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January 13th, 2011, 08:26
Have only been here 1 day, bored... whos up for breakfast or hanging about the town? Middle-aged American..

January 13th, 2011, 08:42
Go to two guys. They open at 8 AM and the selection is good.
You should meet enough friendly people that you will not be bored, and might find something to do all day. Oh, and you can asks for information about things to do at night.
Join Gay Romeo, and you should have plenty of boys contact you to solve your boredom.

January 13th, 2011, 15:36
Well, why not just get out of Pattaya, and explore Thailand? Hop on Camfrog and find a few cute tour guides to show you the sights in wherever you end up. Just throw a dart on a map of Thailand, and go there. Better than sitting around, and being bored.

January 13th, 2011, 15:48
How can someone be bored in Pattaya :dontknow:

January 13th, 2011, 16:31
How can someone be bored in Pattaya :dontknow:
Because most of us don't want to fuck 24/7 and you've seen one ladyboy cabaret, you've seen them all.

January 13th, 2011, 17:46
Take an English Language course on Spelling maybe?

January 14th, 2011, 15:58
I have not visited Pattaya in 3 years. I made a reservation tor 2 weeks after 3 days I left for BKK and will finish my stay in C.M. What the hell happened to Pattaya? Old unattractive go go boys in Boystown and Sunne boys looked like they were waiting for a sex change operation! Well nothing good lasts forever.

January 14th, 2011, 18:09
Fewer western tourists who were the backbone of the gay scene here. It's the economy and exchange rates.

January 14th, 2011, 18:12
I have not visited Pattaya in 3 years. I made a reservation tor 2 weeks after 3 days I left for BKK and will finish my stay in C.M. What the hell happened to Pattaya? Old unattractive go go boys in Boystown and Sunne boys looked like they were waiting for a sex change operation! Well nothing good lasts forever.

Pattaya is now rapidly becoming known as "Two Mask City".
The only way a bar boy is acceptable to be taken out of a bar is put a mask on him. And the only way the customer wants to avoid embarassment being seen with the boy is to wear a mask himself!


Koh Samui Luv
January 14th, 2011, 18:23
What the hell happened to Pattaya? Old unattractive go go boys in Boystown and Sunne boys looked like they were waiting for a sex change operation! Well nothing good lasts forever.

Yes, nothing good lasts forever. For years many of the queers themselves called for a "clean up" of Pattaya. What you see is the "clean up" about 60% completed. When it is fully "cleaned up", no one will go there other than the breeders and a few creepy old impotent queens.

January 14th, 2011, 18:32
Oh all of you stop.
There are still many things to do in and around Pattaya and many boys of great quality in the bars, on the streets and at the beach. Boys can be picked up elsewhere, the grocery store, bowling alley and cinemas. Dont just be one of those that sticks his head in somewhere and does not go in and actually look around for 20 minutes.I get so annoyed when someone comes to our door, sticks his head in the curtain for no more than 10 - 15 seconds and then decides to go elsewhere, not even giving the place a chance.
If you are "bored" (thats right learn to spell, board is a piece of lumber dear) go home, stop whining and crying and get yourself someone to show you all around. You will be pleasantly surprised at all the things Pattaya has to offer. :bis:

January 14th, 2011, 19:23
Well, why not just get out of Pattaya, and explore Thailand? Hop on Camfrog and find a few cute tour guides to show you the sights in wherever you end up. Just throw a dart on a map of Thailand, and go there. Better than sitting around, and being bored.
Great suggestion.

How can someone be bored in Pattaya :dontknow:
It's a retirement village, albeit with prostitutes and sleazy men, all worked into create a bubble of obliviousness.

January 14th, 2011, 20:19
he's not bored (or board) -- he's boring.
nobody travels half way around the world to a different culture
and sits alone in their rented room the first morning and can't
think of anything to do other than go on a gay forum and bitch...
unless that person is a troll. and very boring.

January 14th, 2011, 20:25
Oh all of you stop.
There are still many things to do in and around Pattaya and many boys of great quality in the bars, on the streets and at the beach. Boys can be picked up elsewhere, the grocery store, bowling alley and cinemas. Dont just be one of those that sticks his head in somewhere and does not go in and actually look around for 20 minutes.I get so annoyed when someone comes to our door, sticks his head in the curtain for no more than 10 - 15 seconds and then decides to go elsewhere, not even giving the place a chance.
If you are "bored" (thats right learn to spell, board is a piece of lumber dear) go home, stop whining and crying and get yourself someone to show you all around. You will be pleasantly surprised at all the things Pattaya has to offer. :bis:
I haven't been to your brothel, but chances are the lookie loos don't see anyone in there worth shagging, and if that's the case, why should they waste their time and money to buy a drink from you?

January 14th, 2011, 22:43
How can someone be bored in Pattaya Boredom is usually more about the person than the place.

Because most of us don't want to fuck 24/7 and you've seen one ladyboy cabaret, you've seen them all.True, but outside the boy bars and venues catering specifically to gays, Pattaya takes some beating for an easy-to-get-to concentration of entertainment venues in a compact area. With discos, clubs, live concert venues, venues open until early morning etc . So as a party and fun place even Bangkok residents not interested in the sex-for-sale industry enjoy their weekends in Pattaya. But for me after a week of fun, with just about everything else Pattaya has to offer being available practically anywhere else in Thailand,it's time to head out.
Just throw a dart on a map of Thailand, and go thereGreat to experience all that a country so different from your home culture (if you happen to come from a non-asian country) has to offer, not only one city.

January 14th, 2011, 22:55
Oh all of you stop.
There are still many things to do in and around Pattaya and many boys of great quality in the bars, on the streets and at the beach. Boys can be picked up elsewhere, the grocery store, bowling alley and cinemas. Dont just be one of those that sticks his head in somewhere and does not go in and actually look around for 20 minutes.I get so annoyed when someone comes to our door, sticks his head in the curtain for no more than 10 - 15 seconds and then decides to go elsewhere, not even giving the place a chance.
If you are "bored" (thats right learn to spell, board is a piece of lumber dear) go home, stop whining and crying and get yourself someone to show you all around. You will be pleasantly surprised at all the things Pattaya has to offer. :bis:

Sorry but no matter how hard you try "you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

January 15th, 2011, 05:56
LOL I go twice a year to Pattaya for between 4 to 7 weeks and I am never bored and NO i don┬┤t go "only"for the GAWJUZ males on offer . :nud:

January 15th, 2011, 09:32
Oh all of you stop.
There are still many things to do in and around Pattaya and many boys of great quality in the bars, on the streets and at the beach. Boys can be picked up elsewhere, the grocery store, bowling alley and cinemas. Dont just be one of those that sticks his head in somewhere and does not go in and actually look around for 20 minutes.I get so annoyed when someone comes to our door, sticks his head in the curtain for no more than 10 - 15 seconds and then decides to go elsewhere, not even giving the place a chance.
If you are "bored" (thats right learn to spell, board is a piece of lumber dear) go home, stop whining and crying and get yourself someone to show you all around. You will be pleasantly surprised at all the things Pattaya has to offer. :bis:

-You mention someone coming to your door and looking for about 10-15 seconds and not giving your place a chance. Not quite sure what place you are talking about?
An experienced and astute customer can normally tell within half a minute if there is something worth it in the establishment he is expected to buy a drink in.
Why should he bother spending money in somewhere that is not appealing to him?!

I assume you run a bar and have dancers etc available. Instead of criticizing your potential customers you should create a place with sufficiently attractive hosts/dancers or whatever that will attract and entice people to want to come into your bar and enjoy it.
But instead you blame the potential customer.

January 15th, 2011, 18:34
I haven't been to your brothel, but chances are the lookie loos don't see anyone in there worth shagging, and if that's the case, why should they waste their time and money to buy a drink from you?

First of all, who said anything about buying a drink? And second of all if you only stick your head in for a few seconds, you cannot see them all. It is the opinion of almost all patrons of "my brothel" that we have the most and best boys in Pattaya.

January 15th, 2011, 19:44
I haven't been to your brothel, but chances are the lookie loos don't see anyone in there worth shagging, and if that's the case, why should they waste their time and money to buy a drink from you?

First of all, who said anything about buying a drink? And second of all if you only stick your head in for a few seconds, you cannot see them all. It is the opinion of almost all patrons of "my brothel" that we have the most and best boys in Pattaya.
Do you think we're idiots? You can't go into any bar to sit down without buying a drink. This is understandable and we wouldn't expect not to buy a drink, but don't treat us like idiots. People poking their heads in and deciding they aren't interested are perfectly reasonable people. Your attitude isn't reasonable.

January 15th, 2011, 20:32
One of the go go bars I went into in Boystown and bought a drink had a dancer with number 41 on his shorts, I am sure 41 was his age!

January 15th, 2011, 23:43
Do you think we're idiots? You can't go into any bar to sit down without buying a drink. This is understandable and we wouldn't expect not to buy a drink, but don't treat us like idiots. People poking their heads in and deciding they aren't interested are perfectly reasonable people. Your attitude isn't reasonable

Well dearie now WHO might that idiot be? You try your condesending remark calling the bar a "brothel" and then quote our policies when you state that you have never been in my bar!

First of all, it is a go go boy bar and not a "brothel"

Second of all, our POLICY is that you may not only stick your head in for the 15 - 30 seconds which I refered to earlier, but you are WELCOME to stick your entire body in and look around for a few minutes to see if any of our go go boys or staff interests you.

No, I did not say for you to come in and have a seat and think it all over.

Next time before you act like an ass and try to talk cutie like and get all condesending out of your mouth and also quote MY BAR policies before you even go in (which by the attitude you have displayed, I hope you stay out!) KNOW what you are talking about before you call people idiots!


January 16th, 2011, 03:18
I don't really mind being insulted by pimps.

January 16th, 2011, 04:30
Next time before you act like an ass and try to talk cutie like and get all condesending out of your mouth and also quote MY BAR policies before you even go in (which by the attitude you have displayed, I hope you stay out!) KNOW what you are talking about before you call people idiots! :violent1:

Ten out of ten for customer relationship there Auntie...

January 16th, 2011, 06:29
What can I say, with me I dont mince words. You always know where you stand. Dear old Narakmak does not get along with ALMOST anyone. He calls almost everyone an idiot, talks to them as though they are stupid has called everyone insults is hated by most posters. Has posted numerous times his dislike for go go bars and thier owners and yet he continously posts what he THINKS ours and other bars policies are. Has claimed he has never been in our place but yet he uses blatant insults! Why should I be concerned about someone that repeatedly insults places he openly dislikes and will never step foot in?? It is not a customer that has been lost, its a unknowlegeable, predjudiced jerk. So he doesnt like go go bars. Well stop telling everyone what you "think' thier policies are. If you want to see what a jerk he is go read his great topic and posts regarding Jewish anti Semitism and other posts and you will get a real picture of this whacko. You may call it bad customer service but I call it having a set of nuts and saying what I feel. We have plenty of customers that come to us nightly and enjoy our bar, our show and the time they have in our bar. We dont need some whacko putting us down and calling us names who has not even been in the bar! PS: I am an EXCELLENT Pimp and run a great brothel. Thank you! Now, can you stay on the original topic rather than diviating and trying to advance your personal agenda?

January 16th, 2011, 08:28
Come on guys... Couldn't we lay off bashing Unkiebuck for a bit? I don't know much about who he is or his background so I don't get why there's THIS much hostility on him. Not so much in this thread but the other locked seafood thread.

It seems like everyone's just laying into him every time he posts... I know he has a big mouth and gets worked out sometimes but he's seems pretty open and speaks his mind honestly without the usual conservativeness you get from bar owners on boards, which is kind of refreshing... and entertaining.

You mention someone coming to your door and looking for about 10-15 seconds and not giving your place a chance. Not quite sure what place you are talking about?
An experienced and astute customer can normally tell within half a minute if there is something worth it in the establishment he is expected to buy a drink in..... instead you blame the potential customer.
I think he's more just expressing his frustration then making a serious statement against these types...

Put your self in the shoes of a business owner/salesperson... you go to a lot of effort to create a fantastic product. You strongly feel it's superior to your competitors and will please customers. All you need to do is convince prospective customers - sell it to them. So when your prospects barely give you a brief glance and aren't convinced you get frustrated because you know your product is better and if only they really went in and gave it a trial they would find out for themselves how good you are...

So yeah, fair enough Unkie is frustrated. But I guess you just live with that. No matter how well you sell your product, some will buy and others won't. As long as enough are buying, it's not worth getting too emotionally worked up over the ones who don't.

Ten out of ten for customer relationship there Auntie...
Heh... I have this image in my mind half the customers walk out of Happy Place with a black eye.

January 16th, 2011, 09:02
Touche Beachlover. you hit the nail on the head EXCEPT that this Narakmak does not go INTO go go boy bars, has no plans on EVER going into one, dislikes them and what they stand for and their owners. Bashes them and others most of the time but yet he keeps commenting on those threads and assumes what is in them and how they run. he loves to be in almost every thread about go go bars.
Give it a rest, get back on the topic or go back to the "THE ENTIRE WORLD IS AGAINST JEWISH PEOPLE" thread that you started. Everyone, get a good chuckle at that one.

January 16th, 2011, 09:02
Heh... I have this image in my mind half the customers walk out of Happy Place with a black eye.

Not true, but 100 percent walk out.
You do know that he has to close and get ready for the next day.

January 16th, 2011, 09:43
Ok, back to the original topic. When I read detractors of Pattaya protest they are bored with the city or do not enjoy their stay, I am always curious what they find lacking here that they expected to find. If it's boys they are looking for, I'm mystified they can not find what they are looking for. It is simply not true that Pattaya is devoid of young, sexy, and available men of every stripe - from twinks to butch, from younger to older, and from relationship seekers to money grubbers. If it's shopping they want, Pattaya offers everything from high end stores to knockoffs to one of a kind handicrafts. If it's tourist oriented entertainment, how could you ask for more - Pattaya has a seemingly endless variety of such venues. If its socializing with other farangs, all it takes is a smile and a friendly hello. It seems to me that if one is bored in Pattaya, they want to be.

January 16th, 2011, 10:41
What can I say, with me I dont mince words. You always know where you stand. Dear old happyboy does not get along with ALMOST anyone. He calls almost everyone an idiot, talks to them as though they are stupid has called everyone insults is hated by most posters. Has posted numerous times his dislike for go go bars and thier owners and yet he continously posts what he THINKS ours and other bars policies are. Has claimed he has never been in our place but yet he uses blatant insults! Why should I be concerned about someone that repeatedly insults places he openly dislikes and will never step foot in?? It is not a customer that has been lost, its a unknowlegeable, predjudiced jerk. So he doesnt like go go bars. Well stop telling everyone what you "think' thier policies are. If you want to see what a jerk he is go read his great topic and posts regarding Jewish anti Semitism and other posts and you will get a real picture of this whacko. You may call it bad customer service but I call it having a set of nuts and saying what I feel. We have plenty of customers that come to us nightly and enjoy our bar, our show and the time they have in our bar. We dont need some whacko putting us down and calling us names who has not even been in the bar! PS: I am an EXCELLENT Pimp and run a great brothel. Thank you! Now, can you stay on the original topic rather than diviating and trying to advance your personal agenda?

I can't imagine how you react to people you know? It just so happens that I went to your bar with a friend living in Jomtien. I remember it well it well it was happy hour all beers a special price I believe you might have been sitting at a table outside as my friend suggested. We went in He had a Beer I had a G&T and after we had a good look around and my friend wanted to move on I agreed and we left. Oh, bye the way I am Jewish. So I guess that does qualify you as an idiot!

January 16th, 2011, 11:10
Next time before you act like an ass and try to talk cutie like and get all condesending out of your mouth...

Ten out of ten for customer relationship there Auntie...

I must interject to say that I like Unkiebuck and I like his bar as well as the way he runs it.

Most of the gays in Pattaya (and elsewhere) tell you how wonderful you are to your face, and the minute you are out of hearing range, proceed to stab you in the back. They are two-faced lying bastards. Not Unkiebuck.

Also, I am never bored in Pattaya. It's fantastic. And I don't care if you want to call the whole city or the bars "brothels" or anything else. You can call "black" "white" for all I care. Words coming from people who talk out of two sides of their mouth have no meaning to begin with.

January 16th, 2011, 14:47
HAPPYBOY, I truly owe you an apology!!

I do not know how and where I picked up your username but all my comments were meant for Narakmak who was screaming about the anti semetic stuff and all on that other thread and made those comments about me/the bar. Please accept my deepest apology!

If you read back several posts you will see that I have corrected my posts to show Narakmak and you will be able to see what he was saying and put my comments together with his posts about me/the bar.

Again my apologies. :lam:

January 16th, 2011, 15:56
Well done Auntie I was hoping that you would notice your own error and correct it. :thumbleft:

January 16th, 2011, 16:16
It's not true that I am anti-go go bar. It is true I believe they should be called what they are, honestly, sex for sale venues. They are not off Broadway venues, they are pimping whores. Face reality. Yes they sell overpriced drinks, but who would buy without the flesh for sale on display?

January 16th, 2011, 16:35
It's not true that I am anti-go go bar. It is true I believe they should be called what they are, honestly, sex for sale venues. They are not off Broadway venues, they are pimping whores. Face reality. Yes they sell overpriced drinks, but who would buy without the flesh for sale on display?

Well, you're not getting rid of the prostitutes, so best to keep things in a somewhat controlled environment within go-go bars, then forcing all business to go black market on the streets.

January 16th, 2011, 16:41
Iv'e been here for a couple of days.
Sunee keeps getting smaller with bar closings.

Went to Nice boy.only saw one I liked.Usually I tell the boi I want to top,but listened to the lying mamasaan tell me he did everything,NOT!
He gave it a good go,I will admit.
Happy boy did not let me down,a new thai owner?

January 16th, 2011, 16:55
It's not true that I am anti-go go bar. It is true I believe they should be called what they are, honestly, sex for sale venues. They are not off Broadway venues, they are pimping whores. Face reality. Yes they sell overpriced drinks, but who would buy without the flesh for sale on display?

Well, you're not getting rid of the prostitutes, so best to keep things in a somewhat controlled environment within go-go bars, then forcing all business to go black market on the streets.
Who said I wanted to get rid of prostitution?

January 16th, 2011, 17:47
It's not true that I am anti-go go bar. It is true I believe they should be called what they are, honestly, sex for sale venues. They are not off Broadway venues, they are pimping whores. Face reality. Yes they sell overpriced drinks, but who would buy without the flesh for sale on display?

Hey Narakmak, did you kiss yo mama with that mouth of yours? Where the hell did you grow up that you use abusive language like you do??
Of course you don't want prostitution to go away. Nobody would go to bed with you without paying. And I bet you have to pay double.

January 16th, 2011, 18:03
It is true I believe they should be called what they are, honestly, sex for sale venues.

The proprietor does not sell sex, he only facilitates it. If you want to off the boy and he does not want to leave with you, the owner does not "sell" him to you.
Does this mean that the FoodLand signage should list every food product that is for sale?

January 16th, 2011, 19:17
Unkiebuck! As the propiortor of Happy Place perhaps as you already have an advert on the board you would be best served by saying nothing.

Thai Dyed
January 16th, 2011, 19:20
Iv'e been here for a couple of days.
Sunee keeps getting smaller with bar closings.

For several years now Puritan moralists of all stripes, the gays usually the most vociferous among them, have been calling for a "clean up" of Sunee. Half of the old Balkan Express is now being run as a straight hip-hop bar by an American guy and his Thai wife. The old Kaos/Villa Rouge is now Sky Restaurant and Bar and the owner intends to open a French Restaurant there in a few weeks. Even Corner Bar has become more ho-hum and boring since Gary sold it to the Texans.

I keep telling people to be careful what they wish for, or at the very least be prepared to suffer the consequences. I can imagine that in perhaps as few as five years there will be absolutely no reason whatsoever to visit Pattaya, much less Sunee, and I am certain that among the prudish, straitlaced and impotent queens on this board, that will be a cause for celebration.
[attachment=0:1q3fwo0f]Truman Capote - Answered Prayers.jpg[/attachment:1q3fwo0f]

January 16th, 2011, 21:26
Asserting that go go bar owners are not pimps selling sex is quite simply delusional.

January 16th, 2011, 21:44
Ok, back to the original topic. Sometimes a detour can be worth it if enough posters are interested enough to continue.

Asserting that go go bar owners are not pimps selling sex is quite simply delusionalMaybe so, but in Thailand the technical point is that bars directly offering sex for sale (sex on premises) will be penalised as it's illegal as we all know, and why licences are given to bars with 'dancers' as entertainment and permitted to be in business.

Narakmak wrote:
It is true I believe they should be called what they are, honestly, sex for sale venues.

The proprietor does not sell sex, he only facilitates it. Strictly speaking he does not even do that, he merely facilitates introductions. There are any number of things one can do with a boy offed from a bar, sex being only one of the many. On many occassions in the past I took off boys from bars where there was no sex involved only fun times at clubs, discos or even a visit to a Wat to pray, a completely innocent and non-sexually related event! Narakmak is of course 100% correct that if any kind of paid sex takes place on the actual premises, it would then be a brothel, and the owner a pimp, I understand there are bars where this takes place, but don't know if Unkiebucks bar is one of them.

I get so annoyed when someone comes to our door, sticks his head in the curtain for no more than 10 - 15 seconds and then decides to go elsewhere, not even giving the place a chance.I think its a plus to have bar owners reading and contributing to threads, Unkiebuck seems to have years of Pattaya experience and some bar-owner experience to offer up. It gives punters a chance to make points directly to the owners such as in this thread.

I find alot from his posts of value, however I dont think he needs to be quite so offended when a potential punter looks in to his bar but decides not to stay. I don't think anybody is obliged to 'give a place a chance' although in taking the 10-15 seconds to look in the door he already has given it more of a chance than a bar the same customer could simply just walk on by, some bars don't even get that chance. Personally I dont do it myself, once i decide for whatever reason to enter I always stay for a drink. But there are plenty of circumstances where it is a fair and reasonable thing for a potential customer to do.

It's here Unkiebuck should take a more reasonable view. Often it's the doormen who are at fault for saying "only take look first" even when a customer had no intentions of going in, they do it to pacify the doorman, especially asians, out of sheer courtesy. If one is on holiday with a limited time for bar hopping, it has to remembered there are alot of bars to get round in Pattaya, even just in the Pattayaland sois. It's unrealistic to think potential customers can drink an alcoholic or even non-alcoholic drink in every bar on a soi. Also many customers already know exactly the kind of boy they are looking for and a quick look can often be enough time to consider if a place is worth time and a drink. When there are so many bars to 'check out' customers often like to spend the time and drinking money in bar which more suits them, again a look in the door can often be enough for someone who knows what kind of ambience they are looking for.

I dont however think it's an option to go in, sit down and not order a drink, from either the customer or the owners side that would be very bad form.

January 16th, 2011, 23:30
What percentage of sex worker dancers do you reckon are "taken off" for purposes of discussing the future of musical theater?

January 16th, 2011, 23:53
Narakmak you've made your point, we all know what goes on in some bars, and what doesn't go on in others....

January 17th, 2011, 01:11
Narakmak you've made your point, we all know what goes on in some bars, and what doesn't go on in others....


and why do so many start to go into the ins and outs of the bars,such as who has short time rooms and is it legal,etc etc and it's not right for this,that and the other.

IT'S PROSTITUTION for God's sake!

You can have shows,transvestite shows,boys shows,candle shows,shower shows, it's all geared to the same ending.

How do some come and be so naive to ask questions like,'I thought prostitution was illegal' it's about the same as :' Yes, I met my bf in a bar, but he was the CASHIER!' so HE wasn't do anything wrong.

Pattaya, the city with more cashiers than punters! :laughing3: :laughing3:

January 17th, 2011, 01:15
Asserting that go go bar owners are not pimps selling sex is quite simply delusional.

Bar owners are showcasing a commodity the same as a fruit vender is showcasing mangos .... does that make the mango vendor a Mango Pimp?

January 17th, 2011, 01:26
Asserting that go go bar owners are not pimps selling sex is quite simply delusional.

Bar owners are showcasing a commodity the same as a fruit vender is showcasing mangos .... does that make the mango vendor a Mango Pimp?
No, that word is reserved for people who make a profit on the commercial sex acts of their underlings. A fruit vendor is just a fruit vendor.

January 17th, 2011, 02:13
Asserting that go go bar owners are not pimps selling sex is quite simply delusional.

Bar owners are showcasing a commodity the same as a fruit vender is showcasing mangos .... does that make the mango vendor a Mango Pimp?
No, that word is reserved for people who make a profit on the commercial sex acts of their underlings. A fruit vendor is just a fruit vendor.

There is another word you should reserve for yourself "Fruitcake"!

January 17th, 2011, 03:03
There is another word you should reserve for yourself "Fruitcake"!
I see. So will you be re-gifting me next Christmas? If so, I hope you don't break your dentures biting me.

January 17th, 2011, 05:19
Bar owners are showcasing a commodity the same as a fruit vender is showcasing mangos .... does that make the mango vendor a Mango Pimp?

......a pimp is what you call an Australian farmer with a sheep under each arm?

January 17th, 2011, 19:34
......a pimp is what you call an Australian farmer with a sheep under each arm?
Now Giggsy, if you're going to have ANOTHER jab at the Aussies, at least get it right. The sheep insults are usually reserved for the Kiwis!

It is true I believe they should be called what they are, honestly, sex for sale venues.
The proprietor does not sell sex, he only facilitates it. If you want to off the boy and he does not want to leave with you, the owner does not "sell" him to you.
Does this mean that the FoodLand signage should list every food product that is for sale?
DCbob, what kind of delusional bubble do you live in?

In reality, sex and companionship is exactly what they sell. If you were to walk in and start asking the mamasan whether a boy will bottom and he/she gives you the relevant answer, what the hell are they selling?

Technically and legally, the proprietor doesn't "sell sex" as a brothel would. He merely facilitates the introductions. Just as Gaybutton did when he ran his matchmaking business in Thailand where he charged a $250 fee to introduce moneyboy and gogo boy prostitutes to farang customers who were also expected to pay the boy a minimum of 1,000 baht/day whatever they did... However, we all know what the reality was/is. Gogo bars sell sex.

For several years now Puritan moralists of all stripes, the gays usually the most vociferous among them, have been calling for a "clean up" of Sunee... I keep telling people to be careful what they wish for, or at the very least be prepared to suffer the consequences.
Thai Dyed, Sunee Plaza used to be a haven where pedos did their thing without a worry of being caught. The bars used to be full of underage boys (still some to an extent, but no where near as bad as it used to be). Do you really think it would have been right to leave it that way?

If taking this shit away leaves Sunee without much of a value proposition and lacking in customers then so be it. If it can revamp itself and remain viable and successful without that shit then great...

I predict you'll come back with some hysterical and irrational response, frothing at the mouth now... look forward to it. :hello1:

January 17th, 2011, 19:54
I cut short my vacation in Pattaya not because of old farangs of which agreed there is no shortage but my departure was because of the lack of good-looking Thai guys available. The Older Pattaya guys seemed quite happy, a lot better for them than Miami Beach I should think!

Thai Dyed
January 17th, 2011, 20:08
I cut short my vacation in Pattaya not because of old farangs of which agreed there is no shortage but my departure was because of the lack of good-looking Thai guys available.

Uh-oh Happyboy. You're leaving yourself wide open for Beachlover to cast aspersions on that comment!

January 17th, 2011, 20:16
I cut short my vacation in Pattaya not because of old farangs of which agreed there is no shortage but my departure was because of the lack of good-looking Thai guys available.

Uh-oh Happyboy. You're leaving yourself wide open for Beachlover to cast aspersions on that comment!

Actually I have edited my above comment to include my thoughts about Older gay Guys in Pattaya.

As to the casting of aspersions somehow I think my life shall continue with or without.

January 18th, 2011, 05:11
It seems to me that if one is bored in Pattaya, they want to be.

On my last visit (my 2nd week) in Pattaya, I did have to work a little harder to find things to do. I went to a wat, the floating market, a scenic overlook at night (near a broadcast tower), and NongNuch Gardens. I did banal things like walk around the malls and go to a movie theater. There are so many 'little' things that are different when you're in another country that it's hard to be bored if you're a tourist.

I did what the others said...I picked up a 'tour guide' (any boy with good English should suffice) at a beer bar shortly after arriving. We rented a motorbike from a friend of his and we roamed around the whole area.

January 18th, 2011, 10:54
Well, why not just get out of Pattaya, and explore Thailand? Hop on Camfrog and find a few cute tour guides to show you the sights in wherever you end up. Just throw a dart on a map of Thailand, and go there. Better than sitting around, and being bored.

True, I was there for a month one time , and did pretty much that, but I hired a gay guide and we both had a damn good time all over the country. If you get bored there its your own fault or you can't walk and get around.

January 19th, 2011, 01:20
Just as Gaybutton did when he ran his matchmaking business in Thailand where he charged a $250 fee to introduce moneyboy and gogo boy prostitutes to farang customers who were also expected to pay the boy a minimum of 1,000 baht/day whatever they did... However, we all know what the reality was/is.

Hmmm - GB does not run a GoGo Bar, his matchmaking business is many years in the past now, he does not post on this board, and has not contributed anything to this thread and he has not in any way been linked to the discussion until now. And you insist you are not obsessed with Gaybutton? Indeed!

January 19th, 2011, 10:11
For several years now Puritan moralists of all stripes, the gays usually the most vociferous among them, have been calling for a "clean up" of Sunee... I keep telling people to be careful what they wish for, or at the very least be prepared to suffer the consequences.
Thai Dyed, Sunee Plaza used to be a haven where pedos did their thing without a worry of being caught. The bars used to be full of underage boys (still some to an extent, but no where near as bad as it used to be). Do you really think it would have been right to leave it that way?

If taking this shit away leaves Sunee without much of a value proposition and lacking in customers then so be it. If it can revamp itself and remain viable and successful without that shit then great...

It is like treading a minefield to not take sides on this board, but I completely agree that Sunee is better dead then full of Pedos, However, I do not understand why you are so down on older men, why you harp on Gaybutton or why you think all bars boys are worthless prostitutes. I am not criticizing, just curious as to how you came to these conclusions

Thai Dyed
January 19th, 2011, 11:14
It is like treading a minefield to not take sides on this board, but I completely agree that Sunee is better dead then full of Pedos, However, I do not understand why you are so down on older men, why you harp on Gaybutton or why you think all bars boys are worthless prostitutes. I am not criticizing, just curious as to how you came to these conclusions

I think several on this board who immediately bring up the pedo issue when someone speaks of a "cleanup" are closet pedos themselves and suffer from "pedo on the brain" while projecting their own neurosis onto others.

For example, last night there was a massive raid in Sunee which didn't have anything to do with pedos as far as anyone could determine. These are always money making scams to keep the pockets of the NGOs, the police, and foreign government agent's lined, mostly directly, but also indirectly. It's a huge money machine.

Once "cleanup" efforts begin, they have a way of continuing even if new scapegoats must be constantly invented. There's always something that needs a "cleanup"... the worthless whores, the old geezers, the drugs, "it's for your own good, see?"

"First they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Communist.

Then they came for me
and there was no one was left to speak out for me."
-Pastor Martin Niem├╢ller

January 19th, 2011, 16:51
I completely agree that Sunee is better dead then full of Pedos
Thai Dyed is right when he says it's one big money making thing. It might be their intention just to run these bars to the ground. Or it may be that they have no desired outcome defined and are just being reactive in their actions (e.g. when their superiors tell them to do "something" about a problem, they do a raid so they can look like they've done something).

The issue with some of TD's posts is he seems to be against any sort of law enforcement activity in Sunee Plaza as well, which isn't quite right because that place has a pretty terrible reputation for drugs and pedos.

I do not understand why you are so down on older men, why you harp on Gaybutton or why you think all bars boys are worthless prostitutes. I am not criticizing, just curious as to how you came to these conclusions
Fair questions...

1. I never said I was down on older men. I've always enjoy talking to older men a lot. I participate on this board (mainly older men) right? But I have an issue with bitter, grumpy older men who do nothing but chastise and look down on younger guys, which seems to happen from time to time here.

2. For Gaybutton... it's easier if you get the full picture there: http://www.baht-stop.com/forums/index.p ... 9508&st=40 (http://www.baht-stop.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=9508&st=40)

3. I never said I thought all bar boys are "worthless prostitutes". Far from it. I see them as human beings. They have their strengths and weaknesses: gay-thailand-f9/sex-and-relationships-with-prostitutes-t20569.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/gay-thailand-f9/sex-and-relationships-with-prostitutes-t20569.html)