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September 29th, 2010, 12:49
A PM from a visitor to Happy Place gave a tongue in cheek report rather long but interesting.

First he notes this originally was a girlie bar, I know that as I attended the opening of Crystals, which was to be a hunks bar like Tawan but never took off. I personally posted to this forum the number of a magnificent guy new to pay for play, who was swamped by members asking for him by number. I wont do that again.
Some of his comments [ which I have had to edit]

Upon entering the bar which has been newly renovated, you can see that the lighting, sound system etc has been renovated to the tune of several million baht.

Drinks were top quality and not half shots or watered down. I had Tanqueray which was the real thing. My friend Absolute. Drink served with scented cold wet towel, free snacks like bananna chips & cashews, macadamia nuts, trail mix and sunflower seeds. Fabulous.

You mentioned discounts for regulars in bars, here buy 4 and get one free. We were offered an expat discount card giving 10% of all drinks,FREE!!!!!! unheard of in Pattaya.

As a size queen you will be pleased to know they describe their boys as """They are tall, short ,chubby, thin, big dick, small dick, anything you want you can find there.""""

There was talk of a party every month on the 30th which is thursday, and every friday and saturday free off draws.

On the down side place is narrow and if there is a crowd it can quickly full. I am sure there are shows fri/sat at 10.30 but I will have to go back[hehehe] to check that out.

This looks like one new bar that seems to have got their act together. Dont ask me if I took a boy off.

September 30th, 2010, 18:20
I wont be able to make it this weekend . Please post if you attend the thursday 30 or friday and saturday show night. I am fascinated to see if this might be a winner.

They seem to have a business plan something other bars seem to lack.

October 1st, 2010, 22:36
Coincidentally, there's a short note about Happyplace bar on Cruising For Sex, by Biggles69, dated 29 Sep 2010. Permalink (http://web.cruisingforsex.com/bb/thailand/337256-pattaya-please-11.html#post679340). He wrote:

In Boystown last night I was thinking of making a first visit to the re-birthed (for about the 3rd time) "Happy" bar that used to be Crystal. A sign outside proclaimed "Ladies Welcome." - that was enough of a put down for me and I headed elsewhere.

You've been warned :) about this "happy place".

October 3rd, 2010, 05:22
Happy Place is a fun filled gay bar that allows women to come have a fun time also. All the bars in BoysTown ALSO allow women. It is unfortunate but customers are scarce in off season and we need to make money to pay the bills, That my dear is a true reality, The very few women that do venture in have a good time and off the boys and party same as the gay clientele. Every bar I have seen allows women, Its just reality and it is still very fun and a well run bar

October 3rd, 2010, 07:08
Coincidentally, there's a short note about Happyplace bar on Cruising For Sex, by Biggles69, dated 29 Sep 2010. Permalink (http://web.cruisingforsex.com/bb/thailand/337256-pattaya-please-11.html#post679340). He wrote:

In Boystown last night I was thinking of making a first visit to the re-birthed (for about the 3rd time) "Happy" bar that used to be Crystal. A sign outside proclaimed "Ladies Welcome." - that was enough of a put down for me and I headed elsewhere.

You've been warned :) about this "happy place".

Id have to say that Happy Place is not the type of bar that would appeal to Cruising for sex members. It is not one big urinal and seems to be busier than other bars in Pattaya land. I did chat to one of the boys outside and he said that last week
many many chinese lady come and party with the boys Spend much money

If that is what keeps doors open then good luck to the new owners. Copa, Wildwestboys and Xboys all had asian women in the audience. As for me I would rather have sex with a boy that is straight, but is flexible, than a mincing ladyboy.

October 3rd, 2010, 16:42
I think there is a difference between allowing ladies in and having a big neon sign saying "Ladies Welcome"

I was put off by the sign and went elsewhere.

October 3rd, 2010, 17:15
I think there is a difference between allowing ladies in and having a big neon sign saying "Ladies Welcome"

I was put off by the sign and went elsewhere.

I agree. Any gay bar that promotes itself that way will not get my business.

October 3rd, 2010, 20:29
I used to dislike seeing women in gay bars and discos/clubs but I don't have an issue now. I don't mind having them around at all.

For some reason some ladies feel really comfortable in gay discos, especially on the dance floor. I mean, sometimes you have 2-3 guys rubbing up against them pretty intimately and they're quite happy to go along with it! Just hope straight guys don't get in on this.

Having said that... I looked at Happy Boy's website and it's hard to imagine any woman being attracted to the boys there. I find it hard enough to imagine gay guys being attracted to them! I don't know why Sunee seems to exude this 'bottom of the barrel' feel...

October 4th, 2010, 00:22
You are confusing Happy Boys with Happy Place . Please get your facts right although it did allow you to have one of your little digs at Sunnee. Perhaps you were being distracted by one of your "client meetings"

October 4th, 2010, 05:33
You are confusing Happy Boys with Happy Place . Please get your facts right although it did allow you to have one of your little digs at Sunnee. Perhaps you were being distracted by one of your "client meetings"

Client Meetings? I didn't know Beachy was a prostitute.

All my illusions have been shattered!!

:crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:

October 4th, 2010, 12:02
You are confusing Happy Boys with Happy Place . Please get your facts right although it did allow you to have one of your little digs at Sunnee. Perhaps you were being distracted by one of your "client meetings"
Ah, fair enough. I didn't know there were two happy named venues.

Client Meetings? I didn't know Beachy was a prostitute.
There's a little bit of the whore in all of us. :tongue3:

October 4th, 2010, 12:42
You are confusing Happy Boys with Happy Place . Please get your facts right although it did allow you to have one of your little digs at Sunnee. Perhaps you were being distracted by one of your "client meetings"
Ah, fair enough. I didn't know there were two happy named venues.

That is why the subject line included the address, for anyone that knew the slightest about Pattaya.

October 4th, 2010, 13:20
Why would it matter if women are allowed in the bar or not?

This is one of those things that makes me scratch my head. You have the gay people carrying on about acceptance, equal rights, tolerance, and all that. Then turn around and say, "What?!? You let women in this bar? Well fuck that then, I'm not going in!".

Really, it just makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. I could care less if women are in a gay bar. I hope they enjoy their night.

October 4th, 2010, 17:25
That is why the subject line included the address, for anyone that knew the slightest about Pattaya.
I know a bit about Pattaya, but obviously don't know every inch of the place. No idea what/where Pattayaland is.

Despite what you and some others say, I have actually been there before. I might even go again. It's an easier beachside to get to than one of the islands. Services/ammenities (accommodation, eateries, massage, shops) aren't so bad there and some of the late night discos sound like they're worth checking out.

Why would it matter if women are allowed in the bar or not?

This is one of those things that makes me scratch my head. You have the gay people carrying on about acceptance, equal rights, tolerance, and all that. Then turn around and say, "What?!? You let women in this bar? Well fuck that then, I'm not going in!".

Really, it just makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. I could care less if women are in a gay bar. I hope they enjoy their night.
Totally agree. I'm fine with women in gay venues. It does put me off if a gay club becomes overly populated with straights (both guys and girls) though.

I can understand why some might be put off as I used to be self conscious about seeing girls in gay bars/clubs, but I'm more or less comfortable with that now. Don't know if this is the same feeling people here get, or why, since most members here have probably been out/gay for a long time and should be mostly comfortable with it. Maybe there's other reasons... not liking the competition? Not comfortable around women? I don't know...

October 7th, 2010, 17:37
I did not know until I got my bin that the maximum charge for all drinks was 100 baht.Not watered down but full strength.
La Cage is the only other bar in Pattaya that does that. I maybe wrong as my friend said he paid more for Corona.
My drinks all 100b.

cute little monkeys and a few gorillas too

October 7th, 2010, 19:13
...cute little monkeys and a few gorillas too

Are you sure you didn't stagger into Khao Kheow Zoo by mistake?


October 8th, 2010, 11:10
...cute little monkeys and a few gorillas too

Are you sure you didn't stagger into Khao Kheow Zoo by mistake?

No that would be wrong he knew you had returned to Scotland already,

Check out the cute little monkeys and others on the new website



October 9th, 2010, 03:53
I cannot see the sign a couple of posters were complaining about. Bright certainly .

October 10th, 2010, 21:33
It used to be on the right hand window as you walked in, maybe he's removed it?

October 13th, 2010, 07:56
It used to be on the right hand window as you walked in, maybe he's removed it?

I received a PM to say it is still there but no problem, he also said that the bar was doing better than any other bar in BT.

I had an email from the owner of happyplace who is /has been in hospital. Bad time when starting off a new enterprise. He mentioned that after I posted his website he received emails complaining about the fem boys pics. Sounds like someone cant let go.

October 13th, 2010, 10:46
just FYI whilst driving home last night I'm sure I heard an ad for Happy Place on Pattaya People radio, and similar to the ad for BBB it doesn't give a hint of being a gay venue ... assuming that is what they are promoting it as?

October 16th, 2010, 12:29
My friend and drinking partner here at home emailed to say that Happyplace was packed at 10.30 friday night and as he is short did not stay for the show. Plans to get there early tonight when there is another show.

Seems to be the success story of 2010 and a week to go before boybingo.

October 16th, 2010, 21:01
Packed? the place is tiny, put a dozen people in there, and sure it's packed, and at 100 baht a drink, they will never make a profit, particularly with the rents in that area, another rich Farang subsidising their "hobby"

October 17th, 2010, 08:31
Another reply from someone who has never run a bar and has no idea how to run one.

Happy Place holds considerably more then 12 people and at a 100 baht there is plenty of money to be made. Most people order, juice, water, soda where the profit is more then 90 baht on every sale. Also it is much more likely that the customer will buy the boys a drink at these prices so double the profit.

The key to a successful bar is volume , which translates into excitement and offs and happy employees etc. Amazing how none of the Lady Bars in that area have trouble making money at those prices in this supposedly High Rent District(ridiculous)

Someone who is not interested in ripping off the Gay Customer should be applauded and supported.

Walk into many Bars in Pattayaland Soi 1-3 at 10 pm and there are no customers or maybe 2 or 3. If Happy Place has 12 customers or a packed house at the same time, it doesn't take a genius to figure out who is making money.

Finally some Gay Bars in Pattaya that don't think the Gay customer is someone to be ripped off. Corner Bar in Sunee is the first Gay Bar I know of selling Heiniken Draught beer for 50 baht.. The lady bars have been doing it for 40 years.

I would hope we can have more owners who treat the Gay Customer with respect instead of someone to rip off!!!

October 17th, 2010, 20:04
Obviously you have never run a bar before either, a Heineken costs 45 baht to buy, and, no, most people do not buy soda's or coke's, quite how you worked that one out, oh, and try buying a Bacardi Breezer for less than 70 baht? dimwit! as for lady bars in walking st, sure the drinks are cheaper, but an off will cost minimum 800 baht, so who is ripping who off?

October 18th, 2010, 03:15
Packed? the place is tiny, put a dozen people in there, and sure it's packed, and at 100 baht a drink, they will never make a profit, particularly with the rents in that area, another rich Farang subsidising their "hobby"
What's the matter, LMTU*? Did they reject your offer for dodgy PR services?

Looks like your brain is bloating up. You ought to get it checked out.

*AKA "i don't believe it"

October 18th, 2010, 05:58
Interesting to get email from friend who has been in Pattaya for 3 weeks and says he has visited every bar.

"Happyplacebar is working on high turnover low markup ATM. Prices of drinks go up on 1 Nov from 100 b to 120 baht. My own rule of thumb as to how well a bar is doing, is to watch the number of drinks served in peak periods. On friday night between 10.30 and midnight they were serving about 60 drinks an hour and that in a tiny bar. I was most impressed and although I stopped counting it would not surprise to hear they had done close to 100 drinks in that 90 minutes.My conservative estimate is even at 100 b per drink for the night excluding offs, takings would have been around 15,000 b.There are many bigger bars that are not getting half that."

Later in the email he stated he watched as he had dinner at the restaurant opposite earlier in the week, and called in for only a short time. He estimated that the earlier night had about one third the bar trade.

He concluded that
"if saturday was as good as friday the the weekly drinks served would exceed 500. So much for low season. But the expats trying out a new bar is the factor that cannot be measured. How many will return, how many were tourists."

October 18th, 2010, 07:23
Call me old fashioned but I usually go to a bar to enjoy myself rather than to sit surruptitiously scrutinising the productivity of the bar staff armed with a stopwatch and calculator. Then, not being content with that, to go home and send emails of the results.

Your "friend" must be a laugh riot.

What does he do for kicks? Count the bricks in the walls?



October 18th, 2010, 07:31
"Obviously you have never run a bar before either, a Heineken costs 45 baht to buy, and, no, most people do not buy soda's or coke's, quite how you worked that one out, oh, and try buying a Bacardi Breezer for less than 70 baht? dimwit! as for lady bars in walking st, sure the drinks are cheaper, but an off will cost minimum 800 baht, so who is ripping who off?"

Unlike you Moron I owned and ran a bar that did $3,000,000 a year in business. You show what a dope you are by quoting me a price of Heiniken as 45 baht.

Try reading the posts . I was referring to Draught Beer. Do you know what that is or are you just stupid.. That beer costs at most 15 baht to pour.

As you can see from many posts since this bar is doing the right things and will continue to make money. Next time you go into Happy Place which I am sure you have never been in under this ownership then we might be interested in hearing your opinions.

By the way the last time I was in there there were 18 customers , 12 of which had soda, water or juice . Unlike you I know what I am talking about!!!

October 18th, 2010, 08:49
Call me old fashioned but I usually go to a bar to enjoy myself rather than to sit surruptitiously scrutinising the productivity of the bar staff armed with a stopwatch and calculator. Then, not being content with that, to go home and send emails of the results.

Your "friend" must be a laugh riot.

What does he do for kicks? Count the bricks in the walls?



He works as an auditor for a large hotel group, looking out for fraudelent bar staff in the main.
He can keep a conversation going and have a good time and not miss a trick. Usually he sent in where there is a drop in takings or in percentages.

October 18th, 2010, 08:56
Hired a guy like that once . Just amazing what they can tell you after a few visits!!!!

October 18th, 2010, 12:57
This is exactly what I have been on about since the currency problems that have affected Western tourists, apart from Australians of course (who seem to be having a field day with regard to holiday currency), its a brilliant business model and it would encourage business undoubtedly. They have also added "added value" to this business model also. It's probably worth a visit. I wonder who owns it, falang or local.

October 18th, 2010, 13:47
He is a yank but I got the impression he has been in Pattaya awhile.

October 18th, 2010, 18:23
Obviously you have never run a bar before either, a Heineken costs 45 baht to buy

Unlike you Moron I owned and ran a bar that did $3,000,000 a year in business. You show what a dope you are by quoting me a price of Heiniken as 45 baht.
Try reading the posts . I was referring to Draught Beer. Do you know what that is or are you just stupid.. That beer costs at most 15 baht to pour.
What's the matter LMTU (i don't believe it)? Caught talking bullsh*t again?

What about the time you insisted a certain hotel is ONE block from the beach and then posted a map clearly showing the hotel OVER TWO blocks from the beach, contradicting yourself LOL. Moron.

This is exactly what I have been on about since the currency problems that have affected Western tourists, apart from Australians of course (who seem to be having a field day with regard to holiday currency)
Hate to break it to you, but as time goes by, American/European tourists will probably matter less and less to Thailand in terms of revenue. You guys may be one of the last generations of Europeans who are able to retire or holiday in Thailand cheaply (relative to costs in your own country). But yes, Australia is doing nicely right now. We just reached one to one parity with the USD for the first time in almost 30 years!

Went to Happy Place one night last week with three friends. Ordered one drink each, one soft drink and three Kahlua with milk and ice after checking if these drinks qualified for 100 baht price. Answer was Yes. After our drinks were delivered the waiter said sorry your Kahlua drinks are 180 baht but because you all have 50% discount cards from a local restaurant you will pay 90 baht each drink. We were impressed till the check bin came and we were charged 90 baht for one Kahlua and 180 baht for the other two drinks. So much for the 100 baht or discount drinks. No we didn't argue the point but they could have told us up front the drinks would not be 100 baht.
I think you should have kept them accountable for what they said. If they said the drinks were 100 baht that's what you should have stood on at the end.

It's not that they didn't voluntarily disclose it. It's the fact that you explicitly asked them and they explicitly said, yes, they will be 100 baht.

October 19th, 2010, 10:08
I visited Happyplacebar last night(18th October) around 10pm. If there are any positives about this bar it is that the seating is comfortable, drinks all seem to be 100 baht each, decent air conditioning and a good sound system.


For those who go to bars to see and/or off the boys this is most definitely not the 'place' to go. Been a long time that I have seen such a collection of unattractive and dare I saw ugly boys. Many were grossly overweight. They take it in turns to dance on the small stage in groups of about 5, whilst the remaining ones hang about in the side or corner of the bar. Maybe one or two that might be worthy of considering to be "offed" but a customer would have to be seriously desperate.

Two of the most unattractive were numbered 15 and 17. The latter looked like the fat one from Laurel and Hardy without the moustache.He had a fake if not demented smile on his face, looked like smoke was coming out of his ears, and he spent his time on the stage eye balling some female customer, as surely no gay in his right mind would want him.

I was with a Thai friend when I went to the bar, and he agreed with my assessment and his opinion was "Old Boys". That is an understatement as most were years past their sell by date.
The bars website suggests and shows pictures of some attractive boys but the reality from what I saw last night is totally the opposite and the web site is in my view grossly misleading.
Amazing that owners can spend millions on furnishings, sound systems, docor etc but neglect the most importance thing: getting a decent supply of nice looking boys worthy of getting to know or taking "off".

Happyplace bar?

More like:


October 19th, 2010, 12:06
I don't doubt your assessment on a Monday night but other nights there was a decent mix of boys. One thing I know for sure is that can happen at any Bar. Last trip I went to my favorite bar Funny Boys around 1030 on a Tuesday. There were about 16 boys and none of them could have got a job in a bar I would have owned. I even asked Rose what happened and she didn't know what to say.

There are many nights I have been to Funnyboys when I would have taken any one of 20 boys. So one visit does not always tell the true story. Visit on a weekend and if you see the same boys then maybe something is wrong!!!!

October 21st, 2010, 00:53
I don't doubt your assessment on a Monday night but other nights there was a decent mix of boys. One thing I know for sure is that can happen at any Bar. Last trip I went to my favorite bar Funny Boys around 1030 on a Tuesday. There were about 16 boys and none of them could have got a job in a bar I would have owned. I even asked Rose what happened and she didn't know what to say.

There are many nights I have been to Funnyboys when I would have taken any one of 20 boys. So one visit does not always tell the true story. Visit on a weekend and if you see the same boys then maybe something is wrong!!!!

I find that if you drink sufficient quantities of Black Label before visiting ANY go-go bar, not only does there appear to be TWICE the number of boys but they are ALL extremely attractive.


October 21st, 2010, 08:18
Heh... Drink enough and hell, even the mamasan might start to look HOT.

October 21st, 2010, 13:33
Happy Place is a nice enough bar. When I went they didn't have any guys that fit my taste but that could be that they were all offed before I arrived and I only been there once. I may go back before I leave.

I went to Sawatdee last night. There were only 10 gogo guys in the bar, I was the only customer.
X Boys puts on a good (Manly) show, No drag on the night I was there. The show reminded me of the old wild west boys show.

Crazy Dragon has a few customers but closed around Midnight just as I was returning to go back in from boyztown. Of the few customers that were there, I was one gogo guy that seem to have it all, but he only made it to about 2 or 3 tables before he was sitting next to a customer and never made it over to my table. The one guy I did off once seem to hover near me and wanted me to off him again, but he refused to shoot his wad (I say bluntly), so I won't waste my time or money on that cute guy.

I went into one bar in Sunee and they guys all looked so young. One guy next to me looked so young that I am sure his butt smelled of powder and a fresh changed diaper. The lady hostess told me he was from Issan (I think the boy said burma) and that he was 17 (so he could have been younger). I finished my drink and beat feet out of there.

I offed one guy from Wild West Boys.... What a waste of my life's moments. One sad story after another. And being from Issan he had the pebbles under the skin of his cock. (roll eyes). But I must say he has great looks and great body. I wondered why no one was offing him, now I know why.

As it stands, the Copa has been my best bar experience with the guys.

October 21st, 2010, 16:25
... being from Issan he had the pebbles under the skin of his cock...

You've completely lost me there

:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:

October 21st, 2010, 17:54
scottish guy...

October 21st, 2010, 18:12
Bucknaway writes:" Happy Place is a nice enough bar. When I went they didn't have any guys that fit my taste but that could be that they were all offed before I arrived".

I had to have a laugh when I read this as I was in a well known bar around the BT area the other night(not Happyplace) and I spoke to the owner of the bar who I have known for years. There were more customers in the bar than boys on the stage and what was on the stage was almost as poor quality as Happy Place. Apparently a lot of customers were complaining about the low quality and numbers on the stage and the owner confided to me that he was lying to customers and saying that all the nice boys had been offed earlier.
I knew it to be a lie as i had to to the bar that night when it first opened that night as I walked out then as there was nothing to look at let alone off.

October 21st, 2010, 21:09
... being from Issan he had the pebbles under the skin of his cock...
You've completely lost me there
:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:
The only name I've ever heard for them is "mook", a small glass bead (or ball bearing or smooth pebble) placed under the skin of the penile shaft by making a small cut, pushing the foreign object under the skin and then allowing it to heal shut. There was just talk of these on one of the forums recently. They're seen throughout Asia, I'm told. I dated a Vietnamese man years ago who sported the first one I'd ever seen. I wouldn't mind not seeing another one.

Some remain "healed" in one spot, some move around a little beneath the skin. On the top side of the shaft they're supposed to stimulate the clitoris during hetero sex. Now aren't you sorry you asked? :happy7:

October 21st, 2010, 21:23
The only name I've ever heard for them is "mook", a small glass bead (or ball bearing or smooth pebble) placed under the skin of the penile shaft by making a small cut, pushing the foreign object under the skin and then allowing it to heal shut. There was just talk of these on one of the forums recently. They're seen throughout Asia, I'm told. I dated a Vietnamese man years ago who sported the first one I'd ever seen. I wouldn't mind not seeing another one.

Some remain "healed" in one spot, some move around a little beneath the skin. On the top side of the shaft they're supposed to stimulate the clitoris during hetero sex. Now aren't you sorry you asked? :happy7:

No - I'm grateful for the information. Had I come across this myself I'd have believed it to be some kind of disease!!


October 22nd, 2010, 06:04
I offed one guy from Wild West Boys.... What a waste of my life's moments.... But I must say he has great looks and great body.

Oh no!
There are 2 guys in WWB that i have my eye on... Hope that your dud guy is not one of them... but i have a feeling it might be!
Any numbers?

October 23rd, 2010, 15:26
First a personal update on happyplacebar. The boys in the website photos were not to be seen in their place as has been posted were mostly guys in their 30's, not goodlooking and not thin. My first night impression was this bar is looking for the rough trade market and the twinks may not appeal to the owner. They looked bored and were boring to watch.

I went to the boys bingo but before I mention that, called in to do my email not far from twoguys, between visits to HPB. There were 5 boys on gayromeo including the one I had the hots for fom the website. He was even wearing the HPB T shiirt.On reflection they are not getting the offs they were expecting as young spunks, and prefer the ready pickups available on gayromeo.

The comment on an earlier post they had been taken off early should have been they did not bother turning up.

I decided after 2 visits the second just a quick drink then off, I would not go to boybingo.
Then I wondered if the winner decided that none of the boys were attractive enough to off, what would happen. It was not exciting to begin with when the waiters came around with sheets with 3 bingo "cards" and you had to mark off the numbers as in real bingo. that seemed to go forever.

Then they came around selling a second sheet for more of the same thing. Twenty minutes later the third and final. 300 baht in bingo fees to save 300 baht in off fees.
Sure there were donated prizes, drink cards and dinners. Neverless a healthy take from 3 bingo sessions that I doubt will ever be repeated.

If the bar is to survive IMHO they need to sack whoever employed the go go men and all the go go men over 25. There is still time before high season.

Called in to BBB the night before mainly because the 2 young military looking farang drinking outside. Here the boys were almost as old as HPB but they were buffed, in good condition but like HPB did not look the remotely interested in pay for gay. The show which I had not seen for 5 years was a surprise restricted by the size of the stage. The two rows in front of the stage are elevated but the third row where I sat was not so gave a restricted view. Strange.

The military looking boy with a crew cut was almost doing his balls over one of the drags with blonde hair. He was at the same time embarrassing and funny as he did everything but climb on the stage as she performed.

My friend met me and he claimed that Funny Boys was almost empty, Xboys boring although the big cock show lightly covered with see through gauze was passable the best looking boys have gone back to BKK, the fuck show covered with a large sheet that was lifted for maybe 10 seconds at a time, was not erotic or interesting.

Earlier I had called into Wonderland Cabaret I think they call themselves nightclub.
The show was due to start at 10PM and I put my head inside to see if the owner was there smoking, he was not and despite the time the show had not started. I elecyed to stay.
It was then I noticed the ladyboy mamasan/manager curled up asleep or passed out in an armchair that all performers have to pass to get to the stage.The show started and she went outside for the full performance. The go go boys and staff gave very enthusiastic applause to cover the fact there were few in the audience,the show was surprisingly good.
There is no feeling from me for the owner, if he is not interested in what is happening he deserves to fail.

With high season racing towards us it seems that BBB is the only one of the three that will survive.

November 24th, 2010, 17:36
For some reason I have had a huge number of PM's from unkiebuck the owner of Happyplacebar criticizing me for my posts.
For gods sake I created 2 threads that had almost 4000 viewers and he did not even say thanks.
Publicity like that you cannot buy and I was disappointed by the elderly boys that were presented to me when I visited.
Do not shoot the messenger look at your own operation. it should be good but failed. I can do nothing about that. Stop PM me.

November 24th, 2010, 18:27
Lonely Wombat wrote to us and opened the threads and wrote a PM that said he had a GREAT TIME.
The problem here is that Aussie wrote a POST and had a problem with the billing of his drinks which was resolved. Lonely decided to qouote Aussie without mentioning it was a quote and caused mass confusion as to who was stating it. Then Lonely wrote a vicious untrue post which he cannot prove to this day. We have asked repeatedly for him to review our records to show he is incorrect but he doesnt want to nor have a freind do for him.

It is unfortunate that Lonely Wombat jumped into the problem between Aussie and the bar, but I guesswhy will have to be answered by Lonely.
Only Lonely will also be able to answer WHY Happy Place was such a great place serving ober 160 drinks a night according to his posts and then suddenly a horrible place to visit.

I ask anyone to come visit our wonderful bar and see what everyone is talking about and if you honestly can say that they boys on the website are not there, or that all the boys are over 30 like Lonely says or you did not have a good time, I will give you your drink for free!

:violent1: :violent1:

November 24th, 2010, 18:46
Re: Last night
Sent: Mon 18 Oct, 2010 4:50 am
From: lonelywombat
To: unkiebuck

deleted. This was in response to a post which Lonely sent to us under his name and never told us it was from another user. Caused mass confusion.
may I suggest if you quote someone you make it clear that it is a QUOTE!?

November 24th, 2010, 19:49
In my opinion, if you're a business owner in Pattaya, you are better off being conservative in your postings. Avoid picking or escalating a fight. Whether the customer is right or wrong, openly criticising one won't reflect well on your business.

If you need to rebutt a bad review, stick to making a clear, concise and factual statement, which you can back up. It might be ok now, but if the argument escalates and all these anonymous members pile in, it may get pretty messy for you. Me, I couldn't give a toss. But for you as a business the stakes are higher. Everything you say is public.

OK, first of all AUSSIE_ and Lonely Wombat are one in the same person.
Why? I can't see any reason to suspect this on a significant level. They may know each other and/or be from the same country. Doesn't mean they're the same person. They have totally different writing styles.

we were charged 90 baht for one Kahlua and 180 baht for the other two drinks. So much for the 100 baht or discount drinks.

the problem here is that Lonely Wombat and his other names, asked if the drinls were on special for 100 baht for October. They were. After he SUCKED down the drinks and was billed 100 baht, he then tried to use a 1/2 price drink coupon. Oh, he forgot to tell you that! He wanted his drinks for 50 baht!
He did not tell the waiter that until AFTER. So he was told, one or the other. Drinks at 1/2 price from regular price or 100 baht drinks, NOT BOTH.
From AUSSIE_'s post it doesn't sound like the inability to use TWO promotional discounts at once was the issue. The issue was that the promotional discount only applied to the first drink ordered and the rest of the drinks were full priced with no discount as promised at all (at least as he tells it).

he writes PMs and posts bad reviews under several of his names.
He's written good stuff as well as bad stuff. I don't see him writing all bad reviews...

It is unfortunate that Lonely Cheap Wombat wanted FREE drinks for starting the thread about Happy Place and what a great time he had etc when he had never even been there. Then after not getting his free drinks...
Wait a minute... when did he request "free drinks" for starting threads about Happy Place? Was it done by PM? What handle did he use to send the PM?

November 24th, 2010, 20:24
Records can prove that Lonely Wombat wrote raving reviews about Happy Place bar while he was in Australia and never even seen the bar. Why? Ask Lonely.

November 24th, 2010, 20:28
I don't post often but I was at the Boy's Bingo on Nov 22 and had a good time. The waiters were friendly and the dancers were ok. None seemed very old. The guys were all types. I did not see any problem. The drinks were priced more reasonably that many places in the area. The music was not loud so the friend I went there with could at least talk to each other, which is a plus! The bar had many customers.

After Bingo we went to Funny Boys. There was also many customers there at about 11 pm. The short time I was there, I saw several guys "offed".

Cafe Royale "Music Cafe", did not have any customers, again and only 1 customer on the terrace. It does not seem to be doing well.

November 24th, 2010, 22:23
[attachment=0:2gwkz6v3]Wombat Caution.jpg[/attachment:2gwkz6v3]

November 25th, 2010, 10:40
He asked for FREE drinks in a PM when he was still in Australia. Prior to even seeing the bar and wrote reviews.
The reason I say this about Aussie and Lonely Wombat is because in he writes about things he wrote me in PMs and BOTH were quoted here under these names.

No he did NOT have THREE drinks. He came with two friends and all the drinks were on one bill. At the end he presented the coupon. The problem was that he confused the waiter and the waiter properly stated to use one discount or the other, not both. The waiter WAS confused and admitted in his PM that he NEVER tried to point it out to a manager. The waiter SHOULD have charged 90 baht for the one drink with coupon and 100 baht each for his friends. He was told this in a PM response and invited back to the bar for a refund, credit or free drinks. He did not respond, only started posting garbage.

I cannot believe that you would resort to making blatant false statements about me, your assumptions stun me and I suggest that whatever you are drinking you increase the water substantially.

November 25th, 2010, 12:22
well at least this is a good case study of how a business owner should not handle a valid or otherwise customer complaint!

November 25th, 2010, 12:34
Think I might know what has happened here. I've asked UB for some info. So if everyone could "cool it" for now...

November 25th, 2010, 12:38
I don't post often but I was at the Boy's Bingo on Nov 22 and had a good time. The waiters were friendly and the dancers were ok. None seemed very old. The guys were all types. I did not see any problem. The drinks were priced more reasonably that many places in the area. The music was not loud so the friend I went there with could at least talk to each other, which is a plus! The bar had many customers.

After Bingo we went to Funny Boys. There was also many customers there at about 11 pm. The short time I was there, I saw several guys "offed".

Cafe Royale "Music Cafe", did not have any customers, again and only 1 customer on the terrace. It does not seem to be doing well.

I was there also and had the same impressions. I liked the evening. We got 2 prices ( a 5 hour trip and one bottle australian wine) Many boys i would have offed

November 25th, 2010, 19:39
Sheesh... what a mess.

1. I think there's just been a lot of confusion. You guys don't use proper formatting lines or quotation marks/tags when you quote other people's writing so this leads to a lot of confusion whether you are writing something or quoting what someone else wrote, Lonely especially. When you paste someone else's comment in your PMs like that, what do you expect the recipient to think?

2. I don't think there's any proof AUSSIE_ and Lonely are the same person so it's best not to make that accusation in an absolute way. They have fairly different writing styles too.

3. I hope no one's colluding with bar owners to write false reviews and put out bullsh*t (positive or negative) as this would be misleading and doesn't indicate much ethical sense. And to go as far as requesting favours for it would be pretty cheap and even more misleading. Going even further, getting vindicative enough to post a negative review, just because you're offended would get pretty low... that's what LMTU would do. So I hope the negative review LW posted is a genuine experience.

4. I don't think it's good to inundate bar owners with PMs and e-mails about complaints, advice on how to run their bar, petty shit that happened and stuff. A courteous e-mail or two is good but I doubt they want to be handling personal messages from every customer who walks into their bar.

November 25th, 2010, 20:26
I will end this spat with direct answers to the accusations without any "guess work".

In Lonelys post of Oct 7, 2010 he posts the PICTURES of the boys on the website. His false comment of Oct 26, 3:26am he states "The boys in the website photos were not to be seen in their place as has been posted" is absolutely FALSE. All the boys except two are in the bar each and every night and have time cards to prove it. they were there the night of Bingo which is the night he claims to be there and records of boys being there and their ages will show that the majority of the boys there the night he states he was there are between 19 - 25. Not over 30!

In Lonelys comment where he goes on to further state " were mostly guys in their 30's, not goodlooking and not thin. Please check us out for yourself.

In re to Boy Bingo He states that he decided to stay just to see if the winner thought nobody was attractive enough, what would happen.
That is really hard for me to swallow.

He goes on to say that Bingo .... "that seemed to go forever."
Bingo had three games and from start to finish ALL THREE games took 45 minutes. that is only 15 minutes per game.

He states in re to Boy Bingo "from 3 bingo sessions that I doubt will ever be repeated."

The first Boy Bingo in Oct we were 2/3rds full. Nov we were totally full and most stayed afterwards.
Speaking to all that I spoke to enjoyed the time and will be returning for December 22nd Boy Bingo.

In CLOSING, I have no idea what happened to you from your RAVE reviews and us serving over 160 drinks most nights of 100 baht special to your latest comments but I think you need to reflect.

We are a good honest bar with usually 30 boys or more, 5 on a stage at a time and they work in rotation of two per song off and on so you see al lthirty within 1/2 hour. We find that first of all we have a small stage. Second of all, if the boys are on stage 10 mintes every hour, well they have 10 minutes to work hard to catch your eye. THEY DANCE! Not stand around like dummies. They are fed a good meal catered by Palmers Restaurant prior to the bar opening. They are HAPPY. Most of the boys on the website CAN be found in the bar BUT as everyone knows, boys come and go like changing underwear. it is too costly to update the website each week or even month. Prior to all this, we had a photot shoot and submitted the disks to our IT man and expect the website to show more faces soon.

Our alcoholic drinks are of top quality and lower brands are not served in individual drinks in a bar. You may buy them only by the bottle. Our standards in our drinks include Johnnie Walker Red, Absolute, Tanqurey and Bombay, to name a few.

Every customer gets a warm welcome with a snack and cold terry towel.
Boys and staff are not permitted to ask for drinks from customers unless they offer and are not permitted to ask for tips! They get one warning and then they are fired. Bothering customers for drinks and tips is a no no in Happy Place Bar.

No we are not a big bar, but we are a warm small bar! A freindly bar. and a previous post about that we are full when we have 12 people is again wrong! Happy Place holds about 60 people.

yes we have a sign that says women are welcome. We are on a 50% straight soi and I am tired of telling women, yes you can come in! We are gay owned and operated. We allow women as does all other bars in Boys own.

If you are unsure of anything I have promised, please try us and if you dont agree with what I have said, then ask your waiter for the manager and your drink will be on the house!

You will see why HaPPY PLACE BAR has been and continues to be the BUSIEST bar in Pattaya!

Thank you for your ear.
Best holiday wishes from the management and boys! :blob4:

November 25th, 2010, 21:05
Nicely and clearly said...

November 26th, 2010, 18:47
I don't think anyone is able to follow this mess.

Basically, what's happened is...

1. Accusation Lonely/Aussie are the same: Lonely sent Unkiebuckie a PM quoting AUSSIE_ without using any sort of quotation tags or punctuation so it looked like he wrote it. From this miss-leading PM, along with previous correspondence from Lonely, Unkie made the conclusion they were the same poster and Lonely was making malicious posts about his bar. The suspicion that Lonely and AUSSIE_ are the same poster has been cleared up. They are not and Unkie has cleared this up.

Whilst Unkie fired off a bit quickly, I think the problem is Lonely often writes in an ambiguous and difficult to interpret way. Lonely, I can't tell you how many of your PMs and posts I have to read three times to understand properly or can't understand at all... I suppose now you see what problems hopeless writing composition causes.

2. Unkie has called Lonely out on some of what he believes are factual errors in his last review. I guess it's up to Lonely whether he wants to accept he posted incorrect observations or whether he can specifically rebutt the points Unkie has put forward to dispute the statements Lonely made.

I also think if anyone is going to write or publish a review about a bar/venue it should be genuine, whether good or bad. No one should write fake reviews for the sake of promoting a bar. It's mis leading and insulting to readers and kills the credibility of other genuine reviews. It's great to post factual updates and information you hear about, but don't put something forward as an experienced review unless it is that... Most of the reviews in this thread are genuine. There are one or two, which may not be.

You know, the multiple interweaving plots in that movie, "Social Network" are easier to follow LOL.

November 26th, 2010, 18:57
Beachlover, sometimes you crack me up! :lam:

November 26th, 2010, 19:01

Personally, when reading this board I take any sort of criticism of a venue as a reason for DEFINITELY going there on the basis that if the tasteless and boring old farts in here don't like it, it must be OK.

The reverse also applies - ever since I took advice once and booked a friend into a "wonderful" hotel is Sunee which was truly appalling.

:occasion9: :occasion9:

November 26th, 2010, 19:05
Beachlover, sometimes you crack me up! :lam:
Does all your fat wobble when that happens?

November 26th, 2010, 19:06
when reading this board I take any sort of criticism of a venue as a reason for DEFINITELY going there on the basis that if the tasteless and boring old farts in here don't like it, it must be OK.
Scottish... not everyone is as sensible or out of their minds as you. :happy7:

November 26th, 2010, 19:45
Beachlover, sometimes you crack me up! :lam:
Does all your fat wobble when that happens?

Fat? What fat?

Lets go c2c and see who is the fat one?

PM your Email addy and we will go from there OK?

November 26th, 2010, 19:55
Previous posts from us in regard to Aussie have been deleted. The original complaint in regard to being misbilled were resolved and agreed by both that it was probably due to confusion and misunderstanding.

My thought that Aussie and Lonely Womabat were both the same were in error and seem to be incorrect and those comments were removed.

My posts regarding the inacuracies in Lonely Wombats complaint remain unresolved. We have asked lonely Womabat to review our time cards our boys and their applications as well as other inaccuracies in his post but he does not wish to. We therefore stand by our previous posts. :violent1:

November 26th, 2010, 20:47
when you cater to the 80 yr. old sex tourist crowd you have to put up with a little senility.

November 26th, 2010, 20:55
Previous posts from us ... We have asked ... our boys .... We therefore stand by our ....

I know Pattaya is full of queens - but is this the Royal "we" and "our"????


November 26th, 2010, 21:01
Scottish... not everyone is as ...out of their minds as you. :happy7:

How hurtful.

Mentally, I am perfectly OK now.

In fact I have a certificate from the Institution to say so.


November 26th, 2010, 21:07
Yes, I can vouch for Scottish guy, he is totally certified. :sign5:

November 27th, 2010, 09:09
unkiebuck previously wrote:
Previous posts from us ... We have asked ... our boys .... We therefore stand by our ....

I know Pattaya is full of queens - but is this the Royal "we" and "our"????

"OUR Reply":
The bar operates on a different basis than most other places of business in Thailand. We go with the assumption that our staff and management DO actually have brains and can form and make a proper decision when confronted with a situation. Yes, it is sometimes difficult, but my boys are adapting well.

They were all told about the post and it was translated to them. The slanderous lies were hurtful to both myself as bar owner, the management of the bar and staff. They had a right to know and give their opinions on the post.

My management which cosists of three, have been told about each and every post and have given their opinions on the accuracies or should I say inaccuracies of the posts.

That, dear freind is the ROYAL WE, US and THEM. :headbang:

November 27th, 2010, 11:05
Called into Happy place last night, and had a great night. Was a pleasant change to sit in a well run bar and not been bothered for drinks and tips from pushy mama sans, but still have friendly service. Saw plenty of cute boys to off, and the boy I did off has to have been one of the hottest boys i have offed in many years of visiting LOS. Congratulations to the owner.
PS although i am an Aussie, I am not the Aussie or a lonely wombat :rolling:

November 27th, 2010, 11:07
I enjoyed my time in Happy Place last night. :happy7:

November 27th, 2010, 21:09
when you cater to the 80 yr. old sex tourist crowd you have to put up with a little senility.
How old are you, netrix?

November 28th, 2010, 06:03
Beachlover, you up for that c2c session buddy?

Be nice to see your face, perhaps we can go a little further?

If you look anything like your avator I'm in for a treat


November 28th, 2010, 06:06
when you cater to the 80 yr. old sex tourist crowd you have to put up with a little senility.
How old are you, netrix?

not 80

November 28th, 2010, 23:34
Ventured in to pattayaland last night and thought I should visit Happy Place. Ordered a Red soda which came with towel and some nuts. Checked the bill and it was 160bt. I thought drinks were 120bt but ,my mistake ,that was only for beer. No big deal for only one drink. As for the boys, I guess every boy appeals to someone but as most of the boys were muscled and tatoo'd there was only one that might have appealed to me.

My impressions on leaving.......another overpriced bar with a poor selection of boys.

November 29th, 2010, 00:02
When I was in Pattaya, the only reason I visited Happy Place was the 100 Baht drink price. That is also the only reason I went back for a 2nd visit. I had to wait for a friend and get out of the rain. Happy Place seemed to be the best choice to do both.

I found the Copa to be my favorite stop in Boyztown with Wild West running 2nd. In Sunee... Krazy Dragon was the only reason for me to visit Sunee.