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View Full Version : Helping a friend!

October 9th, 2010, 04:42
Hi Guys,

Some friends of mine who came on holiday a year ago found themselves a little business! I think it was their excuse to come visit Thailand again and again, but anyhow they are now selling Orchids and Flowers (silk) that they sourced while on holiday with me in Thailand.

Do I have a vested interest... you betcha! I loaned them some money to purchase the initial container, they are now on the 4th in just 6 months!

anyhow they have set up a website and are currently selling into Ireland and the UK. They hope to start into the USA soon, but are finding it difficult to find a courier at a reasonable rate.

Have a look at their website and let me know what you think!

www.siamsilkflowerco.com (http://www.siamsilkflowerco.com)

October 9th, 2010, 09:03
I liked what I saw. It is something that I would buy when they get a way to have them come to America at a reasonable price. If and when that happens, you should put the sized in metric and inches, and have an automatic conversion to currency of your choice. That way you can get the whole world look at it, because maybe a person is looking to send to a foreign country anyway for a present.
Good luck.