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April 30th, 2006, 13:46
"Do u feel sorry for him?".....why would anyone feel sorry for him? I feel sorry for the kids he abused.

April 30th, 2006, 13:53
Not I.

April 30th, 2006, 14:43
If, as you imply, Cambodian prisons are even worse than gaols in Thailand, then of course I feel sorry for him. The "punishment" element of imprisonment is deprivation of liberty and, that accepted, conditions inside a prison ought to offer a reasonable (if basic) standard of living to inmates.

With any luck, this guy can be transferred to an Australian prison to serve out his sentence. Of course, anyone baying for his blood can be consoled by the fact that the other prisoners there, given the nature of his crime, will no doubt give him a very hard time indeed.

April 30th, 2006, 14:58
Has anyone seen Silom or Doug lately?

April 30th, 2006, 18:03
Has anyone seen Silom or Doug lately?

Has anyone seen The Actor, Dame Anne Thrope, Captain Squabbles or their other names recently??????????

April 30th, 2006, 23:30
If I recall correctly from my college Abnormal Psych course, this kind of pederasty is actually a psychological illness and compulsion and the individuals so afflicted have no control over their behavior. There are therapies available to treat this but it is not curable, even by castration. It is understandable that the majority of people want to throw away these people or murder them, but I don't think that is the most evolved way of dealing with this serious problem. I don't exactly feel sorry for him, but I am sorry that societies throughout the world are focussed on revenge and punishment rather than solving human problems.

May 1st, 2006, 05:15
The thing is these people dont see a problem with it.They think its ok,they think their victims are not really victims and want it.
I agree. They do rationalize. They are sick. Jailing them is one way to remove them from public and there are good arguments for it.
However, what I find interesting is that generally the public hysteria in reaction to these kinds of crimes is much greater than against murderers, and I find that odd.

Actually, I have my own theory about why this is, only a theory. I think the majority of adults gay and straight do see the sexual attraction of young people but are of deeply deeply ingrained with the strong social TABOO against doing anything about it. Thus, when someone is caught actually breaking this strong taboo, hysteria is expressed for a couple of reasons. One, pack mentality against an individual who has violated a very strong taboo, and two, as a way of showing publicly they personally have never seen young people in a sexual way, which is almost always, a lie.

So, I am kind of saying that the violators are very sick, but I also think insane hysterical reactions are also sick.

May 1st, 2006, 10:43
What separates humans from animals is that we know how to refrain from acting on our animal urges. Those who can't refrain end up -- deservedly -- in jail. The fact that "the majority of adults gay and straight do see the sexual attraction of young people" is irrelevant to the fact that abusing children is a heinous crime. How many of us haven't wanted to kill someone every now and then? That's natural, but actually killing someone is rarely defensible.

May 1st, 2006, 10:45
What separates humans from animals is that we know how to refrain from acting on our animal urges. Those who can't refrain end up -- deservedly -- in jail. The fact that "the majority of adults gay and straight do see the sexual attraction of young people" is irrelevant to the fact that abusing children is a heinous crime. How many of us haven't wanted to kill someone every now and then? That's natural, but actually killing someone is rarely defensible.
Hey, I totally agree. Well, mostly. I think lots of criminals are out of control and mental and can't help themselves.
It doesn't follow that they shouldn't go to prison, but they are still human beings, ill human beings.
Both murder and child molesting are serious crimes.
In my opinion, murder is a more serious crime because the victim is forever dead.
I would go further and say it is objectively obvious that murder is the more heinous crime.
The phenom I was commenting on was how the public reaction and outrage is generally more severe against child molesters than against murderers, even child murderers, and I find this bizarre.
So, being a curious fellow, I wonder why that is. I presented one theory as to why that is, I would like to hear others.

May 1st, 2006, 14:55
Thaiquila, everything you say is absolutely confirmed by every scientific study and research.

May 1st, 2006, 15:37
Actually, I have my own theory about why this is, only a theory. I think the majority of adults gay and straight do see the sexual attraction of young people but are of deeply deeply ingrained with the strong social TABOO against doing anything about it. Thus, when someone is caught actually breaking this strong taboo, hysteria is expressed for a couple of reasons. One, pack mentality against an individual who has violated a very strong taboo, and two,
as a way of showing publicly they personally have never seen young people in a sexual way, which is almost always, a lie.

So, I am kind of saying that the violators are very sick, but I also think insane hysterical reactions are also sick.

I always wonder about those who leap into print whenever a child mollester case anywhere in the world is printed.
Although they seem to be condemning the guilty person it often seems to be directing attention away from themselves,
as if they fear others might think them capable of doing the same.

"I cannot be a pedo, I am always the first to condemn them"

May 1st, 2006, 22:08
Yep, I get the feeling from some people, that if you don't immediate yell "tie up his balls and pull him to his death with a pickup truck" even BEFORE conviction, that there something is wrong with you. These crimes bring out very dark reactions from many people. They tell us something about human nature which isn't pretty.

May 1st, 2006, 23:16
People who have blase attitudes towards child abuse tell me more about the darkness of human nature.

May 1st, 2006, 23:37
People who have blase attitudes towards child abuse tell me more about the darkness of human nature.
I suppose you are suggesting my attitude is blase. I don't agree. There might be a word to describe my attitude, but blase certainly isn't the correct one (see definition below).

I am curious about your opinion on which crime is worse, child abuse or murder? Do you think there aren't different degrees of crime? For example, a speeding ticket is more serious than a parking ticket.

And, no, I am not saying child molesting is like a parking ticket! What I am saying is that the public appears to react way more negatively against child molesting than against murder, and I find that irrational, because murder is the more serious crime.
For example, would someone have even bothered to start this post if the story was about a murder? Of course they wouldn't have.

bla┬╖s├й ( P ) Pronunciation Key (bl├д-z)
Uninterested because of frequent exposure or indulgence.
Unconcerned; nonchalant: had a blas├й attitude about housecleaning.
Very sophisticated.

May 2nd, 2006, 10:49
I don't know what "public" you hang around, Cedric, but where I come from murderers are not seen as better than child molesters.

May 2nd, 2006, 11:00
I don't know what "public" you hang around, Cedric, but where I come from murderers are not seen as better than child molesters.
What does Cedric got to do with it?

May 2nd, 2006, 11:06
Sorry -- I meant you, dear. I can't get Cedric off my mind. He is just so...intoxicating.

May 2nd, 2006, 13:18
as this subject continues to crop up on a gay board for some inexplixcable reason, can someone with greater knowledge give me the lowdown on such following matters ...?

In countries like Slovenia, Spain , Korea, Hungary and so on, where the age of consent can be as low as 13, are those who engage in such activities regarded as perverts or is the defintion changeable according to country ?

ie : would a 14 year old with 13 year be regarded as equals or is an 18 year old with a 13 year old an evil pervert despite the fact that the 13 year old may be mature beyond their years and the 18 year old be utterley immature or even have a mental age of a 10 year old ?????

Also--as it's been a long long loooong time personally, could someone please explain when do these sexual feelings actually kick in with a young person so that an "abused" person who is apparently traumatized one day but then reaches a certain age, miraculously becomes a bona fide legally sexually mature adult..ie at 17, 11 months etc etc they are a child but when the clock ticks over and they are 18 they are adult..is it at midnight, an hour past or by mid-day the next day ???

If I admit to indulging in some unsavourary activites at an early age with others the same age or even older am I traumatized and a victim despite never having regarded myself as such ? ( fashion victim definitely )..do I need counselling and is there someone I can sue ? ( sadly it wasn't the handsome priest who lived nearby but I heard he had a girlfriend ). Certainly as I lusted after a certain Phys Ed teacher-a handsome young muscled man of about 25 to the point of lingering long after in the changing rooms only to be re-buffed and fleeing in floods of tears..is this the reason I find myself obsessed with muscled East European gymnasts ?.( even the steroid enhanced ones).can I be counselled and receive compensation to supplement my pension ?

just wondering. :geek:

May 2nd, 2006, 13:24
Burn 'em all at the stake, I say!

May 2nd, 2006, 13:49
Burn 'em all at the stake, I say!

Don't forget to castrate them first and stick their own willies in their mouth! :cheers:

May 2nd, 2006, 13:56
The castration is usually effected by the aforementioned tie em up by the balls and pull them to their deaths with a pickup truck, then you stick their willies in their mouth! Protocol does matter.

May 2nd, 2006, 14:04
The castration is usually effected by the aforementioned tie em up by the balls and pull them to their deaths with a pickup truck, then you stick their willies in their mouth! Protocol does matter.

I do hate making such a social gaff Thaiquila, thanks for the clarification. One more thing, is it still ok to use the red hot poker up the jacksie and if so does this take place before or after the testes are converted into earings? :drunken:

May 2nd, 2006, 14:14
For that, you must consult the Luxembourg rules.

May 3rd, 2006, 11:45
I feel sorrier for boygeorge...

May 3rd, 2006, 19:22
I also find this subject curious and full of contradiction.
In the press we see reports of extreme hatred towards pedos whilst murderers seem to attract less venom. Unfortunately, selling print means that we cannot rely on true representation by the press, so I'm not sure if it's the press hyping up the pedo stories, or if it really does represent the strength of feeling out there in the real world.

I do remember reading some stories in the UK press about a child being molested and they printed pictures of local people on the pedo register.
That sounds like incitement to cause a riot to me, but they got away with it. The result of that was that a local gang of 'vigilanties' raided the house of a local man who lived alone and murdered him just beacause he looked like one of the people in the newspaper pictures. He was an innocent man - not on the pedo register at all.
So, there we have ONE type of behaviour... the press whipping up a storm, and people reacting in like manner.

Another type of behaviour is that of some of my very closest friends, most of whom I have known for decades and are gay or straight-and-married. Their ages range from 20 to 55. Of the ones I have discussed this with, ALL of them say they are or have been sexually attracted to people far younger than themselves and under legal age. All of them claim NOT to have acted on their desire. Of course it is against the law and they acted correctly according to the law.
Why did they tell me? ...usually because some attractive young thing just walked past and eyes followed... then a knowing smile, and the discussion ensued.
How representative is this group I wonder?
Due to the fear surrounding the subject, i guess we will never know.

May 3rd, 2006, 23:02
What is there not to understand? Crimes involving children, whether it be murder, physical, or sexual abuse, NATURALLY trigger extremely emotional responses. Responses that are not nearly as strong as when the victim is an adult. I think a child killer would evoke more of a response than a mere kiddy diddler -- so it's not the sex part that causes the strong reaction. It's the fact that children -- innocent, pure, trusting CHILDREN -- are involved. Whether an adult killer evokes more or less response than a child sex abuser, I don't know or care. Guess it depends on the circumstances of the murder. If a dirtbag gang member kills another dirtbag gang member, sure that person is a murderer -- but I don't think most people give a damn if those type of people kill each other off. I'd definitely hate a child sex abuser more than I would that type of murderer.

Anyway, it's all academic. Child sex abuse is always detestable. Murder is detestable most of the time -- like when an innocent, defenseless person is a victim. Not all the time, though, as in the case above.

May 3rd, 2006, 23:05
I guess we could conclude boygeenyus has a BLASE attitude about murder.

May 3rd, 2006, 23:09
If the victim is a dirtbag, yes I do. Absolutely.