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November 1st, 2010, 23:43
Spice magazine ceases publication!

November 2nd, 2010, 07:12
Sad News!

Such a fine effort by Phil...which somehow went astray,
when he sold it or entered business relationship with others.

In retrospect I wonder IF he would have made the same decision as he did.
Hope he got his $$$ at the outset of the failed venture with others.

Will miss it. Phil bought and developed SPICE to a high quality monthly publication
to serve the gay community.

Best wishes and best of luck to Phil -
a really good & talented fella!


November 2nd, 2010, 17:14
Did they just kill the print edition or is the website kaput too? The website is pretty shit... The content could be good but is very poorly presented. Can't see it attracting many more readers unless they really revamp it.

November 3rd, 2010, 07:07
I'm not surprised that it has stopped publishing...

The distribution of the magazine was extremely extremely poor

I remember complaining about this around 2 years ago and since then copies of it have become as rare as an interesting post on Baht-Stop
Nobody is interested in pics of El-duo or random asian hunk pics

Max Magazine has low production values (spelling mistakes, bad english etc) but they do what the old Thai guys magazine (and sticky rice) used to do...They post picture from recent events, with great coverage of the many gay contests all over BKK & Pattaya and generate a huge interest amongst the thai boys...

Its great when a new delivery of MAx magazine arrives to a bar... watching the boys scramble to flick through the mahazine all hoping their pic will be published (or not published!)at some event

This readership interest and the sheer distribtion of Max magazine ensures constant advertiser renewal and contant revenue for its publisher.

RIP Spice (although I fear you died long before you ever morphed from Sticky Rice)

November 3rd, 2010, 07:18
I forgot one other gripe i had about Spice...
Their Maps!

It really annoyed me the way they used to "censor their maps in favour of their advertisers!

You would think that there were nothing but expensive antique shops, art galleries and Boystown in Pattaya if you looked at their maps!
PattayaLand and Sunne barely and the 20++ bars in those locations barely get a mention!

I know you have to support your advertisers... but you also gotta deliver the info people really want!

November 3rd, 2010, 23:55
maps there drive me crazy.
should be listed alpahbetically AND numerically.

finally find the area, maybe a bar
and you see a number next door to it.
try to look up the number
but you have to scan half a page of listings
to see what;s next door- in the area.

November 4th, 2010, 00:04
This was a FREE magazine, right?

It required you to voluntarily pick it up and read it, right?

The way you guys are going on you'd think that every month the BIB came round, tied you to a chair, forced you to read Spice magazine under pain of torture, then charged you 1000 Baht per issue for it.

Don't panic - another equally shitty magazine will be along soon for you all to moan about.

Meanwhile, keep watching "Matlock"


November 4th, 2010, 14:45
:laughing3: http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn245/m0rganator/likebutton2.png

November 4th, 2010, 16:43
Spice used to squeeze a lot of money from advertisers, some on long term contracts with immediate payment - I bet they've all lost their money.
Long Live Thai Puan magazine - not fantastic maps but good information on where to go in Gay Thailand.

November 4th, 2010, 18:59
I forgot one other gripe i had about Spice...
Their Maps!

It really annoyed me the way they used to "censor their maps in favour of their advertisers!

You would think that there were nothing but expensive antique shops, art galleries and Boystown in Pattaya if you looked at their maps!
PattayaLand and Sunne barely and the 20++ bars in those locations barely get a mention!

I know you have to support your advertisers... but you also gotta deliver the info people really want!

Short term gain for long term loss... They make their advertisers happy in the short term but destroy long-term value in their publication by devaluing their publication's reputation to readers.

November 4th, 2010, 20:55
DUH...every international city has some free gay publication for the gay visitor to get an idea of what is available. I thought Phil had made Spice Magazine into a top notch publication. The maps were helpful, there was a variety of articles-- including informative ones, and of course, there were advertisements. It was amazing to compare the "new" Spice magazine to the old Spice Magazine I first saw 6 years ago (it was under a different name). Today, the glossy colored publication even had airlines, 5 star hotels, and restaurants advertising in it . True, for us who live in Thailand, it wasn't that useful, but for the newcomer it certainly was. When I traveled to Phuket, the maps and information were certainly helpful to me in deciding where to stay and the location of clubs. Of course the maps would show the names of the businesses that did advertising in the magazine- this is done in all free vacation maps - look at Pattaya's "free" tourist maps. It is sad this gay guide will be gone.