View Full Version : Spiritualism in Pattaya ?

Lunchtime O'Booze
December 6th, 2010, 07:57
a topic a bit different from 'off' prices...

I have been asked by a British pal who is a spiritualist if there are any farangs in Pattaya amongst the ex-pat community (benders or otherwise) who are into spiritualism and if there are any get-togethers of the like minded. :love4:

Spiritualist beliefs really don't differ too much from Thai beliefs about after-life and so on. The atmosphere may be very conducive for the occasional seance. Especially as the ex-pat lot are an odd lot !

Any derogatory comments and I will summons up the entity that formerly inhabited the body of my long dead Russian grandmother...believe me..you don't want that ! :boxing:

December 6th, 2010, 16:31
Well I don't know much about spiritualism and the "other side", but some of the boys have told me that "servicing" the average Pattaya punter is akin to shagging the dead.

Does that help?


December 6th, 2010, 17:46
I believe this gentleman spends some of his year in Pattaya:
