View Full Version : IT's most powerful gay figure?

January 22nd, 2011, 14:06
No, it's not our own dear Beachlover, he's still in the closet. It is, supposedly, Apple's new boss, Tim Cook (http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2011/01/21/new-apple-boss-tim-cook-described-as-most-powerful-gay-man-in-silicon-valley/).

January 23rd, 2011, 17:08
Awesome... Good on him! I love reading about gay guys who've made it big.

You know who else is gay? Roland Emmerich: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roland_Emmerich

Emmerich is responsible for Godzilla, Independence Day, 2012, The Patriot and other films (yes he specialises in the big disaster genre). Although most of his films were produced in Hollywood, he's the highest grossing European Film Director. His films have grossed over $3 billion dollars.

He's kind of handsome for an older guy...

Check out this this interview. Watch the end where he jokes about having a beach party in Thailand:

He sounds soooo gay LOL.

January 23rd, 2011, 22:01
How do we get an invite to his beach party in 2012?

January 24th, 2011, 06:06
Emmerich is responsible for Godzilla, Independence Day, 2012, The Patriot ...A list of the crassest movies of all time. He sounds like a closet drag queen who's big on DRAMA.

January 24th, 2011, 14:29
Emmerich is responsible for Godzilla, Independence Day, 2012, The Patriot ...A list of the crassest movies of all time. He sounds like a closet drag queen who's big on DRAMA.

Nice bank balance though so I shouldn't think he gives a toss what you think!

January 24th, 2011, 17:55
A list of the crassest movies of all time. He sounds like a closet drag queen who's big on DRAMA.
Nice bank balance though so I shouldn't think he gives a toss what you think!
Totally true! Emmerich's got to be worth $100 million+. He's got homes in LA, New York, London and Germany and is still flat out making films... sounds like a nice lifestyle. Spends a bit of time in Thailand too.

That's why he's up there and homintern's, well... down there. :blackeye:

Emmerich is responsible for Godzilla, Independence Day, 2012, The Patriot ...A list of the crassest movies of all time. He sounds like a closet drag queen who's big on DRAMA.
His movies are full of entertaining stereotypes and aren't especially sophisticated but they're entertaining to watch at least once.

I read Emmerich actually admits he enjoys making "popcorn flicks" which are purely for entertainment value... not great pieces of art. Nothing wrong with that! It brings in the dollars. I suppose I could've gone the artsy fartsy way with my own talents too but the commercial world beckons...

January 25th, 2011, 04:38
I suppose I could've gone the artsy fartsy way with my own talents too but the commercial world beckons...But when will you be coming out of the closet?

January 25th, 2011, 16:19
I suppose I should've seen "The Patriot" at least, but it never appealed.

However Im delighted that the new Apple boss is a man who loves men, for no other reason than so am I.

I have with me the very first Apple lap top ever created, and I can tell you my father never come across a bigot working for Apple since he got it, right up until the present day.

My father gave me the lap top saying it was a great honour, well youth and shit i went right ahead and bought the latest, thin as a Stealth war plane, but far more efficient. :bee:

January 25th, 2011, 16:26
In fact daddy invested heavily in Apple (long term) so convinced was he, that was way back before I was born, but I can tell you he is one very happy daddy today. :headbang:

He cashes in some shares and floates, I keep telling him thats not he way he must cash them all in and reinvest for Lawrences future, but you know daddy he rather buy poor old Lawrence real estate in Miami.

January 27th, 2011, 16:33
I suppose I could've gone the artsy fartsy way with my own talents too but the commercial world beckons...But when will you be coming out of the closet?
What's it to you?

January 27th, 2011, 18:44
Hey people I am new to this post so please help me to get more idea about this post so even i can post my review here.
Thanks in advance,

Note... Don't EVER stay at A lbia Villa in Bali (that's the link). They use SPAM to get customers. Unethical f*cksticks.

January 28th, 2011, 03:00

The three faces of Eve?

February 5th, 2011, 07:03
A list of the crassest movies of all time. He sounds like a closet drag queen who's big on DRAMA.
Nice bank balance though so I shouldn't think he gives a toss what you think!
Totally true! Emmerich's got to be worth $100 million+. He's got homes in LA, New York, London and Germany and is still flat out making films... sounds like a nice lifestyle. Spends a bit of time in Thailand too.

That's why he's up there and homintern's, well... down there. :blackeye:

Emmerich is responsible for Godzilla, Independence Day, 2012, The Patriot ...A list of the crassest movies of all time. He sounds like a closet drag queen who's big on DRAMA.
His movies are full of entertaining stereotypes and aren't especially sophisticated but they're entertaining to watch at least once.

I read Emmerich actually admits he enjoys making "popcorn flicks" which are purely for entertainment value... not great pieces of art. Nothing wrong with that! It brings in the dollars. I suppose I could've gone the artsy fartsy way with my own talents too but the commercial world beckons...

I suppose you know what art is, Tell me where was he last museum you went into, have you seen any Ballet lately. Oh any Opera. Shit you would not know talent or great Art if it hit you on the head. Go ahead give me some facts why I should listen to you. Sure you have none that why you can absently throw shit around and back nothing up because all you have ever seen in the short time beds in Sunee. Best get out and see the world a bit. Actually look something up in Google if you don't know anything yourself. I know guys like you every where that claim to be someone but have nothing to back it up with anything or real facts. Where's the beef baby?

February 5th, 2011, 07:26
Wes, I assume you're referring to thonglor55...

Otherwise known as Homintern, he likes to make out to be some kind of academic/art snob to put others down but he sounds more like an old man reflecting (and lashing out) on a lifelong of failures.

February 5th, 2011, 07:28
I suppose you know what art is, Tell me where was he last museum you went into, have you seen any Ballet lately. Oh any Opera. Shit you would not know talent or great Art if it hit you on the head. Go ahead give me some facts why I should listen to you. Sure you have none that why you can absently throw shit around and back nothing up because all you have ever seen in the short time beds in Sunee. Best get out and see the world a bit. Actually look something up in Google if you don't know anything yourself. I know guys like you every where that claim to be someone but have nothing to back it up with anything or real facts. Where's the beef baby?Go Wes! You stick it up ol' www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/posting-guidelines-and-discussion-f11/using-facebook-contol-trolls-t20805.html+Beachlover+legs+homintern+neck+meeja]Our (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:fU0VJ3ZPzQ4J:[url) Lady of the Beachlovers[/url], Queen of Humility.

February 5th, 2011, 07:30
Sister Mary Amnesia is in a right tizzy tonight. Perhaps a little too much sacramental wine?

February 5th, 2011, 10:54
Sister Mary Amnesia is in a right tizzy tonight. Perhaps a little too much sacramental wine?

don;t you wish you knew, and if you do, you are Smiles, hehehe as far as I know he is the Only Guy on this board that knows anything at all about my past. Be careful you will give yourself away

February 5th, 2011, 14:00
Dear oh dear. Sister Mary Amnesia - you have really lost the plot - haven't you? Everyone on the board knows your past as you posted all the lurid details for all to see. One needs only to do the most cursory of searches to read all about your little tussle with the Bishop over your inconvenient love of cock. Do you really want me to dig all that up and repost it? Surely not?

As I've just told your new friend, Our Lady of Perpetual Humility, yet again - I am not Smiles. You do him a great disservice to suggest that we are linked in any way at all.
If this was supposed to be my great unmasking I am sadly underwhelmed. I guess one shouldn't expect too much from a gin addled old nun.

February 5th, 2011, 14:18
Smiles... I should inform you that you know sh*t all about Wes. You have a few anecdotes and stories here and there but you actually know sh*t all about his background and what he does now.

For all your arsehole attack posts, I still thought you were at least an "honorable" man on this forum, Smiles, but that illusion has evaporated with this multi-handle attack thing you're doing. It sounds like it's not the first time you've descended to such lows either. There's not much point responding to further attacks so I'm going to leave it for the time being.

February 5th, 2011, 14:58
Smiles... I should inform you that you know sh*t all about Wes. You have a few anecdotes and stories here and there but you actually know sh*t all about his background and what he does now.

For all your arsehole attack posts, I still thought you were at least an "honorable" man on this forum, Smiles, but that illusion has evaporated with this multi-handle attack thing you're doing. It sounds like it's not the first time you've descended to such lows either. There's not much point responding to further attacks so I'm going to leave it for the time being.

Multi-handled? Is this more of your hydra fantasy or do you now have an obsession with Smiles as well as Gaybutton?
If you have proof that Smiles and I are one in the same please post it for the world to see. We all now know that you are Smart and Good at Games so it should be no trouble at all.
Put your money were your mouth is - if you dare.

February 5th, 2011, 16:01
You and I both know that hard proof (or dis-proof) isn't possible. That's like LMTU asking us to prove he's had dozens of handles here over the years.

For the time being, that's all I'm saying on it...

February 7th, 2011, 04:36
I suppose you know what art is, Tell me where was he last museum you went into, have you seen any Ballet lately. Oh any Opera. Shit you would not know talent or great Art if it hit you on the head. Go ahead give me some facts why I should listen to you. Sure you have none that why you can absently throw shit around and back nothing up because all you have ever seen in the short time beds in Sunee. Best get out and see the world a bit. Actually look something up in Google if you don't know anything yourself. I know guys like you every where that claim to be someone but have nothing to back it up with anything or real facts. Where's the beef baby?Go Wes! You stick it up ol' Our Lady of the Beachlovers, Queen of Humility.

Thonglor, I am not saying beachlover is perfect, none of us are, he who is without let him cast the first stone. We all come miserably short of greatness. However, The reason I help the guy is he is being ganged up on. Trolled by more than one like Once in a While and another poster I don't know that is hard to remember his name OIT something. I felt enough was enough and decided I would take some of the heat for him and mention to you that you are not without a fuck up yourself how many posts has people laughed at, me too by double of you. I am sure. nevertheless, he contributes what he knows as best he knows and usually has at the very least goggles it before he posted it. Some just sling shit wit no fact and no reason other than to run the boy off the board. Most if they were not personal friends in their real life with the Moderators would have been banned by now for trolling, not to mention the personal attacks. Only some one with their foot in the door could pull all this negative shit off on a regular basis. i.e. the reason most think it wold be Smiles in a covert operation to destroy the boy. Smiles, never puts anyone on ignore, yet he has put him on ignore. If so how else does he antagonize someone he despises except a second handle. On the handle take you choice. I am sure he has invoked others to help him in His mission to exploit the boy for no reason and drive him off the board since he can no longer ban him his option is to run him away. I have often said, if he wanted to moderate the board why did he give it up and give it away. It was all his, to do just as Gaybutton does. Run off or ban those away in whom he does not agree. I wonder why or when originally this was to be the board of open speech. Open Idea's a place where you could be challenged with out being run away or banned. Yet look where it has come. I persoanlly think in hid own way BG even had some good things to say at times yet he is gone. In the earlier days of the forum he would he been welcome with open arms. The forum is just now what it was set up to do, exchange ideas and thoughts about almost any subject in its own forum. Sad but true. The forum has lost is way.

February 7th, 2011, 06:30
Wesley, while I like a good conspiracy theory as much as the next person, you haven't thought yours through very well.
If I was Smiles, which I keep telling you I am not, and the Moderator and Owner were protecting me, which I can assure you they are not, why would I have to try and force your little buddy off the board? Wouldn't I just get jinks and Elephantspike to ban him outright? Seems to me that would be a whole lot easier than your convoluted theory.
I can assure you that I do not know Smiles, jinks or Elephantspike personally, I have never met them, and I have never had private communication with them, so you might want to be a little careful when you start casting aspersions on them. Lord alone knows where you got such strange ideas from. If it's not the drink have you gone off your meds? You might want to check and see that when they did your cataracts they didn't accidentally give you a frontal lobotomy at the same time.

All the best

February 7th, 2011, 08:06
Dear oh dear. Sister Mary Amnesia - you have really lost the plot - haven't you? Everyone on the board knows your past as you posted all the lurid details for all to see. One needs only to do the most cursory of searches to read all about your little tussle with the Bishop over your inconvenient love of cock. Do you really want me to dig all that up and repost it? Surely not?

As I've just told your new friend, Our Lady of Perpetual Humility, yet again - I am not Smiles. You do him a great disservice to suggest that we are linked in any way at all.
If this was supposed to be my great unmasking I am sadly underwhelmed. I guess one shouldn't expect too much from a gin addled old nun.

You will find nothing about all that on this board, PG's old board may have some actual search-able stuff and Smiles is teh only one who knows it , other than that its only folly, that was 14 years ago. A man can move a long way from that type of thing in time old man. Go ahead post all you like. I no longer have anything to hide. I have evolved into what I am and I am not ashamed of who I have become. So, you want to make an ass out of your self, to make it a hard time on beachlover, go ahead I am not afraid of a good debate with some one who isn't any thing more than a old guy with no life experience to draw from. If it be so what I am is not what I am and my connections now are nothing compared to what they were then. Since, I have nothing to loose you can do as you wish. Post away all you like. I am sure everyone is waiting in their seats to find out, I use to be affiliated with a Non Catholic, Muslin Foundation, Obviously you know nothing about protestants. Now there I did have some affiliation.Or a simple secular Foundation that was much more connected to a Muslim Government than it was any church. Especially not any Catholic of Russian Orthodox Church. If anything I am more scared of the Muslims I worked with certainly not the Christians. I am an Atheist, I have been most of my life but affiliate myself with many people that I might by any means help the kids that had no place to go , no place to eat and no education. I know you wish you could afford to do stuff like that and that you are likely jealous that you have no life except the one behind the computer keys. Now, if you want this on your conscience, that you would cause all that to fall, then let it be on your head, I am no longer there. Only the kids would suffer not me. That would only prove you are the heartless old fart everyone thinks you are. Also that you are Smiles, or at the very least you are being coached by him.

So, Go ahead make yourself a wise man by becoming a fool. How nice it is to have been what I was, it was the only thing ever done that was more than anyone else ever did in that area of the world. So, go ahead. have at it. Put 2800 Kids back on the street after a new coop and a new fundamentalist government, they would close it all. Be sure only Smiles really knows it all. And if you post too much you will surely give yourself away for it is not on this forum I assure you. You may find accusations on this forum but nothing of the original event. Only Smiles would know the real truth so be careful what you post

February 7th, 2011, 09:31
So, Go ahead make yourself a wise man by becoming a fool.

I'm not quite sure of the logic here but if it involves becoming a fool I dare so you have beat me to the punch.

February 7th, 2011, 10:08
So, Go ahead make yourself a wise man by becoming a fool.

I'm not quite sure of the logic here but if it involves becoming a fool I dare so you have beat me to the punch.

aw you just an old lovable old man , how sweet, I thought so but wasn't sure , just a sweet guy with nothing better to do than bother this young man, why not leave him alone and go back to what you were doing, seems the game is over. I tole you I had nothing I was ashamed of and if so better to out my self than you do my love. I am not ashamed of my life in any way. I think over the long haul I have come to the right conclusions which began in college. The more I learned the more I realized there was no God. But not a thing wrong with living the life of a good man. I find it rewarding that I have done so much with so little help. However. I am very happy to just be a good man with a heart. It would help you to find one too.


February 7th, 2011, 11:18
The more I learned the more I realized there was no God.

Oh Poodle - there's hope for you after all.

February 7th, 2011, 12:03
The more I learned the more I realized there was no God.

Oh Poodle - there's hope for you after all.

As I said, the game is over, lets move on. Much rather would be friends than fight and type half the day trying to convince you to leave the poor boy alone. he has years to go to get so wise as you. In time , maybe he will take yours and my place among the dearly departed. As it is better to live and let live than make such a mess of everyone else that has to read our crap.

February 13th, 2011, 15:53
Wes, I assume you're referring to thonglor55...

I dont think so ship wreck.... er beach thing.

March 12th, 2011, 14:50
Note... Don't EVER stay at A lbia Villa in Bali (that's the link). They use SPAM to get customers. Unethical f*cksticks.

Actually Albia is quite a good value villa to stay at in Bali. At their prices have no idea why they would use SPAM?

April 19th, 2011, 05:54
Where did this thread start??

OH, it was about a possibly gay man in the US who might someday run Apple.
Where it went from there, I will never understand...
You guys need to get over it!!!

All this bitching and innuendo completely ruins discussions on Sawatdee.
Get a life!!!