View Full Version : Access problem

October 21st, 2010, 09:04
Someone on GT is complaining they can't access SGT from their connection...

http://www.gaythailand.com/forums/topic ... n-24-hours (http://www.gaythailand.com/forums/topic/6323-for-whatever-its-worth-pg-report-views-in-24-hours)

Just pointing it out in case someone doesn't know:

I cannot access Sawatdee Gay Thailand as it tells me I am permanantly banned, pretty good going as I have never logged on to it and only been here a week.

I get a message telling me my ip addy is banned but I am on wi fi from Pattaya Hotspot which from what I gather caters to prob 1000 ppl.

I did email explaining but didnt even get a reply ?

Surprised it's so popular....

October 21st, 2010, 09:55
In Pattaya there are many PCs in internet cafes that have been set to block sawatdee. This is spiteful and I think it takes only a few guess to point fingers. you can unset and make sawatdee allow.

oppsite tukcom there is internet shop wher I got samesame. that is becoz somepeople were using that cafe to send bad messages to forum.the url has been banned ., maybe it is time now to unban those url.those ppl all post gaybuttonthai now.

October 21st, 2010, 21:33
I and at least one other person (who are using different ASDL services) up here in Chiangmai have been having the same problem. I'm "banned" about 80% of the time I attempt to come to the site but occasionally slip in under the radar (and, given I'm using an ASDL service here, I do believe that each time I have the same IP number).

This "banned" problem has nothing to do with the government or internet shops blocking websites (that may be happening too but you wouldn't get the "banned" notice without actually reaching the website). There's just something goofy with how the filtering software is reading the IP numbers. Or at least that's my belief. Elephantspike tells me I'm not banned but the software tells me that most of the time.

October 27th, 2010, 07:56
I've now accessed the site since about last Saturday with no issue so my guess is you did something that eliminated my problem. Thanks.