View Full Version : Scientists find gene that could help body cure itself of HIV

February 4th, 2011, 16:58
Scientists find gene that could help body cure itself of HIV

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/artic ... z1CzEPeIHu (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1353519/Scientists-gene-help-body-cure-HIV.html#ixzz1CzEPeIHu)

February 5th, 2011, 08:12
Hey, I read about this too!

They've found a way to give the immune system a massive boost with a certain hormone.

The great thing is if it works, it's not just a solution for HIV. It's a solution for few other fatal and uncurable viruses too, like Hep B and C.

http://www.smh.com.au/national/hope-for ... 1agfn.html (http://www.smh.com.au/national/hope-for-hiv-treatment-as-scientists-boost---immune-system-20110204-1agfn.html)

Hope for HIV treatment as scientists boost immune system

February 4, 2011 - 3:48PM
Australian scientists have found a way to boost the power of the immune system, a technique seen to be capable of clearing an "HIV-like" infection from a mouse.

In a development that could point to a cure for HIV and other chronic viral infections in humans, the research at Melbourne's Walter and Eliza Hall Institute is centred on a naturally occurring cell signalling hormone called interleukin-7 (IL-7).

Research leader Dr Marc Pellegrini said when a synthetic version of this hormone was given to mice it "boosted the immune response in a pretty profound fashion" - so much so it cleared a virus considered a close match to HIV.

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"We've shown that persistent use over three weeks can actually clear infection and we would presume that this would be translatable to humans," Dr Pellegrini told AAP.

"This is the first time that we've used [IL-7] therapeutically to cure an infection and it looks like it is translatable to HIV."

Despite the promising indications, Dr Pellegrini warned it could still take 10 to 15 years before IL-7 could be approved for broadscale use to combat HIV.

IL-7 plays a key role in immune system development and maintenance, and the mice's extra dose was seen to reinvigorate their immune system's killer T cells, which seek out and kill off invaders.

Critically, it did not prompt a massive over-reaction that could have prompted the immune system to attack healthy parts of the body in a damaging auto-immune response.

It is hoped this boosting effect would be sufficient - when used alongside conventional anti-retroviral drugs which can now kill off the HIV virus - to help a human immune system clear the body's "latent reservoirs" of HIV.

These are pockets of usually inactive HIV virus which are known to exist in an HIV positive person's gut and brain.

"We know that we will never be able to effect cures with our current anti-retrovirals because it just kills the virus in the system but there are always going to be latent reservoirs that will come back into action as soon as you stop that therapy," Dr Pellegrini said.

"Whereas IL-7 will reinvigorate the immune system and each of the T cells will be able to fight the virus much better ... and, in theory, clear these latent viral reservoirs."

Trials in humans have not progressed beyond the point of determining that it is not initially toxic.

HIV aside, the technique could also prove effective against hepatitis B and C, or bacterial infections such as tuberculosis, which also pose significant global health burdens.

Dr Pellegrini worked with colleagues Simon Preston and Jesse Toe, and collaborators professors Pamela Ohashi and Tak Mak from the Ontario Cancer Institute.
Their findings were published today in the journal Cell.

This research was supported by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council, the Canadian Institute for Health and the Cancer Research Institute.


http://www.smh.com.au/national/hope-for ... 1agfn.html (http://www.smh.com.au/national/hope-for-hiv-treatment-as-scientists-boost---immune-system-20110204-1agfn.html)

February 5th, 2011, 09:39
Is a gene and a hormone the same thing? combat says gene and beachlover says gene but the article says hormone. Which is it?

February 5th, 2011, 09:45
From what I understood... some viral infections overwhelm the immune system so it gives up.

There's a certain gene which "slams the breaks" on the immune system when this happens, maybe so it doesn't become exhausted. The hormone they've discovered "switches" off this gene so the immune system can fire up and overwhelm the viral infection quickly, rather than fighting a long an exhausting battle it can't win, like a sprint instead of a long-distance run... it's kind of like a spurt of adrenalin you need to win a quick fight in the moment.

Sounds promising but they're saying it's still 10-15 years away.

February 5th, 2011, 10:15
Maybe Im missing something here but I did a word search of the newspaper article and it doesnt use the word gene AT ALL. It only says hormone. So where did combat and beachlover find out about this gene or are a gene and a hormone the same thing?????

February 5th, 2011, 11:10
I think you're missing a brain brisbaneguy... either that or you're trying to have us on. Read both articles (DailyMail and SMH). "Gene" is clearly mentioned in one.

February 5th, 2011, 12:06
I read the one you quoted buddy. It didnt mention any gene at all. You really are a peace of work arent you.

February 5th, 2011, 14:20
Read the original post.

February 5th, 2011, 14:38
Maybe Im missing something here but I did a word search of the newspaper article and it doesnt use the word gene AT ALL. It only says hormone. So where did combat and beachlover find out about this gene or are a gene and a hormone the same thing?????

You trying to stir the shit and have made a complete idiot of yourself. Take the piss by all means but this post was about a couple of articles in newspapers nothing more and nothing less. If you can' be bothered to take the time to read it through properly then that's up to you. but get your facts right first.

Just for you as you seem to be incapable of reading it through here is a 'little tiny' bit from the OP newspaper article:

Daily Mail:

The breakthrough centres on a gene called SOCS-3.
When faced with an overwhelming infection such as HIV, the gene becomes highly active and slams the brakes on the immune response, allowing the virus to persist.
When the researchers boosted levels of a hormone called IL-7, the gene тАШswitched offтАЩ and mice were able to gradually remove HIV from their bodies, the journal Cell reports.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/artic ... z1D4TMVNEy (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1353519/HIV-cure-hope-Gene-help-body-scientists.html#ixzz1D4TMVNEy)

February 5th, 2011, 14:44
I think you will find that both articles are simplistic in the extreme. HIV and Hepatitis are not even the same viral class and have completely different modes of action. Neither article explains properly how IL7 works in clearing HIV from the body so it is impossible to say whether there is a genetic factor involved or not. If the SOCS-3 gene is involved as the first article suggests then it is unclear how this would also be effective with Hepatitis B and C as they have a completely different mode of infection to HIV and work on different receptors. TB on the other hand is a bacteria so completely different again. I am sure there is very interesting research going on using IL7 but you would have to read (and understand) the original scientific paper to know what it all means. As has been indicated, any viable human treatment is at least 10-15 years away. And at the end of the day it may amount to nothing as the effect may not work in humans as it does in mice.

To set straight Beachlover's claim that Hepatitis B and C are fatal and incurable, they are fatal in less than 5% of cases for Hepatitis B and around 25-40 % of cases of Hepatitis C (many years later from cirrhosis).

Isn't it interesting how the intellectually stunted always resort to verbal abuse when inconveniently questioned?

February 5th, 2011, 15:49
Isn't it interesting how the intellectually stunted always resort to verbal abuse when inconveniently questioned?

Just another article to throw into the ring:

http://www.articleslist.net/medical-hea ... cleid=1634 (http://www.articleslist.net/medical-health.asp?Hepatitis-B---A-Deadly-Killer=0&c=2&articleid=1634)

February 5th, 2011, 15:56
Hep B is incurable. It can be fatal for a large number of cases, even though it doesn't kill you for many years and may simply shorten your lifespan. You have to sacrifice a lot of manage it (lifestyle etc.) And worst of all, it can f*ck up your ability to have a more normal love/sex life and have kids because it stays in your system forever. Enough said...

February 5th, 2011, 16:26
Thanks onceinawhile its apleasure to find someone knowlegable hear and not some twat like beachlover who I see is now making up messages to proof his points.

February 5th, 2011, 17:06
Thanks onceinawhile its apleasure to find someone knowlegable hear and not some twat like beachlover who I see is now making up messages to proof his points.

You were the 'twat' who didn't read the original articles in this post properly. The post itself was nothing more than a reference to a couple of articles in newspapers. It's you and your dislike for a poster who has demeaned this post just as you normally do, so I'd say you are the 'twat' and not Beachlover.

February 5th, 2011, 22:14
Hep B is incurable. It can be fatal for a large number of cases, even though it doesn't kill you for many years and may simply shorten your lifespan. You have to sacrifice a lot of manage it (lifestyle etc.) And worst of all, it can f*ck up your ability to have a more normal love/sex life and have kids because it stays in your system forever. Enough said...

True the meds for this only lower the viral count and sometimes allow the body to develop antibodies that keep that count from damaging the liver. If you live or travel in Asia it is very smart to get the highly effective vaccine for this disease. It takes a number of shots and last at least for 25 years.

February 5th, 2011, 22:33
True the meds for this only lower the viral count and sometimes allow the body to develop antibodies that keep that count from damaging the liver. If you live or travel in Asia it is very smart to get the highly effective vaccine for this disease. It takes a number of shots and last at least for 25 years.

Hep B injections are at done in three lots, then it is advisable to get a booster once every year or other year. Your doctor would advise you as to the correct time space depending on your health etc.

February 5th, 2011, 22:40
Hep B is incurable. It can be fatal for a large number of cases, even though it doesn't kill you for many years and may simply shorten your lifespan. You have to sacrifice a lot of manage it (lifestyle etc.) And worst of all, it can f*ck up your ability to have a more normal love/sex life and have kids because it stays in your system forever. Enough said...

More ignorant fear mongering.

Acute hepatitis B refers to newly acquired infections. In most people with acute hepatitis, symptoms resolve over weeks to months and they are cured of the infection.
However, a small number of people develop a very severe, life-threatening form of acute hepatitis called fulminant hepatitis.
Chronic hepatitis B is an infection with HBV that lasts longer than 6 months. Once the infection becomes chronic, it may never go away completely.
Approximately 90% to 95% of infected adults are able to fight off the virus so their infection is cured.
Only about 5% to 10% of adults infected with HBV go on to develop chronic infection.
Acute hepatitis B usually resolves on its own and does not require medical treatment.
There are several antiviral agents for chronic hepatitis B approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). New drugs are always being tested and treatment recommendations are subject to change.

February 5th, 2011, 22:59
If you have an active sex life with numerous partners then it would be advised to get a Hep B shot, better safe than sorry as you could well be one of those that does become ill. It is not called scare mongering but rather common sense, why take a risk when for a small outlay you can get yourself vaccinated? Most medical practitioners will recommend it especially if you are travelling to or living in the Far East.

Hepatitis B vaccine is safe and effective, but should not be seen as an alternative to a strategy of prevention of transmission.
It is recommended for:
тАвThose who may be exposed to blood or blood products through their occupation, e.g. healthcare workers, ambulance crews, carers of high-risk or known patients, and morticians.
тАвTravellers who intend to stay for long periods in high prevalence areas.
тАвThose considered to be at risk of hepatitis B through their planned activities, e.g. volunteers undertaking manual work, taking part in contact sports, involvement with casual sex.
тАвYoung children who may be in close contact with the local population and therefore at risk of cuts and scratches.
тАвTravellers with pre-existing medical conditions, who may be at higher risk of requiring medical procedures abroad, e.g. pregnancy. (Pregnancy is not a contra-indication to immunisation.)
тАвHaemophiliacs requiring treatment.
тАвPrisoners and prison officers.
тАвAll pregnant women should be screened for HBV.

Another site is this one:

http://healthwellness1.com/sexuallytran ... itisb.html (http://healthwellness1.com/sexuallytransmitteddisease/hepatitisb.html)

February 5th, 2011, 23:45
Calling it incurable and fatal in a large number of cases is fear mongering.

I do however agree that it is sensible and highly recommended to be vaccinated.

February 5th, 2011, 23:55
Calling it incurable and fatal in a large number of cases is fear mongering.

I do however agree that it is sensible and highly recommended to be vaccinated.

Christ you agreeing, now I need a drink!

February 6th, 2011, 00:11
now I need a drink!

No, what you need to do is pull your head out Beachlover's ass. You know damn well what he wrote was wrong but by saying nothing you show tacit approval for his gross inaccuracies. If anyone else had posted such nonsense you would have been all over them like white on rice.

February 6th, 2011, 00:24
No, what you need to do is pull your head out Beachlover's ass. You know damn well what he wrote was wrong but by saying nothing you show tacit approval for his gross inaccuracies. If anyone else had posted such nonsense you would have been all over them like white on rice.

I've cancelled the drink you really are a pain, bitch, bitch, bitch without a let up. Beachlover actually adds a lot to this forum and certainly does not deserve the continuous slagging that you give him. If he gets something wrong then fair enough make a point, but don't go on and on and on about it. We know you don't like his posts so just leave it at that and go get yourself a mug of hot coco!

February 6th, 2011, 00:39
but don't go on and on and on about it

There's the pot calling the kettle black. Classic. Perfectly OK though for Beachlover to continuously slag off Gaybutton and go on and on and on about him, and he doesn't even post here.

Hypocrisy - Combat is thy name.

February 6th, 2011, 06:03
you really are a pain, bitch, bitch, bitch without a let up.
Yeah, well Smiles doesn't have any purpose for this handle.

Forget it, Combat... after a certain point it's not worth arguing with bitter, grumpy men anymore. You don't respond when the bum on the park bench yells out do you? Let him fester on with his sad life.

February 6th, 2011, 09:00
you really are a pain, bitch, bitch, bitch without a let up.
Yeah, well Smiles doesn't have any purpose for this handle.

Forget it, Combat... after a certain point it's not worth arguing with bitter, grumpy men anymore. You don't respond when the bum on the park bench yells out do you? Let him fester on with his sad life.

Indeed it is a sad Bitter meaningful life 'Once in a while' has. What a mess when a man has nothing better to do than antagonize one guy on an open forum. It seems he moderators would intervene with him after a while. Some one like this is useless to the forum and I call for him to be banned in as much as he offers nothing meaningful to the forum but bitterness and antagonism of innocent people and anyone who agrees with the young man at all is viciously attacked, just like the whale and the seal. He may not be the "messenger" but God he looks like the one who plans to carry the kill out. its my advice to limit his exposure here he has been doing the same shit for years and no one does a damn thing about it, you just let him go on, on and on , First with me , now again with beach lover. How sad and existence he has to wait around for some one he feels he can attack and get away with it now for years. Why let him continue this rampage? He is sick to his soul and needs to fine a new place to rest his listless self. He is Noddy and a pitiful excuse for a man.

February 6th, 2011, 09:15
but God he looks like the one who plans to carry the kill out

LOL Wesley - honestly dear you get more demented with each passing day.
Are you now suggesting that I am planning to KILL Beachlover?
You do realize it is an anonymous message board don't you? None of this is actually real dear.
Now be a good little girl, put the gin bottle down and crawl back into bed and sleep it off.

February 6th, 2011, 09:38
but God he looks like the one who plans to carry the kill out

LOL Wesley - honestly dear you get more demented with each passing day.
Are you now suggesting that I am planning to KILL Beachlover?
You do realize it is an anonymous message board don't you? None of this is actually real dear.
Now be a good little girl, put the gin bottle down and crawl back into bed and sleep it off.

No dear I am talking about it in a existential manner, I realize you want to run him off the board, that would be the kill. are your nuts , I would never think you were that crazy, damn , no intelligence at all.I hvae never had Gin in my life are you kidding, shit for brains. If I wee to drink anything at all it would be a mixed drink like a long island Ice Tea, that would last me all night. I really don't drink alone never ever, I am a social drinker only. But since this is going to be one of your crypt points, BTW you can call me an alcoholic if it makes you feel bigger or better than you are. Gosh please don't be so noddy

February 7th, 2011, 19:28
Wes, he's really just trying to draw you into further exchanges. You know the routine... you say something reasonable and he just responds with this bitchy and unreasonable moaning.

A decent guy like you doesn't deserve this dreck. We've said what needs to be said... Once In AWhile is a secondary handle Smiles uses to lash out at posters without adding more arsehole points to his image. He likes to be an arsehole so much he actually needs to spread it amongst multiple handles. That's all there is to it.

February 7th, 2011, 19:44
Wes, he's really just trying to draw you into further exchanges. You know the routine... you say something reasonable and he just responds with this bitchy and unreasonable moaning.

I agree with that comment, let him fester in his own maliciousness, even if you agreed with him he'd retort with something else. If he has something on you Wes let him publish we are not interested in his childish threats or rants.