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View Full Version : Thai court stalls Bout extradition

October 5th, 2010, 02:57
Looks like the charges the US prosecutors filed against Victor of wire fraud and money laundering, in the hope of keeping him locked up if the extradition verdict was not in Washington's favour, could now end up backfiring against them. The circus continues tomorrow.

Thai court stalls Bout extradition

http://english.aljazeera.net/news/asia- ... 44900.html (http://english.aljazeera.net/news/asia-pacific/2010/10/201010411559544900.html)

October 5th, 2010, 20:41
Not The Nation's suggestion is starting to seem sensible:

http://www.notthenation.com/pages/news/ ... php?id=938 (http://www.notthenation.com/pages/news/getnews.php?id=938)

Viktor Bout To Be Extradited By Auction
Alleged arms dealer to be sold to highest international bidder

BANGKOK тАУ The Foreign Ministry announced today a halt to the extradition proceedings of alleged Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout to the US. Instead, the former KGB agent and supposed inspiration for the film тАЬLord of WarтАЭ will be extradited to the highest bidder in an attempt at fairness and transparency.

тАЬThe Russians lobbied hard to influence the original Criminal Court trial, which ended in their favor. Then the Americans lobbied hard to influence the appeals court decision, which they won. All this lobbying is hard for us to keep track of. So we think an outright auction is best,тАЭ said Sirisak Tiyaphan, director for international affairs at the Office of the Attorney General.

The process of deciding where to extradite Bout has caused chaos and gridlock among ThailandтАЩs competing government institutions, all of which want to extract some kind of gain from their piece of the process. As a result, competitive lack of co-operation has stalled the case, preventing anyone from being properly paid off.

тАЬBy auctioning him off publically, and splitting the proceeds evenly between the courts, the police, and the Foreign Ministry, we can all come away happy,тАЭ said Chartchai Sutthiklom, director-general of the Corrections Department.

тАЬTogether we can,тАЭ he added.

The auction will be held at the Supreme Court next Monday at 9AM,with the bidding to begin at 100 million baht. Main bidders expected to attend include the Russian government, the US State Department, Mossad, Congo president Joseph Kabila, and a consortium of Hollywood producers headed by Jerry Bruckheimer.

Brad the Impala
November 4th, 2011, 02:35
Viktor Bout is found guilty. Perhaps not such a circus after all.

Bout was extradited from Thailand to the US in 2010, after a sting operation by the US Drug Enforcement Agency two years earlier.

Agents from the DEA posed as potential buyers from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, known as Farc. That group is classified as a terrorist organisation by the United States.

Bout claimed he was simply an entrepreneur with a legitimate international transport business, wrongly accused of trying to arm South American rebels - the victim of US political machinations.

But a jury in New York didn't believe his story.

He was convicted in November 2011 of conspiracy to kill Americans and US officials, delivering anti-aircraft missiles, and aiding a terrorist organisation.

His trial heard that Bout had been told the weapons would be used to kill US pilots working with Colombian officials.

Prosecutors said he replied: "We have the same enemy."

He faces sentencing in early 2012, when he could receive life in prison.


November 4th, 2011, 02:47
seems like he got a bit unlucky ... its either life in prison or become president of the good old u.s of a.
im sure even my own lovely mister blair got lucky after selling weapons that have been used to kill britains own soldiers
whats the difference ??

November 4th, 2011, 03:56
Sorry George, you are using 2010 site.

A suspected Russian arms dealer who frustrated U.S. authorities for more than a decade was convicted Wednesday of conspiring to sell surface-to-air missiles, machine guns and other weapons to government informants during a U.S. sting operation.

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142 ... WORDS=bout (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203716204577014093238512980.html?K EYWORDS=bout)

November 4th, 2011, 04:02
Sorry George, you are using 2010 site.

A suspected Russian arms dealer who frustrated U.S. authorities for more than a decade was convicted Wednesday of conspiring to sell surface-to-air missiles, machine guns and other weapons to government informants during a U.S. sting operation.

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142 ... WORDS=bout (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203716204577014093238512980.html?K EYWORDS=bout)

just a thought but that maybe because he posted it in 2010.... :dontknow:
oh my :alc:

November 4th, 2011, 07:36
[/quote]just a thought but that maybe because he posted it in 2010.... :dontknow:
oh my :alc:[/quote]

Thanks, wonder why it popped up as a current post?
Oh well, I do not mind when someone points out that I fucked up.

November 5th, 2011, 00:00
pleasure dcbob.. im sure you will get more than enough chances to got your own back on me :alc: :alc:

November 23rd, 2011, 23:31
So he's been found guilty!

I think it's cool, I stayed in the same hotel and on the same floor where he was arrested in Bangkok... I think he was arrested in the same (there is only one) club lounge too.