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View Full Version : The new Vclub

February 10th, 2011, 15:51
Is horrible its lost its relaxed atmosphere and happy smiling boys in favour of a small glass box with no entertainment for the men cramped in it, packed sitting upright on benches with gloomy faces. Its lost that drop in if you need the cash feeling that made for meeting all sorts of interesting guys.

Since they are now (for two years) in the Chakran building they seem to think they should charge three times as much as well, for three G&Ts a bit of a private foot massage I was set back four thousand baht!!!

The old place with the large house was fun even if the rooms were in urgent need of redecoration, the men were happy and the garden was nice. The Chakran is crap boring and silly and nearly always almost empty.

February 10th, 2011, 16:45
That really is a crime. While I have never gotten a chance to see the "new"V Club, I do remember the old one. When I kept Googling the V Club in recent years, I kept seeing the glass builing on the internet and assumed that something was wrong and that I was pulling up the wrong place. Now to find that the old place, the one I knew and loved is gone.
Too bad.

February 10th, 2011, 17:00
Yes the mystique behind the little gate with its little garden path...all gone.

Tenancy agreement ended apparently. The whole area there in and around Phahonyothin has gone to the dogs ,very middle class Thai and usa international school trash.

Just around the corner I had duck confit with pilau rice (surprisingly good) and three reds and it was almost as much!

So much for the little oasis of light down the dark street filled with exotic men, thighs like polished olive wood and smiles like the sun itself, all gone.

February 11th, 2011, 00:38
Last time I was in Chacran was 2 years ago.Are you saying the Chacran is now the V CLub and not so hot any more?

February 11th, 2011, 09:21
No the Chakran is the same I think, maybe smaller as the Vclub has taken the top floor space. There was hardly anyone in Chakran all night, you can see down into the court yard and pool thing from the VClub. I suppose it must be unsettling for Chakan users to have all the talent upstairs looking down on them, they are not connected seperate entrances.