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January 24th, 2011, 13:48
Yes I have a little surrogate baby boy called Lawrence.

Im wondering which hotels are best for staying at with a baby? I usually stay at the Peninsular north VIPs wing but they dont even have a nursery or play group or mini humans pool so im wondering is there a better option?

I will be bringing his wet nurse and nanny with him, but i wondered if he wanted to play with BB's his own age where would be the best for him to do this, he is four months old?

I cant bear to be apart from the three of them for too long but I will need some space after ten in the evening, so I prefer a place that is totally baby friendly? Any suggestions for bby Lawrence to find his feet in Thailand?

Thanks meantime :bee:

January 24th, 2011, 14:06
baby Lawrence, he is a happy baby.http://www.flickr.com/photos/64918943@N00/5383398593/

January 24th, 2011, 17:20
Why don't you think out of the box and post this on a "regular" site such as on Thai visa. You don't have to go into detail, but just ask which hotels are "child/baby" friendly.

January 24th, 2011, 17:54
Shangri La Hotel in bangkok on the river has many support people as well as a Sunday brunch that has a childrens area with clowns etc.
The pool that I go into does not have a baby area but they have more than one and I would be surprsed if they dont have this covered also.

January 25th, 2011, 07:43
Please keep up the list of where breeders go with there fuck trophies so I know what to avoid.

January 25th, 2011, 08:51
Please keep up the list of where breeders go with there fuck trophies so I know what to avoid.

Yes exactly, by now Im sure there are enough men who love men with adopted/surrogate children for us to be catered for.

Probably wishful thinking.

BrisbanGuy it sounds like you are so over broody you are about to spoil. Ever thought about adoption?

January 25th, 2011, 09:17
You are a geenyus Cedric able to read my entire personality from one setence.

January 25th, 2011, 10:12
You are a geenyus Cedric able to read my entire personality from one setence.

It isn't that difficult geenyarse. :bee: :bee: :bee: (Lawrence likes them)

January 25th, 2011, 15:08
Is it just me - or is there something decidedly creepy about this thread?

:dontknow: :dontknow:

January 25th, 2011, 15:44
Im not sure, I think we aren't used to gay men with children who loves Thailand.......is that creepy to you? Do you prefer we discuss offs and dreary matters of delutional old hearts? (read frts)

I agree i wouldnt let little Lawrence on here at least not untill he was 30, but I'm here at 26 and believe me its still very rewarding in the main.

January 25th, 2011, 16:11
I am perfecty willing to accept it may just be me who feels uneasy - part of my unease is the constant use of your "son's" name - if I had a child I would not be referring to him by name on this (or any other) forum.

I do hope you are not acting out some kind of creepy fantasy.

As I say, it may just be me.


January 25th, 2011, 16:37
Im proud and I love my little baby boy Lawrence and as no one knows his second name Im confident that he shall remain absolutely anonymous. He loves mouses.

So why do you find a common Christian name creepy, is it something you want to share, bunny? :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee:

January 25th, 2011, 16:53
or should I call you a chave, all that plaid?

January 25th, 2011, 16:57
PS I have a blog detailing his birth, his mum is from Mongolia, good riding stock her brother won just this year on a horse no bigger than a Shettie. We should ween on buttered tea.
For details just pVT me and Lawrence here.

January 25th, 2011, 20:43
at first I thought this was an innocent thread and was happy to supply the information I thought would help. Now I am getting a bit concerned also. :idea:

January 25th, 2011, 21:45
My you folks sure are gullable to believe Ceddy's story.

January 25th, 2011, 22:46
A troll to beat trolls....

January 26th, 2011, 02:51
Very strange

January 26th, 2011, 05:44
Reading all of Cedric's posts over the past few days (this thread and others) I have to wonder whether dementia has taken over.

January 26th, 2011, 08:47
I have to assume then that none of you have little children :tongue3: :dontknow: :dontknow:

How sad with all those little street children with no homes to go to.

January 26th, 2011, 09:09
Ceddy, shove your child up your ass...and if it lives give it up for adoption, and if it don't, then the two of you were not meant to be.

January 26th, 2011, 10:25
Reading all of Cedric's posts over the past few days (this thread and others) I have to wonder whether dementia has taken over.

January 26th, 2011, 15:44

Says the man who has a plastic owl on his picket fence which he spends his evenings speaking too. Oh yea Mr Smiles who bottoms for Mr Smiles, yea gods has mr Smiles had his eyes tested?

Look chaps I have a baby and thats that put that in your pipes and bloody smoke it.

Its not that outrageous is it? Its 2011 not that any of you will have noticed out there in Peuk ket. Many men who love men have families now sooooooooo get used to adorable tots and hysterical fathers, two of them.

Unfortunately Mr Smiles's sperm hits a rather abrupt dead end when it come face to face with Mrs Turd, but thats no reason to insult.

Im far too young for dementia at 25, and I have found a whole new meaning to life with BB Lawrence by my side. You would be suprised at how many tops go knock-kneed and googa googie over this little pakage. Its heavenly and wonderfully typical.

Snot noses you can only pretend so far. :crybaby:

January 26th, 2011, 17:29
" ... Look chaps I have a baby and thats that put that in your pipes and bloody smoke it ... "
Overly touchy ... not a great start for daddyhood.
Anyway, I don't doubt you are a father ... my wonderment was in regards to the dementia.

January 26th, 2011, 17:35
And Smiles well he's a bit of alright. :king: i hope his handsome love is right beside him tonight.

January 27th, 2011, 17:58
Reading all of Cedric's posts over the past few days (this thread and others) I have to wonder whether dementia has taken over.
Yeah, I agree. Either that or intoxicated. His incoherence puzzles me since he has 2,000 posts under his belt but I've not read any of his posts previous to this so don't know any of the history.

I have to assume then that none of you have little children
If you're telling the truth about having a surrogate kid, then good on you. I think that's great. I want to have kids and a stable family when I'm a little older. Just got to find Mr Right. Then sort out all the challenges involved with surrogacy and gay parenting... it's tough being gay!

January 27th, 2011, 18:06
Just get a Barbie doll like everybody else


January 27th, 2011, 18:32
Just get a Barbie doll like everybody else


The blow up dolls are more fun :tongue3:

January 27th, 2011, 18:55
Just get a Barbie doll like everybody else


The blow up dolls are more fun :tongue3:

Until you have to empty it.


January 27th, 2011, 18:56
all the challenges involved with surrogacy and gay parenting... it's tough being gay!

The nicest thing you ever said and how!!!! My little Law is a miracle of thousands and thousand of pounds and even more hope. Its a nasty world out there and I have been let down so many times I almost gave up.

When I look at him asleep I cant help it but I must cry. I sleep right next to him an listen to his breathing I just cant believe he is here. :crybaby:

Yea its emotional. I never honestly believed it could happen.

Yea Im a bit gaga so would you be. When he looks into my eyes and smiles Im so happy it hurts.

I didnt have anyone to help me the first few months and I was terrified. I couldnt put him down. He seemed to smile from the first day, and then boy could he scream, it was so scary.

I had to speak to breeders and they helped me, so i dont hate them, they helped us get through.

Not everyone who isnt gay is bad. :bee: :bee: :bee:

January 27th, 2011, 18:59
.... a miracle of thousands and thousand of pounds ....

A slight contradiction there, dear.... like saying "it was a miracle I got fucked by that gogo boy last night after giving him 10,000 Baht."


January 27th, 2011, 19:01
No..... 1000's of pounds wasted gone nothing.

January 27th, 2011, 19:17
I bank rolled a bitch for nine months and she wasnt even pregnant. Its a mine field out there.

Well Im sorry to take up your time here, but I want Law to love and know Thailand and so the circus is coming to town :headbang:

I have no doubt he will be the star attraction. Im going to let all the lovely Thai girls snuggle and spoil him rotten :thebirdman:

January 27th, 2011, 22:04
Well if this thread is not тАЬcreepyтАЭ then it is, in my view, most definitely very strange. Is it the work of a deranged mind or the genuine happiness of a new father? If genuine I think there is something commendable about a gay couple wanting to bring up a surrogate child. ItтАЩs not something that I ever contemplated. I assume that before you are allowed to adopt a surrogate child you have to undergo extensive screening by those involved in child protection etc. It therefore seems to me decidedly odd that anyone would want to introduce their new born child to the go-go girls (or bar boys) of Pattaya. Of all the places in the world to bring a child, Pattaya would certainly not figure anywhere near the top of my list. Anyway, babies on planes are a particular pet hate of mine, all that crying and pooing! Why donтАЩt you wait until Lawrence is old enough to appreciate a foreign holiday? Anyway Cedric, I wish you & your partner good luck bringing up baby Lawrence!

January 27th, 2011, 23:40
I may well have missed it, and I've no intention of re-reading - but was there any talk of a partner?


January 27th, 2011, 23:55
Well Im sorry to take up your time here, but I want Law to love and know Thailand and so the circus is coming to town :

Then leave us alone in here, put him in his perambulator and disappear into the back and yonder where the Thai girls will love him to bits, that's if he isn't as Scotty says a Barbie Doll!!!!!

No one who has done what you are making out to have done would be posting it in a forum such as this. Try GayButton they love posts about kids etc.. You'll fit in well over there. :nud:

January 28th, 2011, 00:30
Cedric, gosh pleased to read after all this time that you are still 26. That in itself must be rewarding. And now little Lawrence has turned up. What a wonderful family unit ... or would be if you could just get a partner interested. I am sure with your unique personality this will be corrected in no time at all.

Just looked online and indeed the Shangri La does have features for folk with young children. My suggestion would be the Specialty Suites which also have their own kitchens, so you may keep all little Lawrence's extra requirements on hand. Also they have a very well respected Baby Sitting Srvice and I am sure if you required a Nanny while the wet nurse is taking a break from Lawrences needs, I am sure a short conversation with one of the guest organisers there will come up trumps for you. As money is object anything may be achieved and this bunch of professionals know their stuff.

They were most helpful at Christmas when I wanted to take my partner for lunch on Christmas Day (his birthday). All was in order and the reserved table inside the restaurant but looking out at the Chao Phraya was excellent.

Good luck with your quest.

... and they lived happy ever after.

January 28th, 2011, 04:36
... and they lived happy ever after.

Smart as a whip krobbie I loved it :sign5:

January 28th, 2011, 05:16
Cedric said:...I had to speak to breeders and they helped me, so i dont hate them, they helped us get through (What a poor choice of words - I guess the guy is a fake.)

January 28th, 2011, 05:25
You'll fit in well over there. :nud:

The same place where you post as " sanook " ?

January 28th, 2011, 07:45
Well Scottish-guy it looks like you are correct. It would seem I was mistaken, I thought when he said тАЬusтАЭ that he was referring to him and his partner. Maybe he was only referring to him and the baby. IтАЩve never heard of a single person being able to adopt. Hmm . . . well it just gets curiouser and curiouser. In that case Scottish-guy I think you were spot on in your original post.

January 28th, 2011, 08:10
... the circus is coming to town ...Not a bad summary of this thread.

January 28th, 2011, 08:47
What a load of trash monkeys, I never said I adopted, I never said we were going to some sordid beach town or to hand BB over to go go girls or boys, or my age when I first visited this forum or my status, blah! Blah! Blather! Yudder!

Looks like some of you didn't know you needed spirochetal medication. A long long time ago obviously!

Its rather remarkable but just about everyone has first insulted in disbelief then congratulated me in case true????

What the fuck you want excitment, go to a drop bog and if you're still able to bend those brittle knees well then fall in head first.

January 28th, 2011, 13:59
Then fall in head first.

I think you already did!

January 28th, 2011, 14:41
Then fall in head first.

Combat I dont think I know you? But to be so ungenerous as you are you have to be a little prick that was teased at school. NPD, Narcissistic Personality Disorder. :tongue3:
:violent1: :bee: Its just as well you can't have a family. :rolling:

January 28th, 2011, 15:07
Dont cry though :crybaby: I still loves you. :hello2:

January 30th, 2011, 20:49
I bank rolled a bitch for nine months and she wasnt even pregnant. Its a mine field out there.
If you're story is true, that's cool. I can't wait to have a kids of my own. But I'd like to be in a stable (hopefully lifelong) and loving relationship when the times comes, maybe in 5-10 years. Until then, I'm going to enjoy my single life!

Can you tell us a bit more about the process you went through to have a surrogate baby in Asia? Did you do it in Thailand? Was the Mother Thai or other?

January 31st, 2011, 00:16
Can you tell us a bit more about the process?

You will have to come out of the closet

January 31st, 2011, 10:59
I bank rolled a bitch for nine months and she wasn't even pregnant. Its a mine field out there.
If you're story is true, that's cool. I can't wait to have a kids of my own. But I'd like to be in a stable (hopefully lifelong) and loving relationship when the times comes, maybe in 5-10 years. Until then, I'm going to enjoy my single life!

Can you tell us a bit more about the process you went through to have a surrogate baby in Asia? Did you do it in Thailand? Was the Mother Thai or other?

Beach why is it that everyone thinks you are closet? With a child its not possible to be.

Can I tell you about the process for surrogacy? Thats a big question I could write a book on the subject. Where to start???

It Isn't easy and its fraught with disappointment heartache and tears never mind the loss of huge amounts of cash. Though you can make it easier for yourself in some respects. India is the best bet, but I didn't want Indian, but they are very much geared up for surrogacy, not all I might add for gay couples though.
Im not racist its just I had this image of a gorgeous little Chinese boy. I didn't and still dont want more than one child and I reckon if thats the case choosing the sex is important, Im just not the barbie pink clothes girly books type, and I truly didn't think I could be and that wouldn't be fair on a little girl.

All the little Chinese BB boys I saw available for adoption had major developmental problems mental or physical, much as I loved them it scared me off for a good few years.

To be honest surrogacy at the moment for Gays is whatever you personally can achieve, financially but just also endurance and keeping at it from every angel you can . Dont believe anyone even if it feels right, the end results are all you can hope for even they dont come true. Horrible advise I know, but there are many that will take advantage of you. I tried for a Thai baby but it was just not possible, they couldn't even guarantee I would be able to tke it out the country.

I was lucky after many attempts to strike it lucky with a beautiful Mongolian woman, but by that time I was actively courting woman, not something all gays would do for a baby?

She had had five gorgeous sons in a row and that struck me as ideal. Remember first time mothers are not a good idea, they often want to keep the baby.

Anyway I could go on forever in this haphazard way and you would still be none the wiser just as was I. I researched and researched and even the Netherlands with is liberal policies its a nightmare of legality. Just look around on the internet.

I cant say a baby restricts your being single at all it only enhances it but you will need a nanny etc. I can tell you if you want to try you should start now cause it will take you years unless you have Michael Jackson's finances or Elton's to simply buy and choose a suitable womb, and even they have trouble. :bee:

Best advice I can give you at this time is try and make a plan and expect the worst. If it happens you wont believe it until the little sausage is finally at home, his little fists clenched in the air his eyes shut like little blessed half moons and breathing deeply and soundly asleep.

January 31st, 2011, 13:01
Beach why is it that everyone thinks you are closet?He claims his employees, friends and family don't know and it's not their business. Is that "being in the closet"? I guess he doesn't want Daddy to find out the true nature of the boy who inherited the family business.

January 31st, 2011, 14:20
Beach why is it that everyone thinks you are closet?He claims his employees, friends and family don't know and it's not their business. Is that "being in the closet"? I guess he doesn't want Daddy to find out the true nature of the boy who inherited the family business.

What the f*ck has it got to do with you? I suppose you're the type of limp wristed queens that pranced around letting everyone and anyone one know your sexual orientation when you were five. Even today types of discrimination are found (and reading your crap and innuendoes makes it more obvious) so if someone whats to keep their sexual prefrences private from work and family that is entirely up to them.

January 31st, 2011, 14:26
Fair enough, is he Chinese for example or Kentucky USA eg? It can be difficult for them to come out without being alienated by friends family and associates. In broken families it is usually easier sadly.

I never came out as such just went and did my thing and no one complained, I think it was assumed I was gay as I had a girly boy friend when I was 14 LOL :bee:

January 31st, 2011, 14:30
What the f*ck has it got to do with you?

Im not entirely sure? Its just that everyone seems to take pains to tell me for some reason.

Maybe they see me as agony aunty (btw what happened to Aunty?).

I think you are more the agony type. A little rough around the edges but quite good at it, take that as a compliment. :happy7:

January 31st, 2011, 14:32
[I suppose you're the type of limp wristed queens that pranced around letting everyone and anyone one know your sexual orientation when you were five.Actually I was still in my pram when I lisped "Pink not blue pleathe sweetie".

January 31st, 2011, 14:34
[I suppose you're the type of limp wristed queens that pranced around letting everyone and anyone one know your sexual orientation when you were five.Actually I was still in my pram when I lisped "Pink not blue pleathe sweetie".

Oh that is so cute :headbang: :hello1:

January 31st, 2011, 14:38
Actually I was still in my pram when I lisped "Pink not blue pleathe sweetie".

I bet you were bald and fat then too....

January 31st, 2011, 14:58
I bet you were bald and fat then too....

Honestly Aunty C you have a wicked sense of humour, very graphic too. :rolling:

January 31st, 2011, 17:01
What the f*ck has it got to do with you?

Combatty, you are getting more and more like Beach everyday.

Has anyone ever accused you of being Beachlover?, you seem to accuse many other " newbies " of being people they are not!

Just curious sweetie pie :love4:

January 31st, 2011, 17:06
The one? Kiss kiss. Ravens in Afghanistan? Maybe Im confused. I hope not.

January 31st, 2011, 17:12
Combatty and Beach? Oh dear, we must stop talking to ourselves Cumbatty. Its delicious I know but it doesnt serve any purpose at all other than to hide from our true little selves? :sex:
Maybe you need a good fuck?

January 31st, 2011, 17:44
Can I tell you about the process for surrogacy? Thats a big question I could write a book on the subject. Where to start???
Thanks for your notes on surrogacy. Some of it is useful advice, like not choosing surrogate who's having her first child.

I read that surrogacy has almost become an industry in some places like India where it can be had for as little as $5k. I'm Asian so a surrogate Mother from Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, China or any of the countries in that area would be the right sort of ethnic match.

I've done alright and should be able to throw whatever money's required at it so when the time comes it'll mainly be about researching and determining how best to go about it. Ballpark, I reckon it shouldn't cost more than about $200k-$300k per birth. I want to have 2-3 kids of my own and I'm guessing when the time comes, my partner then will want the same.

I'd love to hear more about your experiences doing this... how you found your surrogate... what happened with the previous surrogate who didn't work out and the legalities etc. if you want to say more.

Some might say this is just an Asian thing in terms of wanting to carry on the family line, but I just think having kids is part of a happy and fulfilling life cycle, which unfortunately, up until now has been near impossible for most gays to do. It's still challenging and considered unorthodox, but I hope in the future it'll become more of a normal process for gays who choose to have kids.

P.S. Yep, I am in the closet to close friends and family (not everyone) but I'm still pretty young. I actually feel fairly comfortable about coming out to close friends/family now but I'm not in any hurry and not too bothered for the moment with so much going on. I guess I'll do it when something requires it. With Mum and Dad, I've thought through pretty clearly what I'll say and pre-empted what they'll be thinking so it shouldn't be too difficult now.

January 31st, 2011, 17:49
He claims his employees, friends and family don't know and it's not their business. Is that "being in the closet"? I guess he doesn't want Daddy to find out the true nature of the boy who inherited the family business.
So you're back to making things up again, Homintern?

Yes, I am in business. No, I didn't inherit a business or a single cent for that matter. I help support the rest of the family's finances, which is the complete opposite of what most kids in the West do.

None of this is any of your business so I guess you're just being a sad old f*ckstick seeking someone more fortunate to have a pathetic jab at. You are some man...

What the f*ck has it got to do with you? I suppose you're the type of limp wristed queens that pranced around letting everyone and anyone one know your sexual orientation when you were five. Even today types of discrimination are found (and reading your crap and innuendoes makes it more obvious) so if someone whats to keep their sexual prefrences private from work and family that is entirely up to them.
Thanks Combat... for a more sensible point of view.

Homintern's just bitter about being old, fat, bald and ugly so he needs to be a f*ckstick. The people he attacks - like Oops, cdnmatt and myself - are generally successful and have done well. Cdnmatt's made himself a good life in Thailand. Oops sounds pretty intelligent and successful. I kind of imagine homintern being more academic than anything and has probably failed at anything real and commercial... Just my opinion.

January 31st, 2011, 18:33
$200k-$300k per birth.
I'd love to hear more about your experiences doing this... how you found your surrogate... what happened with the previous surrogate who didn't work out and the legalities etc. if you want to say more.
Some might say this is just an Asian thing in terms of wanting to carry on the family line, I hope in the future it'll become more of a normal process for gays who choose to have kids.

P.S. Yep, I am in the closet to close friends and family. With Mum and Dad, I've thought through pretty clearly what I'll say and pre-empted what they'll be thinking so it shouldn't be too difficult now.

Beachy you cant really put a price on a baby. I did, as I wrongly assumed it would all be as easy as making a Julia Child's roast piglet, it never worked out that way. You could in fact end up after spending $500K getting the little blighter for nothing. Bless his little finger tips and toes.

It is certainly not just an Asian thing wanting to have a baby, though the pressure to get married and have many little piggies is enormously suffocating for most Asian males.

The previous surrogate(s) simply took me for a fool, and how right they were, one decided to keep the baby. You see there is no legality at all in the matter in Asia. You cannot even ask your consulate for him/her to be registered as yours, so nationality becomes a problem as does getting baby out of the country he was born in.

I feel there is no real advise I can give you other than good luck. Because even though I succeeded there is simply no straight way of achieving this.

I after a few years i became very close friends with a Mongolian family and their kids (horses were the connection) and one day plucked up the courage to asked the mother and father if they wouldn't consider me as a guardian for a little baby boy. They were in tears and couldn't wait. It never cost one cent, just a little sperm, in fact they poured gifts on him and myself it was all rather touching, sadly I live thousands of miles away now, but we have a special place in their hearts and they manage to keep in contact.

You see it isn't easy, but as I say if you want to go through India you will have an easier time of it, and costs are not very high at all. Its only the legality of the whole exercise that might rebound horribly, but there are ways and means it just takes endurance and a hell of a lot of courage and dedication.

January 31st, 2011, 18:45
The baby would need to end up an Australian citizen. I haven't researched solidly (long way off yet) but some light reading brought up that surrogacy might be legal in Australia. I read one story that mentioned they wanted to adopt but because gay adoption isn't legal they were forced to go down the surrogacy route. I've heard of people going to do it in the US too. Ideally, the surrogate would come and live here for a few months and the baby would be born here... ah well, that's all for a bit further down the track.

January 31st, 2011, 20:04
The baby would need to end up an Australian citizen.

You havent got a hope in hell. It would take min three years in India and you would still have to adopt your own child and still not get around the Australians! Its better if you emigrated to India for three years assuming you have Australian citizenship. Not entirely unpleasant I may add. Australians even turn back parents who have legally adopted in Europe???

Australia is a shity place to be on the broader scale of things.

January 31st, 2011, 23:16
I also enjoyed reading the sub-topic to this thread and, if I may be permitted to take a small detour and stick with it, I would like to talk briefly about being тАЬin the closetтАЭ. I never discussed being gay with my father and he died not really knowing anything of my true nature and he never met any of my gay friends. Sometimes I feel quite sad that such a large part of my life was hidden from him. It was my mother who insisted I never raise the subject and I respected her wishes. I told my sister, but never discussed the subject with any of my wider family. I remained тАЬin the closetтАЭ at work for many years for fear of the disclosure having an adverse affect on my career. When I eventually тАШcame outтАЩ it felt like a huge burden had been removed from my shoulders.

Then, only 2 weeks ago, I happened to change a drop down menu on my Facebook page, something about my marital status. I think it was from тАЬSingleтАЭ to something like тАЬComplicated - donтАЩt askтАЭ. I have no great knowledge of how Facebook works and limit it to agreeing to be friends with known relatives and friends. And occasionally IтАЩll answer a message, although I am ashamed to admit that I still donтАЩt know how to initiate one! Anyway, shortly after amending my profile a female cousin in Canada wrote to me asking if I had, тАЬa new fellowтАЭ! Honestly, I was quite shocked and felt like I had just been outed! I suppose she was able to read my correspondence with my gay friends, something I had not, previously, given any thought to. I actually blushed! So after all these years I am still not out to my wider family and not wholly out of the closet. What I am trying to say is I donтАЩt think there should be any outside pressure on our gay friends and colleagues to come out until a time of their choosing. Of course some may never make that decision, but again, that in my view, must always remain their choice.

January 31st, 2011, 23:34
I also enjoyed reading the sub-topic to this thread and, if I may be permitted to take a small detour and stick with it, I would like to talk briefly about being тАЬin the closetтАЭ.

Nice post Jellybean, but do be careful what you admit to as there are a few nasty posters in here who think that being in the closet is hilarious, and should be ridiculed.

February 1st, 2011, 07:59
who think that being in the closet is hilarious, and should be ridiculed.

And then there are those of us who object to the hypocrisy of being preached to on how "It gets better" by those closet cases who ridicule others for not being "self-aware" enough.

February 1st, 2011, 08:17
I never discussed being gay with my father and he died not really knowing anything of my true nature and he never met any of my gay friends. Sometimes I feel quite sad that such a large part of my life was hidden from him.

Yes that is sad, I think it is the case for many men who love men who don't come out completely. However I think your dad may have had an idea you were gay, they notice these things. He might have simply not wanted to embarrass you or stir up the waters. In a way that is respecting your wishes too.

February 1st, 2011, 08:22
The baby would need to end up an Australian citizen.

Probably better then to find a surrogate mother in Australia itself.

February 1st, 2011, 15:53
Thanks for your favourable comment and for your advice Combat, which was much appreciated. Although I am a new poster I have been reading the forum for some years. I did decide to start posting comments with a certain degree of trepidation. Posting here is almost akin to swimming in shark infested waters with Great Whites and Bull sharks within easy striking distance тАУ ha, ha, ha!

Thanks also Cedric for your kind comments. I have a strong feeling that my father knew but did not want to discuss it, so I played along with that.

February 2nd, 2011, 09:43

February 2nd, 2011, 11:53
beachlover here is a common case scenario how things go wrong, so its best to ask the Australians what it means by "legal surrogacy in Australia" because you may still never be able to bring her/him home. This I know for a fact applies to the Netherlands Belgium UK and most other European countries. Some make exceptions after a DNA test proving the parentage, but even that must be arranged at your countries consulate before you leave with baby from lets say India, it must have a passport from you consulate before coming home.

http://www.queerty.com/peter-laurents-s ... -20110201/ (http://www.queerty.com/peter-laurents-surrogacy-nightmare-2-years-later-their-son-remains-trapped-in-a-ukrainian-orphanage-20110201/)

This is all very shocking stuff, but this is what gays are up against on this issue. I often feel that Elton (the prick) is an arse hole because he just buys anything he wants (even if he cant exacty afford it) but nary a word of support for other gays struggling to do the same. :laughing3:

February 3rd, 2011, 18:36
You havent got a hope in hell. It would take min three years in India and you would still have to adopt your own child and still not get around the Australians! Its better if you emigrated to India for three years assuming you have Australian citizenship. Not entirely unpleasant I may add. Australians even turn back parents who have legally adopted in Europe???.
I think misread one of my posts. I know it's cheap in India. But there's no way I'm doing it in India. I'm Asian/oriental. Why would I want to have a baby with a Mother of Indian heritage?

beachlover here is a common case scenario how things go wrong, so its best to ask the Australians what it means by "legal surrogacy in Australia" because you may still never be able to bring her/him home. This I know for a fact applies to the Netherlands Belgium UK and most other European countries. Some make exceptions after a DNA test proving the parentage, but even that must be arranged at your countries consulate before you leave with baby from lets say India, it must have a passport from you consulate before coming home.
http://www.queerty.com/peter-laurents-s ... -20110201/ (http://www.queerty.com/peter-laurents-surrogacy-nightmare-2-years-later-their-son-remains-trapped-in-a-ukrainian-orphanage-20110201/)
Ah, geez... that's a sad story. Got to feel sorry for the Dads. Maybe going public with it is the best way to put pressure on d*ckhead bureaucrats to cut the crap.

I'm a big believer in planning ahead and doing your due diligence with this sort of thing so I'll probably have a lawyer map out a path and contingencies first. Conceptually, I think I'd be most comfortable with having an Asian-Australian surrogate Mum or having a surrogate of Asian origin/residence come here to have the baby in Australia.

I often feel that Elton (the prick) is an arse hole because he just buys anything he wants...
That's kind of my plan if all else fails...

February 3rd, 2011, 18:48
I never discussed being gay with my father and he died not really knowing anything of my true nature and he never met any of my gay friends. Sometimes I feel quite sad that such a large part of my life was hidden from him. It was my mother who insisted I never raise the subject and I respected her wishes. I told my sister, but never discussed the subject with any of my wider family.
Ah, it sounds like your family sort of would rather not know or rather not discuss it directly. Are you Asian by any chance? That's so common in Asian families! Communication can be quite vague.

My family can be like that sometimes but I think I'll just come out and tell them and explain the reality/dynamics/intentions involved at some point. My parents will probably feel uncomfortable with it but the fact that I still want to seek out a long-term partner and have a family etc. will probably help them get over it quickly. I might have to explain a thing or two about stereotypes too...

there are a few nasty posters in here who think that being in the closet is hilarious, and should be ridiculed.
They think anything positive and out of alignment with their own bitter, grumpy perspective of life should be ridiculed... I call it "grumpy man syndrome".

Thanks for your favourable comment and for your advice Combat, which was much appreciated. Although I am a new poster I have been reading the forum for some years. I did decide to start posting comments with a certain degree of trepidation. Posting here is almost akin to swimming in shark infested waters with Great Whites and Bull sharks within easy striking distance тАУ ha, ha, ha!
There are as many nut cases as there are good, positive, intelligent posters here. Just ignore the nuts... or engage them if you're up to it.

February 3rd, 2011, 19:09
Can't believe this discussion is still going - the ludicrous original post coming from someone who is clearly mentally unhinged.

Some years ago I trained in Hove, England for some weeks. Every day I observed a middle-aged guy who used to go shopping in the High Street in full drag and pushing a pram with a doll in it. I am wondering if it was "Cedric"

:dontknow: :dontknow:

February 3rd, 2011, 19:22
Yeah, look, I'm not saying I buy the OP as being geniune but it's an interesting discussion he's started none the less!

(Edited for typo)

February 3rd, 2011, 19:40
Yeah, look, I'm saying I buy the OP but it's an interesting discussion he's started none the less!

I am sure the OP can sleep now knowing he has your approval!