View Full Version : Where to meet local guys in BKK?

February 21st, 2011, 06:16
Hi guys,

First of all, I would like to thank you all for contributing to this forum and making it such an informative and fun venue for discussing about the joy of visiting Thailand, and specifically gay Thailand. This is my first post here so I would like to introduce a little bit about myself. I'm of Vietnamese/Chinese descent who've been raised in Australia since a very young age. I'm in my mid 20's and I'm really into Asian guys (East and Southeast Asian). I will be going back to Saigon (where I was born) for just under 4 weeks and during that time I will be flying out to Bangkok for about 4 to 5 days. I've got plenty of friends and "friends" in Saigon but not so in Bangkok. I'm not really into the sauna or gogo bar scene so I hope to meet a local Thai guy (or two) for companionship and also as a tour guide to show me around Bangkok and maybe Pattaya. I sure do have money but the thought of having to pay for someone to sleep with me just doesn't sit comfortably on my mind. However, I do not mind spending as much or even more money taking him to a great restaurant or some other nice places to enjoy ourselves. I think I['ve started to sound stupid now, but anyways....

In Australia I don't really have much trouble meeting new guys as I think I have above average looks and I also do gym to keep myself fit. I've been with my bf for three years but occasionally I still want to go out, have fun and enjoy the excitement of being promiscuous. I know it's rather hedonistic but the way I see it is that I only live my life once so I should do whatever I want to do (albeit safely) so as not to regret when time catches up with me.

I hope you guys and point out some places where I can meet young local guys and get to know and befriend. I also enjoy a good massage (mostly without the happy ending bits). I know what I've been saying is not to coherent so enough ranting for now. Any contribution to this thread is much appreciated. :thumbleft:

February 21st, 2011, 06:35
I can't wait to see how many people respond to this. Why don't you PM beachbore and hook up with him? Hell, he's so rich he'll pay for your ticket and fly out with you. Won't you beachbore?

February 21st, 2011, 07:48
1.massage-proper. Do not worry, that is EVERYwhere, and certainly where toruists stay. With BKKs traffic what it is, makes no sense at all for just a normal non-sexy ''nouat=massage'' either feet or body, to travel more as a few 100 mtrs. Anyway-there is no secret key either for a good one or not-varies with all the staff in 1 shop. My advice: if you happen to get a really good one, ask for name etc. and ask for him/her again next time.
2.if you want to try your luck advance: try gayromeo, thailovelinks or similar sites. The better ones are in thai only.
For meeting; just as most gay 20ies would think of anywhere: disco, bar etc. there are plenty of those for normal Thai guys (well-if you think a Thai can be normal?)- in the NON Silom tourist zone. Sites like dragoncastle, gaymassagegay, gthai-net, list them. The best known are near here (where I now happen to sit) the RamkamHaeng uni-area, in a soi named LamSalee and at the OrToKo bars=quite near the Chatuchak weekend market/BTS-stop. Also some near Ratchada, but these are often said to be TfT=Thai for thai. I presume you do not speak any of this beautiful language, so cannot say if that would leave you out. I also guess you must be mostly used to the OZzie ''scene''-so be warned that the tipical Thai scene may be quite different and also not very VNese. For most young people however, there is just 1 name ; DJ!! DeeJay!! The (in)famous gay-only disco in a tiny soi=sidealley of Silom, also very well known for its 2nfd floor full of MBs=money boys. Arfter hours, the crowd flocks to G.O.D.=Guys On Display, which means dancing half naked and most seemingly very high on drugs. Follow them if you like that. And have a happy time, which will be 99% garanteed. Even more if you can happen to pose off like a K (=Korean) popstar.

February 21st, 2011, 08:18
Oh-and take this advice please too. do NOT hire any guide-useless, Use a guidebook, even Lonely Planet [No, you can still use it even if it is non-Ozzzie anymore) is better. The tipical Thai guy will not know all those places or only sum up those listed anyway. Real guides are only touts for hidden bisnis. As a true VNese you should know that. Also here in BKK do NOT bargain ''for a good price'' with taxis and do NOT use tuktuks-plenty of chance to use that later for the novelty. taxi have METER on them and that is the way to use them. HAIL one riding and avoid any standing and anyone approaching you before you approach him as the pest.

February 21st, 2011, 16:15
@Diec - Sorry dude but I don't think you've actually read fully what I've had to say. I'm just looking forward to having a great time in Bangkok and spend my money, not somebody else's. Not looking for a sugar daddy either.

@Pong - Thank you so much for your informative posts. Hope for more info from you and others regarding great places to eat authentic Thai food. Pad Thai and Pad see ow are particular favourites of mine.

Oh btw, regarding the gay scene, I'm not really into the Sydney gay scene - same old faces and lots of white old guys. I prefer to hang out with my mates (sometimes gay, sometimes straight but are mostly Asians) and have a beer or two in a local venue or just a day trip out in the bush or the coast. I guess I'm just feeling too old for the scene at ARQ or the Shift. I would love to learn some Thai and be conversant at the very basic level, mostly to greet and thank you for great service, as well as when bargaining for goods (I usually buy quite a few things everytime to bring back as gifts). I also do think that Thai is a very gentle and pleasing language to hear.

I'm not very "Vietnamese" in the strictest sense since everytime I go back to Vietnam I still get ripped-off and most people do recognise me as a Viet Kieu due to the shade of my skin (pretty white), how I always say please and thank you (maybe too polite) and just the way I talk (abit of an accent). Koreans in Strathfield (Sydney) often speak to me in Korean whenever I go there to buy music CDs or eating out (maybe I do look Korean), which is kinda hilarious.

February 21st, 2011, 20:51
Justaguy, Pong's advice is good. Ignore Diec, he's the board troll who just attacks everyone.

Hotel: Stay around Silom... this is easiest. Let us know your budget if you want suggestions.

Massage: Plenty of good therapeutic massage places in Bangkok. If you prefer a male therapist, many will ask if you want a "boy or girl" therapist or you can request it. Many massage shops will have therapists sitting out front so you can see they cater to both. Some "professional" looking massage shops will give you a good proper massage but still offer a "happy ending"... doesn't mean you have to accept... you can accept or decline.

Hooking up with locals: There are lots of good nightclub/disco venues to meet local gays in Bangkok. As Pong says, easiest to just start with DJ Station in Silom (Soi 2, outside Saladaeng BTS Station). It gets busy after 11:30pm every night (but busiest Fri/Sat night) and is open until sometime between 2:30am to 3/4am most nights.

Beware there are "moneyboys" here but plenty of ordinary local gay boys too. The local Thai boys are very friendly and lots of fun to spend time with! Most moneyboys will be in the second and third floors so your best bet to meet locals is the ground floor dance floor (although you may still meet locals on other levels, just be aware of whether they're a moneyboy). To meet locals, look for Thai boy dancing with their friends. Often, if you're alone, they'll eye you up and welcome you to join them. It's great getting to know a bunch of locals.

The street food is very good in Bangkok. Look for street food vendors with fresh-looking ingredients and clean looking utensils.

Go to the Sky Bar on top of the Lebua State Tower Hotel for a drink... best view in Bangkok, in my opinion.

I would love to learn some Thai and be conversant at the very basic level, mostly to greet and thank you for great service, as well as when bargaining for goods (I usually buy quite a few things everytime to bring back as gifts).
Make sure you're in Bangkok on a Sat or Sun and go to Chatuchak Weekend Market (biggest weekend market in the world) for shopping... cheapest prices and widest variety there by far.

Look at this thread for more things to do in Bangkok: gay-thailand-f9/trip-ideas-for-things-bkk-t20256.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/gay-thailand-f9/trip-ideas-for-things-bkk-t20256.html)

Koreans in Strathfield (Sydney) often speak to me in Korean whenever I go there to buy music CDs or eating out (maybe I do look Korean), which is kinda hilarious.
Heh... that happens. I'm not Thai but in Thailand I often get mistaken for being a Thai and get a mouthful of Thai before I can explain I'm not Thai!

Have fun!

February 21st, 2011, 21:23
I have to disagree on the question of guides. Not all guides are touts. I have a good friend who is a freelance guide in BKK. He provides a great service at reasonable cost. Sure you CAN just follow a guidebook, but frankly I get a lot more out of having a guide show me around. Saves a lot of time. And I prefer to have some one along who can explain things, tell stories, and help negotiate getting around. For a first timer I think I guide is invaluable. For some one who has been there a couple of times and knows his way around it is not necessary.

February 22nd, 2011, 18:42
I take it that you want to meet Thais, not farangs. I would go to soi 2 where Dj's is but hit the dance club "Disco Disco" or just stand on the ground floor at DJ's - upstairs is where many of the commercial boys go). If you want to meet Thais, why not try Gay Romeo. You can put down your visiting dates and that you are not into "farangs" or money boys.. meet the guy at a bar in soi 4. I've met a couple of BKK Thais through Gay Romeo, specifying what I am NOT looking for.
good luck.

February 22nd, 2011, 19:50
@beachlover - thank you so much for the useful information. Much appreciated. Do you also happen to know where I can have rooftop dining (ie. on a very tall building) and watch over Bangkok from above? Hopefully it's Thai or Japanese cuisine also.

@Thrillbill - thanks for the suggestion. I've actually created a profile on Gay Romeo yesterday and have received quite a few messages (from some very cute guys) so I'm quite happy. It's all down to refining my search now. hehehe.

Hope to meet a nice Thai guy while I'm there in Bangkok and Pattaya and have plenty of fun. Really want to buy some bronze or silver Thai scuptures or accessories to bring home as gifts and for interior decoration. I guess Chatuchak is the place to look for it?

February 22nd, 2011, 20:17
Do you also happen to know where I can have rooftop dining (ie. on a very tall building) and watch over Bangkok from above? Hopefully it's Thai or Japanese cuisine also.

Sirocco: http://www.lebua.com/en/the-dome-dining/sirocco-restaurant/

Vertigo: http://www.banyantree.com/en/bangkok/dining/vertigo_and_moon_bar/

The food is better in Vertigo but the view much better from Sirocco since it it close to the river (in my opinion).

February 23rd, 2011, 05:56
Another high dining option is Red Sky at the Centara Grand at Centralworld

February 23rd, 2011, 17:52
I've just left Bangkok and found the best club to be Hotmale club. It gets busier around midnight. Some nights there were very good live bands playing. It is a gay club and a lot of the guys going are money boys/massage after work but there are a good mix of folk. You can usually get a seat, it's not that crowded. DJ Station was so busy it really wasn't pleasant. I found it very easy to meet with and speak with guys in there.

To find it if you walk along Surawing road past the Trantwan Place Hotel (opposite side of road from Tawana) only about 50 feetm then turn left down the road past Tawan Bar. Then turn first right and it is about 100 feet along the road. It is usually signposted 'male pub'

February 23rd, 2011, 20:38
I look for the same thing when I'm in Bangkok. I usually take a nap until midnight, shower, get dressed and head to DJ Station, which seems to start hopping really late these days -- 12:45 or even later. I think the reason is right down the street -- at G.O.D., which usually stays open well past 5. DJ isn't what it used to be. It's almost all money boys and gray-haired or balding Westerners. Around 2:30 or so it starts emptying out, and some people start heading to G.O.D. When you notice this, follow the crowd. By the time you get to G.O.D., it will already be packed. I'm sure all those Thai-for-Thai bars must also empty out into the place.

G.O.D. is a real club. Dark. Smoky. Filled with hard, shirtless bodies. Loud, high-energy techno. The money boys and older Westerners are definitely in the minority at this place. So if you're looking to meet someone who might be interested in you and not your wallet, G.O.D. is it.

Also, with respects to the poster who suggested you stay close to Silom, I would definitely stay far away from that area. It's become a sex tourist ghetto. If you stay there, during the day, as soon as you venture out of your hotel, you'll be set upon by touts trying to sell you (straight) sex. If you head to a Starbucks to nurse your hangover, you'll notice all the other seats are taken up by single seniors. You and the help will be the only ones under retirement age. If a retirement community sounds like the kind of place you want to spend your vacation, then by all means, please stay near Silom. But you will feel like a sex tourist and the guy you met last night at G.O.D. will feel like a prostitute.

Try the hotels near The Emporium shopping mall on Sukhumvit. Most are expensive but there are some bargains. I'm partial to Oakwood Residence Soi 24. You can usually haggle your way to a a room for B2,700 baht a night, less than what some people pay at Tarntawan Hotel, but Oakwood has a rooftop pool, opulent fittings and every room has a kitchen. Plus, the luxurious neighborhood makes you feel like you're on vacation. A taxi to Silom Soi 2 is less than B100.

If you've got a lot of charm, try it out on some of the guys who work on the Emporium's food floor. A lot of them are gay, and they like to flirt. The same goes for a lot of the guys working in the boutiques in Silom Center, which has a lot of clothing stores obviously targeting gay men. Lots of fun.

Enjoy it. I'll be taking my own advice when I arrive in Bangkok on March 6.

February 23rd, 2011, 20:51
@beachlover - thank you so much for the useful information. Much appreciated. Do you also happen to know where I can have rooftop dining (ie. on a very tall building) and watch over Bangkok from above? Hopefully it's Thai or Japanese cuisine also.
Someone already mentioned above there's a restaurant (as well as the bar) on top of the Lebua State Tower Hotel. I believe this is the most spectacular rooftop spot. One of the riverside restaurants at the Shangri-La and Mandarin Oriental Hotels would also be nice but I've not tried them.

This hotel - http://www.siamatsiam.com/ - is known for having a great rooftop bar and restaurant and unlike the other suggestions, it isn't a 5-star hotel so shouldn't be as expensive.

Really want to buy some bronze or silver Thai scuptures or accessories to bring home as gifts and for interior decoration. I guess Chatuchak is the place to look for it?
Yep... I'd try Chatuchak first. But this place is only open on weekends (world's biggest weekend market) so if you can't make a weekend, try Lumpini Night Market. Prices will be a bit higher but it's convenient and open every night. The food court there has live cover bands playing in the evening (or so it was the last time I ate there).

DJ Station was so busy it really wasn't pleasant. I found it very easy to meet with and speak with guys in there.
In my experience, DJ Station gets CRAZY packed on Saturday nights. It's just insane. But the energy levels are so high and the place is buzzing so much, I love it.

Hotmale is an interesting suggestion... I want to check it out next trip.

February 23rd, 2011, 20:56
DJ isn't what it used to be. It's almost all money boys and gray-haired or balding Westerners.
I've found this is almost the case on the second and third levels for DJ Station but each time I've gone the ground floor dance floor has been mostly filled with ordinary local Thai boys just out having fun with their mates... Has this changed in the last couple of months?

G.O.D. is a real club. Dark. Smoky. Filled with hard, shirtless bodies. Loud, high-energy techno. The money boys and older Westerners are definitely in the minority at this place. So if you're looking to meet someone who might be interested in you and not your wallet, G.O.D. is it.
Last time I was at GOD was on a weeknight... I found it was smoky (don't like) and mostly full of money boys and their Westerner companions... Was disappointed because on previous visits I've met random Thai boys out partying in groups and had a mad night with them.

Try the hotels near The Emporium shopping mall on Sukhumvit. Most are expensive but there are some bargains. I'm partial to Oakwood Residence Soi 24. You can usually haggle your way to a a room for B2,700 baht a night, less than what some people pay at Tarntawan Hotel, but Oakwood has a rooftop pool, opulent fittings and every room has a kitchen. Plus, the luxurious neighborhood makes you feel like you're on vacation. A taxi to Silom Soi 2 is less than B100.
Awesome suggestion... Thanks.

February 23rd, 2011, 21:05

Your welcome. Sorry to hear about your experience in G.O.D. Usually I'm only in Bangkok for the two weeks surrounding New Year's. And G.O.D. is just crazy. Every night I'm convinced it's the hottest gay club on the planet.

Perhaps it's a different scene the rest of the year.

February 23rd, 2011, 21:13
Usually I'm only in Bangkok for the two weeks surrounding New Year's. And G.O.D. is just crazy. Every night I'm convinced it's the hottest gay club on the planet.

Perhaps it's a different scene the rest of the year.
Ah, that might explain a few things as I've only visited in off-peak months the last 1-2 years. Yep, that period is crazy and DJ would also be packed to the rafters and INSANE!

I just put my last GOD experience (it was also pretty empty... only 30-40 people all up) to the fact it was a week night and off-peak (tourism wise) period.

February 23rd, 2011, 21:18
Beachlover, that's really bad news. I'm actually gonna be in Bangkok in less than two weeks. I arrive on a Sunday and was planning to make the most of G.O.D. every night. I'll be super depressed if the place isn't packed.

February 23rd, 2011, 21:28
Someone already mentioned above there's a restaurant (as well as the bar) on top of the Lebua State Tower Hotel. I believe this is the most spectacular rooftop spot.
From my visits to the Le Bua that's true, but I haven't been to the others yet. It's most certainly not cheap (food or drinks), but it's an amazing view. There's a less expensive restaurant a bit below but it's obviously not open air, and that's part of the charm.

You'll be politely told there's a dress code if you try to head to the elevators in shorts and a t-shirt unless you can show you're just going up to your room.


February 23rd, 2011, 21:39
Good points regarding the Sky Bar at Lebua State Tower, Bao Bao.

I had no problems going up there a few times in jeans and a t-shirt but I'm not sure if they'd accept shorts. Maybe.

Yes, expect to pay normal Western prices there... that means about 400-500 baht (about AUD$15) for a martini, if I remember correctly. But I highly recommend it. They make great martinis up there. Expensive by Thailand standards but cheap by Western standards, I think.

Beachlover, that's really bad news. I'm actually gonna be in Bangkok in less than two weeks. I arrive on a Sunday and was planning to make the most of G.O.D. every night. I'll be super depressed if the place isn't packed.
Don't worry! You'll have an awesome time regardless LOL.

In fact, similar thing happened to me. I had an awesome time at GOD on my first couple of trips, met a lot of fun Thai boys. On a subsequent trip, was really looking forward to it again and was disappointed but in the end didn't matter because I had such a great time at DJ Station instead.

Anyway... I'm glad to hear GOD does pick up so I'll try it again next trip!

February 23rd, 2011, 21:57
I'm not sure if they'd accept shorts. Maybe.
I'm sure, but I wasn't until my first drop in visit there to take pictures at sunset - which I didn't get to do because I'd been wearing shorts while out for the afternoon.

There's a dress code for The Dome (where Sky Bar is) on their web site, and it says:

Our Dress Code is an important tradition at The DOME at lebua. To provide a pleasant atmosphere for all our guests, we require Smart Casual attire. Attire: Please refrain from wearing athletic clothing, sport uniforms, or ripped clothing. Gentlemen should not wear shorts or sleeveless t-shirts. Footwear: Please refrain from wearing slippers, beach sandals, Birkenstocks, or тАЬflip flops". Gentlemen should wear fully covered shoes.

February 23rd, 2011, 22:17
Thanks. Looks like my t-shirt (not sleeveless) and jeans was the bare minimum to get me in!

Also, be aware of opening times. From memory when I last went... there are two bars. The really spectacular one with the observation deck doesn't open until 6pm (good time to go because you get day/sunset/night view). But there's another bar adjacent, also an open air sky bar, which opens at 4pm and is nice to lounge around.

You're not allowed to take photos when you're walking through the restaurant (probably for diner privacy) but you can when you get to the bar.

February 23rd, 2011, 22:24
I have to agree with an earlier post. DJ's isn't what it use to be...but maybe the novelty has worn off. Upstairs, it is full of unappealing commercial boys- on the "twink" side (nothing special) and it is so crowded it is hard to talk to anyone. Yes, I save my energy for GOD - Some of my Thai friends (ages 30-40) who are NOT commerial boys, have a job, go to the gym and take care of themselves skip DJ"s and go to GOD. Since I also go to the gym and take care of myself, I don't mind taking off my shirt after 3 when the place gets packed...reminds me of being in Chicago or LA. It is more expensive to get inn at GOD so keeps out many of those skinny, fem 20+ year olds that one finds upstairs at DJ's.

February 24th, 2011, 18:47
I have to agree with an earlier post. DJ's isn't what it use to be...
What! Now it's my turn to be depressed... I hope it's only temporary. Had an awesome time at DJ last trip.

I don't mind taking off my shirt after 3...
I'm too shy to do that but I had a Thai boy who kept trying to undo my belt and jeans on the dance floor once... really cheeky bugger and quick hands.

May 8th, 2011, 03:35
Hey Dude - Canadian boy here looking for about the same kinda trip you did.. did you end up finding a cute local boy? I'm 22, in shape and will be in BKK early June..

May 8th, 2011, 08:09
I know you said you are not into the sauna scene, but The Babylon after 6pm on weekdays or on a sunday afternoon is full of local Thai guys (non-moneyboys). The Babylon is a nice place to go just to swim, workout or eat even if you don't partake in the sexual offerings. It is truly the world's most posh sauna. Just don't go weekdays during the day, because it's like 100 farang for each asian until the asian boys get off work in the evening.

May 8th, 2011, 16:40
Hey Dude - Canadian boy here looking for about the same kinda trip you did.. did you end up finding a cute local boy? I'm 22, in shape and will be in BKK early June..
If you're 22 and in shape, you'll have no problem chatting up cute local boys...

DJ Station is a good place to start. Awesome club. It gets going around 11pm/11:30pm each night (busiest Fri/Sat but still fairly busy on weeknights): http://dj-station.com/

Best area to chat up locals is on the ground floor dance floor. There's usually groups of Thai boys having a night out with their friends and they tend to be pretty friendly welcoming strangers to join them.

GOD is another club down the road, which can be good. On one of my first trips to Bangkok, I met a group of students from Isaan who had just graduated high school and were holidaying in Bangkok... had a mad night with them.

May 8th, 2011, 19:26
Hey Dude - Canadian boy here looking for about the same kinda trip you did.. did you end up finding a cute local boy? I'm 22, in shape and will be in BKK early June..
If you're 22 and in shape, you'll have no problem chatting up cute local boys...

DJ Station is a good place to start. Awesome club. It gets going around 11pm/11:30pm each night (busiest Fri/Sat but still fairly busy on weeknights): http://dj-station.com/

Best area to chat up locals is on the ground floor dance floor. There's usually groups of Thai boys having a night out with their friends and they tend to be pretty friendly welcoming strangers to join them.

GOD is another club down the road, which can be good. On one of my first trips to Bangkok, I met a group of students from Isaan who had just graduated high school and were holidaying in Bangkok... had a mad night with them.

I am in BKK now, DJ is back to the old closingtime 2 AM )-:, on the way to GOD I met an old friend who told me it had closed. Tonight I will try to confirm.

Sen Yai
May 8th, 2011, 20:01
I am in BKK now, DJ is back to the old closingtime 2 AM )-:, on the way to GOD I met an old friend who told me it had closed. Tonight I will try to confirm.

I expect your friend meant that GOD had also closed at 2:00am, like DJ and all the bars on Soi 2.

All venues were closing at 2:00am when I was in BKK a few weeks ago. A lot of PLU's on the street in Silom at that time. The food stalls were doing good business....

May 8th, 2011, 21:11
I am in BKK now, DJ is back to the old closingtime 2 AM )-:, on the way to GOD I met an old friend who told me it had closed. Tonight I will try to confirm.

I expect your friend meant that GOD had also closed at 2:00am, like DJ and all the bars on Soi 2.

All venues were closing at 2:00am when I was in BKK a few weeks ago. A lot of PLU's on the street in Silom at that time. The food stalls were doing good business....

Yeah he might have meant that, we were all a littlebit drunk, and five of us went to a mixed "club" near Malaysia Hotel, it turned in to be rather gay around 3-4 am. I am not sure if the bar is correct licensed, but fun it was.

May 9th, 2011, 17:26
on the way to GOD I met an old friend who told me it had closed. Tonight I will try to confirm.
Shite... I hope that's not true! :crybaby:

Did you confirm if it was true?

I am in BKK now, DJ is back to the old closingtime 2 AM )-:
Yeah, I noticed the closing times tend to vary. 2am's the earliest I've seen it close. What can be really annoying is if DJ closes and GOD isn't open late either...

five of us went to a mixed "club" near Malaysia Hotel, it turned in to be rather gay around 3-4 am.
Do you know the name of this place?

May 9th, 2011, 20:52
"Do you know the name of this place?"

Sorry no, I was there again last night, but I could not see the sign, it was not as gay as on saturday night but still a nice place to chat and hang out.
It is just af few meters from Ibis.

BTW when DJ closed I followed a group, who was looking for GOD, it was closed at least at 2 AM. Everything in the Soi was dark.

When I ask thai people why DJ is now closing at 2 AM again, they answer with a: dont know, maybe soon coming election.

May 9th, 2011, 22:27
Ah, fair enough. I've done that (missed names of venues) a few times too!

There's a HUGE late night disco somewhere East of Silom, which opens until 6am or so. It's mixed - straight and gay. I've been taken there by groups of Thai boys a few times, but kept forgetting to note the name or location of the place. It's in a huge hall (must be over 2,000 people when packed) and is a "Thai style" nightclub where you dance around tables. The room has pillars and around each pillar there are these circular platforms about 1.5 metres off the ground, which you can dance on... Mad place to go in a group.

May 10th, 2011, 17:51
re early (rather; ON TIME-for Thai norms) closing at 2.00 am of GOD
After the streetdancing for 2 topless underage girls on Songkran it was found they did the same (for free entry+drinks) in a faraway bar/disco on the outer border of bigBKK (Ohm Noi/Yai), after which that barowner declared he simple paid off local policefriends (a LOT!), after which the local constabulary was all moved to nakorn nowhere. With elections looming a tight grip had to be shown and all police stations now do rigid enforcement-and have to even forfeit that little teamoney provided for looking the other way. At least: this is my impression. Happens all the time in Thaild-once a year or so. Sometimes as silent protest from bars to again raised tea-money extraction fees fof those brown boys. How long that will last-just wait and see. TIT=THis is Thailand.
That bar near Malaysia HTL is most likely the coffeeshop of that HTL-famous for rental boys (more after bar closing-like the Thermae for females) without off to be paid. As it has a 24 hr HTL-licence.........all probs solved.
the venge of the average underage Thai for open ''entertainment'' places seem to be so high,'that any reinforcing of most sensible ruling is a no-starter from the beginning.

May 11th, 2011, 12:06
There's a HUGE late night disco somewhere East of Silom, which opens until 6am or so. It's mixed - straight and gay. I've been taken there by groups of Thai boys a few times, but kept forgetting to note the name or location of the place. It's in a huge hall (must be over 2,000 people when packed) and is a "Thai style" nightclub where you dance around tables. The room has pillars and around each pillar there are these circular platforms about 1.5 metres off the ground, which you can dance on... Mad place to go in a group.
Just remembered I did snap a shot of it on one visit.

Anyone recognise or know the name of this place?


May 11th, 2011, 19:31
That bar near Malaysia HTL is most likely the coffeeshop of that HTL-famous for rental boys (more after bar closing-like the Thermae for females) without off to be paid. As it has a 24 hr HTL-licence.........all probs solved.

How can a mixed bar and nightclub near Malaysia suddenly become the coffeeshop at Malaysia?

A coffeeshop is not a bar or club and a bar or club is not a coffeeshop.
I can tell you it is not the coffeshop at Malaysia, I have known that for years.
BTW the bar/club was closed monday night, something that would not happen at the coffeeshop of Malaysia.

May 12th, 2011, 00:45
gaymandenmark wrote:five of us went to a mixed "club" near Malaysia Hotel, it turned in to be rather gay around 3-4 am.
I think you mean "Wong's place" on Soi Sribampen (about 100m away from the Malaysia Hotel). I went there once with friends, so I can confirm it opens till late. But I won't go there again: too crowded and smoking (of cigarettes) inside allowed.

May 12th, 2011, 02:36
I wouldn't call "Wong's Place" a club, it's just a straight bar...

May 12th, 2011, 10:30
Well call it a bar or a nightclub, no problem with me, and that is the place.
It is a small place, crowded and with smoke. Now you know.
But at least saturday night, it was as I have written rather mixed and not just straight, us five gays met some other gays who had been on DJ. But maybe it depends on the day you are going there and with who.
BTW I have always found it fun, when my gay friends have been together with their female friends.

May 12th, 2011, 13:45
DJ Station if you like clubs

May 14th, 2011, 12:54
BTW I have always found it fun, when my gay friends have been together with their female friends.
Girls are so much more touchy feely in a gay club than they are in a straight club!

gaymandenmark wrote:five of us went to a mixed "club" near Malaysia Hotel, it turned in to be rather gay around 3-4 am.
I think you mean "Wong's place" on Soi Sribampen (about 100m away from the Malaysia Hotel). I went there once with friends, so I can confirm it opens till late...
Gaymandenmark... Can you tell us about the crowd there? I know it's mixed but are there many young/gay Thais there or is it mainly farang?

CNNGo has some info on Wongs Place...

From: http://www.cnngo.com/bangkok/drink/wongs-175466

Wong's: Bangkok's best dive

Address: 27/3 Soi Sribamphen, Rama 4 Road, Yannawa +66 (0)81 901 0235

Wong's is a funky dive bar that stays open late -- sometimes till dawn -- and is renowned for its massive collection of 1980s music videos. Located in Bangkok's Sathorn area, the crumbling joint is known for its informality: patrons are free to grab beers directly from the large fridges -- or more accurately, customers must serve themselves, as there's no table service.

Read more: Wong's | CNNGo.com http://www.cnngo.com/bangkok/drink/wong ... z1MIece8yq (http://www.cnngo.com/bangkok/drink/wongs-175466#ixzz1MIece8yq)

From: http://www.cnngo.com/bangkok/drink/stor ... bar-723943 (http://www.cnngo.com/bangkok/drink/story-wongs-place-bangkoks-favorite-dive-bar-723943)

The legend of Wong's Place, a dive few leave sober

We take an intoxicating trip back in time to trace the history of this adored Bangkok pub

From the outside, Wong's Place is an unremarkable little dive, one of many reasons for its unique staying power in a city where pubs come and go weekly.
On any given post-midnight day, tiny Bangkok bar WongтАЩs Place will be filled with drunken partiers hell bent on making sure the nightтАЩs not over yet. This hole-in-the-wall dive bar near Sathorn and Rama IV Road is a Bangkok institution, attracting everyone from the odd local celeb to curious backpackers looking for a late-night hangout.

Expat regular Stuie Matthews sums up the charms of Wong's Place best: "It's cramped, it's dark, it smells. It's the best damn place in the universe!"

The barтАЩs origins are the stuff of Bangkok backpacker legend. Before Khaosan, Sukumvit Soi 11 and all the other tourist magnets, there was Malaysia Hotel, the center of the growing backpacking scene emerging in the 1980s. The only bar in the area was a tiny little hovel named WongтАЩs Place. Unlikely, improbably and through word of mouth alone, the wee backpackerтАЩs bar became a meetup hotspot of Southeast Asia.

We asked owner Sam Wong, the youngest in a family of 12 children and born in the late 1950s in Southern China, to explain how it all began...

Read more: The legend of Wong's Place | CNNGo.com http://www.cnngo.com/bangkok/drink/stor ... z1MIeniS8r (http://www.cnngo.com/bangkok/drink/story-wongs-place-bangkoks-favorite-dive-bar-723943#ixzz1MIeniS8r)


May 15th, 2011, 21:14
Hey Dude - Canadian boy here looking for about the same kinda trip you did.. did you end up finding a cute local boy? I'm 22, in shape and will be in BKK early June..
If you're 22 and in shape, you'll have no problem chatting up cute local boys...

DJ Station is a good place to start. Awesome club. It gets going around 11pm/11:30pm each night (busiest Fri/Sat but still fairly busy on weeknights): http://dj-station.com/

Best area to chat up locals is on the ground floor dance floor. There's usually groups of Thai boys having a night out with their friends and they tend to be pretty friendly welcoming strangers to join them.

GOD is another club down the road, which can be good. On one of my first trips to Bangkok, I met a group of students from Isaan who had just graduated high school and were holidaying in Bangkok... had a mad night with them.

Thanks Beachlover - I'll be going out on Thursday June 09th... anything special? Sadly i'm leaving on Friday morning so will not be able to enjoy the weekend nightlife... how's the clubbing scene on Thursdays?

May 16th, 2011, 00:40
... how's the clubbing scene on Thursdays?
I guess from your name that you are Canadian ... your type of clubbing is illegal in Thailand

http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRp734Wx6knPokFwAF9Sb3i2adr8kOoI Fi5cb_7ajX0IhqYAFD89g

May 18th, 2011, 23:54
Thanks Beachlover - I'll be going out on Thursday June 09th... anything special? Sadly i'm leaving on Friday morning so will not be able to enjoy the weekend nightlife... how's the clubbing scene on Thursdays?
Hey Canadano1... Only one night? :crybaby: I only stayed for 3-4 nights for my first few visits to Bangkok. Now I happily spend 1-2 weeks there when I've time.

Like I said, DJ Station (and possibly GOD) are still pretty busy on Thursday nights. You should have an awesome time. Thai boys are really friendly and welcoming to strangers. Look out for groups of Thai boys out having fun, catch their eye, chat them up and hook up with them for the night. They might take you to another bar or club after DJ closes.

I notice the gay nightclubs in other nearby countries are only busy 2-3 nights a week but DJ Station in Bangkok manages to be busy every night of the week...

May 21st, 2011, 19:20
I can tell that last friday night DJ was open to almost 3 in the night and GOD was open to very late.

June 1st, 2011, 02:44
Good show old chap!

whose ever tried out those side bars as you walk down the soi to DJ, they also seem very popular & more thai customers
also do you know if you can take photo in DJ?

June 1st, 2011, 05:46
also do you know if you can take photo in DJ?
Since the arrival of camera phones people take photos in there all the time.

June 3rd, 2011, 00:00
There is a no-photo policy in DJ-station. I took photos a while ago because I was not aware of this, but when someone of the staff saw this, he pointed at me and shook his head.

I think it was in NAB in Pattaya where they have large signs "no photo" on the flatscreens (from time to time between the music videos).

June 3rd, 2011, 00:23
Sure there is a no photo policy in DJ. If I remember correctly I think I have also seen no-photo signs, but maybe it is in the entrance to the Soi.
That said me and some friends have sometimes taken photos of eachother there, for fun and on our mobiles and without flash, so alot depends on the situation and the staff.

But from their webpage photos is a no no.

June 7th, 2011, 21:17
There is a no-photo policy in DJ-station.
Oops... I didn't know this either. I've taken lots of photos there without any problems.