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January 8th, 2011, 10:43
Can I ask a question is it just me or do the Russians seem to have a serious attitude problem?
I am getting to the point where I am considering putting a SORRY NO RUSSIONS ALLOWED sigh outside witch IтАЩm not sure I am actually allowed to do but Bht for Bht they spend I could do without the constant loud rowdy behavior and the serious disrespect they seem to have for Thais and other customers around them over the past 6 months things seem to be getting worse with every crowd that come in.
Or is it just me. :protest:

Thai Dyed
January 8th, 2011, 10:56
Can I ask a question is it just me or do the Russians seem to have a serious attitude problem?
I am getting to the point where I am considering putting a SORRY NO RUSSIONS ALLOWED sigh outside witch IтАЩm not sure I am actually allowed to do but Bht for Bht they spend I could do without the constant loud rowdy behavior and the serious disrespect they seem to have for Thais and other customers around them over the past 6 months thing seem to be getting worse with every crowd that come in.
Or is it just me.

No, it's not just you Mark. What you see is a result of what many have been praying for in Sunee for a long time now. Your prayers have been answered. Next time be careful what you wish for. Your chickens have come home to roost.

January 8th, 2011, 11:44
Can I ask a question is it just me or do the Russians seem to have a serious attitude problem?

As a matter of interest, how do you know they are Russians, as opposed to someone speaking a language you don't understand? It used to be easy to lump so many peoples under the USSR banner, but no more. Some of them are even in the EU!

Putting up a sign that says "No Russians" might seem like a good idea, but how do you teach your doormen to distinguish between Kazakhs, Czechs, Poles, Slovaks* and so on.

A more productive method might be to get some drinks pricelists printed in Russian and on the back put a simple etiquette guide - maybe they have never seen anything like your bar before and don't know what behaviour is expected?

* Somebody told me yesterday that they once had a maid from Eastern Europe, and she took all day just to hoover one room. She was a Slovak

January 8th, 2011, 12:00
As help full as I like to be a cant really agree with that one, I know they have been Russians or say they are when asked by the waiters where they are from as they do with most customers coming in to the bar and to make an individual price menu in one language seems unnecessary the rest of the visitors seem to cope with the signs stating all drinks 99BHT and as for how to act in public that should be a matter of common sense for most people.
Please donтАЩt think I am trying to be flippant with my answer but I have considered most of what you mentioned earlier on when I notice the problem starting to arise.

Thai Dyed
January 8th, 2011, 12:30
A more productive method might be to get some drinks pricelists printed in Russian and on the back put a simple etiquette guide - maybe they have never seen anything like your bar before and don't know what behaviour is expected?

Etiquette? In a whore house? What kind of behaviour do you expect in a place where the boys squat on your table waving their cocks in your face?

January 8th, 2011, 15:22
This is the kind of problem in business where you cannot afford to pussyfoot around the issue. You need to act fast before you lose business from other more valuable customers spreading the word that your place has a rowdy and unpleasant environment, and before your boys start to leave (or start to talk among themselves saying that Boss does not take their feelings into consideration, Boss "no take care boys" -- a very important facet of Thai expectations).

If I were you, I'd do this:

1. Put up a large sign in English and Russian saying "Due to a history of unruly, disrespectable behaviour, we regret will will not admit Russians unless it is someone who comes alone and who abides by our requirement of good manners inside the bar"

2. Train your doormen, and stand with them for several nights until they learn from you how to manage Russians coming by the door; how to implement the sign.

3. For solo Russians who were allowed to enter, train your waiters to collect payment for the drinks as soon as they are served; that way you can bounce them out of the bar whenever they start to misbehave.

What will happen is this:

4. You will get ugly scenes at the door. But think of it this way: It is better to deal with these scenes outside than inside the bar.

5. Word will spread among Russians that your bar no longer welcomes them. Eventually, that will take care of the problem at source.

6. The singles will learn over time what expected behaviour is. Hopefully the culture will spread.

You can take down the sign anytime. But it's better to do something even if not 100 percent effective than to be seen as not doing anything at all.

January 8th, 2011, 15:30
Unfortunately, while I enjoy the money they spend, I do find most to be rude and obnoxious. WHY? I dont know.
I do knw that 3 of them 2 or 3 weeks ago were in my bar and wanted to see a show long after the show had ended. We explained to them as best we could that the show was over 1 1/2 hours earlier. They then demanded that their drink fees be refunded and we said as kindly as we could that this was impossible.
They then threw their beer bottles and glasses and tried to bust up the place. We had to close for an hour to clean up and let the police see. While the police made them pay damages, who cares about that when you are talking safty of your other customers. They ruined our Christmas eve which was the night it happened. I don't know how to solve the problem.

On the other side, we do get many many Russians in the bar that are nice and cordial and do love the show. Damned if you do and damned if you dont!! :sharm:

January 8th, 2011, 15:30
If I were you, I'd do this:

This sounds like really great advice to me. Doing nothing should not be an option.

January 8th, 2011, 15:43
This is the kind of problem in business where you cannot afford to pussyfoot around the issue. You need to act fast before you lose business from other more valuable customers spreading the word that your place has a rowdy and unpleasant environment, and before your boys start to leave (or start to talk among themselves saying that Boss does not take their feelings into consideration, Boss "no take care boys" -- a very important facet of Thai expectations).

If I were you, I'd do this:

1. Put up a large sign in English and Russian saying "Due to a history of unruly, disrespectable behaviour, we regret will will not admit Russians unless it is someone who comes alone and who abides by our requirement of good manners inside the bar"

2. Train your doormen, and stand with them for several nights until they learn from you how to manage Russians coming by the door; how to implement the sign.

3. For solo Russians who were allowed to enter, train your waiters to collect payment for the drinks as soon as they are served; that way you can bounce them out of the bar whenever they start to misbehave.

What will happen is this:

4. You will get ugly scenes at the door. But think of it this way: It is better to deal with these scenes outside than inside the bar.

5. Word will spread among Russians that your bar no longer welcomes them. Eventually, that will take care of the problem at source.

6. The singles will learn over time what expected behaviour is. Hopefully the culture will spread.

You can take down the sign anytime. But it's better to do something even if not 100 percent effective than to be seen as not doing anything at all.

Somebody read my mind :hello1:

January 8th, 2011, 15:47
Unfortunately, while I enjoy the money they spend, I do find most to be rude and obnoxious. WHY? I dont know.
I do knw that 3 of them 2 or 3 weeks ago were in my bar and wanted to see a show long after the show had ended. We explained to them as best we could that the show was over 1 1/2 hours earlier. They then demanded that their drink fees be refunded and we said as kindly as we could that this was impossible.
They then threw their beer bottles and glasses and tried to bust up the place. We had to close for an hour to clean up and let the police see. While the police made them pay damages, who cares about that when you are talking safty of your other customers. They ruined our Christmas eve which was the night it happened. I don't know how to solve the problem.

On the other side, we do get many many Russians in the bar that are nice and cordial and do love the show. Damned if you do and damned if you dont!! :sharm:

I donтАЩt have a show as such and I find this is when the trouble is starting they start to demand something I do not provide then get noisy and aggressive about leaving.

January 8th, 2011, 15:54
I was in your bar Uncle Buckie when that happened - werent cute Russians - 2 man/woman couples if I remember. I tend to agree with you all - and the real sad part is one of the main attractions of Thailand is the great friendly and calm atmosphere, with the great Thai people - whether in a bar with the boys or a restaurant.Behaviour like this spoils this!

I think it is a cultural thing to get a little "rowdy" with drink (and this is an English guy talking! - but this is why I stay away from Chav destinations !)but at the same time I am sure that there are plenty of great Russian guys out there - just never met them!

January 8th, 2011, 16:01
Can I ask a question is it just me or do the Russians seem to have a serious attitude problem?
I am getting to the point where I am considering putting a SORRY NO RUSSIONS ALLOWED sigh outside witch IтАЩm not sure I am actually allowed to do but Bht for Bht they spend I could do without the constant loud rowdy behavior and the serious disrespect they seem to have for Thais and other customers around them over the past 6 months things seem to be getting worse with every crowd that come in.
Or is it just me. :protest:

It seems you have attracted the same type of crowd equivalent of the good old British Lager lout. You need to set your stall out right now to bring this to an end quickly.

They are obviously,after they've had a 'good night out' gone on to tell their friends about it,after which you have had return visits of like minded people,i.e. arseholes.

The only way,and surely there are various translators around due to the large numbers of Russians coming to Pattaya or people who share/understand their language, is to get the rules and regulations of the bar printed in their language. These people,very much like many Thais whether you like that comparison or not,don't do tact Rules have to be there up front and in their face. :glasses7:

January 8th, 2011, 16:46
Yeah right, we are going to all print rules and regulations to give to the customers before they can come in and ask them to sign.
No, we had one problem, one time, that was serious, many good ones and some really rude ones. it is the name of the game unfortunately.

January 8th, 2011, 17:56
Well,a few weeks back prior to Xmas I was in Toy Boy Bar having a nice time with one from the stage next to me and there were other customers enjoying themselves too. Then in comes a group of massively sized Russians. I recognised the accent. The whole atmosphere in the bar changes. The females in the group looked liked tarty amazons. The whole group got straight looking boys sitting with them and the group were rudely pushing away other customers to make room . Clearly these Russians were fairly clueless as there was an episode of the Russian paying for the drinks in advance and the Thais were laughing as one of these thugs had brought in her own bottle of cola!
The Russians were getting loud and manacing.
I therefore did not stay and left in common with some other customers who did the same. So you can take the question mark off your heading of "serious attitude problem?" and replace it with a " !"
In my view the sooner bar owners do something to rid us of these peasants the better it will be.

January 8th, 2011, 19:52
Mark - here's a question to clarify the situation further. Are the troublemakers straight?

My guess is that they are.

For gay men, the appeal of being in a gogo bar is the erotic element. For straight men, this does not apply, so why do they choose to go into a male gogo bar? I would think: For drinks and for kicks, where, depending on the culture, the kicks may take the form of making fun of other people and other loutish behaviour (and going for kicks often requires going in a group which in turn amplifies loutish behaviour).

If this is the case, then the more surgical response should be to stop straight Russians from entering, not gay Russians. The problem with that of course is how does one tell a straight Russian from a gay one?

But if I am mistaken and the attitudinal problem also includes gay Russians, then it's easier - just ban all Russians. Even letting solo gay ones into the bar does not entirely solve the problem. What if one offs a boy? How does he treat the boy in the hotel? How likely is he to renege on tipping?


IтАЩm not sure I am actually allowed to do

Of course you are. By coincidence on Gay Ting Tong, I recently got into a debate about whether businesses are obliged to practice non-discrimination. I argued that a small private business has every right to pick and choose his customers, either individually or as a class, and offered a philosophical justification for this position. See http://www.gaytingtong.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=7697&sid=9614124e41743583ace551454319d214#p48413

January 8th, 2011, 20:07
Mark don't you have a 'Pet BIB' most go go bars do? He should be able to 'fix' your problem before it costs you some of your valuable customer base.

January 8th, 2011, 21:45
... I argued that a small private business has every right to pick and choose his customers, either individually or as a class....

If you are talking about Thai law, you may well be right.

However, try that kind of discrimination in the UK and the business owners will be arrested and charged - as in the recent case of the "Christian" guesthouse owners who refused to let out a double room to two gay guests because poofery offended their moral values.


January 8th, 2011, 21:59
There was a thread on the "Lonely Planet Thorntree " board a few years ago about a hotel/bar in Pattaya with a sign "No people from Israel, please". Even the Bangkok Post reported about this case. Thai lawyers stated that there was no violation of any Thai law. At this time Israelian soldiers used to go to Th after they had done their service in the army. One can imagine what happens when a bunch of young, immature guys who have just got away from a warzone come to a place like Pattaya for partying, drinking etc. I think MARK does not have to go into details about the behaviour of these Russian customers, I guess we all can imagine what he means and "even" at gogo bars there should be a "minimum" of behavior and manners. I used to go to a nice hotel on Cyprus, back in the eighties. It always was a nice stay with some friends and their kids. Then , in the early 90ies Russian tourists started to overtake the hotel and it was impossible to stay there anymore. When I complained the manager of this hotel just said that we would buy "Gin per glass" and the Russians "per bottle"....Our group never came back and I know at least 2 families from Germany who said good bye, too. BTW In the 90ies a very famous Austrian tourist village refused to accept bookings from Swedish ski tourists because ...though friendly and well educated people...they could not handle alcohol and caused troubles every night. Only families with children were accepted and this village boomed. Anyway , good luck but I think ...like Macaroni said...you REALLY should (must) do something

Brad the Impala
January 9th, 2011, 01:18
. At this time Israelian soldiers used to go to Th after they had done their service in the army. One can imagine what happens when a bunch of young, immature guys who have just got away from a warzone come to a place like Pattaya for partying, drinking etc.

Indeed one can imagine as the start of the transition of Pattaya from a sleeping fishing village to a commercial destination started with the arrival from Utapao of US serviceman on R & R. At that time people the preferred seaside destination people for those travelling east from Bangkok was Bangsaen.

January 9th, 2011, 02:36
If I were you, I'd do this:

1. Put up a large sign in English and Russian saying "Due to a history of unruly, disrespectable behaviour, we regret will will not admit Russians unless it is someone who comes alone and who abides by our requirement of good manners inside the bar"

Unfortunately, an idea like this might bring the wrong sort of attention on the establishment.

You could put up a sign at the door reserving the right to deny anyone access and to ask for ID.


You could call it a club, with membership access (no matter how trivial) and simply deny the undesirables membership.

I'd be careful about making it specific to Russians.

January 9th, 2011, 03:04
Yeah right, we are going to all print rules and regulations to give to the customers before they can come in and ask them to sign.
No, we had one problem, one time, that was serious, many good ones and some really rude ones. it is the name of the game unfortunately.


Don't need to be dismissive, and nobody would go to the extreme of asking people to read and sign a big list of Do's and don'ts and I think you know that is not what I was advocating.

I know the job out there, I did it long enough there and the UK for the last 28 years.

OK,if you don't want to place a couple of rules on your menus, you've got to nip loutish and boorish behaviour in ther bud as it happens. We had this behaviour from straight and mixed crowds and managed to cope,in a busy showbar in BT.

I think they'll soon move on if they find you are unwelcoming or unwilling to accept their behaviour. When they behave this way,they're only bullies,and bullies hate been stood up to. My view anyway,up to you as they say.Good luck with it.


January 9th, 2011, 09:36
Mark - here's a question to clarify the situation further. Are the troublemakers straight?

My guess is that they are.

For gay men, the appeal of being in a gogo bar is the erotic element. For straight men, this does not apply, so why do they choose to go into a male gogo bar? I would think: For drinks and for kicks, where, depending on the culture, the kicks may take the form of making fun of other people and other loutish behaviour (and going for kicks often requires going in a group which in turn amplifies loutish behaviour).

If this is the case, then the more surgical response should be to stop straight Russians from entering, not gay Russians. The problem with that of course is how does one tell a straight Russian from a gay one?

But if I am mistaken and the attitudinal problem also includes gay Russians, then it's easier - just ban all Russians. Even letting solo gay ones into the bar does not entirely solve the problem. What if one offs a boy? How does he treat the boy in the hotel? How likely is he to renege on tipping?


IтАЩm not sure I am actually allowed to do

Of course you are. By coincidence on Gay Ting Tong, I recently got into a debate about whether businesses are obliged to practice non-discrimination. I argued that a small private business has every right to pick and choose his customers, either individually or as a class, and offered a philosophical justification for this position. See http://www.gaytingtong.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=7697&sid=9614124e41743583ace551454319d214#p48413

To answer you question on are they gay or not it seem a 50/50 mix usually two male and two female and I have only seen them off a boy boy one time.
The more fem IтАЩm guessing gay are a little quieter but the real problem is the way they treat the boys wanting to grab at then inspect every whole nook and cranny, and I can say with hand on hart I have never once seen a tip given to either a boy or waiter.
And then when is does come to paying the bill there has to be a thirty minute debate and the bin checked 6 times over before it paid and that if its only two cokes god help it if they have had a few drinks.
I also have had the dancing RussiansтАЩ in 45 minutes from one side of the bar to the other which is quite comical for a whole 5 minutes after that it just looks ridiculesтАЩ
Well I for one am clamping down one way or another on it.

January 9th, 2011, 10:04
Another poster recently reported a similar problem in Wonderland, on the GayThailand forum. See http://www.gaythailand.com/forums/topic/6493-arabs-in-sunee-and-loud-music/page__view__findpost__p__46477 In this case, however, its Arabs.

QUOTE FROM "AUSSIE_", 30 Dec 2010:

I also have a problem with bad behavior and lack of respect for Thai culture and poor manners around other visitors to Thailand. I was in Wonderland show bar in Sunee last Sunday night for the midnight show when three very drunk, loud young men from the land of many camels walked in from the club next door and proceeded to grope any go go boy in sight and disrupt the show. They also refused to buy the boys a drink or to tip them. I told the waiter that they or anyone else in such a drunken state should not be allowed in. Clubs like Wonderland will need to employ some decent size security staff as I can see this problem is on the increase.


January 9th, 2011, 15:37
Another poster recently reported a similar problem in Wonderland, on the GayThailand forum. See http://www.gaythailand.com/forums/topic/6493-arabs-in-sunee-and-loud-music/page__view__findpost__p__46477 In this case, however, its Arabs.

QUOTE FROM "AUSSIE_", 30 Dec 2010:

I also have a problem with bad behavior and lack of respect for Thai culture and poor manners around other visitors to Thailand. I was in Wonderland show bar in Sunee last Sunday night for the midnight show when three very drunk, loud young men from the land of many camels walked in from the club next door and proceeded to grope any go go boy in sight and disrupt the show. They also refused to buy the boys a drink or to tip them. I told the waiter that they or anyone else in such a drunken state should not be allowed in. Clubs like Wonderland will need to employ some decent size security staff as I can see this problem is on the increase.


On gaybutton's board and Sawatdee, Mark from krazy Dragon has been complaining about Russian behavior.

Gaybutton all is I can say is that I am basing my observations on Russians that have visited my bar over the past 12 months. Most people are asked where they come from as a matter of course either by go-go boys or waiters during the night.
Well I would really not like to discriminate against any one group of people I have watched thing not get worse over the past 12 months but just be exactly the same with each group or couple that come in and as the numbers are increasing nothing is changing the behavior is consistent.
To clarify behavior they tend to grab at the boys quite forcibly and someone is going to get hurt, they also insist on shall we say over the top inspections of the boys there is a difference between a little play and a god dam strip search with cavity inspection at the same time.
Now on to tipping in 12 months I have not seen one boy tipped not once ever even after full on medical exam.
Next we have the obligatory checking of the bill which take 15 minutes as long as itтАЩs only 2 cokes any more than that get the calculators out and have a 30 minute discussion on how much the bin should be.
In 12 months I have seen Russian customers off 2 boys BOTH returned the next day and said that they had not been paid.
The biggest complaint they have with me is they seek me out via a member of staff ask what time the F SHOW starts when I explain we donтАЩt have that kind of show the verbal assaults start on me as to why not.
Sorry but for this bar owner enough is enough.

Gaybutton does not agree with Mark and the thread is here.
http://www.gaybuttonthai.com/viewtopic. ... 7&start=20 (http://www.gaybuttonthai.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2097&start=20)

It is not the end but the beginning of the Arab and Russian problem. Many people have opposite opinions as to what to do with it.

Thai Dyed
January 9th, 2011, 15:56
It is not the end but the beginning of the Arab and Russian problem. Many people have opposite opinions as to what to do with it.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. For the last ten years everyone has been falling over himself talking about "cleaning up Sunee Plaza". Now they got their wish. Their prayers have been answered. What the fuck? You're still not happy? Consider Sunee now cleaned up! Stop whining.

January 9th, 2011, 18:44
If I were you, I'd do this:

1. Put up a large sign in English and Russian saying "Due to a history of unruly, disrespectable behaviour, we regret will will not admit Russians unless it is someone who comes alone and who abides by our requirement of good manners inside the bar"

Better to have it in Russian only - why lecture your valued customers with a message that you just want to convey to Russian.

Having said that, seeing any Russian signage puts me off a place - I expect to find Russians inside if there are signs in Russian about the place. Maybe you could write the rules in Russian on a laminated sheet and hand it to Russians with their drinks.

Also - this link might be of interest,
http://english.pravda.ru/history/16-06- ... ourists-0/ (http://english.pravda.ru/history/16-06-2008/105517-russian_tourists-0/)

Particularly -

"For example, Russians hardly ever smile. They smile when they hear or see something funny or when they communicate with their friends. However, they consider it weird to smile to strangers in the street. However, a smile is considered a token of friendliness with many foreigners."

Russia must be the land of the frowns!

January 9th, 2011, 21:25
Sounds like American/European Westerners are going to have to get used to "sharing" Pattaya with other cultures, Arabs, Russians, Chinese...

try that kind of discrimination in the UK and the business owners will be arrested and charged - as in the recent case of the "Christian" guesthouse owners who refused to let out a double room to two gay guests because poofery offended their moral values.
Heh... What ended up happening to that B&B? Did they actually get charged with discrimination?

January 9th, 2011, 21:36
Heh... What ended up happening to that B&B? Did they actually get charged with discrimination?

Yes they were taken to court but the judge will rule on the case later. If you are going to run a business then you have to abide with the law. Bringing religious beliefs into it and being allowed to get away with it would open the door to all sorts of discrimination.

http://www.jackbristol.com/newscentre/b ... trial-5291 (http://www.jackbristol.com/newscentre/bristols-news/judgement-reserved-in-bristol-discrimination-trial-5291)

January 9th, 2011, 22:15
Thanks for the update. Pair of Christian gay-hating f*cksticks...

January 9th, 2011, 22:36
Thanks for the update. Pair of Christian gay-hating f*cksticks...

Yeh like all f*cksticks god talks to them.......

January 10th, 2011, 00:51
Thanks for the update. Pair of Christian gay-hating f*cksticks...

Yeh like all f*cksticks god talks to them.......

By the way guys, Motormouth is that well known troll Alaan/NewAlaan

Maybe you figured it out yourselves, i just got the evidence.

Brad the Impala
January 10th, 2011, 01:31
By the way guys, Motormouth is that well known troll Alaan/NewAlaan

Maybe you figured it out yourselves, i just got the evidence.

Given that none of those posters that you have mentioned have contributed to this thread, you thought to mention it here because........you thought the title of the thread applied to you?

Given your feud with Alaan, who explained quite clearly why he became New Alaan, and posts in a style very different to Motormouth, a sobriquet best applied to your good self, we should believe because..................? Because you say that you just got the evidence? Given your previous Mercure fantasies, just saying it is unconvincing to say the least!

January 10th, 2011, 01:42

By the way guys, Motormouth is that well known troll Alaan/NewAlaan

Maybe you figured it out yourselves, i just got the evidence.

Given that none of those posters that you have have contributed to this thread, you thought to mention it here because........you thought the title of the thread applied to you?

Given your feud with Alaan, who explained quite clearly why he became New Alaan, and posts in a style very different to Motormouth, a sobriquet best applied to your good self, we should believe because..................? Because you say that you just got the evidence? Given your previous Mercure fantasies, just saying it is unconvincing to say the least![/quote:ftdxors0]

I know it's true, the impostor knows it's true.

Your opinion is irrelevant.


January 10th, 2011, 01:58
Given your feud with Alaan,Now that's not very nice Scottish-guy! dragging your obsession around with you to a thread where I have'nt even posted yet. Are things getting to you? Poor thing, but you really must try and keep on topic!

January 10th, 2011, 02:07
Given your feud with Alaan,Now that's not very nice Scottish-guy! dragging your obsession around with you to a thread where I have'nt even posted yet. Are things getting to you? Poor thing, but you really must try and keep on topic!

Right on cue - Thanks.


January 10th, 2011, 02:38
My what a life of intrigue scotty lives!! What with mysterious and strange phone calls to his room that have him and his boyfriend so scared that he had to venture from the safety of his room to the hotel lobby to try and uncover the source of the wrong number. Unfortunately on this particular day his sleuthing skills seemed to abandon him as he was unable to discover the identity of this mysterious caller who apparently spoke in tongues as it was a language neither he nor his boyfriend had ever heard before in their lives.

On the heels of that harrowing adventure...scotty has now proclaimed that there is an imposter among our midst. Not just a regular imposter mind you, but a 'well known troll'!! Well...let me tell you Mr. 'well known troll', I think you better scram because Dt. scotty is on to you and he's got EVIDENCE that you are a fraud, fake, phony, and any other words that mean you are not who you say you are. I know scotty was way off base with his assessment about Thai's and their friends but this time he is on the mark. He has EVIDENCE!! If I were you Alaany, I would back off, now! Because scotty can and will produce this EVIDENCE to the entire world and then your life will be over as you know it. Do Not mess with scotty because if need be he will scamper to the moderators of this board and beg for help from any meanies on this forum. Isn't that right scotty?

January 10th, 2011, 03:18
I have never complained to any moderator of any forum about any other contributor.

Is that clear enough?


January 10th, 2011, 03:45
Right on cue - Thanks.No sweat, only too glad to assist you with your little obsession which seems to have 'got to you'. Feeling better now are we?

he will scamper to the moderators
I have never complained to any moderator of any forum about any other contributor.hehehe! This is turning out to be even funnier than Scottish-guy's hilarious posts!

January 10th, 2011, 03:50

January 10th, 2011, 09:45
"funnier than Scottish-guy's hilarious posts"

Not terribly difficult considering how juvenile and moronic most of his "bon mots" are.
If it weren't for the :sign5: as an indicator most of the time you wouldn't know it actually was a joke.

January 10th, 2011, 17:51
By the way guys, Motormouth is that well known troll Alaan/NewAlaan
Maybe you figured it out yourselves, i just got the evidence.
Given that none of those posters that you have mentioned have contributed to this thread, you thought to mention it here because........you thought the title of the thread applied to you?[/quote:mzl4xdku]
Yes, I noticed Mr Motorhead was Newalaan too. It seems Mr Motormouth is a pretty virile poster! He also posts on GBT! Ah well, it looks like Jinks just lopped off one of his testes (Mr Motorhead handle deleted).

I don't really care if he has a couple of handles. Despite his hysterical attacks, I kind of like his posts since he adds a bit of spice and humour to the board LOL.

I agree with Brad that this shouldn't have been posted here as Motormouth hasn't posted on this thread at all. So I assume Scottish either made a mistake putting it in this thread, or perhaps Motormouth made a post here, which was subsequently deleted.

January 10th, 2011, 21:30
The only way,and surely there are various translators around due to the large numbers of Russians coming to Pattaya or people who share/understand their language, is to get the rules and regulations of the bar printed in their language. tact Rules have to be there up front and in their face. :glasses7:

I was merely repeating what you wrote......

And Scottish Guy????

and screaming at moderators on some message board to save his ass (Was his ass ever in jepardy?) from his big mouth.

Save my ass from my big mouth? What I am actually saying is it will be interesting to see if Unkies advertising contract has an effect on the moderation policies of this board - something I FIRST RAISED several weeks ago in fact.

No comment. i will just post YOUR words here and let all decide.

January 10th, 2011, 22:40
Rules have to be there up front and in their face.

In the case of Krazy Dragon's business model (table-top dancing), and based on what Mark kd described as the objectionable behaviour he's witnessed, I would imagine they need only one simple rule. Being so simple, it can be translated into 10 languages without taking up too much space:

Do not touch any performer unless he invites you to touch him. Let go at once when he requests you to do so.

Problems of disrespect to the boys all stem from this, I would think.

Mark has described other problems, e.g. making too much noise, flunking around the bar... these have to be dealt with when they occur, and anyway cannot be rules-based, because a certain amount of judgement is needed as to when they have crossed the line.

As for disputing the checkbin and not paying boys when they are off'd, again, they call for different handling by staff rather than rules. A simple solution would be to pay for drinks as soon as they are served; no open tab. If offing boys (assuming that any boy would want to go with Russians after this) then the rule has to be: pay not only the bar fine but a 1,000 baht tip in advance. Years ago, a popular host bar in Sukhumvit Soi 23 ('The Turning Point', I think the name was) did this routinely for non-regular customers (like myself). I've also heard that some Saphan Khwai bars have or had a similar practice.


But at the end of the day, if enforcing these rules (because the Russians continue to ignore them) or dealing with checkbin disputes continue to cause too much hassle, then ban the whole lot.


I can also imagine a new situation developing. Perhaps Mark can tell us if my guess is right. After numerous bad experiences of being "medically examined", the boys now are extremely reluctant to spend any time dancing on Russian tables. They move quickly past them. The Russians then get upset, either demanding that the boys come back and dance on their table, or they go following the boys around the room. Which upsets the boys further.

January 10th, 2011, 23:06
surely Mark has been in this kind of business to know how to deal with the problem. I just don't get it as rude unruly customers of any nationality can and will cause loss of business so as K.Q. said nip it in the bud now before it gets out of hand even if it means paying a few Thais to help sort them out. Remember Thai's can be and are quite good at this kind of thing especially if they are getting paid for it.

January 11th, 2011, 05:24
A couple of years ago, Roo Bar and Guest House, Walking Street had "problems" with some Arabs. They put up the sign and it is still up today.
I have never posted a photo before, so I hope this works.

January 11th, 2011, 06:28
Unfortunately, while I enjoy the money they spend, I do find most to be rude and obnoxious. WHY? I dont know.
I do knw that 3 of them 2 or 3 weeks ago were in my bar and wanted to see a show long after the show had ended. We explained to them as best we could that the show was over 1 1/2 hours earlier. They then demanded that their drink fees be refunded and we said as kindly as we could that this was impossible.
They then threw their beer bottles and glasses and tried to bust up the place. We had to close for an hour to clean up and let the police see. While the police made them pay damages, who cares about that when you are talking safty of your other customers. They ruined our Christmas eve which was the night it happened. I don't know how to solve the problem.

On the other side, we do get many many Russians in the bar that are nice and cordial and do love the show. Damned if you do and damned if you dont!! :sharm:

I bet my bottom dollar that the 'nice and cordial' customers come as single males or as male friends i.e. mostly gay men; the people your bar is supposed to cater to.
Are you out of your mind to allow straight couples from this newly arrived aggressive Russian invasion into your gay bar? These people are there for all the wrong reasons -to have fun at the expense of you gay customers, to cause distruption and if at all possible to avoid paying. It astounds me that gay bar owners insist on destroying their own businesses and ruining everything for the regular customers. Get youself some doormen with real balls who are capable of saying the following; 'sorry, gentlemen only allowed'. None of these guys will want to go in without their women; having their women with them is an essential part of the fun.

It's not a choice between being damned if you do or don't; it's about taking a stand in defense of your business.

January 11th, 2011, 07:18
Sorry but you were wrong. We get alot of Russian couples. Almost everyday and they are nice and kind and polite. The ones that caused a problem were only 3 people and it was 2 guys and a woman. Our new policy is that we really carefully look at someone who wants to come in and sort of screeen them.

January 11th, 2011, 08:49
There was a thread on the "Lonely Planet Thorntree " board a few years ago about a hotel/bar in Pattaya with a sign "No people from Israel, please". Even the Bangkok Post reported about this case. Thai lawyers stated that there was no violation of any Thai law. At this time Israelian soldiers used to go to Th after they had done their service in the army. One can imagine what happens when a bunch of young, immature guys who have just got away from a warzone come to a place like Pattaya for partying, drinking etc. I think MARK does not have to go into details about the behaviour of these Russian customers, I guess we all can imagine what he means and "even" at gogo bars there should be a "minimum" of behavior and manners. I used to go to a nice hotel on Cyprus, back in the eighties. It always was a nice stay with some friends and their kids. Then , in the early 90ies Russian tourists started to overtake the hotel and it was impossible to stay there anymore. When I complained the manager of this hotel just said that we would buy "Gin per glass" and the Russians "per bottle"....Our group never came back and I know at least 2 families from Germany who said good bye, too. BTW In the 90ies a very famous Austrian tourist village refused to accept bookings from Swedish ski tourists because ...though friendly and well educated people...they could not handle alcohol and caused troubles every night. Only families with children were accepted and this village boomed. Anyway , good luck but I think ...like Macaroni said...you REALLY should (must) do something

Hear, hear..........if you're not able to deal with customers like this..........close the shop! If it are not the Russians, it will be the rude Arabics, the loud Germans, the 'cool' Scandinavians, the arrogant French, the high-nosed Americans and the red-nosed English/Scottish/Welsh and Irish.
Altough the Russians do have other standards, regarding behavior and values, they're also big spenders. Lots of venues in Pataya are really happy with the Russians, especially in low-season. Typically: Now, in high season, the Russians are getting 'offensive'.

Anyway, if I notice a sign (which I understand) stating that a certain part of the World population is no longer welcome, I'll go to the next venue.

If you really don't want to loose customers and don't want to loose the Russian customers........send one of your staff to a Russian language course and let him take care of the Russians as soon as they start to misbehave. Biggest problem with the Russians in is Thailand is the lack of English/Thai.
Once you're able to take care of the Russians in Russian, the problem will be solved!

January 11th, 2011, 14:19
thaiguest says:

"Get youself some doormen with real balls who are capable of saying the following; 'sorry, gentlemen only allowed'. None of these guys will want to go in without their women; having their women with them is an essential part of the fun."

I entirely agree with this statement. The problem with these awful Russians in the gay bars is that they are there to show off to their equally repulsive "females": cut them out of the equation and : that is the solution.

January 11th, 2011, 16:00
Joseph44 has the REAL ANSWER. :hello1:

January 11th, 2011, 16:29
I have never complained to any moderator of any forum about any other contributor.

Is that clear enough?



Diec wrote:
...and screaming at moderators on some message board to save his ass (Was his ass ever in jepardy?) from his big mouth.

have you ever noticed how just about everyones comments are eithere "irrelavant" or dismissed as unimportant??
Have you ever noticed how almost everyone has something distasteful to say about his remarks but yet he continues on his MARY way??

If you aint worried enough about people following you or making mysterious phone calls to you and your b/f and a dozen other worries, you are running around trying to accumulate EVIDENCE as to who people are and what they are saying.

Obviously you have a very very bad complex and are such a worry wort that you must INVESTIGATE everything and anything because it must be YOU that has something to hide.

Snuggle up to your one or two freinds and leave the rest of us to be. Seems like Beachlover and one or two others are your only freinds.

if everyone would just IGNORE YOU, maybe you would just go away. :hiding:

January 11th, 2011, 16:50

Should be able to get the Russian language whacked off in a couple of weeks,these highly trained,clever Thai doormen, and then whisk them off for a quick dab of Mandarin chinese before Songkran,eh?,

:laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3:

January 11th, 2011, 16:55

Should be able to get the Russian language whacked off in a couple of weeks,these highly trained,clever Thai doormen, and then whisk them off for a quick dab of Mandarin chinese before Songkran,eh?,

:laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3:

I agree (tongue in cheek) Kevin and whilst the highly educated linguistic doormen are being taught how to speak Russian they might as well teach them every other language that is spoken by visitors to this most famous beach resort just in case :thumbleft:

January 11th, 2011, 20:05
I sometimes wonder with the arrogant, rudeness (or is it clueless) attitude/behavior of a few Russians if they are the "new money" mofia that pushes their weight around with their own "peasants" back home; thus, they continue with their unaccepted behavior in Thailand. I can understand the "old generation" acting a bit cold and ruff, but the "new" generation (30's - 20's) should be a bit more well groomed about proper behavior.

By the way, a year ago BoyzBoyzBoyz had a couple printed signs in Russian on their walls which stated (in Russian) that the customer must buy a drink once inside. The one waiter there told me that they had problems with Russians just walking in and not buying a drink. I don't think the signs are up anymore.

January 11th, 2011, 20:15
the "new" generation (30's - 20's) should be a bit more well groomed about proper behavior.
I didn't realise you guys were talking about youngish Russians until I read this and a few other posts...

That might explain it. I think in any situation where a bunch of young guys are coming into a bar usually patronised by older men, the older men are naturally likely to find the younger guys loud and obnoxious and then get all cranky, overly-sensitive and upitty about it. I don't think this is the sole cause of the problem but it might be contributing to some of the moaning... hehe.

January 11th, 2011, 23:25
.....in any situation where ...young guys are coming in...the older men are naturally likely to find the younger guys loud and obnoxious and then get all cranky, overly-sensitive and upitty about it. I don't think this is the sole cause of the problem but it might be contributing to some of the moaning... hehe.

Well, with only minor revisions to your original post, that's the SGT forum summed up!!

:occasion9: :occasion9:

January 12th, 2011, 02:19
older men are naturally likely to find the younger guys loud and obnoxious and then get all cranky, overly-sensitive and upitty about it.

What is it with your ongoing denigration of older men? It's almost obsessional. Some might say it is a case of "me thinks she doth protest too much" and you are really some old git pretending to be young, as has been suggested previously. Personally I don't think you are bright enough to pull that off. It's more a case of having an unrequited daddy fetish I suspect, no doubt stemming from the stereotypical cold, distant, demanding Asian father. Most guys of your age couldn't be bothered about older guys one way or the other. Yet here you are on a board whose membership consists almost entirely of men twice your age or more. If you were more "self-aware" you would have of course realized this by now and found the daddy of your dreams.

On that note, since you and Scottish-Guy have been virtually sucking each other's ass for some time now, you two should really get together and consummate this burgeoning love affair. She is an inveterate rice queen and is certainly old enough to satisfy you grizzled old dreams, but being a nelly old bottom you will of course have to top her. Hopefully she can be satisfied by your little chink dink. If not just shove in your fist. Up to the shoulder should do it.

January 14th, 2011, 12:28
What happens if you piss off the wrong Russians, who happen to be connected to the mafia in town? That might not be so good for business...

January 14th, 2011, 14:20
What happens if you piss off the wrong Russians, who happen to be connected to the mafia in town? That might not be so good for business...
HaHa the Russian mafia verses the Gay mafia..The Russians might get their fingers burnt or at least their eyes scratched out.

January 14th, 2011, 20:53
What is it with your ongoing denigration of older men?
You've got that wrong. I don't denigrate older men. I denigrate older men who are bitter and grumpy f*cksticks and unjustifiably attack others or talk down on younger people. Otherwise, I get along great with older men. I've always enjoyed talking to older guys... lots to learn from some of them. You don't fall in that category.

January 14th, 2011, 22:06
HaHa the Russian mafia verses the Gay mafia..The Russians might get their fingers burnt or at least their eyes scratched out.

Or invited to an Indoor BBQ giggsy.....

January 16th, 2011, 03:48
The whole atmosphere in the bar changes. The females in the group looked liked tarty amazons. The whole group got straight looking boys sitting with them and the group were rudely pushing away other customers to make room.No need to ban Russians as such. Just ban women.

January 16th, 2011, 05:19
It seems that the gay bars aren't the only places having problems with rude Russians. The article in the Pattaya One News was written with a bit of humor (as are many of the articles):

http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/ ... h-pattaya/ (http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/18594/russians-involved-in-shoe-shop-incident-in-south-pattaya/)

January 16th, 2011, 08:33
British tabloids should recruit their journalists from Pattaya. They'll be cheaper and just as skilled at the trash trade!

January 16th, 2011, 13:03
Can I ask a question is it just me or do the Russians seem to have a serious attitude problem?
I could do without the constant loud rowdy behavior and the serious disrespect they seem to have for Thais and other customers around them over the past 6 months things seem to be getting worse with every crowd that come in.
Or is it just me. :protest:

Over Christmas there was a busload of them on two of the days of my stay at Pinnacle Lumpinee. Apart from some extremely nice eye candy amongst some of the teen sons [sadly only the mothers stuck their noses into the sauna, and an inopportune moment just as a Phillipine boy was 'servicing' a young German tourist] the most noticeable sign of their presence was the morning breakfast buffet, sometimes with two plates in hand collecting a couple of fried eggs as well as omelettes, and anything else that would fit on the plates, shoving others out of the way to get served first.

A few weeks earlier in Lombok I had similar experiences at the Holiday Resort, mentioning to the GM a few days later he lamented that the previous years Russians were great but they had now switched to the biggest Russian tour operator who were bringing a different class, but in BIG numbers!

Mentioning these facts to a couple of regular European tourists back in Bali they tell me that many hotels in southern Europe advertise that they do not accept bookings from-Russians. Years ago in Paris I used to regularly stay in a quaint very old-fashioned family run hotel in Rue Mauberge, near to the Gare du Nord, they did not accept bookings from the French, finding them too rude and demanding!

January 17th, 2011, 06:23
During my last trip I befriended a visitor to Thailand that seem to look down on all things Thai. I will call him Dee. He was only there to start a transport business and have fun. He was rude to everyone but me, as I would learn over time. I met him on the street outside of DJ Station one night. He was with a Latin guy who was secretly hitting on me and whispered on alcohol laced breath that he likes black guys a lot.... I didn't want befriend them and tried to walk away at any pause in the conversation. Dee's friend became more pushy and I reminded him that he was there with Dee. His reply was they they had only just met and he wanted to go with me. During that time Dee seem to be searching the crowd as if he was looking for someone.. anyone... He knew I was trying to get away from them (He later told me he could tell I didn't want to become his friend that night). Dee asked to see my phone, I handed it to him and he called his cell phone with my phone and saved my number, telling me he would call me the next day. UGH!

Well.... I gave in and befriended him. For a while it was no hardship for me to push him to say Thank You to the wait staff, No Thank You to the touts we pass, Please to the staff who offered us beverages or food. As he let his hair down and began to share more with me, I came to find that he felt every Thai was beneath him. He didn't respect them or their culture. Not only that but he felt that service workers were lower than low.

A short time later, I befriended a Thai guy on the beach who hung out with us for a few hours. Over time we learned that the Thai guy was given a Korean Note for services rendered. The Thai guy asked me what the note was worth, I used an app on my iphone to get the value of the Korean Note and found that the note was worth less than 40 Baht. When I told the Thai guy what the note was worth he seemed ready to cry and Dee began to laugh and tease the Thai guy over being taken advantage of. I began to stream, Dee continued and gave him "The Look" and spoke his name sternly. He smiled and continued to have at the Thai guy. At that point I had enough. I opened my wallet, handed Dee 100 Baht and told him goodbye and to take a taxi away from me. I also handed the Thai guy 100 Baht and said good bye to him also.

Dee tried to apologize to me by way of phone call and text message but I felt it was best just to let the friendship die on the street where I left it.

Dee was a piece of work. He had no respect for anyone. He looked down on the Thai. He talked down about White people... But he wanted a White Lover to take care of him and they were drawn to him like a moth to a flame. I often wondered what he said to other about black Americans when he was with someone of a different race.

Dee is still in Thailand haunting DJ Station and the streets of Silom, that is why I am not providing too much info on him, but if you ever met him than you will know this was post was about him.

January 17th, 2011, 19:00
Interesting story, Bucknaway. What ethnicity or nationality was "Dee"?

Sounds like a strange fellow! You were right to drop his friendship quickly. I wonder if you ever told him why you couldn't stand him.

January 17th, 2011, 19:49
older men are naturally likely to find the younger guys loud and obnoxious and then get all cranky, overly-sensitive and upitty about it.

What is it with your ongoing denigration of older men? It's almost obsessional. Some might say it is a case of "me thinks she doth protest too much" and you are really some old git pretending to be young, as has been suggested previously. Personally I don't think you are bright enough to pull that off. It's more a case of having an unrequited daddy fetish I suspect, no doubt stemming from the stereotypical cold, distant, demanding Asian father. Most guys of your age couldn't be bothered about older guys one way or the other. Yet here you are on a board whose membership consists almost entirely of men twice your age or more. If you were more "self-aware" you would have of course realized this by now and found the daddy of your dreams.

On that note, since you and Scottish-Guy have been virtually sucking each other's ass for some time now, you two should really get together and consummate this burgeoning love affair. She is an inveterate rice queen and is certainly old enough to satisfy you grizzled old dreams, but being a nelly old bottom you will of course have to top her. Hopefully she can be satisfied by your little chink dink. If not just shove in your fist. Up to the shoulder should do it.

At what age are you considered old? In Canada at the ripe old age of 43 as a fit guy I am invisible in a gay bar, when I am in D.J. Station on the first floor it is like a buffet! I find that Asians physically after the age of 30 look older than Caucasians of the same age.

January 18th, 2011, 05:14
Interesting story, Bucknaway. What ethnicity or nationality was "Dee"?

Sounds like a strange fellow! You were right to drop his friendship quickly. I wonder if you ever told him why you couldn't stand him.

No. he sent me a long text on the phone with an apology and wanting to path things up but I simply told him it was best that we just part ways and remember the good times.

January 18th, 2011, 07:04
I lived around them for 10 years, they are everything you think and more once they get to know you. best head it off while you can if you can, they will run the rest of your clientele away.

x in pattaya
January 18th, 2011, 16:28
" Boss "no take care boys" [appearing in a theatre near you along with other cartoon fare] If I were you, I'd do this:

1. Put up a large sign ...will will not admit Russians
2. Train your doormen,...how to manage Russians
3. For solo Russians тАж

What will happen is this:

4. You will get ugly scenes at the door
5. Word will spread among Russians [so that every drunk Russian with a chip on his shoulder will try to sort out your doormen].
6. The singles will learn over time what expected behaviour is. Hopefully the culture will spread. [Anyone thinking of running for Miss America should use this for part of her speech]

You can take down the sign anytime. But it's better to do something even if not 100 percent effective than to be seen as not doing anything at all. [ Which looks nice on a sampler, but didnтАЩt pan out for Bush in Iraq]

Target the behavior not the race or nationality, no matter how appealing that might be to The White Sisterhood member with the big whip quoted above.

DonтАЩt write an essay and hang in on the door. No one, especially those inclined to be drunk and disorderly, is going to read it and mend his ways.

If you must put up a sign, keep it simple. BEHAVE OR YOUтАЩLL BE SHOWN THE DOOR тАж or words to that effect without any reference to nationality. All Russians are not assholes and all assholes are not Russian, which should be apparent if youтАЩve spent any time reading this board.

Hire a couple of really beefy students from one of the Muay Thai schools or some ex-soldiers who look like theyтАЩre looking for a new punching bag, as bouncers or doormen.

If someone acts inappropriately, present them with the check bin and give them an escort to the door. You're not going to modify behaviour of an entire nationality or send a message that will resonate amongst the uncouth rabble. Deal with it on a one-by-one basis as would any bar.

January 18th, 2011, 16:56
Target the behavior not the race or nationality, no matter how appealing that might be to The White Sisterhood member with the big whip quoted above.

DonтАЩt write an essay and hang in on the door. No one, especially those inclined to be drunk and disorderly, is going to read it and mend his ways.

If you must put up a sign, keep it simple. BEHAVE OR YOUтАЩLL BE SHOWN THE DOOR тАж or words to that effect without any reference to nationality. All Russians are not assholes and all assholes are not Russian, which should be apparent if youтАЩve spent any time reading this board.

Hire a couple of really beefy students from one of the Muay Thai schools or some ex-soldiers who look like theyтАЩre looking for a new punching bag, as bouncers or doormen.

If someone acts inappropriately, present them with the check bin and give them an escort to the door. You're not going to modify behaviour of an entire nationality or send a message that will resonate amongst the uncouth rabble. Deal with it on a one-by-one basis as would any bar.

Very well stated

x in pattaya
January 19th, 2011, 08:19
I lived around them for 10 years.

Thus the mystery as to why so many have sought refuge in alcohol is explained.

January 19th, 2011, 08:43
I lived around them for 10 years.

Thus the mystery as to why so many have sought refuge in alcohol is explained.

You quote Wesley. I went to every page of this 5 page posting, and Wesley did not use that quote.
Where are you coming from, are you again putting words in another person's mouth?
Of course you are.

January 19th, 2011, 09:43
Target the behavior not the race or nationality,

I applauded the advice Marconi gave as he was not targeting race. I did not consider nationality to be the same thing, especially since Russia is still made up of many nationalities and religions. In retrospect I must admit my thinking was wrong. Yes, "X" targeting behavior is the proper answer, but what do you do if six or seven rowdy people come in as a group? Calling the cops does not appear to be an option in Thailand.

x in pattaya
January 19th, 2011, 12:39
and Wesley did not use that quote.
Where are you coming from, are you again putting words in another person's mouth?
Of course you are.

I would never touch Wesley's mouth. I have no idea where it's been. I hope the photo of his message is large enough for your to read princess.

January 19th, 2011, 12:52
and Wesley did not use that quote.
Where are you coming from, are you again putting words in another person's mouth?
Of course you are.

I would never touch Wesley's mouth. I have no idea where it's been. I hope the photo of his message is large enough for your to read princess.

Again I searched. There was a post on Monday Jan 17 8:00 AM
There was another post at 8:49 AM

And your supposed post was at 8:04 AM.

Again, my words are the same: Yes, you are inventing and putting words in people's mouths.
And thanks for being totally candid and above board.

x in pattaya
January 19th, 2011, 12:55
but what do you do if six or seven rowdy people come in as a group?

I have no idea, but whatever you do would be the same whether they were Russian or British or German, so putting up posters denigrating Russians or launching a campaign to make Russians "more like us"
[to paraphrase Rex Harrison in My Fair Lady] wouldn't solve the problem either. Drunks and rowdy behaviour are fairly common in bars around the world. I personally wouldn't want to have to deal with it all under any circumstances, but turning it into a podium to vent against Russians or Germans or Americans or the English serves no useful purpose other than to inflate one's own sense of self-importance by pointing out how nasty those other people are , something that ShamelessMack is all too ready to do from his little self-satisfied xenophobic closet.

This verbal class distinction by now should be antique.
If you spoke as she does, sir, Instead of the way you do,
Why, you might be selling flowers, too.
An Englishman's way of speaking absolutely classifies him,
The moment he talks he makes some other
Englishman despise him.
One common language I'm afraid we'll never get.
Oh, why can't the English learn to set
A good example to people whose
English is painful to your ears?

x in pattaya
January 19th, 2011, 13:01
Again, my words are the same: Yes, you are inventing and putting words in people's mouths.
And thanks for being totally candid and above board.

Are you tripping on some controlled substance? I quoted him and I put a photo of his original message there. The fact that you can't locate it on your Commodore is your problem, along with a personality issue I'm not qualified to diagnose. He said it and I clicked on "quote" using his opening sentence.

The one thing you certainly substantiate is my earlier comment that not all inebrated assholes are Russian .

January 19th, 2011, 15:09
Again, my words are the same: Yes, you are inventing and putting words in people's mouths.
And thanks for being totally candid and above board.

Are you tripping on some controlled substance? I quoted him and I put a photo of his original message there. The fact that you can't locate it on your Commodore is your problem, along with a personality issue I'm not qualified to diagnose. He said it and I clicked on "quote" using his opening sentence.

The one thing you certainly substantiate is my earlier comment that not all inebrated assholes are Russian .

No controlled substance. I only took a vitamin pill. Do not use a Commodore but have a PC. I am very computer literate. I have been using them since they were sofisticated card counters. And at that time you could only lease them from IBM, and had to pay by the hours/minutes of execution time.
Did not drink one thing alcoholic yesterday nor today.
I did not get caught making up quotes, you did.

January 19th, 2011, 16:28
You [x in pattaya] quote Wesley. I went to every page of this 5 page posting, and Wesley did not use that quote.
Where are you coming from, are you again putting words in another person's mouth?
Of course you are.
DCbob, you're an idiot. If you're going to repeatedly accuse someone of miss-quoting someone at least get your facts right.

That post you said Wesley never made is on page 5 of this thread, 10th post from the top. Direct link: gay-thailand-f9/serious-attitude-problem-t20582-60.html#p217980 (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/gay-thailand-f9/serious-attitude-problem-t20582-60.html#p217980)

I lived around them for 10 years, they are everything you think and more once they get to know you. best head it off while you can if you can, they will run the rest of your clientele away.
I don't see anything wrong with what Wes said.

March 25th, 2011, 18:41
So about russians , have you seen any cute young single russian boys in Pattaya ?

Or is it only straight couples.

James Barnes
March 26th, 2011, 10:55
Denny and the Russians

Denny and I were sucking on fat cigars and sipping Scotch on his View Talay balcony with its panoramic views of another pleasantly balmy Pattaya evening. This is a regular pleasure carried over from our days as legal eagles in Boston.

тАЬAh!тАЭ he ejaculated with evident satisfaction, ice clinking in the crystal and a luxurious halo of expensive blue smoke about his noble head.

тАЬAh, indeed,тАЭ I replied, тАЬso much better than that other place.тАЭ

тАЬWhat other place?тАЭ

It was a fair question. WeтАЩve both been around.

тАЬYou know,тАЭ I said, teasing, тАЬThat B place.тАЭ

Since DennyтАЩs recent MRI had revealed тАШplaqueтАЩ in the brain, he had become aware that he was, these days, less aware. He looked puzzled, took a time buying puff on the Cuban and an unhealthy slurp of Chivas before shrugging with a frown.

I ignored what he describes as, тАШthe mad cowтАЩ. тАЬThatтАЩs it,тАЭ I said, sympathetically, тАЬI thought youтАЩd like it here with all the sun, sand, sea and...

тАЬHate it,тАЭ he interrupted, emphatically, тАЬtoo many undesirables down there; commies, rag heads.тАЭ


тАЬYou know, damn Ruskies, A-rabs.тАЭ

My friendтАЩs penchant for the politically incorrect was undiminished.

тАЬIt didnтАЩt use to be like this you know,тАЭ he continued, тАЬback in the day, the good old days, the тАЩNam days, the only foreigners тАЩround here were the locals. Us sons of Uncle Sam had it all to ourselves.тАЭ

тАЬItтАЩs called progress, Denny.тАЭ

тАЬWell I donтАЩt like it. Hordes of drunken bastards abusing the natives and beating up on the fags- thatтАЩs our job.тАЭ

My ears were not deceiving me so I took a slug of Scotch. He was in full swing.

тАЬThe worldтАЩs gone soft. Damned lily livered liberal in the White House, what do you expect?тАЭ

His question was rhetorical.

тАЬWell, thereтАЩs nothing we can do about it, Denny,тАЭ I mused.

тАЬAh but we can. I can. Look at this.тАЭ Putting the glass down and fixing the cigar in his teeth, he got up and ventured inside the condo, тАЬGimme a hand, will you?тАЭ he said, struggling with a pine box that must have been more than 5 feet in length and was obviously heavy, тАЬSpecial delivery.тАЭ Once we had managed to get it onto the balcony, Denny produced a crow bar and levered off the top. He rummaged about and took out handfuls of packing straw revealing the content.

My jaw went slack and I stood there blinking in disbelief.

тАЬThisтАЩll do it,тАЭ he said through clenched teeth, the cigar still in place, тАЬTime for some justice.тАЭ

HeтАЩd spotted a song taew that was packed with shirtless men, tufts of hair sprouting from their shoulders, chugging along the road below and he had them in the crosshairs of his rocket propelled grenade launcher. тАЬRussians!тАЭ he exclaimed and pulled the trigger.