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View Full Version : Has anyone visited the Pattaya Park complex?

February 10th, 2011, 21:23
I've never visited the Pattaya Park complex myself, although I've seen the tower sticking up above the skyline a thousand times. Has anyone gone there, and, if so, what did you think about it? Some of you who live there may have.

I know it's always stuck me as an extremely touristy place - is it? My guess is the view from 50+ floors up is impressive and that the restaurants are somewhat over-priced and of moderate quality. Am I anywhere close to the mark here?


February 10th, 2011, 21:42
Unfortunately it is like most building/ operations that are in Thailand--looks nice when new, then neglected. I was there a couple years ago and the pool area had that "worn out" look and the restrooms (with nasty showers) were something I'd find in a developing country in Africa. A friend of mine was at the pool area last week and said that the water was dirty. A couple summers ago, a boy was sucked into a pool water pipe into the pump room..he had removed a loose iron grid while looking for an item of his. I have never eaten at the restaurant up in the tower, but a few years ago the company had to hire a guard to make sure no one would jump off the ledge from the tower... a couple suicides had occured. I think little children would like it since they don't notice poor maintenance or when things are unsafe. :tongue3:

February 11th, 2011, 00:54
It's just your average park.I would think the ride which shoots you up very fast,and then drops you might be worth a try.It's the same one as the one on top of the Stratosphere in Vegas,which is about a thousand ft. elevation.Now that ride was scary.
The view on top at pattay park is imppresive.Worth a trip up.

My only real memory of the place was kissing my boyfriend on the ride up to the top in that tin can type container.

February 11th, 2011, 23:50
My guess is the view from 50+ floors up is impressive and that the restaurants are somewhat over-priced and of moderate quality. Am I anywhere close to the mark here?

No, you are actually spot on.
The whole place needs a make over it has been totally neglected and unpainted for years.
Added to which they flagrantly use the double standard pricing system....Farangs pay a lot more!

February 12th, 2011, 04:02
In December the park and surrounding hotels appeared to be totally dominated by Russian tourists. I felt like I was walking in Eastern Europe.