View Full Version : Gay Tour Guide

September 6th, 2010, 01:25
My very best friend in Thailand is a free-lance licensed tour guide. Obviously his business has suffered due to all the troubles over the last few years. If any of you are looking for a pleasant, knowledgeable guide, please contact my friend Poch, or drop me a PM and I will connect you. I'm very confident you won't be disappointed.

His website is


and he is on gayromeo under user name, pochbkk.

September 6th, 2010, 07:01
Poch is a nice guy. I have been trying to get him to join this board to get to know you guys here. He speaks English very well and is a fair, honest and nice guy.

I have some friends coming to Thailand this year and I am more than happy suggesting they hire Poch as a guide. I am also sure a friendship will be born from it.

September 6th, 2010, 20:47
Of course you could always try these people:

"Buckets and Spades - a day trip to Dong Tang Beach, Jomtien . . .

"And what does this cost? You get all this - Baht bus to the beach, free drink when you arrive, free leg massage and the services of a guide all day for just 2450 B! You can't beat the value for that amount of knowledge."

Not bad for 50 quid!!!!

September 6th, 2010, 21:15
Of course you could always try these people:

"Buckets and Spades - a day trip to Dong Tang Beach, Jomtien . . .

"And what does this cost? You get all this - Baht bus to the beach, free drink when you arrive, free leg massage and the services of a guide all day for just 2450 B! You can't beat the value for that amount of knowledge."

Not bad for 50 quid!!!!

Well spotted both hans! Dear god, are these people for real! All I can say is that there is one born every minute ... trip to Nong Nooch B6,500!!! Good to know this company take good care of their guests!

Even better, under their terms and conditions, it states:

"We are not travel agents or tour operators."
