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View Full Version : Sunee update from John of Two guys

December 21st, 2010, 13:17
Merry Christmas Everybody,

it seems the most of Europe is getting their Christmas season early with an abundance of snow being gifted by mother nature. I hope everybody is taking advantage of it and are out building snowmen.
In the spirt of Christmas I have posted you some Funny Christmas Cards sent to me by a nice guy called Harold. The cards were sent in a separate email, if you did not get them let me know and I will resend them.[ I did not have time to download and include. maybe someone can do it for me. LW ]

Well Loy Krathong has been and gone, there were many celebrations, alas I did not manage to get to the beach party this year But celebrated instead at The Forest bar in Sunee. Al the staff were decked out in traditional Thai Costumes and had many people stopping to take photos of the waiters.
The following Night at the Forest bar was a Birthday party for Peanut and again all the staff were done up in different Thai Costumes, they looked quite stunning and once again were enjoying the festivities. So much so that a few of them had slight navigation problems at the latter part of the evening. The customers were lapping it up being attended to very affectionate and emotional staff who would sit in their laps while taking their order.
One of the younger staff greeted me effusively when I arrived, giving me a big sloppy kiss and sticking his tongue in my ear, Oh if only we got this service all the time.
Later on the staff member who shall be nameless ( to protect his chaste reputation) decided that the lower half of the Thai costume was to warm and ripped it off.
This left him wearing only a head band long knee length white socks and a revealing skin tight leotard made of very flimsy material under which he had little or no underwear. He was getting a lot of attention from the customers as he walked about quite unconcerned. The leotard having slid into cleft of his bum exposing his smooth skinned exquisite ass. After a while the other staff of concern should he catch a chill banished him to their sleeping quarters, alas.
I have included some photos off the staff in there traditional Thai costumes (kindly supplied by Martin). A few are slightly out of focus, the reason being that they were taken later in the evening when the staff were tired and emotional after a busy night of celebrations.

On a not so happy note, a breakfast customer came into Two Guys the day after Loy Krathong
and reported that his rental motor bike had been stolen the night before while he was partying at Jomtien beach . He was not a happy camper because it was going to cost him 60,000 B to replace it.
He said he could not believe it had happen to him, he was sitting only 500 m away from where he had parked it.
He suspected a bunch of youths which had been sitting near it, they had been watching him when he locked his camera and Walkman under the seat, unfortunately he did not lock the wheel as there were lots of people around at the time and he thought nobody would be brazen enough
to mess with the bike with lots of witnesses there.

About six days later he came back looking much happier, the bike had been found parked in a small Soi off Jomtien beach road. The owner of a small convenience store had notice the bike and knew nobody local owned it, after 5 days he called the police and reported it as abandoned.
When T went to check the bike he found that the seat lock had been broken and his gear had been nicked.
Whoever took the bike was probably after some quick cash to buy more beer, so T
was quite lucky as all it cost him was a new seat, about 3000 B instead of 60,000 B.
Lesson learned he said, next time I will use all the locks available.
One tip I got from a friendly local policeman about wheel locks for you motor bike, use hand cuffs, there is no way they can be cut and no way they can free wheel the bike away.

I had been preparing for Christmas and had started baking Christmas mince meat pies,
the production line had to come to a halt when Aek our cook/cashier/waiter had to go home
for a family reunion. I was left to supervise the rest of the staff, Geng normally on the ball but
this was not his most alert performance. I have noticed before that no matter how smart/astute/switched on the boys are, they seem to have days when they seem to switch off or forget everything they ever learned.
Things were going a bit slow for the breakfasts and I explained to Geng that customers don't like to wait 20/30 minutes for their breakfast, this was met with incomprehension. When I tried to tactfully explain that he could use more than one gas ring at a time instead of cooking every item individually in the one pan I was rewarded with pouts and the cold shoulder. Eventually I got him to cook the bacon and the eggs at the same time as he loaded the toaster (progress you say) Wait for it.......
I had been upstairs doing some work and when I came down for a break ,Geng was cooking Pancakes, but he was not happy. His Pancakes were not round like Aeks and тАЬdid not look beautifulтАЭ.
He had some on a plate already cooked so I tried one and it was good (but not round)
Just as I was munching the Pancake the customer stuck his head in the kitchen and asked Geng if he had forgotten his order.
How long has he been waiting I asked.......30 Mins says Geng.
I don't know why customer ask me that said Geng, I already tell him he has to wait long time until I make pancakes beautiful.
Fortunately Aek is now back and Geng is getting a refresher course on organising his cooking routine and making beautiful round Pancakes.

Sunee Plaza is picking up but could do with more people around, I have noticed that the Persian Bar/nightclub (Apadana) is very quiet these days, in fact lately they keep the lights on but nobody is working there.
I have noticed that now we are approaching the high season some of what you would term
тАЬOld handsтАЭ are reappearing,most of them working as free lancers in the various establishments
and beer bars.

The latest rumor I have heard repeated is that a new bar is going to be opened in what used to be Balkan Express. The story goes the new owner is a straight American and wears his hair in dreadlocks and his wife is going to run a girlie bar that plays Hip Hop music... Stay tuned!

I paid a visit to WonderBar last week , they are still doing two shows a night, the show I saw was good and different from the last time I was there. They still have a bunch of cute dancers and non dancers on the stage.
Once again I gave look in to Happy Boys and was not disappointed by the reception I received,
It still is one of my favourite places to go and have some fun. Some people say the boys are too pushy but I don't find that at all.

Take care everybody

Regards, John

504/497 Mu 10, Soi Yesabai, South Pattaya
(Just around the corner from Yensabai Condotel)

December 21st, 2010, 15:31
I have noticed before that no matter how smart/astute/switched on the boys are, they seem to have days when they seem to switch off or forget everything they ever learned.

Just as a confirmation on this point, we have exactly the same problem even with highly experienced technicians! We call them Thai days ... as in, 'Today is a Thai day' ...

December 22nd, 2010, 12:03
One tip I got from a friendly local policeman about wheel locks for you motor bike, use hand cuffs, there is no way they can be cut and no way they can free wheel the bike away.

Now THATS a good idea. Thanks much


December 23rd, 2010, 11:45
John i found a Ships Anchor chain the best thing to stop bike thefts lol