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March 9th, 2011, 08:52
Pattaya has changed over the years and many would say not for the better. In my opinion, the 90's were the most fun, but I was younger then and maybe more willing and able to drink and party night after night. Boyztown was happening. I stayed at the Ambiance, drank at BBB and ran across the street to Cafe Royale at 1 or so to continue on. There were a lot of beach boys about some of which I remember fondly and they would hang around BBB in the dance area near the back. Now the scene is quite different. Sunee Plaza is much more popular, the gay Jomtien Beach area, although still not that busy, didn't even exist back then and Boyztown is a shadow of its former self. The Russians have arrived in quite large numbers, the younger guys that used to be around are not as plentiful anymore, the gay venues seem to be struggling somewhat and possibly Pattaya as we once knew it has changed forever. What does the future hold?

March 9th, 2011, 09:01
Your comment about the gay beach at Jomtien did not exist in the 90's is wrong. When I arrived in 91 with the latest copy of Spartucas in hand, the gay beach was not only listed, but the look for rainbow flag was the identification of from memory, Litz,s concession

March 9th, 2011, 09:13
I meant the Jomtien Beach area where the hotels and bars are located.....not the gay beach

March 9th, 2011, 09:24
If, as has been reported, the Ambience has been forced to advertise to the straight crowd then I fear it's the beginning of the end for Boystown.

March 9th, 2011, 09:38
I too have been coming here since the year 2000 and seen an incredible difference Boyz Town is for want of a better word dead knowing a few of the owners there I feel the drinks are a little over priced and this puts a lot of people off lots of my friends who have been coming here for years just wont come back and this is the big shame, yes sunee plaza is cheaper buy one get one free but doesnt feel the same to me but people will go where its value for money.
Also the boys have changed its all about the money now I was with a boy for 3 months paid him well sent him money only to come back after 1 day he said he had to go back to bangkok to sort out some kind of visa that was over a week ago I bought from the uk clothes and 2 rings one being diamond because I thought he loved me I know find out he has a Thai boyfriend yes you can call me stupid nieve for a man of 42 but I had no reason to doubt his intentions now its all about the money I dont get why they have to hurt people why not just be honest id much prefer that, but i keep falling for the same ole same the last one before this was straight and had a girlfriend and again i didnt know so now im mystified how a thai brain works.

March 9th, 2011, 12:06
im mystified how a thai brain works.They have a brain?

March 9th, 2011, 15:03
Ambience has been forced to advertise to the straight crowd

Where did you hear that??
Has anyone seen any straight people at the Ambience?? I'm planning to stay there in April, but will change my mind if straight guys start stayinjg there.

March 9th, 2011, 15:21
I have not seen it advertise to the straight crowd. They do welcome straight people that do enjoy hanging around a gay crowd, feel safe and want to see the shows. Should be no problem there. Ambiance is ok and Copa Hotel is better.

March 9th, 2011, 16:26
No need to worry - str8 ppl will only stay there if they have a burning desire.


March 9th, 2011, 17:37
I have not seen it advertise to the straight crowd.

Check out Agoda - but by and large very positive reviews.

March 9th, 2011, 17:46
I have not seen it advertise to the straight crowd.

Check out Agoda - but by and large very positive reviews.

The BBB audience (such as it is these days) is also increasingly str8.

In particular, drunken Russians (esp. females) causing trouble.

Personal observation.


March 9th, 2011, 17:50
The BBB audience (such as it is these days) is also increasingly str8.

In particular, drunken Russians (esp. females) causing trouble. :occasion9:

Which is far better than the other type who have a penchant for indoor BBQ's

March 10th, 2011, 08:09
What's all this tongue in cheek about burning and BBQ's at the Ambiance. I've seen it mentioned before. Can someone explain?

March 10th, 2011, 17:47
The references to fire are explained - though not necessarily accepted by all readers - at http://www.andrew-drummond.com/my-work/news/

March 10th, 2011, 18:03
The references to fire are explained - though not necessarily accepted by all readers ....

I'd love to hear the argument from any reader who DOESN'T accept it.

The incident itself is a matter of FACT even if the background and consequences may be disputed?

:dontknow: :dontknow:

March 10th, 2011, 22:28
The references to fire are explained - though not necessarily accepted by all readers ....

I'd love to hear the argument from any reader who DOESN'T accept it :

Like Scotty I'd love to hear those arguements by those that don't accept it too.

March 11th, 2011, 07:11
One wonders why you felt the need to bring it all up again.

March 11th, 2011, 09:26
He probably brought it up because I asked...that is if you are talking about the link posted by Marsilius...thanks by the way. But back to the original topic. It might be interesting to hear from some people who have lived here awhile or others who are thinking about retiring here. I wonder what will happen when 60 and 70 year olds who are here now die. Are there 40 and 50 year olds on their way in to take their place? I think the dynamic of this place will change dramatically especially with the influx of Russian money. Baht buses are FULL of Russians, so are the restaurants and the beaches and the malls. I wonder if the older Russian has yet to discover Sunee?

March 11th, 2011, 13:18
But back to the original topic. It might be interesting to hear from some people who have lived here awhile or others who are thinking about retiring here. I wonder what will happen when 60 and 70 year olds who are here now die. Are there 40 and 50 year olds on their way in to take their place?

Interesting to see it put a different way and it is an excellent question. Many of the long time retirees from the US and UK, post from time to time how difficult it is to survive now the exchange rate has become so poor. What was Paradise is close to [financial] Hell.

One expat friend said what he used to do all night has now become once a fortnight.You hear many stories about the cost of food etc., but life without medical insurance seems to be the nightmare that many are being forced to consider. They can no longer afford it.

Many are talking of returning home because of the free or subsided medical benefits in their home country.

I am optimistic that the crowds will come again when the exchange rate starts to climb again.

I remember one expat who claimed he could not live on less than 100,000 baht per month is now making do with less than 60,000bpm, locked into Pattaya as he bought here when things were good.

March 17th, 2011, 22:47
The references to fire are explained - though not necessarily accepted by all readers ....

I'd love to hear the argument from any reader who DOESN'T accept it.

The incident itself is a matter of FACT even if the background and consequences may be disputed?

:dontknow: :dontknow:

Careful now. Playing with fire can get your fingers burnt.

I have heard that their BBQ's are to die for though