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February 8th, 2011, 06:33

An interesting thread!! Anyone planning to go there?

February 8th, 2011, 19:12
This has nothing to do with Thailand.... but

It's a great story of a charity agency who built a commercially profitable business model, which is now being copied and taken up by small entrepreneurs in Cambodia for the good of the population's health and prosperity. Great stuff...

I can't believe these people just shit anywhere though... it's not that hard to set up a centralised and reasonably well organised/sanitised ablutions facility. Even digging dedicated holes (which are partially filled in after each use) is better than just doing it anywhere without properly covering it up and letting flies and whatever get at it and contaminate everything.

February 9th, 2011, 03:26
More people have mobile phones than have toilets - how apt, there is so much shit talked about over those infernal machines. (And yes I know what I'm inviting here :violent1: )

February 9th, 2011, 04:32
More people have mobile phones than have toilets - how apt, there is so much shit talked about over those infernal machines. (And yes I know what I'm inviting here :violent1: )

Don't you just love it when you're having a nice dinner and someone's mobile rings and they talk so loud that it sounds like the other person is deaf. Really makes for an enjoyable time. :-(

February 9th, 2011, 18:18
I don't think it's necessarily rude to answer your mobile in a restaurant (depends on circumstances) but talking loudly into it is stupid anywhere... I don't get people who need to to shout anytime they're on the phone.

February 10th, 2011, 02:57
I bet old Homintern was greatful your mobile phone didn't go off while he was having you in the public toilet as a schoolboy a couple of years ago, Our Lady of the Beachlovers, Queen of Humility. Or perhaps, knowing you, you took the call.

February 10th, 2011, 06:04
I don't think it's necessarily rude to answer your mobile in a restaurant (depends on circumstances) but talking loudly into it is stupid anywhere... I don't get people who need to to shout anytime they're on the phone.

Most polite people have their mobile on vibrate mode when in public places. When it rings they excuse themselves and talk outside or away from other guests/patrons. Those that don't are simply rude.

February 10th, 2011, 11:11
I bet old Homintern was greatful your mobile phone didn't go off while he was having you in the public toilet as a schoolboy a couple of years ago, Our Lady of the Beachlovers, Queen of Humility. Or perhaps, knowing you, you took the call.

Hovelturd and beachy!

I have been away a long time, has beachy always been into necrophilia?

I cant say I've ever been in a situation that I could even try it out.

Maybe at the back of the morgue they have a go go club on rotating hooks?

Makes you wonder how Hovelturb has managed to keep going for so long, maybe frozen is a speciality.

February 10th, 2011, 20:21
Most polite people have their mobile on vibrate mode when in public places. When it rings they excuse themselves and talk outside or away from other guests/patrons. Those that don't are simply rude.
I think using your mobile in a restaurant depends on circumstances. I wouldn't do it if I was with someone unfamiliar or less familiar (e.g. taking a date to dinner to get to know him better) because I'm a big believer in courtesy and giving someone your full attention when you're with them but if it's a casual dinner or drink with mates it's fine. I catch up with mates for dinner at least 3-4 nights week so we have no issues taking a call while at a table. Some of my mates are in roles where they need to take calls at all hours and I often have staff working on stuff while I'm out at night so it's just too much of a pain to stick to the etiquette of never taking calls in company or excusing yourself.

I agree loud ring tones in public spaces are rude and unnecessary so I keep my mobile on vibrate all the time (no ringtone). The problem is I often feel it vibrating against my leg when it's not doing anything at all. Now, every second vibration I feel is generally a false alarm... it's flipping annoying. Apparently it's a common affliction these days. Maybe I should switch pockets so it rests against my other leg.

February 10th, 2011, 20:26
Mine just shows a nasty red light like the end of some medical procedure where they plug you in.

February 10th, 2011, 22:01
Most polite people have their mobile on vibrate mode when in public places. When it rings they excuse themselves and talk outside or away from other guests/patrons. Those that don't are simply rude.
You're right on the money with that one, Jason1988 - it's a rare instance indeed where anyone has to be on alert and have those damned noisemakers going off and interrupting things. The problem as I see it is people becoming such sheep that they've been sold on the necessity of having communicators of one form or another barking at them day and night. It's sad. They bleat on and on about how they can't get away from their communicators and text away after asking you a question you have to wait to answer for them. It IS rude.

It's both disrespectful and selfish to turn away from one person to take a call if it isn't an emergency. If I know there's a probable need to be on call I look at my phone when it vibrates to see if it's from, say, news of someone who's in the hospital. If it is, I excuse myself and go take the call. There's precious little in this world that can't wait until your immediate social concerns are finished. Those who know me know that if it's an emergency and I don't answer to call back immediately. Two calls in a row from the same number means it's urgent - but that's rare.

"I need it because of my business?" Bullshit. If you're not a doctor and think you're that indispensable, stay at work and visit with people when you leave the office. For the love of Apple, people existed for a l-o-n-g time without being tethered to a phone or iPad or whatever.

Now, if you're in a herd who just can't manage to have a meal without interruptions, fine - go in e-peace and good for you... but at least turn the stupid ring tones and bells off!

Oops. I've got to take this call. Sorry.

February 11th, 2011, 20:54
There's no hard and fast rule like you guys are saying. It's all circumstantial... when I'm eating or drinking with mates I see 3-4 times a week it's a casual catch up and fine to answer the phone. But if I'm with someone I don't have dinner with often, a client or date, I tend to avoid answering unless it's urgent (I say so in advance if I'm expecting urgent calls).

Something working in the past doesn't mean it works today. Staying connected is critical in a lot of professional environments these days where business moves faster than ever. In my industry a lot of stuff happens outside business hours. A few weeks ago, I took a call from a client while I was out, sometime before midnight. He needed a quote for an urgent job and it was fairly big one. I didn't have my laptop so I took the details and shot it through to one of my senior managers who wrote up the prop and sent it to the client within the hour. The client signed off by 8am the next morning... he didn't even bother waiting to see our competitors' quotes. I'd be $60k poorer if I didn't take that call (and my SM was grateful for the lead because he'll get a bigger bonus now)...

February 11th, 2011, 21:06
[quote="Beachlover"]There's no hard and fast rule like you guys are saying. It's all circumstantial... when I'm eating or drinking with mates I see 3-4 times a week it's a casual catch up and fine to answer the phone. But if I'm with someone I don't have dinner with often, a client or date, I tend to avoid answering unless it's urgent (I say so in advance if I'm expecting urgent calls).

I guess these days those "urgent calls" are anyone from Mubarak to combat!

February 12th, 2011, 03:24
More people have mobile phones than have toilets - how apt, there is so much shit talked about over those infernal machines. (And yes I know what I'm inviting here :violent1: )


Maybe someone could come up with an app on google for them to show them where thev nearest toilet is?? or am I talking shit?? :laughing3:

OR out of my arse? :dontknow:

February 12th, 2011, 03:47
This has nothing to do with Thailand.... but

It's a great story of a charity agency who built a commercially profitable business model, which is now being copied and taken up by small entrepreneurs in Cambodia for the good of the population's health and prosperity. Great stuff...

I can't believe these people just shit anywhere though... it's not that hard to set up a centralised and reasonably well organised/sanitised ablutions facility. Even digging dedicated holes (which are partially filled in after each use) is better than just doing it anywhere without properly covering it up and letting flies and whatever get at it and contaminate everything.

Its got plenty to do with Thailand,haven't you seen all the 'shit' going on with them both on the border with the temple site?

And both governments,as usual, are full of it.. :laughing3:

February 12th, 2011, 03:52
If Im with someone and they decide to have a conversation on there mobile phone I get up and leave. Rude bastard thinks someone whose not with him is more interesting than me who took the time to be with him.