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View Full Version : Propecia/Rogaine

January 17th, 2011, 14:29
A friend is going to BKK and wants information about Propecia and Rogaine.
I assume both of those are available over the counter in BKK.

Does anyone know how much those meds should cost?

Yes..Yes..I am sure some will have opinions about taking prescription drugs without consulting a doctor...blah blah...Save your opinions.

Information on cost and purchase location would be appreciated.

He is staying at the malaysia hotel.

January 17th, 2011, 17:01
The generic is minoxidil. It is available without a prescription. I know you can buy it at Fascino (on Rama IV near the corner of Silom, on the way to the Pan Pacific Hotel) and probably at other places as well.

I have a friend bring it from Costco in the US where it is about one fourth the price here!

January 17th, 2011, 22:16
Well from what I understand. if your intention is to use the product for regrowing hair, I do believe you must continue to use it forever so to speak. So I do not know how long your supply will last you. I would consider transplant measures if you are young enough so that it will make a difference over time. But in the end...time wins out.

January 18th, 2011, 04:39
Just let nature take it's course and stop trying to fight baldness. Many guys shave their head now and some people find it sexy.
Thai guys won't judge you by how much hair you have. It's more like how much baht you have for them is what they are interested in. :sex:

January 18th, 2011, 07:49
Just let nature take it's course and stop trying to fight baldness. Many guys shave their head now and some people find it sexy.
Thai guys won't judge you by how much hair you have. It's more like how much baht you have for them is what they are interested in. :sex:

I agree completely. Believe it or not it is not for me...I am am an aging overweight guy who happened to be blessed with fantastic hair.

My friend is 28, tall, blond, blue eyed, ex college athlete. Women fall all over him but he hates the idea that he is losing his hair (very quickly I might ad).

His choice to use products to slow or reverse his hair loss.

January 18th, 2011, 12:09
As with many drugs in Thailand there are fakes and copies around.
A few years ago I was visiting a printing shop and there were boxes for Propecia being made. I doubt that they were for the genuine article.
If your friend is so hung up on becoming a slap-head tell him to go to a reputable pharmacy like Boots to get the drug. It will be more expensive there but at least he can be certain that it is the genuine article.

January 18th, 2011, 12:25
As with many drugs in Thailand there are fakes and copies around.
A few years ago I was visiting a printing shop and there were boxes for Propecia being made. I doubt that they were for the genuine article.
If your friend is so hung up on becoming a slap-head tell him to go to a reputable pharmacy like Boots to get the drug. It will be more expensive there but at least he can be certain that it is the genuine article.

He shaves his head now but he is insistant on trying to coax a few more follicles into producing the wavy locks that once graced his head.

I will pass along the tip on the pharmacy...I told him to order it online from one of the Indian Generic pharmacies but we live in china and I don't think they ship to the PRC....God given the amount of anxiety it produces in this guy..I would rather be fat than bald.

At least being fat I can lie to myself and say I can lose the weight...Spontaneous regeneration of hair ....hmmmm less likely.