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View Full Version : Can anyone confirm this?

Thai Dyed
February 6th, 2011, 18:43
Over on another gay Thailand forum a poster claims he has a farang friend who got stopped a few days ago after leaving Babylon in BKK as "he was getting in to a Cab after visiting Babylon and there was a police Block just around the corner". The poster claims the search turned up poppers and that the farang had to pay US$2000 to thwart getting arrested.

Can anyone confirm this? It would be great to see some of the fun spread around to the more holier-than-thou venues like Babylon. When you start a serious search, you can always find some reason to bust just about anyone. Makes great headlines too while laughing your ass off. Just look at how happy this Boy in Brown is while busting someone:


February 6th, 2011, 18:54
I took a look and the poster in question was none other than 'Let Me Bore You' writing about another one of his 'mega' rich friends! Make what you will of it, I know what I think, but we won't go into that!

http://www.gaybuttonthai.com/viewtopic. ... b63a8d1a41 (http://www.gaybuttonthai.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2411&sid=f90ba8fbff515cccb2d261b63a8d1a41)

February 6th, 2011, 20:27
LOL... It's another demented story posted by "Let Me Con U". Even the GBT members are questioning his honesty. Is it strange that he quotes the figures for the bribe negotiation/outcome in round figure dollars rather than baht?

I don't know what it is with poppers. I was in a sauna in Singapore once and was about to hook up with a good looking guy... in the room he got out what I think was a popper, took a sniff and offered it to me. It stunk the room out. I refused, explained I didn't like the smell and made an exit.

When you start a serious search, you can always find some reason to bust just about anyone
I'm not 100% sure I agree with this statement. If someone searched me, my room and luggage, they'd find zilch, short of planting something.

Thai Dyed... why are you so much against any sort of law enforcement activity? Thailand's already a fairly loose place in terms of the law.

I agree randomly picking out farang to extract bribes from like this is more financially motivated than anything else (if it's even partly true then they've found a nice earner stopping exiting customers on that corner) but if poppers are illegal then they're illegal... he shouldn't have had them.

February 7th, 2011, 01:51
Opps have to say I'm sitting quietly here counting my blessing as throughout my whole last 3 week trip I had two bottles of poppers sitting on my bedside table in the various hotels I stayed in which no doubt the hotel MUST have seen each day ( actually a few of them actually put them in a drawer for me a few now that I think about it ! ) as I wasn't aware that poppers were illegal in Thailand and so I thought nothing about it ! Phew ! :-)

Koh Samui Luv
February 7th, 2011, 16:34
Opps have to say I'm sitting quietly here counting my blessing as throughout my whole last 3 week trip I had two bottles of poppers sitting on my bedside table in the various hotels I stayed in which no doubt the hotel MUST have seen each day ( actually a few of them actually put them in a drawer for me a few now that I think about it ! ) as I wasn't aware that poppers were illegal in Thailand and so I thought nothing about it ! Phew ! :-)

I trust you are aware that ignorance of the law is no defense!

You should be locked up and the key thrown away. On top of that you are a self-confessed criminal. You are no better than all the other scum, the thieves, pedos and yaba addicts and should be behind bars.

Someone should report you to the Thailand National Police, your IP traced, and evidence gathered from the hotels where you stayed and the people you associated with. And if you are now overseas (say in North Ireland for example) Interpol should track you down to have you extradited back to Thailand to stand trial. I know the American government gives Thailand a huge amount of money each year exactly for this purpose, to eliminate the drug menace. Several NGOs also spend a fortune to track down the likes of you so that an example can be made for all posterity.

February 7th, 2011, 19:41
@ Koh Samui Luv - I TOTALLY agree with you, it's people like me that are giving Pattaya a bad name !!! Personally I should be taken out a flailed with tree branches laced with thorns ! - I'm glad you kept me right re this sort of thing, we need more people like you on this board, well done !! lol

February 7th, 2011, 19:49
You're just a lovely guy, KSL.

February 7th, 2011, 20:05
@ Koh Samui Luv - I TOTALLY agree with you, it's people like me that are giving Pattaya a bad name !!! Personally I should be taken out a flailed with tree branches laced with thorns ! - I'm glad you kept me right re this sort of thing, we need more people like you on this board, well done !! lol

Hey NIrish that could be a money maker for you in Pattaya as I should think that there are a lot of elderly farangs hanging around Sunee who dream of being flayed like that but can't find a 'Man-Boy' to do it for them..... :thumbleft:

February 7th, 2011, 20:32
and KSL I have to say as Trolls go that WAS fairly lame ! but hey at least you started me day off with a laugh ;-)

And Combat what do mean it COULD be a good money earner - how exactly do you think I paid for my trip in the first place - all those 4000 baht tips for "special services" quickly mounted up you know ! :-) - he he there you go KSL you can go ahead and add prositution to my list of "charges" now as well :-) lol

Koh Samui Luv
February 7th, 2011, 22:02
I gather that the shoe is on the other foot now!


February 8th, 2011, 19:14
I should think that there are a lot of elderly farangs hanging around Sunee who dream of being flayed like that but can't find a 'Man-Boy' to do it for them..... :thumbleft:
Well, there's one oblivious farang constantly bitching and moaning about not being able to find a "real men" boys he can get to "suck me and I fuck you" (in his own words).

February 9th, 2011, 03:22
What's wrong with poppers anyway? Sybil and I use them at every party, and they look lovely as they fly across the room all multicoloured (or multicolored if you're a N. American). (Are we still allowed to say "multicoloured"? or is it not politically correct?)

February 9th, 2011, 11:47
Are we still allowed to say "multicoloured"? or is it not politically correct?

I guess the correct term would be multi-pigmentally-empowered.


February 10th, 2011, 05:13
What's wrong with poppers anyway? Sybil and I use them at every party...


February 10th, 2011, 11:28
What's wrong with poppers anyway? Sybil and I use them at every party, and they look lovely as they fly across the room all multicoloured (or multicolored if you're a N. American). (Are we still allowed to say "multicoloured"? or is it not politically correct?)

Sybil darling was only trying to warn you that your bottom teeth had fallen out after you ravaged a turkey leg, she tied a few greasy napkins toghether and then threw them up into the air to catch your attention. Unfortunately you took it as a cue that 12 had struck and stood up and proposed a totht.

That popping sound dear was your hip as you lurched upright with that broad grin.