but I'd have thought it obvious that most Pattaya customers are old queens whose better-looking days are behind them, if they ever existed. The point is we are the customers, we're doing the buying, and why should we pay for tat? Of course we'll comment on the quality of the merchandise on offer, as any reasonable customer would in a marketplace, whether it's for the flesh trade or any other trade. The only thing that matters about me is my money, something the boys know all too well but newalaan does not.

March 11th, 2011, 11:23
... I would have thought you had a thicker skin than that -I'm very disappointed.

I have the same problem.

I have been assured by a variety of pharmacists over the years that they are mosquito bites and that unfortunately I have a bad reaction to these.

I wish I got the little red dots described by the OP! I envy my friends who get these minor irritations.

Instead I get large circular areas of itchy redness - up to and over 1" in diameter. The centre of the circle develops into a fluid filled blister which causes significant pain - especially on walking.

Unkie may not have skin as thick as yours ... but is it as spotty and putrefied as yours? :rolling:

March 11th, 2011, 14:45
Unkie may not have skin as thick as yours ... but is it as spotty and putrefied as yours :rolling:

A ce moment la, my skin is as smooth as the proverbial baby's as I am not within reach of any mosquitoes.

Thank you for your concern.

Rest assured that from now on - any time I see something spotty and putrified I shall immediately think of you.


March 11th, 2011, 14:58
I have the same problem.......Instead I get large circular areas of itchy redness - up to and over 1" in diameter. The centre of the circle develops into a fluid filled blister which causes significant pain - especially on walking.

Unkie may not have skin as thick as yours ... but is it as spotty and putrefied as yours? :rolling:

I beg to differ - I was laughing even as I typed. :occasion9: :occasion9:
Ouch! Did that hurt? Scottish? Roger, did you laugh while you were writing that? :sign5:

March 11th, 2011, 15:07
Rest assured that from now on - any time I see something spotty and putrified I shall immediately think of you.

Now why would you think of Roger, Scottish - guy? You were the one who said on this forum that it was YOU that had this problem and not him. Huh?????
Is this light enough, darling? And you dont know me 20 years.

March 11th, 2011, 15:18
Rest assured that from now on - any time I see something spotty and putrified I shall immediately think of you.

Now why would you think of Roger, Scottish - guy? You were the one who said on this forum that it was YOU that had this problem and not him. Huh?????
Is this light enough, darling? And you dont know me 20 years.

Simply because I will associate spots and putrefaction with his witty comment.

I certainly DO know you for the best part of 20yrs.

No doubt you'll want to PM people about that, as you did before.



Happy Boy
March 12th, 2011, 09:09
Thank you for every one coming, The place was packed last night.

March 12th, 2011, 09:17
Thank you for every one coming, The place was packed last night.True to my word (as always) I did stroll down for a drink and I can report that while the boys are not quite as scary as their pics, I emphasise the word "quite". I was not tempted in the slightest to rent an orifice (although I did go home to dream of a certain pair of legs).

March 12th, 2011, 14:51
I also stopped by Eros for a drink and met a very attractive boi who sat with me. Hope to have an encore performance tonight.

March 12th, 2011, 18:51
I also stopped by Eros for a drink and met a very attractive boi who sat with me. Hope to have an encore performance tonight.
That's if your guide dog can find the way back there :rolling:


March 13th, 2011, 00:00
I think that you are the blind one, Roger. Blinded by your callousness and insolence.

March 13th, 2011, 06:32
yea, umm I was going to have a crack at people throwing stones at glass houses, after clicking on the link I shall reserve my judgment, but you don't have to be so fecking nasty about it.

March 13th, 2011, 10:09
Roger, be kind o Francios, he is a very nice person.

March 14th, 2011, 19:23
I think that you are the blind one, Roger. Blinded by your callousness and insolence.No No No Fracois, you've got them all wrong! They're witty and oh-so-droll comedians, so very clever........what with all those hilarious asides, bride of frankenstein............yes so VERY funny and original and not a hint of being influenced by the humour of a 10 year old.

You see, they're obviously the kind of farangs who have REALLY got into the Thai ways, and they've honed their 'lack of empathy' skills to match that of the average Thai, don't you know it's very Thai to honestly point out faults and negative aspects of others, point and laugh at retards, giggle at deformity....yes it's all done with SUCH good taste don't ya know!

My bf does laugh at dwarfs being made an arse of at NAB, he along with 100% of the rest of the Thais in the audience where these six pathetic excuses for western humanity would evidently fit in nicely....... However when my bf does smirk at the perceived ugliness of others he does so from a strong vantage...he is very cute and lovely, and I have come to understand apparently that in Thailand is PERFECTLY acceptable, but of course that attitute has been instilled into the Thai psyche over hundreds of years SO when the commentators are a bunch of arrogant foreigners who have been 'Thai' for all of 10 minutes......it becomes rather difficult to stomach.....

Would it be they're only 'getting their own back' as back home in farangland THEY'RE the ones the young gay things would be laughing at if they attempted to seduce the western 20 year olds with their 'fresh' looks and stuffed wallets..........sad and pathetic to a man.

And if that wasn't enough.............EVEN more of these wise words
Of course we'll comment on the quality of the merchandise on offer, That about sums up the attitute of some of the commentators here, merchandise....yes they are only that thonglor55, not in any way human beings
The only thing that matters about me is my money, something the boys know all too well but newalaan does not.Oh Newalaan knows that only too well, that the money counts....pity one of the side effects of having to sell sexual services to creatures like yourself is having to 'put up with' sneering arrogance and a superior attitude based on..........well i'm not very sure, just one of the hazzards of the 'occupation' i suppose, sure the boys accept that the money is the main attraction, but they do respond to kindness, thoughtfullness and those who consider them something more than merchandise
we're doing the buying, and why should we pay for tat?I sincerely hope you attract the kind of karma your attitude deserves.
I can report that while the boys are not quite as scary as their pics, I emphasise the word "quite". Did you have the guts to actually say that to any of their faces on your visit rather than just bravely giving us the benfit of your wisdom on this anonymous forum?

March 14th, 2011, 19:28
BRAVO, Newallan!! BRAVO!!!
:hello1: :hello1: :hello1: :hello1:

March 15th, 2011, 00:16
That about sums up the attitute of some of the commentators here, merchandise....yes they are only that thonglor55, not in any way human beings

Newalaan you are wasting your time with this piece of trash 'thonglor55'. His perception of what is acceptable is just a joke. One only has to look at the funnies he is trying to make about the disaster in Japan over in the Global Forum to understand that this cunt has absolutely no morals at all.

March 15th, 2011, 01:02
Newalaan you are wasting your time with this piece of trash 'thonglor55'. His perception of what is acceptable is just a joke. One only has to look at the funnies he is trying to make about the disaster in Japan over in the Global Forum to understand that this cunt has absolutely no morals at all.(quote)combat

You surprise me, I thought you were above this sought of thing!

March 15th, 2011, 02:52
So, putting all your petty personal grudges aside, what is actually being said here?

That the boys whose photographs are displayed on the Eros site are actually very attractive?


That they are in fact spectacularly unattractive - but unless you're some kind of Thai adonis (like newalaan's bf apparently) then you have no qualification to comment?

Now if you believe the former then you clearly have cataracts in need of urgent surgery, and if you take the latter view then you are clearly racist, anti-democratic, and anti free-speech.

So which is it?

:dontknow: :dontknow:

March 15th, 2011, 03:14
TS Elliot would have seen this thread (at least) as confirmation of his famous line in the Four Quartets "Human kind cannot bear too much reality (http://www.tristan.icom43.net/quartets/norton.html)" (Burnt Norton).

And I know alaan that since we are both Westerners and therefore speak our minds to each other, those specks of froth around your mouth are most unattractive.

March 15th, 2011, 05:32
My bf does laugh at dwarfs being made an arse of at NAB, he along with 100% of the rest of the Thais in the audience where these six pathetic excuses for western humanity would evidently fit in nicely.......

and isn't it nice that dwarfs are able to make fun of and laugh at themselves ...


Yes, they have a deformity/disability but they are savvy enough to take full advantage of their lot in life and make a successful and profitable career making others laugh without all the politically correct BS that Western society burdens them with.

March 15th, 2011, 06:45
Thank you for every one coming, The place was packed last night.

I know you didn't ask me but here are a few web design ideas:

1) Some of the photos on the "special events" page could be used on the front page instead...they have an arty-look which I liked.

2) Only include pix of the absolute best looking guys on the site; the goal isn't to show off the whole crew, the goal should be to draw customers.

3) The group pix were nice. Maybe use those instead of some of the individual pix. Having the boys pose with each other lets some personality come through. Some of the 2-shots really showed this.

4) pix of special events/parties tend to go over well. Perhaps "Special Events" and "Past Events" should be one page.

5) pix of tattooed boys tend to not look so good on a website; I know some people like the tattoos, but in my opinion it makes the site look creepy.

6) Is that "Socks For Sale" graphic really necessary? Not sure that belongs, or maybe a new "Gift Shop" page with stuff to buy.

7) Regardless of the other comments (which were mostly harsh but accurate), I did see some lovely guys on staff. Pick a few of those out for more photos.

8) not a big fan of the 2-color "uniform". Some of those colors (especially the orange) don't look good against that lovely brown skin. I liked the white bikini shorts in some of the photos, but not the sporty 2-color ones. I don't know, maybe it's just the orange I don't like. The black/white looks ok.

9) Up to you, just trying to help


March 15th, 2011, 08:42

There's a difference between making a joke - and making a joke with the motivation of being morally degrading to a person (or people) as you seem to be suggesting.

When you walk past a group of working boys and they are laughing hysterically (which they do frequently) - chances are they are laughing about something one of their friends just said about one of us (farang), e.g., his dick was so soft and wiggly, his dick couldn't get hard, his dick couldn't stay hard, he couldn't find his dick, I couldn't find his dick, I told him he was too big - and he believed me, his breath smelled like a dead mammal, his teeth were yellow, he was missing teeth, he teeth were fake, he took his teeth out and wanted to kiss me, his teeth shot out of his mouth and hit me in the back of the head when I was smoking him, he was so mau that he stumbled into the bedroom wearing a sock on his cock and a condom on his foot. Then he fell down and hit his head on the foot post on the bed and started calling me Edith, etc., etc., etc.

Thep has passed on many of these funny things the boys talk about over the years and I always responded with laughter and never once regarded the boys jokes about these things as being morally degrading - just boys having a good laugh at something which is certainly laughable.

If I would have spotted that picture of "Birdie" posted outside a Ripley's Believe It Or Not it wouldn't have struck me as being humorous at all, but posted as an advert for a gay gogo bar?...had me chuckling...and I like the boys...all of them.

March 15th, 2011, 09:13
When you walk past a group of working boys and they are laughing hysterically (which they do frequently) - chances are they are laughing about something one of their friends just said about one of us (farang), But heaven forbid that we should make such judgements - it makes us moral outcasts to suggest that a boy is not worth the off! I have coffee frequently with a much younger Western friend who attends DJ Station and the saunas, and his conversation is constantly assessing Thai lads as they pass by. The lowest level of acceptable is "quiet night at Babylon" or, alternatively "I'm not planning to marry him". I am, of course, totally outraged that he objectifies men sexually in this way and moreover that he doesn't understand Thai values sufficiently to understand that if he made such a comment to their face they would be offended. But hang on, he's not making the comment to their face but to me. Oh, I know, that makes him gutless.

March 15th, 2011, 12:27
So, putting all your petty personal grudges aside, what is actually being said here?
So which is it?
:dontknow: :dontknow:

In my post I said that the boy I sat with at Eros was very attractive. "Un beau mec" 1So attractive that he is always with some farang when I revisit Eros. No, his photo was not among the others that were posted. Perhaps he is not everyone's type but very popular. No I am not blind or have cataracts.

March 15th, 2011, 20:07
So, putting all your petty personal grudges aside, what is actually being said here?
So which is it?
:dontknow: :dontknow:

In my post I said that the boy I sat with at Eros was very attractive. "Un beau mec" 1So attractive that he is always with some farang when I revisit Eros. No, his photo was not among the others that were posted. Perhaps he is not everyone's type but very popular. No I am not blind or have cataracts.


Francois - if he was NOT in the Eros photos then clearly what I said about cataracts does not apply to him.

Do try to keep up mon ami.


March 15th, 2011, 22:10
Wow... Haven't seen a slag fest as big as this over a bar since Happy Place announced their Boy Bingo nights! :occasion9:

March 16th, 2011, 00:09
Agian beachbore has nothing to add.

March 16th, 2011, 00:10
Agian beachbore has nothing to add.

And I suppose you just did?

March 16th, 2011, 00:52
Diec! If you meant he has noting to add of any substance, well I do not think that is newsworthy!

March 16th, 2011, 01:35
Francois - if he was NOT in the Eros photos then clearly what I said about cataracts does not apply to him.
Do try to keep up mon ami.

Mon cher scottish guy, I understand you perfectly.

March 17th, 2011, 03:10
Wow... Haven't seen a slag fest as big as this over a bar since Happy Place announced their Boy Bingo nights! :occasion9:

March 17th, 2011, 04:27
Wow, unless things have changed this would have to be one of the worse bars I went to while in Sunee. Very spacious but the boys omg...there a few weeks back about 5 boys, one in particular had his comb with him and spent all the time doing his hair in the mirror, only two customers in the bar...I think the question needs to be asked how long will this place last....based on what I saw....not very long....

March 17th, 2011, 19:29
Why such poor quality? I'm not sure what they were thinking when they expect to earn money for their looks.

Bird guy is totally wicked.

March 19th, 2011, 09:49
Maybe some of the butt-ugly farangs who hang out in Sunee Plaza could get a job there... :occasion9:

March 19th, 2011, 19:45
I agree with BeachLover, they could not be any worse than what was on offer. I meant to mention its sad when the boys are asked to put their combs away, you can imagine what reaction that drew. As beachlover said the butt ugly falangs would work, possibly the balding ones then they would be free to dance without having to worry about what thier hair was doing.....oh its large enough as well to increase the stage size if they have to many applying for the job....

March 20th, 2011, 01:51
Maybe some of the butt-ugly farangs who hang out in Sunee Plaza could get a job there... :occasion9:

So, hereтАЩs BeachloverтАж..openly trolling for yet another slag fest (as he calls it). You walk through Sunee once back in August of 2009 Beachlover (or so you claim), you are stared at by farangs (or so you claim) and you stare back at them....so you will have a vivid recollection of what they all look like......so you can comment on their collective appearance for years to come on Sawatdee. Where have you been in Sunee Beachlover?тАж.Tell us what you did when you went through on that very, very short 2 day visit to Pattaya back in August (monsoon) 2009?

March 20th, 2011, 08:06
Surfcrest, I'll tell you what I did on that visit to Sunee Plaza, just as soon as you substantiate or correct yourself in this false assumption:

very, very short 2 day visit to Pattaya back in August (monsoon) 2009?
Along with these others:

easy for a Thai person to mistake a Filipino for another Thai person don't you think Beachy
walking through Sunee onceтАжyou were here with your mother or your sister right?
your only experience here [in Pattaya] is 2 days during monsoon season back in 2009
without any real [тАЬgay ThailandтАЭ] experience of your own
And acknowledge the following lie you repeatedly made has been proven wrong:

Why did he need to tell us about these two visits [in 2006/2007] to Thailand but could not and has not since told us about any subsequent visits?
[This is one of many posts, which prove your accusation is a factual lie: gay-thailand-f9/dusit-hotel-t17133-15.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/gay-thailand-f9/dusit-hotel-t17133-15.html) ]
While you're at it, perhaps you might want to explain why you still won't retract your vindictive story on being scammed by a certain bar, after that bar offered camera footage to prove your claim is a lie (which you repeatedly refused to view or accept).

Last of all, acknowledge you're an outright liar and an entirely dishonest member of this website. That is, you tell a lie and continue that lie, even when factual evidence proving you wrong is put right before your eyes.

Every one of your specific attacks on me has been based on false premises, false logic and irrelevant conclusions. I think you should stick to debating opinions rather than making attacks on people you can't justify.

March 20th, 2011, 13:20
I love it - Surfcrest pulls the strings and Beachlover responds like the perfect marionette.

March 21st, 2011, 02:08
Surfcrest, I'll tell you what I did on that visit to Sunee Plaza, just as soon as you substantiate or correct yourself in this false assumption:

very, very short 2 day visit to Pattaya back in August (monsoon) 2009?
Author: Beachlover Tue Jul 22, 2008 Beachlover researching, for his upcoming trip to Pattaya (a beach resort тАУ Beachlover) in the middle of monsoon.

Also... wondering how to find Sunee Plaza.... is it visible from the main road that runs parallel to Beach Rd (1 block back from the beach)?
Author: Beachlover ┬╗ Sun Aug 10, 2008
Beachlover arrives in Pattaya

Went there...
Author: Beachlover ┬╗ Tue Aug 12, 2008
Beachlover, formulating his butt-ugly farang impression on a quick sweep of Sunee.

I did a sweep of Sunee... it was really quite depressing... there must've been 4 times more bar-boys and workers than customers. In some bars the ratio was 20 to 3.

One bar I visited really shocked me... they couldn't have been over 18, but apparently the place checks out (by police)... so I guess the owner just picks out young looking 18/19 year olds. Got to admit... it was a bit offputting seeing 70/80 yr olds playing with them, but each to their own. Long as they are legal and practice safely, I don't have anything against it.
Author: Beachlover ┬╗ Tue Aug 12, 2008
Last post from Pattaya

btw I went to civathom and had another massage from Wut... this time he was really friendly and personable... probably because this time I didn't visit at midnight, just as he was expecting to go home.
Author: Beachlover ┬╗ Sun Aug 17, 2008
Later, talking about his quick trip to Pattaya and about his last massage from Wut.

After a few days he asked when I was going back... I said "tomorrow"... and he said, "Oh no, good customer! Come back!"

I think you should stick to debating opinions rather than making attacks on people you can't justify.

Calling the farangs who hang out in Sunee butt-ugly isnтАЩt an opinion Beachlover, itтАЩs more about you trying to look down on some of the members here. You are quick to make derogatory remarks about older people here as well, knowing full well that a significant amount of the members here are old or much older than what you claim to be. But then again, you claim to be a successful entrepreneur tooтАж.even though itтАЩs easy to see by how immature you are here, how far that must be from the truth.

March 21st, 2011, 18:33
Surfcrest, why do you have this obsession with Beachlover? I really think you want him and he wants you. Come on now, fess up you two.

March 21st, 2011, 18:48
Maybe some of the butt-ugly farangs who hang out in Sunee Plaza could get a job there... :occasion9:

I dont care what you think about Sunee Plaza but i will stay there because i like it. By the way i already have a good paid job

March 21st, 2011, 19:52
Surfcrest, why do you have this obsession with Beachlover? I really think you want him and he wants you. Come on now, fess up you two.
Heh... No more than you want Scotty! :occasion9:

I dont care what you think about Sunee Plaza but i will stay there because i like it.
Good for you, atri666...that comment was a joke... If you're happy there you shouldn't care what anyone else thinks.

March 21st, 2011, 20:04
Surfcrest, this is brilliant. You just proved yourself wrong TWICE. (1) Didn't you say about me that I: "could not and has not since told us about any subsequent visits [since 2007]"?

(2) The posts you quoted are from 2008. You accused me of only making a 2-day trip in 2009. Which year does your made-up accusation refer to?

The posts you quoted show I could've been there for anywhere up to 7 days or longer.
- 10 Aug 2008 post you quoted simply states I got a massage at Civarome. The massage could've been anytime prior to 10 Aug.
- 12 Aug 2008 post you quoted simply mentions getting "another" massage there.
- 17 Aug 2008 post you quoted mentions getting a last massage at that place before leaving.
The only conclusion you can make is I arrived prior to Aug 10 and left prior to Aug 17.

Your entire attack is based on false premises - irrelevant conclusions, inaccurate facts and stuff you make up out of thin air. Your facts have been proven wrong multiple times. You've repeatedly shown you're an outright liar on this website. That is, you lie and continue to lie when factual evidence proving otherwise is put in front of you.

You never acknowledge when you've been proven wrong and can't be trusted to accept the truth when it goes against you. So I won't continue the debate on this thread.

Surfcrest, you are without doubt, perfectly suited to living in Pattaya with the Undaunted/Manfuckers, Gone Fishings, Gaybuttons and LMTUs of this world.

In these few short weeks your own actions have revealed your true character to be creepy, vindictive, entirely dishonest, completely untrustworthy and without ethics.

Enjoy "partying" with LMTU and picking up those drug-addicted prostitutes you have so much experience with...

March 21st, 2011, 22:26
You are absolutely correct Beachie. I want Scotty in the worst way but she doesnt love me. Doesnt even know me cept to ridicule me and make fun of me......waaaaaa! :binky: So I must go on with life without her. :tongue3:

March 22nd, 2011, 01:16
picking up those drug-addicted prostitutes you have so much experience with...

Beachbore, you inconsiderate little twit. How can you make a statement like that knowing full well that combatty and Dodger both have their she males in prison for that exact same offense. Not to mention Dodger is a convicted drug felon as well. I think you owe a few people an apology.

March 22nd, 2011, 01:27
...I think you owe a few people an apology.

I think you should have sexual relations with a humongous cucumber.



March 22nd, 2011, 01:39
(2) The posts you quoted are from 2008. You accused me of only making a 2-day trip in 2009. Which year does your made-up accusation refer to?

Beachlover, it doesn't matter what the date was....it's about you making all this stuff up from other people's posts, from Google....you're a troll Beachlover....and a joke........you make this board into a joke.

Enjoy "partying" with LMTU and picking up those drug-addicted prostitutes you have so much experience with...

This sounds like the rant you went off on smiles with and those comments you made about smiles and his boyfriend on the homestay with hilltribes thread.

Smiles, I reckon it be because you're a fucking ugly, boring old fart sitting in Hua Hin with a boyfriend almost half your age who you found in a prostitute bar. You think you've made it because you've been with the same guy for 10 years (FFS... it ain't that great an achievement) so whenever you feel like it, you attack, belittle and put down anyone who is less experienced or not following the same path you took.

Beachlover, you need to be banned from Sawatdee Gay Thailand....enough is enough!

March 22nd, 2011, 02:19
Surfcrest, why do you have this obsession with Beachlover? I really think you want him and he wants you. Come on now, fess up you two.

Because, hanging out on Sawatdee with you two is about as close as I am going to come to living in a trailer-park.

March 22nd, 2011, 03:08
Beachlover, why do you have this obsession with Surfcrest? I really think you want him and he wants you.I think it's obvious that Beachlover has enjoyed a ONS with a number of older members of the Forum. We already know about his tryst with homintern in Sydney. Now it seems Surfcrest and he got in on during a Beachlover trip to Pattaya. I suspect Smiles may be another one of his conquests. Beachlover then - a sense of guilty pleasure perhaps? - has a love-hate relationship with the object of his desire.