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February 8th, 2011, 13:30
I've just come back from BangKok having had a wonderful holiday filled with smiles love and laughter.

Something puzzles me, how come generally speaking we in the West dont have the same sexual flexibility as Thais.

Im not here speaking only about kept "boys" and "men" although they of course seem to effortlessly switch into the roll, displaying the same flexibility but just for different reasons.

I have a friend who seems to be stuck between the two. He is love. He loves everyone, sanook seems to be a genetic endowment.

He is one of those people who when they smile so does everyone, his smile is delectably naughty happy sexy and unrestrained. He just has to look as me and we both begin to laugh out loud. Our smiles seemingly affecting each other to an exquisite expression of pure abandoned joy for each others company. Its one of those moments when memories and what we know will surely come now that we are face to face again collide into ecstasy and bliss and glorious laughter.

I always proceed to punch him hard in the stomach (see if has become fatter, he never is) which makes him laugh out even more. He then finds something to retaliate with like pinching my nipples brutally hard then feeling my cock to see if its stiff (it always is the minute I clap eyes on him) all of this involves serious rough and tumble. I then proceed to ( if in an appropriate place) to wrestle to get to his and it's also always stiff like a little iron rod. Much more laughter than before even.

This exhausting foreplay leaves us tightly entwined usually I manage to have his jeans and undies around his ankles exposing his bubble arse to the air which leaves him heaving in absolute delight though even then I cannot loosen my grip because he is planning another move, I watch his eyes think and his lips tremble in smile, anticipation what he might be able to achieve next despite his predicament. One of his best is to expose my cock (the hardest thing to achieve cause Im so much bigger) and pull it hard between my legs till I scream. For that I try and finger him but it never works he simple tightens his arse and thats that. No manner of trickery will open it.

This is usually such fun we dont have sex at all instead collapse exhausted on the nearest bed and fall asleep holding onto each other tightly nose to nose. Sometimes though not often (we joke about it afterwards teasing each other) it suddenly gets serious when we look into each others eyes and begin drifting into melancholy that we dont quite understand.

"Short top arse" is all man also the baby all 22 years of him in a family of five boys, except him they are all still in Isan farming. I can never work out what they farm but they have some chickens and cows and what not, and he tells me they plant rice though Im not sure, it sounds precarious, they dont even have a motorbike between them. He saves all his money for this and that back home, and like most goes home for Songkraan with a big proud heart. The little brave BB arrives home with gifts and money and smiles, life takes on easy joy again for all.

He has never asked me for a cent and I have never been made to feel like I should give a cent all I know about what I suspect is poverty for his family I know because I have pried and that makes me feel a bit guilty. I tried once to give him a gift a little diamond the purest I could find, he took it and later wrapped it up in a little colour tissue and secretly put it back in my bag. Nothing more was said. So now instead I steal him apples and cherries and other "exotic" fruits from breakfast which he loves.

He is just a friend I will always love passionately amongst a few gay and straight friends I know, they all seem to enjoy being very intimate. This in Europe only ever seems the case in parts of Italy and also certainly not in China or Hong Kong?

I always feel so sad coming home to Hong Kong where no one smiles, I feel genuinely lonely walking out of the airport and always have a little tears running down my cheeks.

February 8th, 2011, 18:20
Well, you are a talented writer at the very least.

As I've aged I've become gradually more flexible in my relationships. I'm a lot more likely to enjoy and accept them for what they are today than when I was 20.

We have a natural desire to define relationships as 'friend', 'friend with benefits', 'boyfriend', and the like. The problem is that everyone is unique and the relationship between two unique people is never going to fit the box that you preconceived. Stop trying to make people fit. A part of this process for me is that I've also given up on monogamy since it presents both a limitation and a burden on the people in your life.

Introverts (like myself) probably take longer to figure these things out.

February 9th, 2011, 04:28
We're all bisexual to a point. In western society you're either bi, gay or straight. It's a cultural thing. Thai guys believe if it feels good, then do it. And if there is money involved they'll do a lot more! :happy7:

February 9th, 2011, 11:44
We're all bisexual to a point.

In my opinion, the problem is that humans find it necessarily to label and classify everything and everyone. I don't find sexual behavior labels particularly useful, because sexuality comes in a multitude of shades of gray. Some day, in let's say another hundred thousand years or so, ok maybe less, humans will fall in love with each other without regard to sex. It simply won't be a factor.


February 9th, 2011, 15:20
We're all bisexual to a point.

In my opinion, the problem is that humans find it necessarily to label and classify everything and everyone. I don't find sexual behavior labels particularly useful, because sexuality comes in a multitude of shades of gray. Some day, in let's say another hundred thousand years or so, ok maybe less, humans will fall in love with each other without regard to sex. It simply won't be a factor.


DBoy I think you are right, the Thais seem to me at any rate to be there in their history. Im not sure thats its a matter of time, the Greeks and Romans for example.

I cant say I am anymore I used think I was bisexual but pussy does nothing for me anymore at all. I dont even like the smell of woman even worse their parfume. I like them in all other respects.

I find Thai men wonderful. It can be in a bank or a supermarket, I always seem to find myself attracted to some sexy man, and inevitably they proceed to get a cock on, flat fronted trousers are my best as there is no where to hide. Most dont "look" gay as it were, in behaviour or dress, these I seem to love teasing the most.

Life is a game,a dance, players on a stage and other mixed up me. I find the Thais do it best.

February 10th, 2011, 17:23
http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5020/5432839281_451b1f8962.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/64918943@N00/5432839281/)