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View Full Version : Silom Restaurants

April 30th, 2006, 11:35
Just want to say a few words about Silom. I went to check out several places I have heard about. Most were very nice.
Roxy Pub had a great show, the boys are handsome. Telephone was interesting, lot of tourists there, was greated bye the staff and met the owner, big guy, very friendly, the food was very good, had a great time. @Richards was fun, nice music, great food, very friendly staff and owner. Went to Balcony, staff very pushy, wanted to be offed, haha. No owners talked to any of the customers. The money boys were constantly hounding. The food was probably the worst I have ever tried to eat, what a dump. No wonder Telephone and Roxey popular. Sphinx was great food, friendly staff. The owner was very friendly and welcoming. Bug & Bee was cute and great food, very trendy.

May 1st, 2006, 02:44
Im surprised you found the balcony like that........... musta been a quite time tourist wise?

You should venture down the back alleys more lol

May 1st, 2006, 03:00
I guess every dog has his day. Both @Richards and Bug'n'Bee have been receiving vile reviews in this Forum, whereas some just love Balcony (step up, Surfcrest). As for bothering with the owners - you're well out of that! I'd have to say you're the first person I've ever heard of who's gone to Roxy - there's generally tattooed white trash lolling on the cushions outside - definitely more than enough to put decent people off the place. Telephone (if you can avoid the fat Australian majority owner - and generally even I can move faster than him )- is OK, one or two long-term comptetent and pleasant waiters, and there's always Sphinx

May 1st, 2006, 08:05
You must of had ,One big night out , on your visit to Silom.
You Visited 6 places , Had food at 5 ,No dought you had as many drinks.
You must be as big as Mr Sydney, but not as nice.
As a first time poster, you should not knock, or did you set out to knock One place.
Bad comments , such as yours, does hert people, And you do have the right .
But a man would go to the owners or boss ,and conplane, if he had a genuine beef.
Reading your post makes me think, you set out to knock One venue, or was you put up to it.
And most readers would see strait though your comments.
Please do not knock what you can not afford, and no more sour grapes.
With Very little repect

May 1st, 2006, 08:09
I'd stay off the sauce if I were you, Monty. I've never seen such an illiterate post (except from Mr Sydney)

May 1st, 2006, 08:56
Mai Pen Rai
Some of us did not have the prilage of a good education, as we had to leave school at 13 to work for a living.
But thank god we have people like you to corect us.
Feel free to correct & repost it for me so all get the message.

May 1st, 2006, 10:18
Monty - don't worry. You meaning is clear and thats what is necessary. Others write unclearly e.g. BYO.

I agree with your sentiments enirely. If you have a problem at a place then let the owner know. If there is no satisfactory response then, and only then, is it reasonable to publish the damning experience. I have patronised Balcony Bar for many years and the owners do always say hello. I am now sort of indebted to them and hardly dare to go to Telephone Bar which I dropped after several bad incidents many years ago. I do like Balcony and since it opened I have never had any major service problems. It is another great people watching place.

May 1st, 2006, 10:24
I think its OK to say you hated the food at a place. It is only one opinion. If he hated the food, what would complaining have done? No bill? Dream on. I appreciate the one man's impression of his impressions in Silom. I can compare his views to others I have heard, and my own experiences, and make up my own mind, like an adult.

Personally, I avoid eating food in any gay restaurants. I don't want gay food, I want gay men.

May 1st, 2006, 16:43
I must say I am sorry if I started something. I was in Bangkok for 3 weeks and visited those places. I travel to Bangkok 3 or 4 times a year over the past 10 years. It was not all in one night. I do not know any of the owners, and I just stated my opinion. If I was out of line sorry. I do enjoy Soi 4, my favorite place is actually Cafe Four.
I hope the Pink Party is a success for Balcony, Telephone & Roxy, as I know every year they to raise a lot of money for Bangkok Pride. I think that is why most people go there for the Pink Party.

sorry if I offended anyone

May 1st, 2006, 18:43
I just returned from my third trip to Bangkok in the last six months. I visited Soi 4 and The Balcony each time. I have never had anything but good service at The Balcony. I have never had any waiter try to get me to off them. I didn't even know it was possible. Is it?? In the past if I wanted to sit outside, i'd go to The Balcony. It I was too hot and wanted to go inside to air conditioning, i'd go to The Telephone. On this trip I discovered a great compromise. I sat inside at The Balcony at the bar. I had great service as each of the three staff members working behind the bar, constantly minded my needs. I could feel the cool air conditioning, but I was by the opening to outside and could enjoy seeing and hearing the street scene. I enjoy the food at The Balcony and sent there several times just for dinner. My two cents!

May 1st, 2006, 20:02
Anyone should be free to tell their own experiences as they happened.
Sure some places have had some hard knocks as of late but you have to be a nut case to interpret a conspiracy in every comment.
I would question Mr. LMTU our walking Balcony billboard's motives more that what Mark wrote here.
Obviously some of us have had some experiences at some of these places and the owners / shareholders / managers would be wise to take note and make corrections so they don't wind up like "The Barbiery" (formerly Dreamboys now Teamboys).
I haven't heard too many negative comments, if any about the Balcony's food. Frankly I think he / she / they have the talent of a very high caliber restaurant and if something happens some day they can be sure that some other lucky place will snap them up and be the better for it.
The best business are run by people that know business and many of the tools required come from a good business related education. I've mentioned a few that are doing it right and a few that aren't. Time will tell who survives the competitive jungle that exists even in Thailand and indeed Sunee.


May 1st, 2006, 22:46
When in BKK, I usually patronize both Balcony and Telephone. Balcony's biggest attraction, in my book, are the bartenders: friendly, professional and easy on the eyes. The waiters, on the other hand, flit around and seem more interested in socializing wth their friends than providing attentive service. Most of the commercial guys who hang around Balcony are fine and I've taken a few back to my hotel on occasion. One confided that he feels pressure to keep would-be clients ordering as many drinks as he can. I suppose that's understandable. After all, it is a business. If I want to meet non-commercial locals, I go across the street to Telephone. I find the service about the same but you can have a much more intimate conversation on the second or third floor floors if you meet someone of interest.

May 3rd, 2006, 01:24
Personally, I avoid eating food in any gay restaurants. I don't want gay food, I want gay men.

ding ding - we have a winner!! agree 100% lol

May 3rd, 2006, 02:14
I agree about the food. I ate a few times at these places but quickly gave up on the practice for a number of reasons that need no additional airing.