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View Full Version : Starting Fires on Soi 4

April 26th, 2006, 12:52
Last night I had yet another interesting experience on Soi 4.

It was a pretty quiet night, a fraction of the patrons that were out and about the last time I was in town. I was hungry for some really good Thai food and so I strolled up Soi 4 to my favorite pub in Bangkok.

I noticed right off the bat that there were fewer people out on the street to welcome me into their establishment. So few that the nice young fellow that welcomed me to his pub failed to follow me inside when I thanked him for inviting me in. I had a momentary thought that perhaps this young fellow read my earlier post, recognized me and decided to ignore me. So I went in, sat in my usual place, directly facing the manager (sitting at his favorite place / like Norm from Cheers).

There I sat...and waited...and we stared at each other...and waiters walked by...several times...never bothering to stop....offer a menu...not even making eye contact. A few of the other guests (even though there really was only a few of us there in total) looked over at me sitting there, as though I was one of those boys they allow in the pub, to saddle up to guests asking the usual questions (Where you from? Where you stay? You like me?). The manager got up once, looked out side and then sat back down to continue our mutual excersize of gazing into one another's eyes. It was so romantic, I was thinking about skipping my bar tour and just sitting there all night making eyes with him.

A nice young couple came into the bar and offered me a free sample of some new beer they were promoting. I politiely declined. They say outside and Big Norm went out to have a few words with them. Big Norm vanished up the Soi for several minutes and I decided I should probably grab one of these waiters that thought I was invisible or the other patrons might think I was being ignored on purpose or something.

Finally I tackled a nice young waiter that must have just come on shift. He apologized for not noticing me earlier and I told him this sort of thing happens to me a lot here. He turned into a real charmer. He asked if I wanted the plate I ordered spicy and I told him no. Never the less, I could only eat half of it as it was hot enough to burn the place down. He pleaded with me to have a second beer, despite having plenty remaining in the first big bottle sitting before me. I reluctantly agreed to a second (small beer) and he graciously brought a big beer, saying that he would look after me if I got too drunk. So charming, but not what I asked for on both counts. The second plate was to die for it was so good. Fortunately it wasn't one that came spicy.

I went back to staring over at Big Norm until finally a customer arrived at the bar and blocked our view. I think I am enamoured. I wonder how great it would be if I could manage the staff that work for me so easily and yet still have a job.

Some would say that I should have said something to him. Surely I wouldn't want to complain that my charming waiter brought me more than I asked for. Where on earth does something like that happen?. Maybe I should have asked him why no one came to serve me while the two of us stared longingly into each other's eyes. Surely I wouldn't want to give him the impression that I wanted to multuitask while we shared this meaningful time together. Surely he knew. Maybe he recognized me, like the waiter that left me at the door. Maybe he wanted me to speak to him so we could take this to the next level, but I'm so shy.

I just hope it was as beautiful for him as it was for me.....and yes, this was the last time that I'll be going there. Its getting much to late in my itinerary to be falling in love now;)

Surfcrest (Heartbroken)

(I'm so glad the ignore button works so well)
(No more links to a pub where I'd only fall helplessly in love)