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View Full Version : Please Answer a Question for my Boyfreind

January 22nd, 2011, 15:13
My boyfreind works in a go go bar and last night a falang wanted to take him off and be a bottom. He is a very strong small boy, very ripped and has an awsome body. Well, today we were playing around and I jokingly got him into a position where he would be a bottom. Of course as I am a bottom, I had no intention on topping him and we just laughed. He said "like that falang last night". He then said to me, "why do so many falang want to f*** me when you can look at me and know that I am a top?"

Well you know, I had no explanation for him and decided to approach members of the board and ask them.
Why do so many people go for straight, strong, muscular boys and want them to a bottom rather than wanting a lady boy?
There has to be some underlying reason that I can give him.

January 22nd, 2011, 15:47
Because we are gay, and most of us who want to top want to fuck males, not females. I find your question absurd. Those going for ladyboys are often bi or straight anyway.

January 22nd, 2011, 16:20
I also find the question ridiculous. There are many straight looking muscle boys all over the world that Bottom.

Your physique does not determine what you enjoy!

January 22nd, 2011, 16:49
Well lets not be too harsh on the OP. But I do agree with those that have replied already. Many gays what to fuck straight looking guys and the more masculine the better. Ladyboys and fem guys can be and are a turn off.
To take it a stage further there are some masculine guys, gay or not, who actually enjoy getting fucked and even if they do not enjoy it they will do it anyway!
I actually think amongst someThais-though usually non gay ones- they do not understand and their attitude seems to be that only "lady boys" can get fucked. More evidence of that lack of understanding is the way drag queens are into our scene yet for most gay farangs having sex with one of those creatures is out of the question.

January 22nd, 2011, 17:01
My boyfreind works in a go go bar and last night a falang wanted to take him off and be a bottom. He is a very strong small boy, very ripped and has an awsome body. Well, today we were playing around and I jokingly got him into a position where he would be a bottom. Of course as I am a bottom, I had no intention on topping him and we just laughed. He said "like that falang last night". He then said to me, "why do so many falang want to f*** me when you can look at me and know that I am a top?"

Well you know, I had no explanation for him and decided to approach members of the board and ask them.
Why do so many people go for straight, strong, muscular boys and want them to a bottom rather than wanting a lady boy?
There has to be some underlying reason that I can give him.

Regarding this posting , I don't think it is a strange question at all. The obvious answer is that the falang can not tell that his is a top.

I am much more of a top and I find most asian attractive because they have small builds and are smooth. I think of those as being feminine traits and in a strange sort of way only like men who are less masculine than me. I equate feminine with being on the bottom. So I kind of assume that all asians are bottoms because, well to me they look more feminine, which I think is hot. And no I am not into lady boys...which are too feminine.

Other people have other feelings and tastes toward men and sexual relations. Whatever works.

I suspect that original poster has a legitimate question and calling the question absurd and ridiculous is just rude...Don't answer the question if you do not like it.

January 22nd, 2011, 17:48
I can't believe people have actually taken the OP's question seriously! :happy3:
"Why do so many falang want to f*** me when you can look at me and know that I am a top?"(quote)justme

Maybe your b/f forgot to take his top sign to the Go Go with him!

January 22nd, 2011, 18:24
Well, well, well. I have been gay all my life and I have always loved going with manly men and not ladyboys, so I am sorry that I just did not know the answer and thought maybe I could get an intelligent answer. I am sorry Mr. Narakmak, Mr. Firecat69 and Mr. Happyboy that for you, my question sounded stupid.
I bow to your intelligence and wisdom!

Thank you Homeseeker and Kittyboy for a reasonable answer that did not occur to me. It makes sense. Thank you!
Mr. Narakmak, Mr. Firecat69 and Mr. Happyboy, I only hope that there comes a time that when you need an answer and post a question of your own, that someone intelligent gives you the information you request rather than the childish answer that you guys afforded me. I just wish I could be as smart as you!



January 23rd, 2011, 00:26
I have to commend you on your very enlightened attitude in that you allow your boyfriend to continue as a prostitute and turn tricks.

January 23rd, 2011, 01:04
I have to commend you on your very enlightened attitude in that you allow your boyfriend to continue as a prostitute and turn tricks.


Well visiting Thailand as much as I have, I have decided to face reality. When you go home, the boys will play with the farang anyway. You can never send them enough to keep them happy and I feel that the more he makes, maybe it is the less I have to send! So I feel that if I just tell him he can do what he wants, well that solved the problem from him trying to slink around on the sly.

I ask him to play safe and make me his priority.
In return, he does that and constantly says that he does love me. I ask why, and he replies because I let him do what he wants and not make him stay with me 24 hours a day and tell hm all the time what and where he can go. I get good sex in return and I also can go play around and he doesn't play a double standard with me. When I am here, he takes very good care of me.
Am I playing the game incorrectly, fooling myself? maybe, but you see, it is my game.

January 23rd, 2011, 01:22
My guess it's been a game since you posted the subject.

January 23rd, 2011, 01:44
My guess it's been a game since you posted the subject.

A. It was not a game and

B. I think for a newbie that has only been on this board for 9 days, made 36 posts all of the majority of which have been rude that you might think of being a bit more polite rather than a horses ass. shit thats 4 posts a day! Bit LONELY aren't we?


January 23rd, 2011, 05:47
Well visiting Thailand as much as I have, I have decided to face reality. When you go home, the boys will play with the farang anyway. You can never send them enough to keep them happy and I feel that the more he makes, maybe it is the less I have to send! So I feel that if I just tell him he can do what he wants, well that solved the problem from him trying to slink around on the sly.

Very smart. Well done sir. I think that's exactly the right way to play, given that situation.

On the original question, I have found that it is sometimes a struggle to figure out what guy will do what, so if he's a top he should clearly say it and not make people guess. There's no way to know just by looking at someone. For instance, George W. Bush is probably a bottom...but who the fuck knows really except Dick Cheney.


January 23rd, 2011, 11:07
Well visiting Thailand as much as I have, I have decided to face reality. When you go home, the boys will play with the farang anyway. You can never send them enough to keep them happy and I feel that the more he makes, maybe it is the less I have to send! So I feel that if I just tell him he can do what he wants, well that solved the problem from him trying to slink around on the sly.

I think you have a very sensible approach to life with Thai boys and I commend your attitude.

I would like to help out. What bar does your friend work in and what is his number? I will take him off for short time to help you with the financial burden.

January 23rd, 2011, 14:57
I would like to help out. What bar does your friend work in and what is his number? I will take him off for short time to help you with the financial burden.

Hey, thanks for the offer but I really don't help him do it. Up to him.

January 23rd, 2011, 18:34
Well visiting Thailand as much as I have, I have decided to face reality. When you go home, the boys will play with the farang anyway. You can never send them enough to keep them happy and I feel that the more he makes, maybe it is the less I have to send! So I feel that if I just tell him he can do what he wants, well that solved the problem from him trying to slink around on the sly.

I think you have a very sensible approach to life with Thai boys and I commend your attitude.

I would like to help out. What bar does your friend work in and what is his number? I will take him off for short time to help you with the financial burden.
What a nasty piece shit you are .i will lower myself to your level ,what your dads phone number maybe i can do him and he can send you the money to help you pay for the boy...

January 23rd, 2011, 18:51
Does anyone else think it's possible the older generation have a slight issue with bottoming? I don't know... I'm just putting it out there as a possibility. Could be wrong.

It's just that almost everyone on these boards (mainly comprised of older gays) talks about topping as their dominant position. Some posters even talk down about bottoming and and make it a point that they never do it and can't understand why anyone would.

I don't find this happening with younger gays as much. Sure there are some young gays who won't bottom but in my experience, their percentage isn't anywhere near the "top only" gays here. Most gay guys I've known are at least slightly versatile and open to both possibilities.

I don't think it's got that much to do with being more masculine/feminine built either. There's NOTHING extraordinary about a more masculine looking guy being open to bottoming. You tend to play on different energies in each position. Topping is a more masculine and active role. Being a bottom, you're kind of relying on the top to take the lead, take care of you and give you pleasure as well as himself. But there's absolutely no reason why a more masculine guy shouldn't bottom... it's a sexy thing to do no matter what you are.

Me, I'm a small-built, but fairly fit and masculine guy but I have no issues with bottoming. I'm versatile. I generally have a preference towards topping but I'm open to bottoming if the guy I meet prefers to do that.

Sometimes I'm with a boy who's bigger, taller and kind of the more manly/handsome type and he's trying to charm me by being "manly" so it's pretty clear we both know what's going to happen! I enjoy playing on those energies and going with the flow. I don't have any hang ups about being the "boy". If I'm with a more boyish/cute type of boy I tend to want to top him.

Occasionally I get with a boy who wants to do both so we take it in turns. That's cool... I like doing that too.

Last year I got with a Thai boy I know. I've slept with him several times and all the previous times he topped and I let him. This time he caught by surprise when I got into a position to top him. I said I wanted to top him and he protested but I could kind of feel he wasn't putting a lot of conviction into his protests so I went ahead and topped him and he gave in. I think he enjoyed it but he said he hadn't done it ages so it hurt a lot. Afterwards when he was in the shower, for the next 20 minutes all he was saying was, "oh my GOD, you topped me!" LOL... That was sweet.

So yeah, there's nothing strange at all about topping a more masculine guy.

I don't think it is a strange question at all.
Yeah, I agree... sounds like a fair enough question.

I let him do what he wants and not make him stay with me 24 hours a day and tell hm all the time what and where he can go. I get good sex in return and I also can go play around and he doesn't play a double standard with me. When I am here, he takes very good care of me.
Am I playing the game incorrectly, fooling myself? maybe, but you see, it is my game.
I reckon you've got a better grip on reality than most people... well done.

My guess it's been a game since you posted the subject.
I think for a newbie that has only been on this board for 9 days, made 36 posts all of the majority of which have been rude that you might think of being a bit more polite rather than a horses ass. shit thats 4 posts a day! Bit LONELY aren't we?
Just ignore him, Justme... I'm not 100% certain but I suspect Happyboy is a poster formerly known has Undaunted.

Undaunted was a serial troll who was banned about 10-15 times from here over the last 18 months. The loser keeps coming back. He's retired, lives in Pattaya and has f*ck all to do.

January 23rd, 2011, 19:20
Thanks Beachlover but I am not sure you are entirely correct in your thoughts. This post is really getting off the original topic but I do not mind. As I said in my previous posts here, I am the bottom and he is (well at least with me) the well hung, ripped, masculine one, even though he is small build but God what a stud.

Now you talk about older guys very hesitant or even definately not admitting that they are a bottom. Well I have no problem with admitting that unless you count 61 as being young. LOL!

Second, you really refer to the bottom as being the one wanting to be taken care of etc. I am sorry, I forget your additional words on this matter BUT it is my opinion that the bottom (at least in my case) is really the one in charge. Just like a woman (Uggh, the thought). The reason why I say this is because how many times do you see a boy madly in love with his wife or girlfreind and he follows her around like a sick puppie dog? When he wants sex and she says that she is not in the mood, I tend to think he doesn't get any.

Well the same goes for at least me and my boyfreind. If he says, hey, how about some sex, and I ain't in the mood, I say no. He doesn't get any.
When I want this position or that position, I make him think he wants that position but it is me that kind of directs him. If I want to do something different, I guide him. When I have had enough, well the play time is over. all the time, he thinks that he is the top and he is in charge.

Maybe I am different than alot of bottoms. I don't think anyone is going to agree with me as they all think they are the big butch tops and they are in charge and I certainly expect some really stupid posts to my being, well how should I say, open about what I think and do from my ever adoring fan club.

January 23rd, 2011, 20:23
Hey Justme... Yeah, I guess it's kind of ironic I brought this up in a thread where the OP has no hang ups about bottoming! I've been wanting to bring up this thing about lots of members here having those hang ups for a while and I guess I thought this would be the appropriate thread as it is related in a strong way.

Someone mentioned the bottom/taboo thing to me when I started posting here and I didn't really notice it until a year or two later, that most members only talking about topping. No one likes to admit they bottom... Weird huh?

I think it's great you're open about it... Thanks for your angle on bottoming and being the "one in control" LOL. I never thought of it that way so that's kind of interesting. I guess as a top it's normally your job to seduce the bottom but it can work the other way around too, bottom seducing the top. It's sexy both ways...

I guess the basis of what I was trying to say is you play a different role when you're topping/bottoming. You use different energies and it can be enjoyable to do both.

Most discussions here kind of run of topic... I think it makes conversations more interesting.

January 23rd, 2011, 21:54
Back in the middle 1980's the Thais used to ask you if you were King or Queen, one doesn't hear that much now.

January 24th, 2011, 13:13
Whether it is relevant to the way the discussion on this thread has developed I am not sure but a year or more sometime back, I cannot quite recall how long ago, I was with some "straight" friends nearby to the wild west boys Soi 2 in Pattaya. My friends were looking for some afternoon eye candy or more and we happened across a bar called the kitten club. As soon as I went in there I realized something was different. Inside there is a large stage and on one side actual women dancers. However on the other side of the stage the "girls" are really males in drag. KT's or LB's etc depending on your definition.
From what i can gather most if not all customers going to the bar are straight.
The point of the story is that I asked one of the" kittens" down from the KT side of the stage and had a chat with "her". Apparently most of the customers who 'bar fine' a KT dancer(the straight term for offing) are mainy straight males who want to get fucked by a" women" and the kitten told me that is what is expected of her and the other dancers in drag.
So to make matters even more complicated we have a sub group of people namely straight men who want to be fucked by a KT or should I say get turned on by being fucked by a man dressed as a woman. And from what I hear there is quite a demand in the straight scene for KT's/LB's/males in drag who are Top.

http://www.penthousehotel.com/cats_nite ... en_bar.htm (http://www.penthousehotel.com/cats_niteclub/kitten_bar.htm)

January 24th, 2011, 13:43
Back in the middle 1980's the Thais used to ask you if you were King or Queen, one doesn't hear that much now.
yes how true now most are saying they are 1 or 2
1 being top and 2 being bottom

January 24th, 2011, 17:10
OK, I have a related question. My current salon lady who cuts my hair and pedicures isn't happy that I am not flirting with her. So she goes on about, I think you're a ladyboy, I think because you are not with a Thai lady you are a ladyboy and I also think you like ladyboys. i just answer no I am not a ladyboy, I don't like ladyboys, and also are those the only two choices (being with Thai lady or being/liking ladyboys)? She doesn't get it. I feel no need to explain I am a homo in the non-ladyboy way. Why challenge her own cultural prejudices? She clearly wouldn't understand anyway, and if I said I am homo, she would just think and also say, so you are a ladyboy and you do like ladyboys.

January 24th, 2011, 18:05
OK, I have a related question. My current salon lady who cuts my hair and pedicures isn't happy that I am not flirting with her. So she goes on about, I think you're a ladyboy, I think because you are not with a Thai lady you are a ladyboy and I also think you like ladyboys. i just answer no I am not a ladyboy, I don't like ladyboys, and also are those the only two choices (being with Thai lady or being/liking ladyboys)? She doesn't get it. I feel no need to explain I am a homo in the non-ladyboy way. Why challenge her own cultural prejudices? She clearly wouldn't understand anyway, and if I said I am homo, she would just think and also say, so you are a ladyboy and you do like ladyboys.

I have never noticed a shortage of salons in Thailand perhaps only 7/11 has more locations!

January 24th, 2011, 18:16
Me, I'm a small-built, but fairly fit and masculine guy but I have no issues with bottoming. I'm versatile. I generally have a preference towards topping but I'm open to bottoming if the guy I meet prefers to do that. (quote)beachsomething

Whatever floats your boat! Get real you are part of the "Older Generation" who knows you might be Henry Kissinger! Or if you prefer Uncle Ho......I'll refrain from using kissinger as he had an excellent sense of self!

January 24th, 2011, 18:40
Happyboy = Undaunted (also currently posting as "the1")

He's a retired loser who lives in Pattaya who does nothing other than eat, drink and lurch after prostitutes . He's quite possibly the sleaziest creepy gay farang in Pattaya and will probably die alone and unloved.

He's also a troll who's been banned over a dozen times here but keeps coming back.

January 24th, 2011, 19:16
Undaunted (also currently posting as "the1")

Come on now Beach, How about I prove you WRONG about that?....... you have nothing to hide, have you?
MSN c2c session would be good, you up for it sweetie?

Hey, if you are "older" than what you say you are, I may even ask you out on a date, I like older guys.

PVT me and I will be happy to give you my addy

I look forward to hearing from you

Take care


January 24th, 2011, 20:38
Maybe you're BadBoyBilly then... even I get it wrong sometimes.

January 24th, 2011, 21:10
Undaunted (also currently posting as "the1")

Come on now Beach, How about I prove you WRONG about that?....... you have nothing to hide, have you?
MSN c2c session would be good, you up for it sweetie?

Hey, if you are "older" than what you say you are, I may even ask you out on a date, I like older guys.

PVT me and I will be happy to give you my addy

I look forward to hearing from you

Take care


I like older guys as friends but sexually they just don't appeal to me sorry!

January 24th, 2011, 21:25
Maybe you're BadBoyBilly then... even I get it wrong sometimes.

If someone is Bad Boy Billy and another is undaunted yet another is the1 then that makes you Eve Black, now we are missing Eve White......I have a good notion who is Eve and she might come out.

January 24th, 2011, 22:16
Maybe you're BadBoyBilly then

Make your mind up sweetie.....I have just checked my messages and nothing from you, you not interested in my offer?

January 25th, 2011, 04:40
Terribly amusing to see our little junior G Man always resort to accusing someone of being a hydra at the first sign of trouble. A "Hedda Light" if you will.

And now he is angling to take over Baht Stop but with few conditions.

1. It has to be in someone else's name due to "privacy concerns". Of course being so deeply in the closet, couldn't possibly risk having a gay message board registered in his name.
2. Someone else has to pay the yearly fee. Bit of a cheap charlie I guess.

One does wonder if this is all part of his Gaybutton obsession? Imagine the hard-on he'll get going board to board with her arch nemesis!

January 25th, 2011, 09:43
My boyfreind works in a go go bar and last night a falang wanted to take him off and be a bottom. He is a very strong small boy, very ripped and has an awsome body. Well, today we were playing around and I jokingly got him into a position where he would be a bottom. Of course as I am a bottom, I had no intention on topping him and we just laughed. He said "like that falang last night". He then said to me, "why do so many falang want to f*** me when you can look at me and know that I am a top?"

Well you know, I had no explanation for him and decided to approach members of the board and ask them.
Why do so many people go for straight, strong, muscular boys and want them to a bottom rather than wanting a lady boy?
There has to be some underlying reason that I can give him.

Going right back to the beginning here because me thinks I smell enough rat to make the Pied Piper cum in his leotard.

I once had a safe encounter with a similar top, a mini adonis, Chinese in HK it was heaven. The pont of telling this is that he was deliriously happy afterwards and treated me like I was some precious god. Although he has always been a top he told me no Westerner had ever let him top. Boy did he enjoy it. It was like giving him a large chocolate cake (comparitively speaking) that he couldnt keep his hands or lips off. And boy did I enjoy it.

For myself it is simply a matter of "horses for courses".

I can smell a top or bottom at ten paces. If either are beutifull enough, eager enough and start the chase or start acting coy Im 100% erect ready and game to play the predator or the prey. I never force this on anyone who isn't either.

I reckon that should the same for every man who truly loves men. Orgasmic heavenly sex isnit something we should ever turn down.

Those that force tops to be bottoms are control freaks and sadists that want virgins and cant help their piggy ways. So better to say you are a bottom if a top then watch them scramble into butt up doggy style positon.

Its certainly is fun though teaching a top to take a little finger while you make him cum. Its always so tight and perfectly un-assailed.

January 25th, 2011, 09:54
In a nutshell Justme sadly most Westerners think they are superior and treat anything else as their slave (not necessarily in a nice way either). :dontknow:
Maybe their dicks are as little as their brains.

If it wasnt for ciallis we would never have this problem. :8(

January 25th, 2011, 16:01