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View Full Version : Sad news on arrival in Pattaya.

October 22nd, 2010, 23:11
For the interest those who visit Panorama in Boyztown, i received very sad news when we visited there on our first night of our Pattaya visit before a trip to Hollywood. We went to invite our long time friend Tom who is a waiter there out with us as we often do to celebrate our first night.

As we entered I looked around for Tom, couldn't see him thinking he may already be with a customer. As we sat down another waiter we have known for a few years came over quickly to inform me that Tom had died only 2 days previously in a motorcycle accident in Pattaya.

For those who probably don't know him, Tom was a 23 year old waiter who had worked at Panorama for some time, and was a very fun filled guy, always joking and smiling and loved trips to the discos and was great fun to have in your company. I had known him since mid-2006 when he worked as a waiter at Red Dragon on day/night soi 1, and passed there every night on my way from The Flamingo on my way to Wat Chai, boyztown or Walking St, and he was always ready with some banter.

A very sad loss indeed as I know many customers liked Tom in the same way as we did. A really nice, lovely fun guy. He apparently had his accident on the 27th or 28th of Sept and was rushed to hospital, unfortunately the waiter could not remember which, with severe head trauma, the surgeon there [apparently] stating a price of Bt300,000 for treatment, which was obviously way outside the means and he was transferred to another hospital where he succumed to his injuries a few days later.

There are many nastly individuals in Pattaya who get involved in robbery, fights etc..who seem to lead a charmed life, yet a fun loving harmless guy like Tom gets taken, very unfair as is life.

October 22nd, 2010, 23:33
Can you post a pic if Tom please??

October 23rd, 2010, 14:22
That's sad to hear. Someone was looking for information about this on another board last month.

I wonder if his life could have been saved. It's a sad reality that the hospitals won't treat you or will only do the minimum to stabilise you unless you can come up with the money on the spot.

October 23rd, 2010, 19:30
Indeed, a sad death and a tragic end to a young life.


I am not sure if the information about the cost of surgery is correct. I was told that it was early in the morning, after the bars had closed, and he crashed his motorbike into a car driven by a farang, He was apparently not wearing a crash helmet, and been drinking heavily, but I have not verified that information

October 23rd, 2010, 19:53
I would be surprised if money for life-saving surgery was a problem - I'm sure the Panorama bosses would have taken care of that.


October 23rd, 2010, 20:26
Very sad to hear such news - over the 12 years I have been travelling to Thailand I have heard quite a few times , and have known several Thai boys killed on motorbikes - each time it is so sad

October 23rd, 2010, 21:08
Damn, he was a good looking boy. What a shame. I guess this is why Matt insists on no drink driving for his BF.

I would be surprised if money for life-saving surgery was a problem - I'm sure the Panorama bosses would have taken care of that.

Yeah, but even if someone "would be" willing to fund the surgery, how do you get that organised at 2am in the morning?

I hope they at least got him stabilised before moving him to another hospital... It's really sad, if 300k is all that stood between him living and dying. Perhaps it wasn't a black/white case of "have surgery here or die elsewhere".

October 23rd, 2010, 22:12
Thailand probably has the highest number of road deaths caused when driving motorcycles, sometimes drunk but not always in S.E. Asia. One should just note the numbers tallied after major public holidays such as Sonkran which run into four figure numbers. Pattaya is like a production line in the hospitals with motor cycle accident victims being brought in. Stay safe and stay away from two wheel machines....

October 23rd, 2010, 23:03
Stay safe and stay away from two wheel machines....

Wise words which on occassion even i stupidly ignore. If we are going to any of the discos, Hollywood/NAB/Xyte they are all a good distance from Boyztown/day-night areas so we always have a quick drink at Panorama or one of the terraces meet up at the end of PL soi3 and hire a songtao. We just stop the first one to pass empty make an offer of Bt100 to go wherever we want(no negotiation if the driver refuses Bt100 we just get the next) and for the usual 4-5 of us it is a cheap, fairly safe way to get wherever. The problem for me is when we are leaving the venues and there are no songtao's just there at the moment we come out with a bit of whiskey in us, we then call a motocy taxi and travel 3 on the bike, no helmets(motocy driver has of course).....which of course is daft. I also use the motocy taxis all the time for short runs around day/nght/sunee/boyztown if i need to get somewhere quicker than walking or if it is very hot during the day.

I drive when in Thailand in my friend's borrowed pick-up (i pay the fully comp insurance for us) and also in Pattaya, but only for driving in and out of Pattaya, and NEVER when i have had any kind of alchohol. If going to Jomtien or long distance on songtao route, always just take one of those.

I am not sure if the information about the cost of surgery is correct

Yes me too, that's why i added the apparently, the whole story was told to me by two of the waiters at Panorama i have also known for many years and they didn't stop yapping to give the other the chance to explain, so much of the (even repeated) info was a little blurred. They seemed very keen to emphasise the Bt300,000 demand but who was there to actually confirm that info i dont know, so i cant be sure of its truth.

He was apparently not wearing a crash helmet, and been drinking heavily, but I have not verified that information

Yes that is what i was told too, and is most likely correct as it seems to be just an accepted part of life in Thailand of driving with a drink if you own a motocy.The guys also told me they understood the accident to be Toms fault. but like you had no verification from any other source and was one of the reasons i posted incase anyone had futher info. And thanks for putting up that lovely photo

Tom wasn't my current bf or lover, he knew my bf and they got on very well, but we only kept in touch when in Pattaya as I do with many guys i have known over the years, especially guys like Tom i had a 'soft spot' for. We always had him join our company if he wanted to and didn't already have a customer if we happened to be in the boyztown area and we were looking for a bit of fun/sanook, in fact on our last visit in July, he was with a customer who wanted to off him, but when he knew we were heading to NAB, he turned down the customer, who was a good looking youngish Russian, and in typical Tom style laughing that he wasn't much fun and VERY kee-nieow (cheap)with the tip, he knew anyway he would always get a small tip of somekind for taxi home and eats at wat chai and something for his pocket, he was just one of these guys who found it difficult to say no to fun!

and have known several Thai boys killed on motorbikes

I have been visiting for 11 years on multiple visits over that time, and for me this was the very first death of a Thai friend in a motorcycle accident, which even i find surprising, but is true. I have known many in motocy accidents but never fatal.

Anyway thanks to all for the replies.

October 24th, 2010, 02:03
Apparently Tom was T&T the morning he died, and died on his way home...

I didn''t know him... in fact i rarely ever visit Panorama...but we were in T&T both the night he died and the night after he died and there were a lot of people in shock and crying

Friends told us that he was in our company that night... or at a table nearby... but i can't honestly remember him

From the outpouring of grief it seems that he was a really liked guy...

October 24th, 2010, 11:31


October 25th, 2010, 07:24

T&T is a late night Disco that gets going around 6am every night in Pattaya.. Usually runs till 10ish in the morning....

I haven't been there for years.... but joined a farang friend (Martin911) there for a night on my last holiday... liked it so much i ended up spending 6 nights in a row there!

Didn't see any sunlight on last holiday cos of T&T (expcept the morning sun on the way home)

Its definately one of the best places to find a loved up and happy thai boy in Pattaya...

And probably waaaaaaay to fun for someone as career oriented as you BL !

October 25th, 2010, 11:48
very sad indeed :((

October 25th, 2010, 12:32

T&T is a late night Disco that gets going around 6am every night in Pattaya.. Usually runs till 10ish in the morning....

For those who are still to high on E to go home

I haven't been there for years.... but joined a farang friend (Martin911) there for a night on my last holiday... liked it so much i ended up spending 6 nights in a row there!

Didn't see any sunlight on last holiday cos of T&T (expcept the morning sun on the way home)

Its definately one of the best places to find a loved up and happy thai boy in Pattaya...

The best place to find a Thai boy off his face on E and the best place to get a free ticket to the Bangkok Hilton

And probably waaaaaaay to fun for someone as career oriented as you BL !

I wouldn't call it fun just fucking dangerous. And before anyone calls me a prude I have done these places in the west but wouln't consider it in Thailand

October 25th, 2010, 17:05
T&T is a late night Disco that gets going around 6am every night in Pattaya.. Usually runs till 10ish in the morning....And probably waaaaaaay to fun for someone as career oriented as you BL !
Yeah, you got me there. I'm a morning guy and hate the idea of entire days being eaten up by sleep. I want to get out and do stuff. 3am is usually the latest I want to stay out, 5-6am on the odd occasion. 10am seems a real waste to me because by the time you wake up it's getting dark again.

When I visit Bangkok I usually only get by on 3-4hrs sleep a night. If I'm out late enough (e.g. 6-7am), I won't bother sleeping, just have breakfast and then get started with the new day (easy to do since in my office's timezone they've already started business hours) but I can't do this more than one night in a row anymore.

T&T is a late night Disco that gets going around 6am every night in Pattaya.. Usually runs till 10ish in the morning....

For those who are still to high on E to go home
The best place to find a Thai boy off his face on E and the best place to get a free ticket to the Bangkok Hilton
I wouldn't call it fun just fucking dangerous. And before anyone calls me a prude I have done these places in the west but wouln't consider it in Thailand
Shit, really? I don't like drugs. Never taken an illicit drug before.

Still, if you're at a club where a few others are taking them, you don't have to take part, as long as it's not EVERYONE taking them (then you may as well go home).

October 26th, 2010, 02:12
The best place to find a Thai boy off his face on E and the best place to get a free ticket to the Bangkok Hilton

I wouldn't call it fun just fucking dangerous. And before anyone calls me a prude I have done these places in the west but wouln't consider it in Thailand

This Thread is about a Thai boy that has passed away and I apologise to both Tom and and the original poster Alaan for dragging the thread off topic..
However i could not let Alliebs potenially libelous allegations go unanswered.

T&T is a late night drinking venue and always has been in the 7.5 years that it has been open. Allieb admits that he has never even visited this venue. Alliebs post could be construed as very damaging to a gay business owned by Thai people and to its customers. Not to mention the future business that Abbiebs "factual" statements may lose on T&T

To suggest that it is a drug den is a complete fabrication of the mind of Allieb and does his credbility as a poster on this board no good what so ever

I suggest that the moderators or Allieb amend their post as appropriate.

October 26th, 2010, 02:56
The best place to find a Thai boy off his face on E and the best place to get a free ticket to the Bangkok Hilton

I wouldn't call it fun just fucking dangerous. And before anyone calls me a prude I have done these places in the west but wouln't consider it in Thailand

This Thread is about a Thai boy that has passed away and I apologise to both Tom and and the original poster Alaan for dragging the thread off topic..
However i could not let Alliebs potenially libelous allegations go unanswered.

T&T is a late night drinking venue and always has been in the 7.5 years that it has been open. Allieb admits that he has never even visited this venue. Alliebs post could be construed as very damaging to a gay business owned by Thai people and to its customers. Not to mention the future business that Abbiebs "factual" statements may lose on T&T

To suggest that it is a drug den is a complete fabrication of the mind of Allieb and does his credbility as a poster on this board no good what so ever

I suggest that the moderators or Allieb amend their post as appropriate.

I agree that Allieb's post may be off topic and may even be inappropriate to the topic BUT it is not libellous - potentially or otherwise.

Allieb has not alleged that drugs are sold or consumed ON THE PREMISES - merely given his (ill-founded or otherwise) opinion that persons under the influence of drugs can be found there. That is in itself not libel - he has accused neither the Club itself nor any particular patron in being involved in the misuse of drugs. Further, if evidence was led during any hypothetical libel case which proved that even one person had ever taken one gram of Ecstasy prior to arriving at this Club (e.g Police reports - and I'd be surprised if not a single person has ever been arrested for possession over all the time it has been open) then, being a truthful statement it could not therefore be deemed to be libel.

Libel is a word which is bandied about in this forum far too casually, with most of the people using it having little idea of the real meaning, and certain others screaming it hysterically to prevent inconvenient truths from being aired. Usually this succeeds and the board adopts a supine position - so I won't be surprised if Allieb's post is deleted.


October 26th, 2010, 04:52
The best place to find a Thai boy off his face on E and the best place to get a free ticket to the Bangkok Hilton

I wouldn't call it fun just fucking dangerous. And before anyone calls me a prude I have done these places in the west but wouln't consider it in Thailand

This Thread is about a Thai boy that has passed away and I apologise to both Tom and and the original poster Alaan for dragging the thread off topic..
However i could not let Alliebs potenially libelous allegations go unanswered.

T&T is a late night drinking venue and always has been in the 7.5 years that it has been open. Allieb admits that he has never even visited this venue. Alliebs post could be construed as very damaging to a gay business owned by Thai people and to its customers. Not to mention the future business that Abbiebs "factual" statements may lose on T&T

To suggest that it is a drug den is a complete fabrication of the mind of Allieb and does his credbility as a poster on this board no good what so ever

I suggest that the moderators or Allieb amend their post as appropriate.

I agree that Allieb's post may be off topic and may even be inappropriate to the topic BUT it is not libellous - potentially or otherwise.

Allieb has not alleged that drugs are sold or consumed ON THE PREMISES - merely given his (ill-founded or otherwise) opinion that persons under the influence of drugs can be found there. That is in itself not libel - he has accused neither the Club itself nor any particular patron in being involved in the misuse of drugs. Further, if evidence was led during any hypothetical libel case which proved that even one person had ever taken one gram of Ecstasy prior to arriving at this Club (e.g Police reports - and I'd be surprised if not a single person has ever been arrested for possession over all the time it has been open) then, being a truthful statement it could not therefore be deemed to be libel.

Libel is a word which is bandied about in this forum far too casually, with most of the people using it having little idea of the real meaning, and certain others screaming it hysterically to prevent inconvenient truths from being aired. Usually this succeeds and the board adopts a supine position - so I won't be surprised if Allieb's post is deleted.


Scotish Guy is quite right,I have never said the drugs are sold or used at this place but stated that a place that opens at 6 am is where you will find people who have taken drugs someplace earlier on and are not yet down. And for your information your friend martin911,who you say you went to this place with, boasted openly on this forum last year that he and his Thai companian took E together, and even named places where he danced the night away until way into the morning

Posted on December 9th 2009 by martin911

however this year i have taken a 1 year break from work ( i own the bloody business ) -- last may i met the most wonderful guy i could imagine and we have been together since ,he makes me laugh every day that we are together,i have cast all my sceptism aside and am enjoying every minute ,right now he is snuggled up beside me as i write this , we are just in from Nab/ and scan clubs as i speak -- u put urself in my shoes , friday night, first dinner for 9 euros.go to club ,surrounded by bfs friends ( all coyotes in nab club) fun fun fun-

tonight we took E together for the first time ,lost count of the times he came up to me ,hugged he and said about how much fun --YES that was FUN he was having ,then on to scan club (probably a little to much for u oldtimer ) where i watched his co workers from tiffaney show (the male dancers ) and him strip to their jeans and dance their asses with me up on the stage --

meanwhile we were having a discussion about what other boy we were going to try and take home with us at the end of the night haha


If you feel that this post is inappropriate or may stir up trouble then please delete it

October 26th, 2010, 06:49
Libel is a word which is bandied about in this forum far too casually, with most of the people using it having little idea of the real meaning, and certain others screaming it hysterically to prevent inconvenient truths from being aired. Usually this succeeds and the board adopts a supine position
That's a valid point... However, I think for someone who owns the website like this, they may simply not want to do the research needed (or have the expertise) to determine what is a liability and what isn't, so they park on the safe side.

Scotish Guy is quite right,I have never said the drugs are sold or used at this place but stated that a place that opens at 6 am is where you will find people who have taken drugs someplace earlier on and are not yet down. And for your information your friend martin911,who you say you went to this place with, boasted openly on this forum last year that he and his Thai companian took E together, and even named places where he danced the night away until way into the morning
That's a fair call... I'm surprised the guy openly boasted about taking E there. I guess I'm pretty innocent when it comes to drugs but being in the company of people I don't particularly know in a foreign country is the last place I'd take drugs. I don't even get drunk unless I am with mates who I trust to look after me should something go wrong.

October 26th, 2010, 21:08
allieb wrote:
The best place to find a Thai boy off his face on E and the best place to get a free ticket to the Bangkok Hilton

I wouldn't call it fun just fucking dangerous. And before anyone calls me a prude I have done these places in the west but wouln't consider it in Thailand

This Thread is about a Thai boy that has passed away and I apologise to both Tom and and the original poster Alaan for dragging the thread off topic..
However i could not let Alliebs potenially libelous allegations go unanswered.

T&T is a late night drinking venue and always has been in the 7.5 years that it has been open. Allieb admits that he has never even visited this venue. Alliebs post could be construed as very damaging to a gay business owned by Thai people and to its customers. Not to mention the future business that Abbiebs "factual" statements may lose on T&T
To suggest that it is a drug den is a complete fabrication of the mind of Allieb and does his credbility as a poster on this board no good what so ever

The problem with the 'off topic' Colmx, if only Alliebs ridiculous comments were worth the diversion from Toms death to actually add something either informative or credible to the thread. Someone asked about T&T and its fair to answer it. Alliebs contorted nonsense could apply to ANY late night drinking venue, who's to know who is on what wherever you are, it is exaggerated and over-the-top to particularly describe T&T and therefore those who go there more likely to be on something than anywhere else, also the suggesting that simply by going there one runs the risk of being arrested and sent to the monkey house...complete bollocks to that...

I am not an 'E' or anyother type of drug user in Thailand, i dont need it, i get a big enough high from simply being here and if an extra boost is needed the booze does the trick there, i have to be honest and admit that i'm not sure why anybody would take the risk of drug use, but each to his own, its your call and up to how you feel and want to feel while enjoying some sanook.

But targeting one specific venue as being a particular probelm re:drug-use is so fucking stupid as to have me seriously consider the state of Alliebs mind, never mind those on 'E's given that i'm quite sure just about every venue in Pattaya and Bkk has some level of drug-using customers, i've seen a few spaced out guys in my visits to DJ and GOD but wouldn't for a minute state that they are worse or better than any of the Bkk/pattaya discos.

October 27th, 2010, 03:51
allieb wrote:
The best place to find a Thai boy off his face on E and the best place to get a free ticket to the Bangkok Hilton

I wouldn't call it fun just fucking dangerous. And before anyone calls me a prude I have done these places in the west but wouln't consider it in Thailand

This Thread is about a Thai boy that has passed away and I apologise to both Tom and and the original poster Alaan for dragging the thread off topic..
However i could not let Alliebs potenially libelous allegations go unanswered.

T&T is a late night drinking venue and always has been in the 7.5 years that it has been open. Allieb admits that he has never even visited this venue. Alliebs post could be construed as very damaging to a gay business owned by Thai people and to its customers. Not to mention the future business that Abbiebs "factual" statements may lose on T&T
To suggest that it is a drug den is a complete fabrication of the mind of Allieb and does his credbility as a poster on this board no good what so ever

The problem with the 'off topic' Colmx, if only Alliebs ridiculous comments were worth the diversion from Toms death to actually add something either informative or credible to the thread. Someone asked about T&T and its fair to answer it. Alliebs contorted nonsense could apply to ANY late night drinking venue, who's to know who is on what wherever you are, it is exaggerated and over-the-top to particularly describe T&T and therefore those who go there more likely to be on something than anywhere else, also the suggesting that simply by going there one runs the risk of being arrested and sent to the monkey house...complete bollocks to that...

I am not an 'E' or anyother type of drug user in Thailand, i dont need it, i get a big enough high from simply being here and if an extra boost is needed the booze does the trick there, i have to be honest and admit that i'm not sure why anybody would take the risk of drug use, but each to his own, its your call and up to how you feel and want to feel while enjoying some sanook.

But targeting one specific venue as being a particular probelm re:drug-use is so fucking stupid as to have me seriously consider the state of Alliebs mind, never mind those on 'E's given that i'm quite sure just about every venue in Pattaya and Bkk has some level of drug-using customers, i've seen a few spaced out guys in my visits to DJ and GOD but wouldn't for a minute state that they are worse or better than any of the Bkk/pattaya discos.

I didn't target a particular venue I said any place that opens at 6am attracts people who don' want to go home because thay are still high. I am sure that not many people still want a drink at 6am. I will post no more on this subject as you aand colmix are so far up your own assholes its not worth the time.

October 27th, 2010, 04:23
Personal experience - Never seen drugs in DJ Station but have seen them at GOD.

I like that DJ Station is non-smoking too. The moment I step into GOD - where they allow smoking - I know my clothes are going to stink afterwards.

I think discussing what venues are prevalent with drugs is fine for a discussion forum as long as it's taken with a pinch of salt, as this is obviously subjective and based on individual observations and reports... People like to know this stuff right?

.... But maybe we should split it to another thread from colmx's 11:24am post onwards.