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December 31st, 2010, 13:14

Just want to ask those who has experienced in offing guys before in Bangkok. Do you all, asked the guys first in the bar before offing them like how much are they expecting?

What is the current min tip now say for tawan?

Reason i asked is that, my last visit to tawan which was last september, i only gave the person 1.5k baht. But as i read other forums and message boards, it seems that the current min tip is 2k.

Have it increased everywhere else too? Just asking to some some embarassment hehehe

December 31st, 2010, 14:38
I would say NO.

If you start asking "How much" many of them feel insulted because it spoils what I call the "Tip pretence": really he is fucking you because you are sexually irresistable and the 2k Baht is just a goodwill gesture, he is not a prostitute at all.

As a general rule, around 2k for long time in BKK is more than acceptable and has been the same for the last 10 years. I don't like ST but 1.5K is probably fine for that in BKK. In Pattaya I would deduct 500B for either service. Phuket seems to abide by BKK prices. In all cases I am talking about gogo/bar boys, not street trade which is much cheaper but which may well carry extra risk.

Hope this helps.


December 31st, 2010, 17:38
I would say YES. I cant tell you how many people find themselves in an emabarrassing situation because they did not get ALL the details cleared up prior to taking the boy off or taking them home from the beach. Then the boy starts talking about, oh no I get more than this etc etc or I dont do that.
I say , and so do many others, take a momemnt, sit with them and get all the requests and prices down pat first and avoid confrontations.
The boys all know what they are doing and they are NOT emabarrassed to talk about it and the price tag that goes with it. Also remember that they are just like buying a shirt, bargain.

December 31st, 2010, 18:37
2k baht for long time? That is quite... low? I thought its around 4k or something... :rolling:

December 31st, 2010, 20:58
I would say YES. I cant tell you how many people find themselves in an emabarrassing situation because they did not get ALL the details cleared up prior to taking the boy off or taking them home from the beach. Then the boy starts talking about, oh no I get more than this etc etc or I dont do that.
I say , and so do many others, take a momemnt, sit with them and get all the requests and prices down pat first and avoid confrontations.
The boys all know what they are doing and they are NOT emabarrassed to talk about it and the price tag that goes with it. Also remember that they are just like buying a shirt, bargain.

Each to his own and I guess it depends whether you just want a mechanical sexual encounter - if so then by all means sit and discuss every nut and bolt of the proposed encounter (after of course having whipped out your pocket flashlight and magnifying glass to check the ID card) and conclude the negotiations by having the boy sign a contract (both of which have been seriously suggested by SGT members)

I on the other hand am quite happy to go with the flow and not be quite so mercenary - if the boy turns out to be crap I don't go back and if that means I've wasted 2000B then that's just too bad - it's not a fortune and I've spent more on a round of drinks and tips.

All I can say is that whilst my approach may not be appropriate for everybody, I've very rarely been disappointed and I've never had anything stolen or felt threatened or intimidated - so I must be doing something right.

Frankly, Unkie dear, comparing a boy to a shirt to be haggled over is not very nice - it will resonate only with those whose sole criterion of sexual satisfaction is how much cock they can get up then and how many times a night.

:occasion9: :occasion9:

December 31st, 2010, 21:24
I say , and so do many others, take a momemnt, sit with them and get all the requests and prices down pat first and avoid confrontations.

I must have tried every way of dealing with tips, including stating a figure beforehand. Often that worked well. Other times a boy would take that as a guaranteed tip and, after a perfunctory performance, demand the agreed figure.

Now on occasions when I feel I must discuss the tip in advance I name a figure adding, тАЬтАжif you very, very good.тАЭ тАЬIf you no very, very good. No.тАЭ If they agree I repeat, тАЬVery, very good?тАЭ When they agree the second time I smile, clap them on the shoulder, and we are off!

When they give it their all I give them a bit more than the agreed tip, and they beam.
The very few times their effort was only mediocre I gave them less than the stated amount. Curiously when I have done that and they have questioned it, and I say, тАЬSorry, you no work very hard.тАЭ I have never had a boy demur.

Apparently they realize when they have not lived up to their agreement.

January 1st, 2011, 00:30
Scottish guy I am not sure why you find it necessary to disect each and every word and argue the point over and over again. Different people have different opinions and for you to give your opinion is fine. When someone else gives their opinion which is NOT to the same as yours, you seem to have to drive your point even harder and try to antagonize them.

While it may have appeared to YOU that I was comparing a boy with a shirt, you made that connection as the POINT was merely saying that like a shirt or for that matter anything else in Thailand, prices are negotiable.

I am glad you have had such huge sucsess with all your boys and I have also, but the person asking has not and therefore should recieve other peoples opinion other than just yours..... or should we address you as Your Lordship Ann Landers and consider that yours should be the only opinion??

Brad the Impala
January 1st, 2011, 02:11
While it may have appeared to YOU that I was comparing a boy with a shirt, you made that connection as the POINT was merely saying that like a shirt or for that matter anything else in Thailand, prices are negotiable.

No, actually you made the connection in pretty much as direct a way as possible!

. Also remember that they are just like buying a shirt, bargain.

Otherwise I agree with Unkie about SG's unnecessarily confrontational style. It goes with the territory unfortunately. I have worked with a couple of Scottish guys recently who thought that they were being amusing when they were just being rude. Of course there is the stereotype that the only well balanced Scot is one with a chip on both shoulders(told to me by a Scot).

My experience is the same as SG's in that I have almost never discussed prices in advance. I think it entirely reasonable to maintain that the tip is a "present", and as such will vary according to how happy the patron/punter is. There have been rare occasions when someone has asked for more, but have always listened to reason in being refused, or very rarely I have listened to their reason and increased the tip.

However as Unkie has said if the punter is inexperienced and offs someone more persuasive, and experienced, there is the risk that the punter will be pushed into paying more than he should in a post coital situation, if a price hasn't been fixed in advance. On balance though I would go for keeping the arrangement as human as possible, and write off the odd disappointing experience.

January 1st, 2011, 02:51
... I have worked with a couple of Scottish guys recently who thought that they were being amusing when they were just being rude.

What a wonderfully balanced way to judge a Nation - based on your subjective experience of 2 people you have worked with out of many millions of Scots in the world. Now if I were to say that all Americans have fat arses because I saw 2 on the TV who were morbidly obese, or that all Canadians are boring because I met one who was rather dull, then you would rightfully attack me. So why do you expect your own small-minded and simplistic observations to be acceptable?
As for my literary "style" - if I am amusing it is through intent, not accident, and the same applies to when I am just plain rude.

Of course there is the stereotype that the only well balanced Scot is one with a chip on both shoulders(told to me by a Scot).

Oh, did he also tell you that we all have red hair, wear Kilts, play the bagpipes, and eat haggis every day. Did you swallow that one hook, line, and sinker also?
There are Jews who deny the Holocaust - does that become true or acceptable because a Jew says it?

The truth of the matter is that if you made similar bigoted and stereotypical comments about Blacks or Moslems or Hispanics you would be roundly, and quite rightly, condemned. Having said that, the cabal of KKK supporters on here would probably send you a medal


Brad the Impala
January 1st, 2011, 03:05
The trouble is Scottish Guy that you exemplify the stereotype! Comparing the Scots with the Jews is a little extreme don't you think, or was there a recent Scottish pogrom that the rest of the world missed?

January 1st, 2011, 05:11
Different people have different opinions and for you to give your opinion is fine. When someone else gives their opinion which is NOT to the same as yours, you seem to have to drive your point even harder and try to antagonize them.

I am so pleased to see you feel that way.

January 1st, 2011, 06:28
As for my literary "style" - if I am amusing it is through intent, not accident, and the same applies to when I am just plain rude.

I adore silly queens who like to believe they are the life of party with their humorless banter that only they find funny.

Each to his own and I guess it depends whether you just want a mechanical sexual encounter - if so then by all means sit and discuss every nut and bolt of the proposed encounter

Sweetie, their job is to make each and every trick feel as if they are the only one in their life. That's why they make the big money. If they are 'mechanical' because price has been discussed, then they are in the wrong job. Price is discussed in every other business transaction, why not this particular one?

January 1st, 2011, 08:29
[quote=scottish-guy]As for my literary "style" - if I am amusing it is through intent, not accident, and the same applies to when I am just plain rude.

Which seems to be most of the time I have expeirenced any type of "opinion" from him.

I adore silly queens who like to believe they are the life of party with their humorless banter that only they find funny.

Which seems to be in most postings he has made. He says it in the most rude obnoxious way, calls people by name, says things about them that he personally knows and thinks its custe and funny.

Each to his own and I guess it depends whether you just want a mechanical sexual encounter - if so then by all means sit and discuss every nut and bolt of the proposed encounter

Sweetie, their job is to make each and every trick feel as if they are the only one in their life. That's why they make the big money. If they are 'mechanical' because price has been discussed, then they are in the wrong job. Price is discussed in every other business transaction, why not this particular one?[/quote:2wxh1e4u]

Be careful. Stating that you may have your own opinion which may differ from his can open you up to ridicule! LOL!

AND LONELY: Please forgive me if I am taking your comment incorrectly and I will not trudge up old history and feelings, but if you are insinuating what I think you might be, don't. There is a DISTINCT difference between FACT and OPINION. Especially when OPINION is neither true nr when challanged does the poster own uo to proving their allegations and does cowers! When allegations are made, they need to be PROVEN. Opinions are just that, opinions.

January 1st, 2011, 10:14


January 1st, 2011, 10:24
i give up lolx :rolling: :rolling:

January 1st, 2011, 11:43
Everyone seems to have a different approach to it, differing risk profiles and varying degrees of being fussy, pedantic or relaxed...

I notice many (not all) of the sexpats who're retired and live there tend to be more pedantic and practiced about getting what they want at the right rate. They don't mind being more specific mechanical and are more after sex than human companionship, it sounds. Scottish prefers to keep it more "feel good", relaxed and friendly.

January 1st, 2011, 13:24
Depends on the situation.

If I'm at a beer bar,where things are more relaxed,I will keep it friendly and not discuss money at all.This has never been a problem.Have a drink or two and invite him to spend some time with me,short time or long time not mentioned.Almost like picking someone up in a regular bar,but both knowing there will end up being a tip involved.

A go-go bar,I will almost always discuss price so there is no problem later.Works for me.I think I have more fun with the beer bar.And Tom Yum i treat as a beer bar more than a go-go.

January 1st, 2011, 14:51
Ask only if you feel you can't afford it.

January 1st, 2011, 15:39
Neil, darling - you have a long and vested interest in the sex trade and therefore your views are far from impartial.

Forgive us if we don't accept every word you say as being entirely neutral.


Dear Asshole Scottish Guy.
First off, I do not have a long and vested interest in the sex trade. I DO have a long and vested interest in the manufacturing of and distribution of "sex toys and items" to the gay community and now do have a short time in the running of a gay bar. So *uck off with your stupid, humourless catty calls pretending to be so *ucking clever, which you are NOT.

Second of all, I throw back at you one qote which YOU gave me a long time ago, "what is this "WE and US" shit??? Do you now speak for several other people or just your humourless self???

Third. While I have felt for a long time this way about you, I must admit that you have sunk to an all time freaking low when you DARE to compare in any way shape or form, that Scottish people with that of Jews or the Holocaust in which six million people were tortured and put to death! The way you refer to "Jews" is an unflattering form of referring to Jewish people and to mention afterwards that Scottish people and the Holocaust might be looked at in the same way, is absolutely uncontionable!

Finally, then to state that I do not have or should not have a creditable "opinion" due to the fact that I manufacture adult sex toys further shows your absolute IGNORANCE. I have run a very sucsessful and THE LARGEST manufacturing firm of gay adult sex toys in the US for over 35 years and to the tune of 4 million dollars a year. I fail to see any close resemblance whatsover to you, and to do so would be an insult to ME.

Lastly, while you think it so clever of you to call me by my first name....... spell it *ucking correctly or dont use it at all!

*uck off! :violent1:

January 1st, 2011, 19:04

Tomorrow night, some random Scottish guy's going to walk into a gogo bar in Pattaya and walk out all dazed with a black eye. "Whatch jush happened?"

Rocket's suggestion makes sense. Gogo bar more formal. Host bar more relaxed.

January 2nd, 2011, 06:58
When I was in boyztown at some bars, I only had limited luck in asking a guy about his tip requirements. Some would say free and a few said 100 baht. I didn't off them because my mind told me that they were going to end up being too expensive for fun that I could get for free outside of a bar if I just let it happen.

January 2nd, 2011, 07:59
Some would say free...
Hehe... they all want the handsome hunky black guy to top them.

January 2nd, 2011, 08:29
When I was in boyztown at some bars, I only had limited luck in asking a guy about his tip requirements. Some would say free and a few said 100 baht. I didn't off them because my mind told me that they were going to end up being too expensive for fun that I could get for free outside of a bar if I just let it happen.
I would have to say that 100 or free would be the steal of a lifetime! In our bar the average tip is 1,000 and if you want to give more, like 1,500 I am sure the boy would appreciate it.

I personally think that having a show, being able to see young men dance in a clean, safe enviornment is certainly worth 1,000 to 1,500, and probably get a show also. Remember that the bars I know of keep the photo IDs on hand with an application in case you encounter problems. Isnt all that security along with a show, worth it?

If you need "free" or "100 baht" tricks, then let me know where you stay and I will help you locate a family mart in your neighborhood. LOL! :sign5:

January 2nd, 2011, 11:20
2k baht for long time? That is quite... low? I thought its around 4k or something... :rolling:

Yeah right Camperboy..........!! You can neither say that it is THB 500 nor that it should be THB 4000.
It totally depends on performed services and YOUR satisfaction.
For me, a performed service may be worth THB 500 and the same service may be worth THB 1000 for you.

Anyway, THB 4000 is pretty steep.

January 2nd, 2011, 11:39
I think you're all confusing any newbies reading this.
!00 baht and 4,000 baht are ridiculous.On average,it should be 1,000 short time,1,500 long time in pattaya.maybe add 500 more for each in bangkok.
If you don't want to pay,then don't waste your time in a go-go bar.I made the mistake of giving only a 100 baht tip to a handsome guy working in kings 11 in Bangkok,and you don't want to "live with that on your soul".

January 2nd, 2011, 14:09
You must remember that I am not new to the game :rolling: I don't always pay only because most of the guys I meet in Thailand are not selling sex. When I do buy sex I buy it only because I can and I tip well. Sometimes I may overtip and other times I don't. Depends....

Hell.. I once had to tip a guy to stop massaging me on the beach, but it was worth it to get him to stop his attack on my back! :rolling:

Most of us here roll our eyes at the big tips others demand we leave. I work to damn hard for my money :rolling:

When I was in boyztown at some bars, I only had limited luck in asking a guy about his tip requirements. Some would say free and a few said 100 baht. I didn't off them because my mind told me that they were going to end up being too expensive for fun that I could get for free outside of a bar if I just let it happen.
I would have to say that 100 or free would be the steal of a lifetime! In our bar the average tip is 1,000 and if you want to give more, like 1,500 I am sure the boy would appreciate it.

I personally think that having a show, being able to see young men dance in a clean, safe enviornment is certainly worth 1,000 to 1,500, and probably get a show also. Remember that the bars I know of keep the photo IDs on hand with an application in case you encounter problems. Isnt all that security along with a show, worth it?

If you need "free" or "100 baht" tricks, then let me know where you stay and I will help you locate a family mart in your neighborhood. LOL! :sign5:

January 2nd, 2011, 23:23
I work to damn hard for my money
So do some of these working bois.Some of the farangs they have to have sex with.I realise you don't need to pay because of your age and looks.
I feel bad for the workers who get stiffed afterwards.After the urge for sex is over,the punters decide they want to save their money and give too small a tip.The bois have even less power because it is 'up to you',when it comes to tipping.
Just imagine if one had to pay upfront,how different the whole transaction would be.

January 2nd, 2011, 23:46
.........Just imagine if one had to pay upfront,how different the whole transaction would be.

Certainly would - as far as I'm concerned it wouldn't even take place.


January 3rd, 2011, 08:17
We all work hard for our money and my employer lives up to their obligation of fair trade. They don't toss extra money my way just because I am a super nice guy. If you want to tip big even when it was not earned than fine. You want me to feel sorry for someone selling sex? Sorry, I just have not come across anyone that I would piety yet. But if you want to show pity than keep your pants on and share your cash. :hello2:

I work to damn hard for my money
So do some of these working bois.Some of the farangs they have to have sex with.I realise you don't need to pay because of your age and looks.
I feel bad for the workers who get stiffed afterwards.After the urge for sex is over,the punters decide they want to save their money and give too small a tip.The bois have even less power because it is 'up to you',when it comes to tipping.
Just imagine if one had to pay upfront,how different the whole transaction would be.

January 3rd, 2011, 09:25
Neil, darling - you have a long and vested interest in the sex trade and therefore your views are far from impartial.
Forgive us if we don't accept every word you say as being entirely neutral.

Dear Asshole Scottish Guy.
*uck off! :violent1:

Wow, how do you really feel about him? :tongue3:

I go with the flow. I will discuss what I want with the boy and try to get a sense of his personality and willingness. I will not ask the price, but will discuss it if he mentions it. I know the going rate, and usually tip well depending on the service. Often, I will buy a boy a drink and tip him to go away if I do not think we can connect. The nice thing about Thailand is that you have such a big circle of boys to choose from, so that if one does not work out, start talking to another.

January 3rd, 2011, 15:47
[quote="scottish-guy":2gj12vuf]Neil, darling - you have a long and vested interest in the sex trade and therefore your views are far from impartial.
Forgive us if we don't accept every word you say as being entirely neutral.

Dear Asshole Scottish Guy.
*uck off! :violent1:

Wow, how do you really feel about him? :tongue3:[/quote:2gj12vuf]

I know!
He is sooooooooooooo rude isn't he?
I always try to be concilliatory but it's just wasted on some people.


January 3rd, 2011, 20:36
Dear Asshole Scottish Guy.
*uck off! :violent1:
LOL... Not getting in the middle of this, but this is surely one of the greatest post-starters.... ever!
Scottish, next time your there, go have a drink in Happy Place. Then you can tell us how you got away without a single bruise or scratch on your body. :occasion9:

January 3rd, 2011, 21:07
Dear Asshole Scottish Guy.
*uck off! :violent1:
LOL... Not getting in the middle of this, but this is surely one of the greatest post-starters.... ever!
Scottish, next time your there, go have a drink in Happy Place. Then you can tell us how you got away without a single bruise or scratch on your body. :occasion9:

Every easy to avoid any bodily harm to myself - if I broke into anything faster than a brisk walking pace the proprietor would have absolutely no chance of catching me.


January 3rd, 2011, 22:44
Yes A hole but she has plenty of nice young strong doormen that can hold your sorry ass in one place until this fat old queen catches up with yo ass.
And I am sure that for a few baht or even a meal, one of them would do the honors. So keep running that diarreha mouth of yours and soon maybe you wont even have to visit me at the bar........ :evil4:

January 3rd, 2011, 23:43
Yes A hole but she has plenty of nice young strong doormen that can hold your sorry ass in one place until this fat old queen catches up with yo ass.
And I am sure that for a few baht or even a meal, one of them would do the honors. So keep running that diarreha mouth of yours and soon maybe you wont even have to visit me at the bar........ :evil4:

How ever did you come up with the name Happy Place?

January 4th, 2011, 02:16
Yes A hole but she has plenty of nice young strong doormen that can hold your sorry ass in one place until this fat old queen catches up with yo ass.
And I am sure that for a few baht or even a meal, one of them would do the honors. So keep running that diarreha mouth of yours and soon maybe you wont even have to visit me at the bar........ :evil4:

Well this is a great advert for your Bar - if the owner takes offence to you he will have his staff beat you up.

And if you dare to question him without visiting his Bar, he will have his staff track you down and beat you up.

In my time as a member I have never seen any Bar owner issue clear physical threats like these - maybe it' will be acceptable because you pay for advertising - I await any moderation with the greatest of interest.

:sharm: :sharm: :sharm:

January 4th, 2011, 05:41
Well this is a great advert for your Bar - if the owner takes offence to you he will have his staff beat you up.

And if you dare to question him without visiting his Bar, he will have his staff track you down and beat you up.

In my time as a member I have never seen any Bar owner issue clear physical threats like these - maybe it' will be acceptable because you pay for advertising - I await any moderation with the greatest of interest.

The plot thickens surrounding Scotty! First he is afraid some queen has followed him home from the bar after his boy. The next we know is after he arrives to his room, a mysterious phone arrives that Scotty's boy answers, (details are shaky as to who really answered the phone) the boy is clearly visibly upset yet unable to voice his concerns as he speaks neither Thai nor English. (where's this boy from agian?) Scotty then bounds to the lobby, confronting the staff and demanding answers as to where this strange call has come from. The staff has no idea what Scotty is talking about. Scotty slinks back to his room...worried.

One would think that after a horrifying experience such as this, Scotty would keep a low profile and be on the look out for anything amiss. Instead, what does Scotty do? He flaps his trap outloud on a message board where people know who he is and insults many. Scotty was told to shut it or he will not be welcomed. Well...now Scotty is running scared and screaming at moderators on some message board to save his ass (Was his ass ever in jepardy?) from his big mouth.

Mystery and intrigue certainly is not missing from Scotty's vocabulary.

January 4th, 2011, 06:47
The plot thickens surrounding Scotty! First he is afraid some queen has followed him home from the bar after his boy.

At no point did I say I was followed home, at no point did I say I was afraid about it. I said that given the number of predatory Queens who infest Boyztown it wouldn't surprise me. I am afraid of no-one, least of all a bunch of sissy marys.

.....The next we know is after he arrives to his room, a mysterious phone arrives that Scotty's boy answers, (details are shaky as to who really answered the phone) A mysterious PHONE arrives? Was it brought by Room Service? No, dear - what actually happened was that the existing and incredibly unmysterious phone RANG and in remarkably unshaky detail, I clearly stated that I answered the phone. As the caller was not speaking English, I therefore passed it to my boy in case he could understand - a perfectly reasonable sequence of events

... the boy is clearly visibly upset yet unable to voice his concerns as he speaks neither Thai nor English. (where's this boy from agian?) How about "none of your business" - why does it interest you? Also, if you delete "yet"and insert "and is therefore" in your sentence it would make more sense.

...Scotty then bounds to the lobby, confronting the staff and demanding answers as to where this strange call has come from. The staff has no idea what Scotty is talking about. Scotty slinks back to his room...worried. In fact I took the lift :rolling: I went to the lobby to see if anybody was around who might have made the call to the room. There wasn't. I asked (did not demand of, or confront) the reception staff if anybody had put a call through to the room which they said they had not. I don't see anything unreasonable in any of that. :dontknow:

...One would think that after a horrifying experience such as this, Scotty would keep a low profile and be on the look out for anything amiss. Why - as I already told you I am not afraid of anybody.

Instead, what does Scotty do? He flaps his trap outloud on a message board where people know who he is and insults many. Really? Who am I then? According to Unkie some months ago I was a crossdressing business rival from round the corner :sign5: If that's the case Unkie might be well advised to retract his threats or on his own head be it :rolling:

...Scotty was told to shut it or he will not be welcomed. No... Scotty was threatened by Unkie with physical violence to be carried out by his henchmen and with being 'tracked down' - I think Unkie is modelling his operation on the Kray brothers (you can guess which one Unkie identifies with). Meanwhile Scotty is :sign5:

...Well...now Scotty is running scared I am? I'm about as worried about my next shit - and No, Beachy, I'm not threatening to post it :sign5:

...and screaming at moderators on some message board to save his ass (Was his ass ever in jepardy?) from his big mouth. Save my ass from my big mouth? Do you think I'm a contortionist? Do you think I'm gonna eat myself out? :rolling: What I am actually saying is it will be interesting to see if Unkies advertising contract has an effect on the moderation policies of this board - something I first raised several weeks ago in fact. I'm sure you'll know that, given your apparent obsession with me

...Mystery and intrigue certainly is not missing from Scotty's vocabulary. The real mystery and intrigue is why you should be so interested as to pick over over every last detail of my post, twist and distort what was said and attempt to extract as much information as you can. What a boring life you must lead - or is there something else exercising your brain cell?



January 4th, 2011, 09:03
Really? Who am I then?

I don't know but I am sure that some sort of "reward" could buy that information. Im sure that big mouth of yours has told "someone".

Scottish guy wrote:
According to Unkie some months ago I was a crossdressing business rival from round the corner :sign5: If that's the case Unkie might be well advised to retract his threats or on his own head be it

Dear Scottie:
I don't give a flying *uck about the two around the corner dear. Maybe you do and 1/2 of Pattaya does.
And does this insinuate that you ARE one of the two around the corner and disgusing your posts to throw people off that you are not??
Is this WOW "A threat" ???? Let me run to the moderators. Oh, I cant, my knees are shaking too much! :sign5:

Scottish guy wrote:
`...and screaming at moderators on some message board to save his ass (Was his ass ever in jepardy?) from his big mouth. What I am actually saying is it will be interesting to see if Unkies advertising contract has an effect on the moderation policies of this board - something I first raised several weeks ago in fact.

Oh Dear Scottie..... you have not been threatened. Someone pointed out that if you visited my establishment you might not walk away unscathed and you houmourously replied that YOU IF YOU WALKED AWAY IN ANYTHING MORE THAN A BRISK WALK YOU WOULD HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT.
I merely pointed out to you that one has options that you had not thought about.

Now go and have yourself a nice cup of tea..... OH MY!! Who is that knocking at your door!! :evil4:

January 4th, 2011, 12:04
I've lived here more than 12 years and always ask if they need money for rent. I've only had one who didn't need money. Then I ask how much would be OK for them. Usually 500 to 1,000р╕┐. More than 2,000р╕┐ is rediculuous.
Tawan is always more but I'm told not worth it.

January 4th, 2011, 15:18
Unkie, you really must do something about this habit you have of posting one thing, then alleging you posted something quite different. This has been proved to be the case by different members on many occasions now and, frankly, it is becoming rather tedious.

Let me take just one current example: regarding the suggestion you made some weeks ago (which you now deny as usual) that I was your drag queen neighbour. I really can't be bothered scouring your posts (and you have had the moderators delete so many posts - which you deny as well - it's probably pointless to try) but I distincly remember Beachlover pointing out to you that it was extremely unlikely for that to be the case. Now I have no idea if Beachlover will remember making that post, but I remember it distinctly.

As for now trying to deny that you you made thinly-veiled threats of physical violence to me - everybody can read your words for themselves. Now you are suggesting that you are willing to pay to track me down :sign5: You just can't help yourself, can you?


January 4th, 2011, 16:18
Much to the readers disappointment, this will be the last post ON THIS SUBJECT.

As to your first but not ONLY stupid comment:

"Unkie, you really must do something about this habit you have of posting one thing, then alleging you posted something quite different. This has been proved to be the case by different members on many occasions now and, frankly, it is becoming rather tedious."

I reply that there was ONE and it was a mistake in adding up and reporting on the figures that my and other bars make in the Boyz Town area. Sorry my arithmatic was off. Wish I could be as perfect as YOU. :violent1: And it was NOT proven "many times" and once again, speak for yourself and others can speak for themselves.

Other than a than a big fat condesending mouth, you are in dire need for a pair of glasses, or maybe new glasses.
The quote below does not in ANY way state that I was going to buy ANY information about who you are..... Why how could I ever do such a thing DEARiE?

Unkiebuck wrote:
I don't know but I am sure that some sort of "reward" COULD buy that information. I'm sure that big mouth of yours has told "someone".

And again DEARIE, please adjust those glasses..... am I mistaken or did I put a QUESTION MARK after this comment and put it in the form it in a question???

"And DOES this insinuate that you ARE one of the two around the corner and disgusing your posts to throw people off that you are not??"

No DEARIE, I do not believe you are the famous duo. Why? Because DEARIE I have lived in their establishment for 12 years. They have CLASS all of which you lack.

One of them is a freind who I have enjoyed many a dinner with and the other??? Well we shall leave it at that.
They would not say and do stupid things as you have, and things you have written about and referred to (ah yes, I have been keeping track) well, they just would not have said them.

And finally DEARIE, these items that you allege that were altered here on the forum, happened long BEFORE I was an advertiser. You alleged it before in PMs and I told you at that time you were sadly mistaken, BUT keep thinking it because it really helps with the story you are writing....
The Mysterious Ghostly Things That Happened To Poor Scottish-Guy.

You don't even have a clue when its time to shut up, do you?? :idea:

January 4th, 2011, 17:07
...I don't know but I am sure that some sort of "reward" COULD buy that information. I'm sure that big mouth of yours has told "someone"...

And again DEARIE, please adjust those glasses..... am I mistaken or did I put a QUESTION MARK after this comment and put it in the form it in a question???

Well, well, well, who would have thought it? - It seems you are right - in fact I don't think even GLASSES would solve the problem!!
Try as I might, in your orginal comment (quoted top) I can see no question mark at all - maybe cataract surgery will be necessary.
The other explanation of course is that, yet again you deny what you have actually posted - when the truth is there for all to see!

...No DEARIE, I do not believe you are the famous duo. Why? Because DEARIE I have lived in their establishment for 12 years. They have CLASS all of which you lack.
One of them is a freind who I have enjoyed many a dinner with and the other??? Well we shall leave it at that....

12 years? WOW! How time flies - it only seems like yesterday (or much less that 12 years anyway)
Do you want to have another attempt at counting the time?
And remember please that it was YOU and not ME who made the suggestion that I was one of your Hosts - something you say you now do NOT believe.
As for the possibility of my being a DUO, you have a cheek to talk :sign5:

...And finally DEARIE, these items that you allege that were altered here on the forum, happened long BEFORE I was an advertiser...

Actually they happened during the time you were in negotiations to BECOME an advertiser, and it is not an allegation it is a FACT that 2 threads which questioned your financial arithmetic and strange habit of posting one thing then saying you posted something quite different, had critical posts (from a number of different contributors) deleted. I pointed this out some weeks ago.

I am overjoyed that you insist that your last post on this matter was to be your last. I'll believe it when I see it though.


January 4th, 2011, 17:21
I am sorry but you left me with no choice......You can't see those TWO question marks at the end of the sentence above which you "forgot" to quote as you said you did? You are more of an idiot than I originally thought.


I don't know but I am sure And does this insinuate that you ARE one of the two around the corner and disgusing your posts to throw people off that you are not??

And IF you are quoting time that I spent at the A****** and questioning it, I just can't help but wonder why you are trying this hard to insinuate that you ARE one of the famous duo or a very very close freind??

And I just noticed, this is at least the second time you have made an anti-semetic remark:

Scottish-guy wrote:
Would you dare call me a jewish git or a black git?

WHY when comparing people is it always THIS and the JEWS or the JEWISH people??

January 4th, 2011, 18:02
I am overjoyed that you insist that your last post on this matter was to be your last. I'll believe it when I see it though. :occasion9:

You were right about that Scotty!

January 4th, 2011, 18:12
Excuse me I don't mean to butt in but I have just read the entire thread and I do have to say that Scottish Guy is very antagonistic, to say the least.
Your constant putting people down is distasteful. You should follow Anakots thread that It is Time to Cut The Crap.
Comabt, you do seem to be SG's only freind sticking up for him here.

January 4th, 2011, 18:27
I am overjoyed that you insist that your last post on this matter was to be your last. I'll believe it when I see it though.How will you be able to 'see it' if he does'nt post it? After spending the last few months posting over at GBT and only reading here, i can see that Scottish-guy is SGT's very own combination of GBT's Undaunted and LMTU.

Is it Scottish-guys intention to have a bun fight with every one of the SGT members this year? If it is he really will have to sharpen up his replies as it seems from this bitchfest and the other recent ones he is getting yet another 'doing'. Unkiebuck seems to be taking him to the cleaners.

I am I the only one who reckons scottish-guy has become a total embarassment? It would seem not, as there are so many who can't be bothered posting here now because a simple straightforward posting can get you into a protracted bitchbore session with him. He is starting to remind me of good old 'Gone Fishing' another witless has-been who never knew when to throw in the towel.

January 4th, 2011, 18:58
Excuse me I don't mean to butt in but I have just read the entire thread and I do have to say that Scottish Guy is very antagonistic, to say the least.
Your constant putting people down is distasteful. You should follow Anakots thread that It is Time to Cut The Crap.
Comabt, you do seem to be SG's only freind sticking up for him here.

Justme, you have been a member under your current handle for less than 2 weeks yet you can talk about "constant" apects of my posts going back over 3 years. :dontknow:

During your 2 weeks you have posted 3 times - correct?

Out of these 3 posts, 2 are relevant to this discussion - there is this current one attacking me and this other one:

..Went into Happy Place last night at 10:30 for the show and the place was packed. I mean one or two seats to sit max.
The show was dynamite and had a very good time.

I think that speaks for itself.

And don't try to drag Combat into it.


January 4th, 2011, 19:01
How ever did you come up with the name Happy Place?
I don't know but I can hear the staff chanting the name to themselves every night... :blackeye:

No, dear [Diec]... The real mystery and intrigue is why you should be so interested as to pick over over every last detail of my post, twist and distort what was said and attempt to extract as much information as you can. What a boring life you must lead - or is there something else exercising your brain cell?
Diec is bitter old f*ckstick of a troll, Scottish. Not even worth replying to his imaginative vomit.

the suggestion you made some weeks ago (which you now deny as usual) that I was your drag queen neighbour. I really can't be bothered scouring your posts (and you have had the moderators delete so many posts - which you deny as well - it's probably pointless to try) but I distincly remember Beachlover pointing out to you that it was extremely unlikely for that to be the case. Now I have no idea if Beachlover will remember making that post, but I remember it distinctly.
Yeah, I remember that. For the record, there's absolutely no significant reason to suspect Scottish is one of the famous duo. He probably slags them off more than anyone else here, except for one or two.

In my time as a member I have never seen any Bar owner issue clear physical threats like these
Scottish, maybe my perception is off but I really think Unkie's comments are more light hearted then a serious threat. He sounds like the type who mouths off (he's not the only one). He might be good entertainment, but come on, don't take it seriously.

Besides, if memory serves me, I think this whole thing started when he took one of your comments out of context or a bit more seriously than he should've...

maybe it' will be acceptable because you pay for advertising - I await any moderation with the greatest of interest.
Come on... who gives a f*ck if he pays for advertising? I think it's great he's sponsoring this board. So far, he's got a big mouth but doesn't sound overly dubious...

I haven't seen anything I'd call mod favouritism so far. There were lots of posts against this bar deleted previously but that might've just been the case people were being too harsh (Unkie doesn't help himself there though) and it was well before Unkie made any motion towards sponsoring the board so there can't have been any vested interest in pleasing him. I think you're jumping the gun with implying unfair moderator protection. Accusing Jinks of this before he's even done it might just create a "f*ck off" attitude from Jinks so he does it anyway.

Anyway... Unless there's more to all this than you're letting on, then I think it's just a case of a two big mouths not realising the other big mouth is light hearted so taking them too seriously... both could chill. Maybe just post a turd to each other instead or something.

Gone Fishing' another witless has-been who never knew when to throw in the towel.
Thank goodness we got rid of Gone Fishing...

Scottish ain't perfect but I enjoy his posts for the most part...

January 4th, 2011, 19:04
Comabt, you do seem to be SG's only freind sticking up for him here.

Do you have a problem with that? Nothing wrong with having a buddy... :alc:

January 4th, 2011, 19:09
Scottish Guy
Yes, I have been on this board for 3 weeks and made 3 different posts, why do you want to start a fight with me too?

January 4th, 2011, 19:19
Scottish Guy
Yes, I have been on this board for 3 weeks and made 3 different posts, why do you want to start a fight with me too?

Im not - I'm just pointing out the general direction of 66.66% of your posts and invtiting others to draw their own conclusions.


January 4th, 2011, 19:27
.... i can see that Scottish-guy is SGT's very own combination of GBT's Undaunted and LMTU.

Is it Scottish-guys intention to have a bun fight with every one of the SGT members this year? .

Well now - for the benefit of others who do not know who you are, you came here after being banned from GTT - right?

During that time you have made 18 posts and abused over 18 people - here is a brief summary of who and when you abused:

1. Scottish-Guy тАУ 3rd Jan 2011
2. Smiles тАУ 11th June 2010
3. Lonelywombat тАУ 11th June 2010
4. Paulq- 12th June 2010
5. Instaly тАУ 21st April 2010
6. Hereforme тАУ 8th March 2010
7. Smiles (again) тАУ 19th November 2009
8. Various posters (called bitches) and defence of LMTU тАУ 18th November 2010
9. X in Pattaya + Gone Fishing - 19th November 2008
10. Jinks + cdnmatt тАУ 30th October 2009
11. Catwampuscat + pattayalove+ andyinoz+ oogleman тАУ 29th October 2009
12. Bottoms Up + Catwampuscat + Smiles (yet again) - 28th October 2009

Now I am not saying I am pefect - I admit I do try to poke people with a verbal stick - and some can take a joke and some can't.
But to have YOU come on and criticise me for antagonizing people, well if I didn't have my incontinence knickers on I'd be soaking wet.

:sign5: :sign5: :sign5:

January 4th, 2011, 19:32
Hey, where am I on that list? Why you no abuse me?

January 4th, 2011, 19:41
Hey, where am I on that list? Why you no abuse me?

You've got another lover Beach :love4:

January 4th, 2011, 21:07
and some can take a joke and some can't. And you come firmly into the "can't" camp. But i do appreciate you taking the time to trawl through my posts and apart from Lonleywombat, catawampuscat and cdnmatt I'm impressed with the bunch of has-been loudmouths and pompus wind-bags i have had the good sense to take issue with in the past. Not a bit of antagonising to be seen in any of those replies just a proud record of "differences of opinion" with a mob exactly in the same mould as YOU...namely dramatic ranting queens obsessed with their own of selfimportance, i would say.

Hey, where am I on that list? Why you no abuse me?Because beachbore.....it is far too labourious to get into a mind-numbing question-and-answer session with you.

Do you have a problem with that? Wow another aggressive trouble-maker with anger-management issues. Are the Scottish-infant and beachbore breeding?

Diec is bitter old f*ckstick of a troll, Scottish. Not even worth replying to his imaginative vomit. Yes beachlover only 'scottish' and you are intelligent, humble and exciting witty purveyors of mirth and not in any way mind-numbingly boring boorish old codgers and it's EVERYBODY ELSE on SGT who are all just bad bad men and plain wrong about everything.

For gods sake.... HOW much time do beachbore and Scottish-guy spend on here? I can understand scottish-guy getting upset when challenged, having taken up residence 24/7 here its tantamount to invading her private blogspot, and beachbore isn't that far behind.

However seeing scottish get ANOTHER good hiding has been well worth the visit.

January 4th, 2011, 22:17

You crack me up - if you think I lost any argument here then you probably think the Germans won WW1 and II.

Now, in a single post you manage to re-abuse all but 3 of the people you abused previously and, for good measure, you add Beachy and Combat to the list.

You're the real deal and no mistake Mr Motormouth.

:laughing3: :laughing3:

January 5th, 2011, 06:20
if you think I lost any argument here IF IF IF? My dear boy you've not just lost ANY arguement, you've lost just about EVERY arguement, as far as I can see on one of your many previous spats you were under the delusion that apparently you had given newallan a "spanking", but it was you and your two cohorts who got soundly bashed on that one, now unkiebuck and others are giving you the run-around and even your very convincing tweedledum and tweedledee double act, beachbore and combat have wisely deserted you.

You are nasty to genuine posters here just for the sake of it, working under the deluded assumption your remarks are witty, all you need to do now is just come to terms with the FACT you're a washed up, wrung out, empty, unfunny, BORING, has-been.

Now, in a single post you manage to re-abuse all but 3 of the people you abused previously and, for good measure, you add Beachy and Combat to the listYes i forgot to add my thanks for your help there, it would have been a chore without your considerable stupidity in corralling them onto one thread for me. Any more gems you can come up with? you're certainly entertaining in an accidental by-product kind of way, although unfortunately for your ego not in an amusing way. Sad really when the funniest things on one of your posts nowadays are the 'smiley faces', maybe you should consider posting a series of these in lieu of text.

January 5th, 2011, 06:43

Just want to ask those who has experienced in offing guys before in Bangkok. Do you all, asked the guys first in the bar before offing them like how much are they expecting?

What is the current min tip now say for tawan?

Reason i asked is that, my last visit to tawan which was last september, i only gave the person 1.5k baht. But as i read other forums and message boards, it seems that the current min tip is 2k.

Have it increased everywhere else too? Just asking to some some embarassment hehehe

Don't mind the hissy fits by the girls...After a few dozen rounds their COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulminary Disease) catches up with them and they all need to sit by the sidelines and catch their collective breath.

I don't live in Thailand but am a frequent visitor. I pay 1,000 baht a night when I pick up one of the host bar guys....I have been hanging out at the same bars and have a few regulars. We don't negotiate I just give the money in the morning or in the evening if they do not spend the night.

Someone else suggested that if you go to a gogo bar you negotiate terms. That has also been my experience.

As an aside I did meet a guy on silverdaddies who is a real daddy chaser not a money boy...I diligently meet up with him every trip just so I state with clear and absolute conviction "I do not have to pay for sex!" Self delusion is a wonderful things don't you think?

January 5th, 2011, 20:07
You crack me up - if you think I lost any argument here then you probably think the Germans won WW1 and II.
If he thinks NewAlaan won that round he must think he wins this round foaming at the mouth too...

beachbore and combat have wisely deserted you.
What a load of crap. I only get on this forum once a day. I haven't "deserted" someone if I don't support their every post... I did a few PMs between Unkie and Scottish as I think there's some miss understandings, which escalated here. I'm not on either side in this.

Scottish goes overboard sometimes. I won't deny that. But for the most part he's funny and well-intentioned. He doesn't deserve to be ripped apart by someone who hasn't the courtesy to even introduce themself or participate to any significant extent before he starts abusing members.

You've got another lover Beach :love4:
LOL... It's Summer, all these stink bugs about. *Flick flick flick*.