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View Full Version : Thai Sniffing Thing

February 1st, 2011, 17:09
I have just been to Bahrain for the weekend and met a Thai Boy. Things seemed to be just the same as in Thailand. He spoke perfect English made it clear that a tip would be required in the region of 20BD to stay all night. (about 2,000 Baht).

We had a few drinks in the bar and went back to the hotel. A very strange thing happened during the lead up to sex. He hugged up to me face to face and started sniffing my face all over. On departure in the morning he did the same. I made a date to see him again that night after he finished work.

Night two. Same routine again with the sniffing thing. Of course by now he loved me and didn't know what he would do without me when I went back over the bridge to Saudi that night. All the I love you shit I can deal with but I don't get the sniffing thing. By the way I don't stink, any serious answers as to what this was all about.

February 1st, 2011, 17:52
Whilst I don't know why they do it - it's extremely common and no reflection on your personal hygiene status.


February 1st, 2011, 17:56
Google "sniff kiss thailand"

February 1st, 2011, 17:59
I can't believe that you have been to Thailand and haven't seen or experienced the 'Thai Sniff' before. It's a cultural thing showing affection.

You might have also noticed that Thais in more cases than not before buying something in a Supermarket etc.. will pick it up and sniff it. It's a nightmare for pharmaceutical companys trying to introduce cosmetics into the Thai market as a Thai will smell something when there hasn't been a scent added.

February 1st, 2011, 20:06
Google "sniff kiss thailand"

Sniff kissing can be erotic if done softly in the nape of the neck! You'll learn to like it after having kissed enough Thai guys on the mouth after they have eaten barbecued squid!

February 1st, 2011, 21:53
I'm not Thai and I'll sometimes sniff a guys neck...usually as a prelude to nibbling an ear. People enjoy different things when it comes to sex and the gay Thai seem to enjoy making out and the rest that comes along with it. Frankly, that's part of the Thai allure to me.

February 2nd, 2011, 00:15
Itis the way most Thai's kiss. They don't kiss on the lips for the most part but many will.

February 2nd, 2011, 02:40
Yep, as stated, it's just a way of showing affection, and just a cultural thing. Like how many European countries kiss each other on both cheeks to say hello, or how Thais will wai instead of shake hands. Think of it like that.

Take it as a compliment, it means he likes you. :)

February 2nd, 2011, 02:50
Yep, as stated, it's just a way of showing affection, and just a cultural thing. Like how many European countries kiss each other on both cheeks to say hello, or how Thais will wai instead of shake hands. Think of it like that.

Take it as a compliment, it means he likes you. :)

It's a much more intimate gesture than either of the examples you have cited Matt .... and it's quite possible that unless you find someone who REALLY likes you, you won't experience it ....

February 2nd, 2011, 03:32
Itis the way most Thai's kiss. They don't kiss on the lips for the most part but many will.

They don't do anything the way most people do!

They use umbrellas when it's not raining, put on lightening cream instead of suntan lotion, use water sparingly except when its at its shortest supply-Songkran, take off their trousers to pass wind, be appalled if you don't take off your shoes in their house,but don't think its impolite to sit picking their noses and scratching rtheir private parts at the dinner table,use their hands to do their ablutions, but then go straight without washing and eat with them, won't hurt an insect but will blast you at point blank with a gun in a 7-11, think it's terrible to touch someones head but have no problem stitching people up and sending them to prison for years for no reason, call you mean for not buying gold,but sell it as soon as you do!, think its OK to have twenty boyfriends sending money, and you don't understand me,when you you catch them at it, Ask you to build a house when you've just lost your job.................. and the answer is,if you don't like it,go back to your country!

You want some more.............................How does the jingle go?.....Amaaa--zing Thailand! :laughing3:

February 2nd, 2011, 04:13
.....They don't do anything the way most people do!
.....they think its OK to have twenty boyfriends sending money, and you don't understand me,when you you catch them at it...

I can identify with that one!

Best example I can think of is putting an Elastoplast on the cheek for toothache!!!


February 2nd, 2011, 04:36
They don't do anything the way most people do!
You want some more.............................How does the jingle go?.....Amaaa--zing Thailand! :laughing3:

Good one Kevin...

February 2nd, 2011, 07:07
An interesting post Kquill. I recognised all of the traits you mentioned with the exception of the тАЬtake off their trousers to pass windтАЭ. Actually IтАЩve never heard any Thai boy IтАЩve been with pass wind, even during my 2 year relationship with my then Thai boyfriend.

February 2nd, 2011, 09:04
Elastoplast on the cheek for toothache!!!

I never seen, but that's absolutely adorable.

I always sniff kiss, all over in fact,and I mean all over starting with the head working down to parting the red sea and toes. It just seems sensible like when you open a new bottle of marmalade.
I've never been disappointed. After this I blow kiss by blowing all over, it seems to drive guys crazy with lust. Dogs sniff kiss a lot by way of greeting, the anus and genitalia are never left out.
Immediately after they either rip each other apart or start humping.

Worst thing for sniffers is getting into lift after a bunch of woman have been in there, I almost faint its so pungent, I once threw up.

February 2nd, 2011, 09:12
.....They don't do anything the way most people do!
.....they think its OK to have twenty boyfriends sending money, and you don't understand me,when you you catch them at it...

I can identify with that one!

Best example I can think of is putting an Elastoplast on the cheek for toothache!!!


yup, that cracks me up too !!!

February 2nd, 2011, 09:20
They use umbrellas when it's not raining,, take off their trousers to pass wind, be appalled if you don't take off your shoes in their house,,use their hands to do their ablutions, won't hurt an insect but will blast you at point blank with a gun in a 7-11, think it's terrible to touch someones head.........

Heavens alive I share so much in common with the Thais. BTW they dont have to wash their hands after ablution cause they use the right hand to play anal douche and the left to eat.

I suppose the sensible thing then to do is feed em an intensive diet of baked beans and chick pea?

I never pass wind. I avoid all foods that will make that happen, some Indians follow the same diet.

February 2nd, 2011, 10:17
An interesting post Kquill. I recognised all of the traits you mentioned with the exception of the тАЬtake off their trousers to pass windтАЭ. Actually IтАЩve never heard any Thai boy IтАЩve been with pass wind, even during my 2 year relationship with my then Thai boyfriend.


But you've never been locked in a room head to head with 90 of them,have you?

Believe me,they do all the bodily functions and more, than many Westerners,except for Cedric,who assures the board he is a 'non blower from those regions of the body' It may be true,but takes some swallowing!

Is it possible that is what the Thais are having a good sniff for? you just never know. Anyway,I hate discussing such things crude functions.

Lastly, I didn't actually mean they physically remove their trousers to pass wind,I was referring to the backward cock eyed way they go about everything! although,I wouldn't put it past them.

They even gamble and have half goals,how do you score a half goal?

February 2nd, 2011, 11:20
Thanks for all the information guys.

Quiet 1
I did google it as you suggested and was amazed at all the information about sniff kissing,

I have been to Thailand a dozen or so times and this is really the first time I have been sniff kissed and it happened outside Thailand. Perhaps as cdnmatt says in means he likes me.

Wonderfull description of Thai behaviour

February 2nd, 2011, 11:25
It's a much more intimate gesture than either of the examples you have cited Matt ....

Yeah, definitely, I just couldn't think of any good examples for affection like that. I just meant think of it as "weird" in that sort of way. For example, in the oil fields of NW Canada, if you went and kissed people on the cheek to say hello, they'd think you're an idiot.

You're right, sniffing is reserved for lovers. You don't go around sniffing your friends or family. :-)

February 2nd, 2011, 18:43
Hey Kquill, if I found myself locked in a room with 90 Thai boys IтАЩm sure I would have thought IтАЩd died and gone to Heaven тАУ ha, ha, ha!

February 2nd, 2011, 18:59
Hey Kquill, if I found myself locked in a room with 90 Thai boys IтАЩm sure I would have thought IтАЩd died and gone to Heaven тАУ ha, ha, ha!

Don't make jokes about something you neither know nothing about or wouldn't wish on yourself or anyone else.

February 3rd, 2011, 12:11
...sniffing is reserved for lovers. You don't go around sniffing your friends or family. :-)

actually parents give sniff kisses to their little children. it's a sweet little affection. joop joop

February 3rd, 2011, 18:01
Hey Kquill, if I found myself locked in a room with 90 Thai boys IтАЩm sure I would have thought IтАЩd died and gone to Heaven тАУ ha, ha, ha!
Don't make jokes about something you neither know nothing about or wouldn't wish on yourself or anyone else.
I think Jellybean might not be aware of some of the background behind someone being locked up in Thailand...

February 3rd, 2011, 18:08
I've never had a full on sniff kiss thing where a boy has gone and sniffed my whole face slowly as you described, Allieb. Maybe that's a bit over the top, but I've had boys sniff me while kissing and embracing, which didn't seem like anything out of the ordinary.

I think, maybe, it's more of an Asian thing. I do it when I'm with a boy I really like, but it's more of a light affectionate sniff while making out. I think it's normal. Especially when you're around his neck or chest.

Oh yeah, now I remember I used to get sniffed and kissed a LOT by relatives and family when I was a kid too LOL.

February 3rd, 2011, 22:21
I've never had a full on sniff kiss thing where a boy has gone and sniffed my whole face slowly as you described, Allieb. Maybe that's a bit over the top, but I've had boys sniff me while kissing and embracing, which didn't seem like anything out of the ordinary.

I think, maybe, it's more of an Asian thing. I do it when I'm with a boy I really like, but it's more of a light affectionate sniff while making out. I think it's normal. Especially when you're around his neck or chest.

Oh yeah, now I remember I used to get sniffed and kissed a LOT by relatives and family when I was a kid too LOL.

Was it around the area of your diapers? :evil4: :evil4: :evil4:

February 3rd, 2011, 22:55
An interesting post Kquill. I recognised all of the traits you mentioned with the exception of the тАЬtake off their trousers to pass windтАЭ. Actually IтАЩve never heard any Thai boy IтАЩve been with pass wind, even during my 2 year relationship with my then Thai boyfriend.

You did not hear it but did you smell it? My Thai friends use the proper word for passing wind, "fart".

February 7th, 2011, 21:29
I recieved my first sniff kiss this past trip,on both sides of my neck.I think this was my best trip ever to los.
He was a stunner too.The most beutiful eyes I've ever seen.
Of course I lost touch with him right away.I'm hoping my friend still in los will get his email for me.

February 7th, 2011, 22:00
I recieved my first sniff kiss this past trip,on both sides of my neck.I think this was my best trip ever to los.
He was a stunner too.The most beutiful eyes I've ever seen.
Of course I lost touch with him right away.I'm hoping my friend still in los will get his email for me.

You were twizzed! A true sniff kiss is against the cheek/face .... in 25 years I've never had one against my neck!

February 18th, 2011, 04:28
The sniff kiss (or haawm kaem in Thai - haawm meaning pleasant smell) is the act of putting your nose close to the cheek, the neck or the hair of the beloved and inhaling their scent. You'll see mothers doing it to sons when they pick them up from school, and boyfriends to girlfriends when they're ecstatic to be in their company. It's the way Thais show affection, not from tasting but from inhaling deeply the tantalizing smell and pheromones of the one who is loved. But it can be a bit disorienting for Westerners.

If you love somebody in the West, what's the first thing you want to do? Kiss them. A mouth's open, tongue's out, saliva churning whopper - and often in public. In Thailand, that's something only reserved for the bedroom and never ever ever seen in public, even in open-minded Bangkok. In its place, the Thais have the 'sniff kiss'.

The sniff kiss is the most unbelievably knee weakening, brain emptying, word stumbling, erotic gesture when given by a lover. When given by an aunt, a mother, a father or a grandmother, it's the closest thing you'll ever feel to being loved beyond all knowing.

February 18th, 2011, 04:37
The sniff kiss is the most unbelievably knee weakening, brain emptying, word stumbling, erotic gesture when given by a lover. When given by an aunt, a mother, a father or a grandmother, it's the closest thing you'll ever feel to being loved beyond all knowing.

Expressed in such a gracefully elegant manner Jason. After reading that one only has to close ones eyes to remember that first time.

February 18th, 2011, 04:46
Expressed in such a gracefully elegant manner Jason. After reading that one only has to close ones eyes to remember that first time.

And such a pity it is plagiarism.

February 18th, 2011, 19:24
Expressed in such a gracefully elegant manner Jason. After reading that one only has to close ones eyes to remember that first time.

And such a pity it is plagiarism.

Thank you for pointing this out. I didn't write this article and the link didn't appear at the end of my posting, my error. My apologies for not proofreading before posting. Hopefully, you will be able to continue your job in the internet police and resident nanny to this board. :violent1:

February 18th, 2011, 19:54
Thank you for pointing this out. I didn't write this article and the link didn't appear at the end of my posting, my error. My apologies for not proofreading before posting. Hopefully, you will be able to continue your job in the internet police and resident nanny to this board. :violent1:

Thanks for posting it Jason, it doesn't matter where it came from or who originally wrote it, it was just nice to read it.

February 18th, 2011, 20:00
it was just nice to read it.

Combat, you are sooooooooo sweet :love4:

February 18th, 2011, 20:53
Hopefully, you will be able to continue your job in the internet police and resident nanny to this board

With the high moral standards being set by you and others on this board I am just trying to get with your righteous program.
If it is morally unacceptable not to be monogamous (Thou shalt not commit adultery), then it is also unacceptable to use the intellectual work of others without proper attribution (Thou shalt not steal).

That's the problem with moral absolutism, it's going to come back and bite you on the ass.

Here's another little ditty from the good book you might want to mull over - Judge not, lest ye be judged.

February 19th, 2011, 05:39
Hopefully, you will be able to continue your job in the internet police and resident nanny to this board

With the high moral standards being set by you and others on this board I am just trying to get with your righteous program.
If it is morally unacceptable not to be monogamous (Thou shalt not commit adultery), then it is also unacceptable to use the intellectual work of others without proper attribution (Thou shalt not steal).

That's the problem with moral absolutism, it's going to come back and bite you on the ass.

Here's another little ditty from the good book you might want to mull over - Judge not, lest ye be judged.

I'll take that all under consideration while in church on sunday. :sign3:

February 19th, 2011, 05:55
Yeah, not good forgetting the link, but it was probably a once-off mistake.

It's just unfortunate we can't have once-off f*cksticks...

February 20th, 2011, 05:16
Yeah, not good forgetting the link, but it was probably a once-off mistake.

It's just unfortunate we can't have once-off f*cksticks...

What is unfortunate for our friend " Once In Awhile" is the best part of him ran down his mother's leg! :hello2:

February 20th, 2011, 07:45
What is unfortunate for our friend " Once In Awhile" is the best part of him ran down his mother's leg!

And as predictable as the sunrise, the first refuge of the intellectually weak and dishonest - name calling.
You might have tried to find an insult that was a little more contemporary - this one does tend to show your vintage.
I've been called a lot worse by a lot better than you, but then I guess you are doing the best you can with what little you've got.

February 20th, 2011, 08:51
I suspect Jason1988 is actually here to contribute positively and doesn't place as high a priority on thinking up intellectually superior insults and put downs like some grumpy f*cksticks...

February 20th, 2011, 08:54
So as I said earlier, I'm not responding to any of your other posts.

February 20th, 2011, 09:41
I suspect Jason1988 is actually here to contribute positively and doesn't place as high a priority on thinking up intellectually superior insults and put downs like some grumpy f*cksticks...

"Once In Awhile" has nothing to contribute with the exception of his christian religious rants and sarcasm. What a sad person he must be.
We all need to pray for his redemption. :evil3:

February 20th, 2011, 09:44
What is unfortunate for our friend " Once In Awhile" is the best part of him ran down his mother's leg!

And as predictable as the sunrise, the first refuge of the intellectually weak and dishonest - name calling.
You might have tried to find an insult that was a little more contemporary - this one does tend to show your vintage.
I've been called a lot worse by a lot better than you, but then I guess you are doing the best you can with what little you've got.

No little man, I could care less about people like you. I'll let you have the last word. Enjoy your ranting! :rolling:

February 20th, 2011, 11:39
Thai Sniffing Thing

To me that sniff kiss is so erotic. Anyone else think so?