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View Full Version : Many thanks to all on behalf of Nop

November 25th, 2010, 03:59
Lovethai, you are a bloody gem. Fantastic. I am pleased to read that Nop is on the up and that his outlook is considerably better than before.

Cheers to Travelerjim and his bf for their wonderful support and to gwm4asian also for his valuable contribution of time. Really, it does such good things for your spirit when you read of such generous acts of kindness.

I realise there is a ways to go before Nop can be independent but until that time at least he knows he is loved and cherished and that he respects you for what you are trying to do for him and has acted accordingly. I hope he is enjoying being out in the open at the market and seeing some life. He will no doubt be knocked out with exhaustion to begin with but at least he will feel he is part of the community again.

Thank you for the update,