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November 29th, 2010, 13:56
Apparently the Democrats are walking free the court deciding to drop the dissolution case 4-2. It looks like the court finds the EC negligent in following proceedure.

Wikileaks CableGate will have (not yet detailed for Thailand) about 3500 confidential US Government State Dept (Bangkok Embassy) cables about Thailand
New York Times and Guardian are noted to be analyzing the 'leaks' in regards to Thailand.

BBC reports on "Rory Peck" award to an American cameraman during the Red Shirt "2 months of peaceful protests".

November 29th, 2010, 15:52
I wonder why they're leaking the US government cables about Thailand...

The BBC video footage is interesting to watch a few months on.

Also from the BBC site is this funny video of Jeff Savage, the Brit arrested for protesting with the reds and ranting about burning buildings.

He walks into court yelling, "I'm pleading guilty! I have no say in this fair trial!! This state murders people! Remember the dead! REMEMBER THE DEAD!!!!"

Comes out with this calm demented look on his face saying, "They've set me free man. We must have justice for everyone. He let me off. It's a miracle. Miracle! Thank you!"

Watch here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10560718


November 29th, 2010, 16:14
I wonder why they're leaking the US government cables about Thailand...

I guess Thailand is just part of a full set of cables that is leaked.

It's hard to imagine that they would reveal much of Thailand that isn't fairly well known already.

a note: My comment about the Guardian and NYT is more that both newspapers are known to have full sets that would include Thailand, whose 'leaks' are not made available yet, so it might follow that those two are working on it (oooppps).

November 29th, 2010, 17:56
I'm curious as to who exactly is leaking all this information. Maybe I'm wrong, but I would imagine you need pretty high security clearance to have access to ALL cables between ALL embassies dating back years.

And I'm also curious as to when Assange is going to accidentally fall of a tall building. He's pretty much pissed off most governments in the world now, so...

November 29th, 2010, 18:01
And I'm also curious as to when Assange is going to accidentally fall of a tall building...

Shortly after he moves to Pattaya - that's normally the way it works.

:hello1: :hello1:

November 29th, 2010, 20:50
I'm curious as to who exactly is leaking all this information. Maybe I'm wrong, but I would imagine you need pretty high security clearance to have access to ALL cables between ALL embassies dating back years.

The source appears to be a very low ranking US Army soldier.

November 29th, 2010, 21:32
I'm curious as to who exactly is leaking all this information. Maybe I'm wrong, but I would imagine you need pretty high security clearance to have access to ALL cables between ALL embassies dating back years.

The source appears to be a very low ranking US Army soldier.

Nah, that was for the Iraq & Afghanistan war documents.

This new batch contains confidential cables sent to & from US embassies around the world, dating all the way back to 1966. No infantry soldier is going to have access to that. I don't know the US government computer systems, but I'd imagine you need some fairly high clearance to have access to ALL cables from ALL embassies from 1966. Not just anybody gets that type of access.

Well, what the hell... Obama wanted a transparent government, so looks like he's getting it. :-)

November 29th, 2010, 22:10
They deserve all that they get "You reap what you sow" and the Yanks have for far too long not only thought that they have the right to police the world, but to also to tear up democratic rights of others etc.. when and where it suits them.

November 30th, 2010, 06:53

The source appears to be a very low ranking US Army soldier.

Nah, that was for the Iraq & Afghanistan war documents.

This new batch contains confidential cables sent to & from US embassies around the world, dating all the way back to 1966. No infantry soldier is going to have access to that. )

My source was the New York Times 29 Nov. 2010. PFC Bradley Mannery, USArmy.

November 30th, 2010, 11:41
I was surfing around yesterday and I cannot now remember where exactly I read it, but it seems there are as many as 3 million Americans with sufficient security clearance to access the leaked cables.

These cables are not the highest security ones, but clearly they are sensitive enough to cause serious embarrassment.

The feature article I read yesterday explained that this debacle could be traced to 9/11, in the aftermath of which, the Bush administration drew the conclusion that departments needed to share information more, otherwise linkages might be missed. A project was then started to link State and Defense Dept information systems, with the result that lots of soldiers, including PFC Bradley Manning, gained access to State Dept communications.

December 3rd, 2010, 15:44
wikileaks now wikileaks.ch

December 3rd, 2010, 16:30
Kudos to Wikileaks, although nothing they leaked is anything too substantial. A more informed populous is only a good thing though. I actually wish just all black-ops, covert ops, and full details by all governments were disclosed over night. That would make things interesting.

December 4th, 2010, 06:37