View Full Version : hello

November 11th, 2010, 17:26
Hello :hello1: :hello1:

November 11th, 2010, 17:56
I suppose this means you're out of the slammer (which you should never have been put in) - Congrats and welcome back to civilisation!

November 11th, 2010, 18:51
Good to see a post from you again. I suppose there's going to be a long debate as to whether or not your account has been hacked and if this is truly you, but assuming it is - welcome back!

November 11th, 2010, 18:55
Hello :hello1: :hello1:

Hi and best regards from Susan!

November 11th, 2010, 19:11
Hello and thank you beachlover for your words

.It is actually me and after a full tour of 10 prisons home and abroad and a massive waste of my time and life,two of my brothers died whilst I was incarcerated,I was also very saddened by Mick and Robbie's passing from LCR,two fantastic people and great characters and many other Aunts and uncles,its been tough.it's finally over in a nonsense lasting 10 years.

There are a great many board members I owe thanks to and you all know who you are from those sending me books and letters and to those who visited me, you are all fab and thank you all so much.

November 11th, 2010, 23:00
Welcome back Kevin your real friends in here have missed you. Good luck with getting your life back together again, and a curse on those others who's avarice caused it all, they know who they are....

November 12th, 2010, 06:52
WOW!!!!!!!! What a wonderful surprise ........... great to hear from you Kev .......... all God's blessings for you and heartfelt wishes for whatever comes next for you ...... you certainly deserve a bit of the good life.

November 12th, 2010, 14:10
Thanks so much.

It's great to be home.

November 12th, 2010, 20:53
Unbelievable... LMTU is a moron.






This man is too far gone to have any idea what interacting and engaging with the normal population and normal human relations are about.

Here's some of what he wrote on GBT:

gone from here too - jinks.

gone from here too - jinks
WTF? Now he's saying what virus he might have had? Was LMTU drunk writing this or is he just that far gone from normal society?
(Both of the above sections have been edited out of the original posts now. This is quoted from the original posts).

{Edited because the idiot gets too much coverage - jinks.}

November 12th, 2010, 21:07
It is actually me and after a full tour of 10 prisons home and abroad and a massive waste of my time and life,two of my brothers died whilst I was incarcerated,I was also very saddened by Mick and Robbie's passing from LCR,two fantastic people and great characters and many other Aunts and uncles,its been tough.it's finally over in a nonsense lasting 10 years.
Shit, what a mess. I hope you're able to make it right (not just for yourself) and make the best of life now.

Are you allowed to enter back into Thailand?

November 13th, 2010, 17:24
Welcome back Kevin your real friends in here have missed you. Good luck with getting your life back together again, and a curse on those others who's avarice caused it all, they know who they are....
Who caused it all? :dontknow:

November 13th, 2010, 17:39
Who caused it all? :dontknow:

Look it up, we are not going down that road again in here as those that need to know and care know.

November 13th, 2010, 17:42
{Edited because the idiot gets too much coverage - jinks.}[/quote]

Very well put jinks.

November 13th, 2010, 17:44
Welcome back Kevin your real friends in here have missed you. Good luck with getting your life back together again, and a curse on those others who's avarice caused it all, they know who they are....
Who caused it all? :dontknow:
Someone with no morales or ethical sense at all, like you, LMTU.

November 13th, 2010, 19:02
Welcome back Kevin your real friends in here have missed you. Good luck with getting your life back together again, and a curse on those others who's avarice caused it all, they know who they are....
Who caused it all? :dontknow:
Someone with no morales or ethical sense at all, like you, LMTU.

Now I know LMTU is not very popular with many of you, and no doubt you have your reasons...


In relation to the particular case in question (god forbid we should drag it all out again and have AD cumming in his pants), I personally would steer clear of dragging morals or ethical sense into either side of the equation.

Let's just wish Kevin well in his future life and endeavours without turning it into a who-did-what-to-who catfight

:occasion9: :occasion9:

November 13th, 2010, 21:05
What a wonderful early Christmas present for you and yours, delighted to see you back on the boards.

Best wishes

November 13th, 2010, 23:05
Hi Guys,
Mam is very pleased.She was 80 in August but held it back until I was released and is having the big bash next week.They released me on my brother John's birthday,so it was special as he had passed away the week before that in 2009.

My release did not give Mam time to sit and dwell too much on it,as I kept her occupied.

My two sons are over the moon and as soon as I can get Tam over here shortly we can be a family again.The lads call Tam their Stepmother(,but there is a bit their wit attached there.)

These people were the victims in all this and I'll say no more except thanks for the good wishes.I've lost 10 years on this,I'm moving on. None of us know how long we are here for and I've lost too many friends and family to illness this last two/three years.

Thanks a lot guys,


November 15th, 2010, 13:08
congrats kevin, whoever you are.

November 16th, 2010, 21:20
Welcome back K- might even see you in London.

November 17th, 2010, 01:49
Kevin, it is so good to have you back. All anyone has to do is Google your name to know the scandal and horror you have been through. I think it's wonderful your Mam was able to live long enough to see you out of prison. Whatever you decide to do with the rest of your life, I only wish you the best!

November 17th, 2010, 03:19

To all of you,Whitedesire,Diec thanks a great deal for your words.

I won't now be on here so much as I try to move forward and rebuild with Tam,family and friends.I've also got a lot of organising and planning to do for the future and start looking after those who have freeted and worried for me.

No more soppiness from me,just Thanks a lot!

November 17th, 2010, 09:10

To all of you,Whitedesire,Diec thanks a great deal for your words.

I won't now be on here so much as I try to move forward and rebuild with Tam,family and friends.I've also got a lot of organising and planning to do for the future and start looking after those who have freeted and worried for me.

No more soppiness from me,just Thanks a lot!


Good luck to you and Tam in all you may wish and choose to do.
Indeed, now is the time to go forward, and you will do it!

May you now really enjoy the upcoming holiday season with family and friends.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Take good care,

November 17th, 2010, 11:42
Oh wow thanks for letting me know you are out, now I have no reason to complain endlessly about what happened. In time I think maybe they have lost a great deal of money in part because of this of this. I am sure they lost quite a but from me, I stay at two guys now, thanks God I win and they lose . I love the prices there and where it is located in the middle of everything, in a galaxy, far far away fro Boys Town. ha ha so good to her from you drop me a pm if you feel like you have time.

Its so funny, the first time at two guys the driver did not know where two guys were located neither did I, I got the Management at BT to show me how to get there, lol. And no after two cataract surgeries I still cant type.
Love ya Brother,


November 17th, 2010, 13:40
Is that wise to google?, why bring up the horrors of the past, the guy did the crime, served his time, and now, as he says, he is moving on, end of that chapter in his life, now is the time to let him re-build his life and put all this behind him, we all make mistakes in life?


I did no crime and I think you know full well and this is a small attempt to get a flame going.

I can see the transparency by your other immediate attack on LCR at around the same time,in another post on another subject.

Whatever floats your boat

There's no benefit nor profit in using my life waiting to answer nonsense on here from posters like yourself. BYE.

Is it wise to google? Nah,we'll just wait here and listen to you eh?

Wes, I'll contact you later buddy.

November 18th, 2010, 12:09
Is that wise to google?, why bring up the horrors of the past, the guy did the crime, served his time, and now, as he says, he is moving on, end of that chapter in his life, now is the time to let him re-build his life and put all this behind him, we all make mistakes in life?


I did no crime and I think you know full well and this is a small attempt to get a flame going.

I can see the transparency by your other immediate attack on LCR at around the same time,in another post on another subject.

Whatever floats your boat

There's no benefit nor profit in using my life waiting to answer nonsense on here from posters like yourself. BYE.

Is it wise to google? Nah,we'll just wait here and listen to you eh?

Wes, I'll contact you later buddy.

Okay talk to you later my friend.