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View Full Version : Flooding, a curse worst than the trolls or no big deal....

October 19th, 2010, 10:11
Flooding has become a major issue for this poster in recent months.
When I see one poster comments on 8 out 10 threads every day, it gets real old ..
The moderators have the troll control humming along and it no longer presents a
big problem, but just as annoying is Flooding.
What do you think?
It is my first attempt with a poll and probably my last.. :cat:

October 19th, 2010, 11:03
Multiple posts from any one member in a 24 hour period doesn't bother me if they have something of worth to add to the thread. Additional details, an alternate viewpoint, a personal experience to share - all of those can add to a thread.

I get tired of the quick replies thought by the person posting to be "witty" if done very often, and I tire even faster of the comments posted just to be commenting, such as "Heh... yeah, that's funny." That offense is compounded if they quote a lengthy passage before their pithy addition.

When I log in and see 8 or 9 posts in a row at the top of a page with the same person's handle I sometimes tend to just skip the lot of them, but I may be in the minority here, and have myself on rare occasions had my handle show of three or four posts in a row as the last commenter so I expect I may hear about that in this thread, too. Ah, well.

October 19th, 2010, 11:14
I wonder if 'flooders' recognize themselves as such?
The opening post is obviously about one particular member (i.e. 'Beachlover'), and I'm pretty sure he does not recognize himself as one ... content with thinking of himself as simply 'contributing', or perhaps a bit more hifalutin' ~ 'prolific'.
If a flooder doesn't recognize his own behavior then I suppose that makes him simply blind or dumb. If he floods on purpose, then he's not only a flooder, but also a troll.

When it comes down to any given Member's opinion about flooding it is probably not really about numbers, but about 'content'. I doubt that big-number posters who consistently have interesting, relevant, or original things to say would be accused of 'flooding' the Board.

Noted that (right now) 50% of the responses believe that 'flooding' is trollish, and that it should not be tolerated by the Mods.

October 19th, 2010, 11:49
It is my first attempt with a poll and probably my last.. :cat:
Cat, I think the poll needs to factor in quality as well as quantity to be valid. It can't be based on purely quantitative measures.

I don't find multiple posts a day an issue as long as they are on-topic, interesting/positive or adding value and not unjustifiably malicious. This is a conversational discussion message board, not a formal encyclopedia or journal.

For example, I find most (not all) of Scottish Guy's posts witty and in good humour. When Beach Bunny/Oops used to post, I found his posts interesting and in good humour too. Even homintern was a reasonably witty poster back when he was prolific (with ONE handle). All of these people have made more than 7-8 posts a day.

When I log in and see 8 or 9 posts in a row at the top of a page with the same person's handle I sometimes tend to just skip the lot of them, but I may be in the minority here, and have myself on rare occasions had my handle show of three or four posts in a row as the last commenter so I expect I may hear about that in this thread, too. Ah, well.
I don't think this is an issue because it's a natural occurrence. Almost every regular poster has done this before because most people do their posts in "bundles".

Most people only login once a day or every few days. So naturally, if they respond to two or more posts their handle appears as the "last reply" on a few consecutive posts - unless someone else is posting at EXACTLY the same time. But this naturally goes away in a few minutes or a few hours when other people have responded.

If a flooder doesn't recognize his own behavior then I suppose that makes him simply blind or dumb.
I generally don't take anything malicious Smiles says seriously because he's generally an arsehole to a lot of posters who are perfectly reasonable and positive. Kind of like Gone Fishing used to be. He probably doesn't realise this himself. I've received various PMs about it over time so I'm certainly not the only one who thinks this is the case.

October 19th, 2010, 11:54
" ... I've received various PMs about it over time ... "
:rolling: Probably from Homintern.

By the way ... DO you recognize yourself? A reasonable question considering I gave you at least a smidgen of doubt.
You do understand that Catawampuscat's topic is about you. Or don't you.

October 19th, 2010, 12:25
No, these PMs weren't from homintern at all. Some from long established posters. Some were from new (though genuine) posters a bit shocked at the treatment.

Yes, I believe Cat's post is likely to be about ME and/or Scottish. Only Cat can confirm this for sure.

Right back at you then, Smiles: Do YOU recognise you're an indiscriminate and unjustified arsehole?

October 19th, 2010, 12:29
I wonder if 'flooders' recognize themselves as such?

i'm wishing this board had a "like" button for posts like in facebook.

October 19th, 2010, 16:05
I'm sorry, and maybe I'm wrong, but weren't you one of the guys complaining before because the board seemed to be dieing a slow death? And now you're complaining because there's too many posts? So what exactly would make you happy?

Assuming you're talking about BL, he's not flooding the board. He writes out 3 - 5 paragraph posts all the time, giving his view point and experiences. That's called contributing, not flooding. If you don't like him, the board does have an ignore feature...

October 19th, 2010, 16:10
I'm sorry, and maybe I'm wrong, but weren't you one of the guys complaining before because the board seemed to be dieing a slow death? And now you're complaining because there's too many posts? So what exactly would make you happy?

Nothing - he is the resident curmudgeon of SGT. This is a man(?) who would post a 6 paragraph complaint if one if his Rice Krispies only snapped and crackled but didn't pop.

If you don't like him, the board does have an ignore feature...

He has ignored so many people simply for disagreeing with him that the "Ignore" feature has been renamed the "Cat's Arse" feature in his honour.


October 19th, 2010, 18:13
It could be worse.....There could be flooding at the Corner Bar.

[attachment=0:1c1rstvr]The Barmy Army.jpeg[/attachment:1c1rstvr]

October 19th, 2010, 20:26
There is an old adage about knowing when you are drunk..
The essense of the saying is that if several people tell you that you are drunk,
you should lie down..
The drunk often doesn't see it that way and continues getting drunker..

I think it might be similar for trolls and flooders.. Somehow, they justify their forum destructive behavior..
Rapists also justify their behavior with lines like she was asking for it or she
was wearing sexy clothes and deserved it..

I agree whole-heartedly with Smiles and see that it is
time to use the "foe list" yet again and just ignore the non-stop flooders.
btw, scotshit is right and has been 'on ignore' for eons, as well as giggsy..
I am glad I opened up
their posts this time and had a laugh with the Corner Bar flooding photo..
One of the problems with using the ignore feature is that while you avoid the crap you miss
the occassional interesting posting..
So, no more kimkrap, no more phony fraudulent nonsense and a couple of more additions
to the 'foe list' :cat:

October 20th, 2010, 01:05
The fun of this board is that it gives everyone a chance to live out their alter ego. You have the beachbores who think they are popular because their quantity over quality postings give them a high number of posts, (presumably a status symbol) yet they have nothing of substance to add to the post. Then you have the folks who claim they have been to Thailand 20 times in the last 2 years. They are lead to believe that we are impressed with the numerous times they have claimed to have been there, however, nobody really cares. All we care about are recent visits and current updates.

This brings brings us to the flying "snobs", we all know who they are, the ones who only fly business class, or get upgraded to business class because they have some little card and they asked at check in if they could upgrade. This will happen possibly 2 times out of 12 flights if you do not have enough miles. Now we also have the friendly people who seem to know personally the owners of every bar or restaurant and are great friends with them. The owners may chat them up a bit to keep their business, but I hardly think the owners are letting them in on some inside secrets, or even seeing them socially outside the bar. But claiming to be friends of the owners seems to be a must on this board.

Then you have the ones who say they "used" to run multi-million dollar businesses, or are friends of CEO's of million dollar businesses. Here's a little tip: rich people don't talk about their money unless they are around their rich peer friends.

And lastly, even though we don't care for each other, I truly believe one of the only genuine people on this board is Smiley. I have a feeling he may have a few bucks, (I don't know for sure) but you never hear him talk about it. He doesn't brag about the people he knows, he speaks from the heart and as much as I hate to say it, he is good people who does not put on a front.

So post away people, even those who quote a huge post only to add a one line witty sentence to it (even though it is far from witty, if it were you would be a comedian making good money) which no one will find funny except you.

October 20th, 2010, 03:10
has been 'on ignore' for eons, as well as giggsy.
You have giggsy on ignore? I can't imagine why. I don't think I've ever heard him say a bad word.

October 20th, 2010, 04:47
I'm someone who reads the board most days but rarely post since it's been a while since I've been to Thailand, and really have to agree with Diec in his post. Beachlover is prolific but rarely provides new information. Matt is provocative but at least is living the life - I don't always agree with him but I'm enjoying reading about his time in KK. Smiles is an 'old hand' who when he's not being bitchy, provides some good information (see his last trip report). Scottish guy can always be relied on for a smile and is probably the poster I'd like to have a drink with in Sunnee.

Now that (most) of the trolls have disappeared, the board is much more it's old bitcy self. Keep it up, guys!

October 20th, 2010, 06:36
at least beachlover knows what he's talking about.I consider him a contributer.
The danger is having this board become like Baht-stop,dead.....and only worth checking in on once a month.
Plus,he adds another interesting perspective....since he's young,asian,and has been to many areas of south-east asia.I hope he never leaves.
Instead of just bonking these young asian guys,lets listen to them also.We can learn loads from him.
Btw.What happened to beachbunny? Ive been away for a while.

October 21st, 2010, 02:03
Holy, censorship! I seen that! About 4 posts just disappeared. :-)

October 21st, 2010, 02:20
I have noticed a slight reduction in flooding in the last few days. Troll control is working well
and the improvement in the moderation of this forum is to be applauded..
Many of are not shy to complain so I think we should not be stingy with praise.

This poll was could have been much better, but it served its purpose and highlited an issue... :cat:

October 21st, 2010, 08:17
I think the root of it is what various members want to get out of the forum.

For some people it's 100% pure facts and information. These people probably hate anything going off-topic or informal banter.

For others it's 50% entertainment and 50% facts and information. What some people find entertaining others don't. So this leads to some conflict on what is good and what isn't good for the forum... just have to find a happy medium.

Holy, censorship! I seen that! About 4 posts just disappeared. :-)
Thief! LOL

at least beachlover knows what he's talking about.I consider him a contributer.
The danger is having this board become like Baht-stop,dead.....and only worth checking in on once a month.
Plus,he adds another interesting perspective....since he's young,asian,and has been to many areas of south-east asia.I hope he never leaves.
Instead of just bonking these young asian guys,lets listen to them also.We can learn loads from him.
Btw.What happened to beachbunny? Ive been away for a while.

Beach Bunny was posting under the handle, "oops". I think he left or has taken a break because he got bored of it.

October 24th, 2010, 10:07
:bot: :bot: :bot: :bot: :bot: :bot: :bot: :bot: :bot: :bot: :bot:


LOL. I see you were heading butting GF before my time. That thread is hilarious, what with the convoluted loop around crap GF carefully dribbles out of his arse. What a moron.

There is something very galling, when someone, especially someone from a privileged position, who represents themselves as civilized, fails to acknowledge the injustices faced by others of their own minority.
тАЬThe Celebrity is the prototypical central figure. Prototypical Celebrities are prolific posters who spend a great deal of time and energy contributing to their newsgroupтАЩs community. Because they post so often, it would be virtually impossible for the casual lurker to read the newsgroup without encountering posts by many Celebrities. By virtue of the volume of the CelebritiesтАЩ posts, the casual participantsтАЩ impression of them will be their impression of the newsgroup. To put it succinctly, it is the Celebrity who defines what the community is.

Simply posting with great frequency does not make someone a Celebrity. Celebrities are known for more than just the volume of their messages; they typically display high communicative competence and share much common ground with the community. In both cases, it is because they are the ones who typically define what the prestige speech forms are and what knowledge and beliefs are important to the group. A poster who sends only news articles or advertisements to a newsgroup is one example of a high-frequency poster who serves no social role at all, just a social function that may be in support of or detrimental to community. In fact, such a poster may be a computer program.

Though a Celebrity shares a great deal of common ground with the community, this does not mean that he is always uncontroversial. A CelebrityтАЩs views may be in the minority, so long as he presents them in a way that is deemed acceptable. In many newsgroups, high-prestige participants will sometimes engage in heated debate, though each shares much common ground with the community. Disagreement is acceptable, but the terms of the argument must be in keeping with the communityтАЩs standards.

The information shared by the Celebrity may be

a) useful,
b) thought provoking or
c) entertaining;

in any case, the community benefits from the CelebrityтАЩs presence.

The reputation that prolific, helpful posters develop is a high-status one, even if not all users recognize it immediately.

Why do people spend time participating in a community, devoting their energy to their respective newsgroups? Some participants spend years developing a reputation as an expert and take on de facto responsibility for the community.

The contributor gains a positive self-image and social power. A positive self-image may mean that the poster sees himself as nice, helpful or altruistic from helping others. He may also see himself as smarter or better than them because he possesses knowledge they do not. The second compelling result of contribution is social power, which is exhibited frequently in Usenet. By contributing frequently and in a positive way, one can establish oneself as a voice of authority, further leading to a development of positive self-image.

One hallmark of being a Celebrity is being тАЬfamous.тАЭ Celebrities are public figures that others know about and talk about. One must be important and well-known to be a subject for others; it is impossible to publicly discuss someone who nobody knows.

The authority of the Celebrity extends to defining community standards, which is done largely as a by-product of enacting behavior that puts them into practice; by collectively behaving in a way they find acceptable, Celebrities set an example for others. They combine strategies of exemplification and self-promotion; not so much of themselves, but of their way of being. With an investment in the community made up over months or years of participation, Celebrities have an interest in seeing new participants behave in a way they find acceptable, lest they radically change the community or тАЬstealтАЭ it from those who were there first.тАЭ


Fairly ground breaking that at least one Western government now recognises that Thai nationals are at such risk for political reasons in their own country.

LOL... Good lawyers are worth every cent they're paid.

Even homintern was a reasonably witty poster back when he was prolific
(Kazuo Ishiguro: The Remains of the Day) тАЬI had been rather pleased with my witticism when it had first come into my head, and I must confess I was slightly disappointed it had not been better received than it was. I was particularly disappointed, I suppose, because I have been devoting some time and effort over recent months to improving my skills in this very area. That is to say, I have been endeavouring to add this skill to my professional armoury so as to fulfil with confidence all Mr Farraday's expectations with respect to bantering.

For instance, I have of late taken to listening to the wireless in my room whenever I find myself with a few spare moments тАУ on those occasions, say, when Mr Farraday is out for the evening. One programme I listen to is called Twice a Week or More, which is in fact broadcast three times each week, and basically comprises two persons making humorous comments on a variety of topics raised by readers' letters.

I have been studying this programme because the witticisms performed on it are always in the best of taste and, to my mind, of a tone not at all out of keeping with the sort of bantering Mr Farraday might expect on my part. Taking my cue from this programme, I had devised a simple exercise which I try to perform at least once a day; whenever an odd moment presents itself, I attempt to formulate three witticisms based on my immediate surroundings at that moment. Or, as a variation on this same exercise, I may attempt to think of three witticisms based on the events of the past hour.

You will perhaps appreciate then my disappointment concerning my witticism yesterday evening. At first, I had thought it possible its limited success was due to my not having spoken clearly enough:

My dick is bigger than your dick. :occasion9:
тАЭElevator music (also known as muzak, piped music, weather music, or lift music) refers to the gentle instrumental arrangements of popular music designed for playing in shopping malls, grocery stores, department stores, telephone systems (while the caller is on hold), cruise ships, airports, doctors' and dentists' offices and elevators.тАЭ

:bot: :bot: :bot: :bot: :bot: :bot: :bot: :bot: :bot: :bot: :bot:

October 25th, 2010, 07:00
[quote="china"]:bot: :bot: :bot: :bot: :bot: :bot: :bot: :bot: :bot: :bot: :bot:

тАЬThe Celebrity is the prototypical central figure. Prototypical Celebrities are prolific posters who spend a great deal of time and energy contributing to their newsgroupтАЩs community. Because they post so often, it would be virtually impossible for the casual lurker to read the newsgroup without encountering posts by many Celebrities. By virtue of the volume of the CelebritiesтАЩ posts, the casual participantsтАЩ impression of them will be their impression of the newsgroup. To put it succinctly, it is the Celebrity who defines what the community is.

After reading the description of "The Celebrity" all I could think was "insufferable bore". That does seem to describe certain posters who flood the forums.

October 25th, 2010, 16:50
China, just so you know: I see you've quoted my name few times above. But I really can't be arsed to read through all the waffle...

October 25th, 2010, 21:17
:bot: :bot: :bot: :bot: :bot: :bot: :bot: :bot: :bot: :bot: :bot:

тАЬThe Celebrity is the prototypical central figure. Prototypical Celebrities are prolific posters who spend a great deal of time and energy contributing to their newsgroupтАЩs community. Because they post so often, it would be virtually impossible for the casual lurker to read the newsgroup without encountering posts by many Celebrities. By virtue of the volume of the CelebritiesтАЩ posts, the casual participantsтАЩ impression of them will be their impression of the newsgroup. To put it succinctly, it is the Celebrity who defines what the community is.

After reading the description of "The Celebrity" all I could think was "insufferable bore". That does seem to describe certain posters who flood the forums.

francois hits the proverbial nail on the head..
I can only guess that "insufferable bores" just don't get it and must think that their
every thought and opinion on every topic is worth posting..
Only solution on this forum is use of the foe list and just ignore the most persistant.
I applaud gaybuttonthai.com for simplifying the process and just banning/deleting the flooders.
Now, I have to be careful about not flooding on the flooding topic, so I will move on....
maybe a poll about cigarette smoking in the bars ??? :idea:

October 25th, 2010, 22:30
I can only guess that "insufferable bores" just don't get it and must think that their
every thought and opinion on every topic is worth posting...
Only solution on this forum is use of the foe list and just ignore the most persistant.
Where I'd disagree with you on this is the overall labeling of people who participate a lot as "insufferable bores", when they many times can add something of substance to the thread. That's the same reason to not simply add them to an ignore list, in my opinion.

As I said before, there's something not right about opening the Gay Thailand forum (for example) and seeing 20 of the 50 topics on the front page with the same name listed as the last poster, but I've known people like that who do much the same in a conversation in person, too. It's a personality trait I'd avoid, personally - so I find myself skimming or ignoring their opinions in many threads. In a discussion or conversation more is usually not a good thing... and I do agree, these people rarely recognize themselves as monopolizers.

Also as I mentioned before the more irritating for me are the "just got to say something" posts where there's nothing of substance, just a "Heh...yeah, that's funny" addition, after quoting someone. I can recognize what's amusing and what's not for myself, thank you very much.

No personal axes to grind here, just tossing in another two satang.

October 26th, 2010, 06:13
Where I'd disagree with you on this is the overall labeling of people who participate a lot as "insufferable bores", when they many times can add something of substance to the thread.
Totally agree

That's the same reason to not simply add them to an ignore list, in my opinion.
Agree with this too. However, Cat can add whoever he wants to his own ignore list.

Where I lose respect for the man is when he starts sniping at posters who don't fit perfectly with his little world of what a forum "should" be.

Everyone has their preference of what they prefer to see on the forum:

(1) reviews/reports based on personal experience;
(2) factual information;
(3) subjective and discussion provoking;
(4) wit/humour or supporting commentary; and/or
(5) false facts/bullshit/unjustified attacks/purely aimed at provoking negative response.

Personally, I like a balance of the first four. They are all equally important to me. (5) is the only category I have an issue with, as would most posters. I dislike people bitching about humorous posts being "off topic" or complaining about in-depth discussions. What do these people want? An executive summary?

Scottish, Giggsy and Cdnmatt are all positive posters in my eyes. Scottish is witty. Giggsy is funny and lighthearted.

no more kimkrap, no more phony fraudulent nonsense
This is another immature snipe.

I think Cdnmatt is one of most interesting, open and genuine posters here. He's putting his balls on the line by having a real go at a genuine relationship with a Thai boy and building a new life in Northern Thailand under difficult circumstances . He posts raw observations, questions and opinions from real experience and challenges he currently faces right now. Sometimes his thoughts aren't fully formed conclusions. He leaves it open for debate and isn't afraid to leave himself open to criticism.

I personally find Matt's posts far more interesting than "where to find man boys" , "how much to tip" and "latest gogo bar drink prices".

But I know other posters like yourself or newbies may appreciate the latter type of posts so unlike you, I don't get up on a high horse and belittle those who post these Pattaya or Hua Hin boy bar focused questions and reports I have little interest in.

In all your recent snipes you lack the guts to say anything clear and direct or justify anything you imply. You hide behind others, make subtle snipes and run away.

When you were complaining about this forum being dead, who do you think came in and started posting to get things started again? I know Scottish, cdnmatt and I did. As did Lonely and a couple of other good posters. Weeks later and we have it back to what it was several months ago, but you've found something else to complain about.

Cat, if you haven't done so already, put cdnmatt and me on your ignore list so we can hear less of this inmature whining. Next time you find a poster not to your personal liking (but others may appreciate), hit your own ignore button immediately for your own sake and think of others instead of beating about the bush sniping at posters who don't fit into your own petty idea of what the forum should be.

October 27th, 2010, 01:46
Yes Cat - you are being terribly ungrateful after Beachlover has gone to all the trouble of saving the forum.

October 27th, 2010, 02:58
... so we can hear less of this inmature whining.If it's immature whining you're after, then cdnmatt and Beachlover are its greatest exponents.

October 27th, 2010, 07:32
I imagine the worst thing one can do to a serial flooder is to put him on ignore..
After all, every thought, every thing they ever did is worthy of posting on every forum.

How dare anyone complain about it, how dare anyone ignore a serial flooder.....
Perhaps one day our moderators will follow gaybuttonthai.com and ban/delete flooders..
I was pleasant surprised when the moderators finally controlled the trolls, so maybe
this annoyance will be addressed one day..

I see serial flooders as cyber bar flies..and rather sensitive and easily upset. :protest: :cat:

October 27th, 2010, 07:50
How dare anyone complain about it, how dare anyone ignore a serial flooder.....
Perhaps one day our moderators will follow gaybuttonthai.com and ban/delete flooders..

How about the mods banning / deleting members who don't contribute a single iota, except incoherent rants?

October 27th, 2010, 10:18
" ... In all your recent snipes you lack the guts to say anything clear and direct or justify anything you imply ... "
It's hardly a 'snipe' to call you a message board flooder. It is in fact a quite clear accusation based on your posting behavior. You obviously don't recognize it, but that's hardly relevant: like thinking of yourself as Brad Pitt when any good reflective mirror should quickly enlighten you to the fact that you are in truth, the Elephant Man.
And that's why mirrors cannot be found in certain houses.

October 27th, 2010, 14:17
I imagine the worst thing one can do to a serial flooder is to put him on ignore...
I already suggested you should put me on ignore, since you lack the maturity to deal with any content not fitting perfectly into your own petty idea of what you'd like the forum to be. Why don't you DO it instead of imagining it?

I was pleasant surprised when the moderators finally controlled the trolls
The mods didn't "finally control the trolls". The trolls went to GBT where they're nicely contained and occupied. Nothing to stop them coming back.

maybe this annoyance will be addressed one day..
You pester every mod with long lists of petty grievances you'd like dealt with. You have no consideration of what others want. No tolerance whatsoever.

Interesting stories from a young guy building his life in Northern Thailand? Nope - CAT says, we can't have this.

Humour and wit on a discussion forum? Nope - CAT doesn't want that either.

rather sensitive and easily upset.
How ironic of you to say this. You are so "sensitive and easily upset" you put any slightly disagreeable poster on ignore. You can't bear to see another post from them.

You lack the will to justify your own complaints. You tip toe around, hide behind others, encouraging them to deal with any problem you have. You can't even articulate your own shitty reasoning. You don't justify sniping at cdnmatt's posting. I imagine one possibility is you had a sh*t failure of an experience trying to form a genuine relationship with a Thai boy and never got over it. So when you see a positive, dynamic young guy being completely honest about his challenges, frustrations and victories, it becomes too much for you. You'd rather he not post altogether, because YOU personally can't stand seeing this man's perfectly reasonable content.

You're a flipping petty coward. I have more respect for Smiles than I do for you. At least when he has a problem, right or wrong, he stands up to say it clearly and directly.

October 27th, 2010, 21:00
" ... In all your recent snipes you lack the guts to say anything clear and direct or justify anything you imply ... "
It's hardly a 'snipe' to call you a message board flooder. It is in fact a quite clear accusation based on your posting behavior. You obviously don't recognize it, but that's hardly relevant: like thinking of yourself as Brad Pitt when any good reflective mirror should quickly enlighten you to the fact that you are in truth, the Elephant Man.
And that's why mirrors cannot be found in certain houses.

Even the Elephant Man knew what he looked like.. I agree with Smiles that the flooder
just doesn't get it and defends himself and his alter ego, when the likelihood is that they
are the same silly man playing games and wasting endless amounts of space..
As this thread/poll is rapidly degrading into personal attacks, it might be prudent for the moderators
to close it or simply delete it and just do something about the flooding.

October 27th, 2010, 23:27
I have more respect for Smiles than I do for you.

Beachboy is a message board flooder without evidence of a working brain in his cranium
Sawatdee-gay-thailand.com: 3180 posts (3.16 per day)
Gaythailand.com: 677 posts (6.98 per day)
Gaytingtong.com: 421 posts (0.87 per day)
Baht-stop.com: 20 posts (1.2 per day )

There is no treatment to cure Asperger syndrome

тАЬAlthough individuals with Asperger syndrome acquire language skills without significant general delay and their speech typically lacks significant abnormalities, language acquisition and use is often atypical. Abnormalities include verbosity, abrupt transitions, literal interpretations and miscomprehension of nuance, use of metaphor meaningful only to the speaker, auditory perception deficits, unusually pedantic, formal or idiosyncratic speech, and oddities in loudness, pitch, intonation, prosody, and rhythm.

Speech may convey a sense of incoherence; the conversational style often includes monologues about topics that bore the listener, fails to provide context for comments, or fails to suppress internal thoughts. Individuals with AS may fail to monitor whether the listener is interested or engaged in the conversation. The speaker's conclusion or point may never be made, and attempts by the listener to elaborate on the speech's content or logic, or to shift to related topics, are often unsuccessful.

Children with AS may have an unusually sophisticated vocabulary at a young age and have been colloquially called "little professors", but have difficulty understanding figurative language and tend to use language literally. Children with AS appear to have particular weaknesses in areas of nonliteral language that include humor, irony, and teasing. Although individuals with AS usually understand the cognitive basis of humor, they seem to lack understanding of the intent of humor to share enjoyment with others.

Children with AS are more likely to have sleep problems, including difficulty in falling asleep, frequent nocturnal awakenings, and early morning awakenings.тАЭ

тАЬSymptoms usually become noticeable around 2-┬╜ or 3 years of age. Symptoms may range from mild to severe and can include: Difficulty interacting with others; Trouble making friends; Poor understanding of other people's feelings; Insensitivity to social cues and facial expressions; Inappropriate social and emotional responses; Preoccupation with one's own world, Not sharing enjoyment, interests, or achievements with others; Following repetitive routines or rituals; Difficulty with any changes in routine or schedule; Single mindedness; Limited interests, usually one or two subjects; Repeating words or phrases over and over; Intense interest in a few topics; Good rote memory without understanding the information; Difficulty imagining things or thinking abstractly; Taking things very literally; Focusing on small details and having trouble seeing the bigger picture; Ability to read without understanding the words; Difficulty accepting loss or criticism."


October 27th, 2010, 23:41
When you were complaining about this forum being dead, who do you think came in and started posting to get things started again? I know Scottish, cdnmatt and I did. As did Lonely and a couple of other good posters. Weeks later and we have it back to what it was several months ago, but you've found something else to complain about.

I speak for nobody but myself but it was you and couple on your "most admired" list who started posting all the tripe early this year that basically made me conclude this board was getting close to worthless. And now you crow how you saved the board? That ranks right up there with the all-time absurd.

And, while we're in the "precious" territory, I've been posting on the various boards since before Dreaded Ned (if you can be believed, that'd be before you were 10 years old) and I've personally never been aware of a more egregious flooder. Over on Gay Thailand, you posted over 200 posts within one 36-hour period and your flooding there ultimately caused a couple of good posters to exit the scene not to mention causing the demise of the posting contest they had (I would note that I neither participated in nor approved of the posting contest as I and others correctly predicted that it would just bait the flooders into doing their thing). So, yea, quite precious that you should be so vacuusly vocal in a thread about flooding.

October 27th, 2010, 23:45
I like Beachlovers Avatar better than I like yours Bob :P

October 28th, 2010, 03:26
like Beachlovers Avatar better than I like yours Bob :P
Maybe that's why I like beachlover posting so much.I love his avatar,and even though I know it's not him,I like to think it is him.
He admits as much,not being as good looking as his avatar.But he still might be hot.He's young and asian,whats not to like about that.
I'm mesmerized by his postings.In fact,if he peed in a tin cup.I'd like to hear it.
For all those complainers out there,would you rather replace all of Beachlover's post with lmtu posts? It could be much worse.
Can't we find something better to complain about....like the strong baht maybe?

October 28th, 2010, 04:25
....that's why I like beachlover....so much.....if he peed in a tin cup.I'd like to hear it................

Only HEAR it?


October 28th, 2010, 05:00
When you were complaining about this forum being dead, who do you think came in and started posting to get things started again? I know Scottish, cdnmatt and I did. As did Lonely and a couple of other good posters. Weeks later and we have it back to what it was several months ago, but you've found something else to complain about.

I speak for nobody but myself but it was you and couple on your "most admired" list who started posting all the tripe early this year that basically made me conclude this board was getting close to worthless. And now you crow how you saved the board? That ranks right up there with the all-time absurd.

And, while we're in the "precious" territory, I've been posting on the various boards since before Dreaded Ned (if you can be believed, that'd be before you were 10 years old) and I've personally never been aware of a more egregious flooder. Over on Gay Thailand, you posted over 200 posts within one 36-hour period and your flooding there ultimately caused a couple of good posters to exit the scene not to mention causing the demise of the posting contest they had (I would note that I neither participated in nor approved of the posting contest as I and others correctly predicted that it would just bait the flooders into doing their thing). So, yea, quite precious that you should be so vacuusly vocal in a thread about flooding.

Over 200 posts within 36 hours!! I have to agree with China that
there must be syndrome that explains the need to post compulsively..
It is a shame that this all had to turn personal as I don't have an issue with the content
for the most part, it is just the non stop and unending overloading..still, over 200 posts
within 36 hours is just freaky and sure to destroy any forum and send posters fleeing...

October 28th, 2010, 07:49
[b] over 200 posts
within 36 hours is just freaky and sure to destroy any forum and send posters fleeing...

What rubbish.The week gaybutton opened his forum this forum was dead, I for one was glad Beachy and Matt got banned from there and came back posting here.If it carried on like it did for that week there would be hardly anyone even bothering to look here anymore. I think only scotty and I where the only posters not to jump ship. Its obvious some of the older posters here don't like having youngsters on SGT, I think you should find something to do with yourselves, perhaps try taking up smoking. Post away boys. Don't let the buggers grind you down.

October 28th, 2010, 09:12
it might be prudent for the moderatorsto close it or simply delete it and just do something about the flooding.
Just so YOU can be happy right?

I don't have an issue with the content for the most part
Three pages and you still can't articulate or explain what type of content you have an issue with or justify your complaints for any of the other posters you've sniped at. You're the worst kind of complainer... tip toeing around being vague, ambiguous and non-constructive with self-serving demands.

over 200 posts within one 36-hour period and your flooding there ultimately caused a couple of good posters to exit the scene
Bob, you fail to mention there would have been over 600-700 posts made by other posters in the same period. I accounted for less than 30% of posts in the posting contest. I didn't even start taking part until a week after it started... I had to be in front of the PC non-stop for about a week to overseeing a compressed timeline project, but not having much else to do but wait for stuff to be e-mailed to me for review/handover most of the time, I took the opportunity to check out the GayThailand site, which I'd never looked at before... kept me awake better than TV. Only ONE poster I'm aware of exited and I believe it's because (1) GBT had just started his forum and (2) the guy made personal attacks, couldn't justify them and the mods pulled his thread.

Its obvious some of the older posters here don't like having youngsters on SGT
Sounds like that's probably the case. The irony of it is Cat often complains about "ageists" himself. What a complete hypocrite - ha!

Post away boys. Don't let the buggers grind you down.
Sums it up perfectly. :happy7:

October 28th, 2010, 15:51
What rubbish.The week gaybutton opened his forum this forum was dead, I for one was glad Beachy and Matt got banned from there and came back posting here.If it carried on like it did for that week there would be hardly anyone even bothering to look here anymore. I think only scotty and I where the only posters not to jump ship. Its obvious some of the older posters here don't like having youngsters on SGT, I think you should find something to do with yourselves, perhaps try taking up smoking. Post away boys. Don't let the buggers grind you down.

Hear, hear giggsy, and I might add better Beachlovers posts than LMTU or hereforme's

October 28th, 2010, 16:24
Cant wait to see what is next

October 28th, 2010, 16:33
over 200 posts
within 36 hours is just freaky and sure to destroy any forum and send posters fleeing]

What rubbish.The week gaybutton opened his forum this forum was dead, I for one was glad Beachy and Matt got banned from there and came back posting here.If it carried on like it did for that week there would be hardly anyone even bothering to look here anymore.
...[/color I think only scotty and I where the only posters not to jump ship. Its obvious some of the older posters here don't like having youngsters on SGT, I think you should find something to do with yourselves, perhaps try taking up smoking. Post away boys. Don't let the buggers grind you down.

I think all members must owe you a debt for you Gigsy and Scottish-guy for not jumping ship and keeping this forum alive.

October 29th, 2010, 19:20
We are indeed truly grateful that posters like Scotch Git, crossdressermatt and beachbore saved this forum all on their own. I feel unworthy to be sharing this forum with such erudite posters. I am particularly indebted to Beachbore who can still find the time to flood the forum with posts when he is so busy doing "stuff" or "shit"

October 29th, 2010, 19:24
I feel unworthy to be sharing this forum with such erudite posters.

Then leave Penny, no one will miss you!

October 29th, 2010, 19:59
It might be a great entertainment to have all of you discussing this live, in a beer bar! However, I might order the strongest drink they have available, sitting on a tall chair with a whistle, quoting Oscar Wilde now and then...

October 29th, 2010, 20:54
Cant wait to see what is next
Oh, that's easy. No need to stay glued to the screen :D

Cat can't rationally explain any complaint he makes OR use reasoning to refute any response made in defense so he'll just ignore whatever is inconvenient for him to face like the purposeless, non-constructive hypocrite he is.

I think all members must owe you a debt for you Gigsy and Scottish-guy for not jumping ship and keeping this forum alive.
True, Scottish and Giggsy were amongst the few posters who stuck around to revive things.

To set the record straight, I did keep posting here regardless of what was happening at GBT. I didn't "switch" from posting here to posting there. Thank goodness I didn't. Check out the shit that's being posted on the board Cat sees as a shining example now:

Four pages about poop and shit (literally): http://gaybuttonthai.com/viewtopic.php? ... 46&start=0 (http://gaybuttonthai.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1546&start=0)

Plus, LMTU just admitted to HELPING Thai moneyboys CON their farang customers out of money on many occasions:

I MUST HAVE SPOKEN TO UP TO HUNDRED, OVER THE YEARS, and help write there emails to their long time farang customers, some amazingly with up to 4, continuously sending them money monthly, even though they live with a so called Farang lover here, THEY ARE PRETENDING TO BE FAITHFUL too. BUT ARE PLAYING AROUND AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, REMEMBER WHAT YOU THINK IS BORING, BEEN THERE DONE THAT SO MANY TIMES, HE THINKS IS A GREAT FUN TIME.
Then he tries to jutify it:

As far as writing emails for boys who are trying to get their monthly allowances topped up and lets hope I did not write to you Grimmy when you was courting your Boy Friend but I have no problem with this if I did not speak in kind words the farang on the other side, he would not be happy to know he is helping his one and only, and the Boy is happy he can go to DaveтАЩs Man Club or Nab with his mates and pay for the evening, so its a win win situation

October 29th, 2010, 21:52
It takes me a while but I have just realised what this thread is all about.
Smiles 3415 posts
Cat 1969 posts
Wombat 2096 posts
Beachy 3198 posts
Its took them years to think up all those posts and Beachy comes along and blows them away. They are jealous of you Beachy as it takes them so long to think of anything to discuss. I can imagine them on their computer like this German kid...

Or this other German bloke...

October 29th, 2010, 22:34
Brilliant giggsy, especially the play on the Hitler 'Downfall' movie..A few ex-members certainly come to mind watching the tantrums. :sign5:

October 30th, 2010, 04:56
And if anyone cared to add up all of your posts "combat" under this and all the other names you have used both past and present you would be awarded the gold medal for both floods and trolls. Face it "combat" dude, you are the biggest fucking fruitcake on this forum.

Thank you so much, I'm overwhelmed with pride that a 'new member' should have noticed already :hello1:

October 30th, 2010, 06:59
And if anyone cared to add up all of your posts "combat" under this and all the other names you have used both past and present you would be awarded the gold medal for both floods and trolls. Face it "combat" dude, you are the biggest fucking fruitcake on this forum.
That's pretty rich coming from someone who's been a member less than a month and made all of about five posts.

Combat is one of the most informative and knowledgeable posters with in depth experience in Thailand. He's only had one other handle.

October 30th, 2010, 10:30
And if anyone cared to add up all of your posts "combat" under this and all the other names you have used both past and present you would be awarded the gold medal for both floods and trolls. Face it "combat" dude, you are the biggest fucking fruitcake on this forum.
That's pretty rich coming from someone who's been a member less than a month and made all of about five posts.

And exactly what do you consider Combat to be? He's been here some 3 months and has made 236 posts? He is de facto a flooder. Given his record he will soon overtake you Beachlover. And the very nature of his many inflammatory posts qualify him as a board troll. And like you Beachlover, he has nothing to offer other than his own agenda. No, dear, there is nothing new to learn from Combat. Just the same old sad story as in his previous incarnations.

October 30th, 2010, 14:59
And exactly what do you consider Combat to be? He's been here some 3 months and has made 236 posts? He is de facto a flooder. Given his record he will soon overtake you Beachlover. And the very nature of his many inflammatory posts qualify him as a board troll. And like you Beachlover, he has nothing to offer other than his own agenda. No, dear, there is nothing new to learn from Combat. Just the same old sad story as in his previous incarnations.

Each to their own Rene, Some would consider your post very 'inflammatory' as well but there you go....As others have posted previously if you don't like what you read or see click on your ignore button that's what it is there for.

BTW I like beachlovers posts and think he contributes a lot to the board so each to their own. If you don't like the channel, turn over!

October 30th, 2010, 19:22
[quote]I think all members must owe you a debt for you Gigsy and Scottish-guy for not jumping ship and keeping this forum alive.
True, Scottish and Giggsy were amongst the few posters who stuck around to revive things

If my memory serves me correct, the worst period for this forum was when the coincidence of Gaybuttonthai starting up and at virtually the same time this forum being off-air for 5 days which in my opinion was one of the main reasons GBT picked up so quickly.

In the days after SGT got back on line, Lonleywombat,Combat,Beachlover and cdnmatt chipped in with posts when needed, for that few days not a peep was heard from Scottish Guy until things started picking up, as he had no audience to fawn over his witty and hilarious quips. I think he finally realised part of the reason for the forum being SO quiet was that many readers had grown tired of mr qippy taking umpteen threads off-topic and were heading to GBT in droves. So he toned down, which helped the recovery in my opinion. Gigsy chips in from time to time with a few classics which are usually well thought out and amusing.

Personally i stick to fact-finding and fact-giving on forums, witty amusing little quips may amuse some here, but i fear it has contributed to more desertion of posters than attracting. I only value witty quips in real time, face to face, not when one has had minutes,hours,days to come up with retorts....whats the point of that? it is an anonymous forum no one to 'impress' really. The only poster ever to have command of quick witted replies was fuck-face..(aka many handles due to the flawed decision to ban him many times), who had the ability to say so very much in a very short sentence ON TOPIC and usually relevant....arbeit honest and/or insulting. There is no one else who has that ability here.

And where, pray-tell would Scottish Guy be able to 'jump ship' to exactly? he has GOT to stay here, Gaytingtong is currently moribund, baht stop is near impossible to join, Gay Thailand has as little traffic as it had when gaybutton was mod there...so no audience there....and the only other busy gay thailand forum GBT would not tolerate Scottish Guys posts, classing most as attacks and he would be banned rather quickly or have to tone down to mr gaybuffoons accepted level, either that or he may be forced to add something actually relevant to threads, which would spoil his fun. When this board picks up again with the posters gaybutton habitually bans no doubt mr scottish guy will be even more prominent when his 'perceived audience' size gets up to an acceptable level for his ego.

Personally I would rather have 10 posters back on this forum with relevant interesting topics or even boring ones for that matter, than one or two scottish-guys and their continual attempts to take just about EVERY thread off-topic. One thing which can be seen over at GBT is the amount of posters who USED to post here, i dare-say, many still read but their accross-the-board contributions are missed here.

There now....plenty of fodder/material for a few 'quips'...or maybe just the usual reply when someone disagrees with Scottish Guy, a few random insults and put-down attempts. I think the last time i criticised him i got the "you...sad sad sad little man" routine. Wonder which of his quip-files he'll dig into?

Beachlover in amongst his many posts has much relevant and interesting things to say, pity about the actual volume though, cdnmatt is more on the button in his obervations than many, including smiles give him credit for, so i have to disagree with Cat's ongoing crusade against those he classes as flooders. Cat makes many relevant and excellent posts himself but his moans about flooders and continual prodding of the mods to ban certain posters gets tired....AND as has been already pointed out...just use ignore feature or by-pass those posters you do not care for...simples really.

October 30th, 2010, 19:38
AND as has been already pointed out...just use ignore feature or by-pass those posters you do not care for...simples really.

Interesting observations Alaan and very well put over.

Brad the Impala
October 30th, 2010, 19:47
Don't understand why this dire thread has been left to simmer on on the Gay Thailand forum, when it's home is clearly in the Posting Guidelines and Discussion forum. The fact that such an obvious candidate for moving has been left here suggests that our esteemed, and hopefully now sober, moderator has some sympathy or support for the tone of the topic.

October 30th, 2010, 21:36
And exactly what do you consider Combat to be?
A much better post than someone like you, homintern, who FAKES his own death, then registers and posts with 10+ handles at the same time. God, you are a ridiculous man.

for that few days not a peep was heard from Scottish Guy until things started picking up
It's possible he was just busy at the time. I believe that's around the time he mentioned being in Phuket. His first few posts were his observations from there.

The only poster ever to have command of quick witted replies was fuck-face..
I think Scottish, Giggsy, Combat and quite a few others are good with witty posts. Homintern used to make some (not all) good ones but all he does these days is make lame attempts to bash me and the poster previously known as fuck-face/Oops.

i have to disagree with Cat's ongoing crusade against those he classes as flooders. Cat makes many relevant and excellent posts himself but his moans about flooders and continual prodding of the mods to ban certain posters gets tired...
Well put. He can be positive and interesting at times but does this thing time and again, pestering the mods to action every whim and fancy he has.

October 30th, 2010, 23:40
I thought this thread was about Beachbore adding his boring dribble to each and every post. For a young handsome man who owns his own company, scoots around the world, he sure spends a lot of time here. It's almost as if he's not really a young handsome man who owns his own company, scooting around the world. More like an old soul who is living a pretend life through the internet, thinking he now has friends while when he was younger he had none. You post away Beachbore, we know you have nothing better to do.

October 31st, 2010, 00:01
I thought this thread was about Beachbore adding his boring dribble to each and every post. For a young handsome man who owns his own company, scoots around the world, he sure spends a lot of time here. It's almost as if he's not really a young handsome man who owns his own company, scooting around the world. More like an old soul who is living a pretend life through the internet, thinking he now has friends while when he was younger he had none. You post away Beachbore, we know you have nothing better to do.

One can always work out who the sad posters are by the way they use the word "we" instead of "I" as if they speak for all!

Look around you and you might notice, depending where you live that younger people are far more savvy with using modern day communication equipment than older people who didn't grow up with it. You name it; Smart phones, Notebooks etc.. ect.. They have become a part of everyday life to them hence sites like Facebook becoming such big money earners.

October 31st, 2010, 01:40
... for that few days not a peep was heard from Scottish Guy until things started picking up......And where, pray-tell would Scottish Guy .....one or two scottish-guys .... someone disagrees with Scottish Guy.....

You seem to be obsessed with me ..... would you like me to send you my photo and maybe you could manage a wank over it?

FYI - My "disappearance" co-incided with a trip to Phuket - but since you are so interested in my movements give me your address and I'll post you a turd.

You are obviously the kind of anally retentive gobshite that cannot get his head round the fact that forum topics these days are dynamic - you seem instead to want every post to be under control with no deviation allowed from the topic title- I'm sorry, maybe life was like that in your day - but things have moved on, do try to keep up.

Some time ago I said you were a sad little man - thanks for proving that point.

:occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion9:

October 31st, 2010, 09:23
LOL... Never seen you land so many hits in one post, Scottish.

You are obviously the kind of anally retentive gobshite that cannot get his head round the fact that forum topics these days are dynamic - you seem instead to want every post to be under control with no deviation allowed from the topic title- I'm sorry, maybe life was like that in your day - but things have moved on, do try to keep up
I don't agree with everything Alaan says but to be fair to him, he does say that he is mainly describing his personal likes and dislikes and accepts others may feel differently. Unlike Cat, he is mostly reasonably tolerant and doesn't go around demanding mods and other posters act post according to his own personal whims.

October 31st, 2010, 19:26
LOL... Never seen you land so many hits in one post, Scottish.

You are obviously the kind of anally retentive gobshite that cannot get his head round the fact that forum topics these days are dynamic - you seem instead to want every post to be under control with no deviation allowed from the topic title- I'm sorry, maybe life was like that in your day - but things have moved on, do try to keep up
I don't agree with everything Alaan says but to be fair to him, he does say that he is mainly describing his personal likes and dislikes and accepts others may feel differently. Unlike Cat, he is mostly reasonably tolerant and doesn't go around demanding mods and other posters act post according to his own personal whims.

Actually I thought the "turd" line was the best!

:rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

October 31st, 2010, 19:38
And if anyone cared to add up all of your posts "combat" under this and all the other names you have used both past and present you would be awarded the gold medal for both floods and trolls. Face it "combat" dude, you are the biggest fucking fruitcake on this forum.
And exactly what do you consider Combat to be? He's been here some 3 months and has made 236 posts? He is de facto a flooder. Given his record he will soon overtake you Beachlover. And the very nature of his many inflammatory posts qualify him as a board troll. And like you Beachlover, he has nothing to offer other than his own agenda. No, dear, there is nothing new to learn from Combat. Just the same old sad story as in his previous incarnations.[/quote]

Rene you have asked a simple question and it begs a simple answer! Combat is reincarnation of a former banned poster here by the name of Sanook.

October 31st, 2010, 19:56
Rene you have asked a simple question and it begs a simple answer! Combat is reincarnation of a former banned poster here by the name of Sanook.
No guesses who this might be...

*Coughs* Undaunted the troll has returned.

Tell us, when you woke up from the floor of the Corner Bar toilet after passing out drunk, did your hair stink of your own urine?

October 31st, 2010, 20:04
No guesses who this might be - *Coughs* - "Undaunted"

I agree Beachlover it's 'Undaunted' who else would go into attack mode on his very first post? He must have nightmares about who a poster is or was.

November 1st, 2010, 12:20
Someone who floods is only seeking attention.

November 1st, 2010, 15:26
Someone who floods is only seeking attention.

Then that most certainly shows you up as the dissimulator you really are 'Unduanted' on one of the other forums, since August 4th you have 'flooded' it with 633 posts.
Were you also trying to seek attention when you passed out drunk on a toilet floor in Sunee? It didn't work did it as no one noticed, or if they did they left you to spend the night all alone in what to you must have been a very idyllic abode?

November 1st, 2010, 15:34
No one noticed because he has no friends! Shit, the only person who might be concerned if "manfucker" (undaunted AKA Ripley) died is his landlord.

So when Undaunted (AKA Ripley) passed out drunk in the Corner Bar Toilet, did he spend all night lying in...

(a) A puddle of his own yellow urine,

(b) A puddle of stinking vomit; or

(c) Both mixed together into a slurry?