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View Full Version : What's the longest relationship you've had with a Thai boy?

September 4th, 2010, 01:34
Just curious...

What's the longest relationship you've had with a Thai boy? What kind of boy was he? How did you meet?

Did you meet him in Thailand or overseas? If in Thailand, did you ever take him back to your home country? How did that go?

Are you still together? If not, how did it end? Still friends?

September 4th, 2010, 02:50
Two days. We met in Happy boys.

September 4th, 2010, 04:24
Two days. We met in Happy boys.

Two days with a GoGo boy is NOT a relationship....................

it's practically a marriage.


September 4th, 2010, 04:34
You know the story...

September 4th, 2010, 04:37
You know the story...

We are all waiting for the end bit......

September 4th, 2010, 08:27
Six Years - (I'm a glutton for punishment).

Captured by his smile across a gogo stage...short times increased...friendship developed...long times increased...the stage disappeared...the fields were never greener...got hitched...battles ensued...yaba won....we lost...a ride to remember...few regrets, but memorable regrets...another bar...,another number...another short time...another friendship...as that inevitable cycle of joy and sorrow continues without missing a beat.

September 4th, 2010, 10:34
Well I would have to go back to Odds Spot, they had some funky music on their web site so i decided to make it my first stop. 2001 I think , been so long I could be off by a year or so. I met one of the waiters my first night in Pattaya on that visit. He was fun and spoke very little English , I offed him for the week and had the best times with him. I return every year for two weeks or so and see him, we have ridden many elephants together and done tiger zoo and Alachrone (opps spelling bad) I still see him and find his massages so nice , seems he still forgets to don his underpants when working on my back. Traveler Jim one time mentioned taking boys to the dentist, so my boy ( This is more considerate than a gold chain, even though the boy might prefer the chain) has an annual trip to the dentist. I still call him boy but he is 30 now,, hehhe, still my boy, and goes to the dentist even if it means that I am late to my chair at Rits. I sent him to MIIM at NS Travel for about 6 months for English classes and now he outchatters me when we eat out in Sunee or Boystown.
I let him know I cannot be his ATM, but when I am with him, I do take good care of expenses and make sure he can go visit his Mom when I go back to USA. He has had several jobs and no longer works at bars, To answer the question, I have known my boy for about 10 years now, and the last trip in May we have a pic of us on an elephant that makes him look like teenager. I gloss over how old I look in the pic. So I will be back in Oct. an do expect to sit at Rit's Chairs most of the time and perhaps ride another elephant with what I affectionately call, my boy.

September 4th, 2010, 11:00
You know the story...

We are all waiting for the end bit......

The "end bit" will be I stop talking about him, because we go on to lead really boring yet fulfilling & happy lives, and there's nothing to write about.

September 4th, 2010, 12:35
Two days. We met in Happy boys.

Two days with a GoGo boy is NOT a relationship....................

it's practically a marriage.


LOL... What's cdnmatt's thing then?

(Don't stab me, Matt :D)

September 4th, 2010, 12:36
You know the story...

We are all waiting for the end bit......

Well that's not very nice! LOL

September 4th, 2010, 12:37
Six Years - (I'm a glutton for punishment).

Captured by his smile across a gogo stage...short times increased...friendship developed...long times increased...the stage disappeared...the fields were never greener...got hitched...battles ensued...yaba won....we lost...a ride to remember...few regrets, but memorable regrets...another bar...,another number...another short time...another friendship...as that inevitable cycle of joy and sorrow continues without missing a beat.

Heh... That sums it up nicely. I wonder if your next journey to Pluto and back will be as turbulent!

September 4th, 2010, 12:39
Well I would have to go back to Odds Spot, they had some funky music on their web site so i decided to make it my first stop. 2001 I think , been so long I could be off by a year or so. I met one of the waiters my first night in Pattaya on that visit. He was fun and spoke very little English , I offed him for the week and had the best times with him. I return every year for two weeks or so and see him, we have ridden many elephants together and done tiger zoo and Alachrone (opps spelling bad) I still see him and find his massages so nice , seems he still forgets to don his underpants when working on my back. Traveler Jim one time mentioned taking boys to the dentist, so my boy ( This is more considerate than a gold chain, even though the boy might prefer the chain) has an annual trip to the dentist. I still call him boy but he is 30 now,, hehhe, still my boy, and goes to the dentist even if it means that I am late to my chair at Rits. I sent him to MIIM at NS Travel for about 6 months for English classes and now he outchatters me when we eat out in Sunee or Boystown.
I let him know I cannot be his ATM, but when I am with him, I do take good care of expenses and make sure he can go visit his Mom when I go back to USA. He has had several jobs and no longer works at bars, To answer the question, I have known my boy for about 10 years now, and the last trip in May we have a pic of us on an elephant that makes him look like teenager. I gloss over how old I look in the pic. So I will be back in Oct. an do expect to sit at Rit's Chairs most of the time and perhaps ride another elephant with what I affectionately call, my boy.

Sounds like a lovely relationship... You must get a lot of joy being with him and he must be happy he met you.

September 4th, 2010, 12:40
You know the story...

We are all waiting for the end bit......

Well that's not very nice! LOL
But dosn't it feel nice to be back on sawatdee and be able to say it. Posting on GBT for a week is like walking on egg shells. It would really piss them off if we started conversing with each other in threads'...

Say what you see...


And who could forget...


September 4th, 2010, 12:51
LOL... yeah it does. Though I didn't feel like I was on eggshells so much at GBT... Just had to be more civil over there, which is not so bad since everyone else is.

SGT will always be better with its banter though. You just can't do this on other boards!

September 4th, 2010, 19:41
15 months and counting, we met in Thailand Hua Hin in may 2009. After meeting him, I stayed in Thailand for 9 months (went back to Holland a few times but returned after 1 or 2 weeks). March this year my money was finished and I had to home to work a bit :(
Long distance relationship is difficult but still okay.
I helped setting up his own (small-food-)business so he is financially independent.
Hopefully in November I will go back to Thailand.

September 5th, 2010, 10:06
I suppose I should say so too...

Longest relationship I've had is about two months here in Sydney with a Thai boy who is here studying/working... I've mentioned it before, a while ago.

I don't think it was going anywhere serious, but he was lots and lots of fun to be with, he was smart, we liked each other and he was very cute and sexy (just remembering his shapely butt and legs makes me horny now LOL).

Unfortunately, we gave up after a while because we kept finding it hard to meet up. He was studying during the day and working many nights. I was flat out and totally stressed by the GFC, trying to keep my business afloat... Think I should contact him to see how he's doing.

September 5th, 2010, 12:10
I first met by bf ten years ago on first visit to Thailand and Pattaya. Yes, it was love at first sight and we are still together. Like the ending of a french fairy tale; "ils v├йcurent heureux jusqu'├а la fin de leur jours" (they lived happily until the end of their days) often followed by "and they had many children"!

September 5th, 2010, 20:46
I met a cute guy in Nautilus nearly 20 years ago, he went in the Army and we lost touch.

I remained friends with the mamasan from there who was working at Top Man, she introduced me to him again and asked if I remembered him. I did, but didn't recognise him.
Yes he had changed, but so had I. He was working at Simon's Cabaret, and then Alcazar, so I suppose that it was about eight years ago when we got back together.

He visited England a couple of times, then got a spouse visa, remained here for two years, did the Living in UK test, and we made a civil partnership nearly a year ago.
We now spend our time between Birmingham and Petchabun.

I think that we are both quite happy with our arrangement

September 5th, 2010, 21:53
So you actually got back to together with him 12 years after you first met him?

That's really nice... Sounds like a nice stable relationship.

It's also an example of a stable relationship with a former bar boy (assuming that's he was when you first met him - apologies if I'm wrong)... something which many say is not possible.

September 5th, 2010, 22:41
It's also an example of a stable relationship with a former bar boy (assuming that's he was when you first met him - apologies if I'm wrong)... something which many say is not possible.

Those that have failed say it is not possible, those who succeeded say otherwise.

September 6th, 2010, 06:14
I first discovered Pattaya in 2005: I met a an old friend in a bar at home and he spun a wondrous tale. The first night met a lady, but it was not long before I found the gay scene and offed a waiter from a go-go. Truthfully, I was a little drunk and and this nice man offered to take back to my hotel. I later discovered that I had 'offed' him. I woke up next to him in the morning and he never left. I kept returning to Pattaya seeing him and eventually sending him money, we bought the piece of land, he moved into a new apartment, the computer, the motorcycle, the car. I was beginning to feel the pinch fanancially so 3.5 years on I returned from a trip and counted the cost. I had spent 20000 Euro's in Thailand in one year so I pulled the plug - it was seriously impacting my retirement plan. It was not as simple as that, I have to confess. I was seriously very fond of him, he made me feel special, he was great fun to be with, had good English, he was great in bed, he was good company. But the feeling that grew within me was that the relationship had no momentum, he just lived his life, working as a waiter, did his thing when I was not around, and we had fun and great sex when I was. What more do you want I hear your say. The relationship ended. So I began to poke around on the internet in search for none scene male. I was chatting to several guys on the internet who all working: hospital, teacher, salesman etc, but there was this lad that kept popping up on my computer everytime I turned it on. He was a student at a university in BKK. I kept telling him that I was far to old for him, and that he needed to find someone of his own age, for I was certain he had never had a relationship. His English was very poor, so I offered to teach him. This went on for some months, me sending him exercises via e-mail then going through them together on msn. His English improved. I was still chatting to 2 others, but still helping him with the English. It ended up we were chatting twice a day 7 days a week. He would always be there when I turned on msn. I returned to Thailand in April and arranged to meet the teacher and him. I believe you never know if you will bond seriously until you actually meet. The teacher cancelled at the last minute so my student and I had what turned out to be a wonderful 10 days together: and we are still together 2 years on, and we still chat everyday and he is absolutely beautiful. He visted me in Holland earlier this year, which I was not sure about: 12 weeks full time, but it went really well, he was crying for 3 days on Skype after his return. The parting so difficult. Anyhow he is back at uni and doing great.

September 6th, 2010, 15:49
He visted me in Holland earlier this year
Wow, very nice. How did you organised that with the visa? I thought it was almost impossible get some one into Holland nowadays.

September 6th, 2010, 18:05
I Meet my current boyfriend about 3.5 years ago on the Internet, he was a farmer helping Papa in a remote village outside Surin,they also owned the village shop, i meet him and we just clicked ,great guy , visited him many times in Thailand ,donea lot of travelling together,meet all the family ,and he has visited me twice here in the Uk, for two 6 month periods,he just returned to thailand to hopefully make a civil partnership visa,and return to the UK soon has its been excepted.so fingers crossed . Missing him already only been gone back 5 days .

Brad the Impala
September 6th, 2010, 23:56
Ten years and continuing. At first we were in a long distance relationship, then we lived together in EU, and now in the UK. His best friend from Thailand is also living in the UK with his long term partner(around seven years).

Long term relationships with Thai men are no more abnormal than long term relationships with anyone else.

September 7th, 2010, 00:35
I Meet my current boyfriend about 3.5 years ago on the Internet, he was a farmer helping Papa in a remote village outside Surin,they also owned the village shop, i meet him and we just clicked ,great guy , visited him many times in Thailand ,donea lot of travelling together,meet all the family ,and he has visited me twice here in the Uk, for two 6 month periods,he just returned to thailand to hopefully make a civil partnership visa,and return to the UK soon has its been excepted.so fingers crossed . Missing him already only been gone back 5 days .

Hi markie 1

Your situations looks similar to mine.

My boyfriend got his Civil Partnership visa nearly three years ago. He came back to UK early 2008. After the required few weeks we visited Birmingham Registry Office and completed the documentation for civil partneship (bans). He had to be interviewed at that time and I was not able to assist with answers, but got the interviewer to rephrase some of the questions.

Nobody objected so we got the confirmation after about three weeks and went to a small registry office about 20 miles from Brum to hold a civil partnership ceremony. This was fairly secret with no guests, so we had to stop people in the street and ask them to be our witnesses. That cost me ┬г20 for a wedding car driver and wife who were returning to their car in the yard.

After the two years required for us to live together he applied for a Residents Visa in person at the Home Office building in Solihull (personal applications cost just over ┬г1000) and got an ILR visa straight away

(The time has passed by so quickly over the last few years that I mixed the dates up in my previous post.)

Incidentally over this time he made friend with more that 100 Thai women who live with their English husbands within a five or six mile radius of our home.
Statistically that means that at least once a week there is a Thai birthday party somewhere and being the only Thai male in the area he is in great demand.

He likes to go home at least once a year and has just returned to UK after a couple of weeks in Thailand sorting out a land purchase.

If you are interested in more visa/CP personal information please feel free to contact me.

Good luck to you both

September 7th, 2010, 07:57
His best friend from Thailand is also living in the UK with his long term partner(around seven years).

That's a unique situation... It must help a lot. It's tough to leave your close friends behind.

November 27th, 2010, 14:49
Well I would have to go back to Odds Spot, they had some funky music on their web site so i decided to make it my first stop. 2001 I think , been so long I could be off by a year or so. I met one of the waiters my first night in Pattaya on that visit. He was fun and spoke very little English , I offed him for the week and had the best times with him. I return every year for two weeks or so and see him, we have ridden many elephants together and done tiger zoo and Alachrone (opps spelling bad) I still see him and find his massages so nice , seems he still forgets to don his underpants when working on my back. Traveler Jim one time mentioned taking boys to the dentist, so my boy ( This is more considerate than a gold chain, even though the boy might prefer the chain) has an annual trip to the dentist. I still call him boy but he is 30 now,, hehhe, still my boy, and goes to the dentist even if it means that I am late to my chair at Rits. I sent him to MIIM at NS Travel for about 6 months for English classes and now he outchatters me when we eat out in Sunee or Boystown.
I let him know I cannot be his ATM, but when I am with him, I do take good care of expenses and make sure he can go visit his Mom when I go back to USA. He has had several jobs and no longer works at bars, To answer the question, I have known my boy for about 10 years now, and the last trip in May we have a pic of us on an elephant that makes him look like teenager. I gloss over how old I look in the pic. So I will be back in Oct. an do expect to sit at Rit's Chairs most of the time and perhaps ride another elephant with what I affectionately call, my boy.

Ahh So Bing!
I am a real softy for a romance (I truly love hearing how gay couples met-especially in Thailand), and this one just really warms the cockles of my heart! It is nearly December-please share some happy news about your return trip and your boy!
DZ :sunny:

November 27th, 2010, 19:59
One year. I got hurt and it was worth it. (I don't like hurt.) Dodger summed it up well.

November 28th, 2010, 16:59
18 months now, and going strong. Actually, probably doing better than we ever have. Both happy & healthy in life, never fight anymore, trust each other, and got good energy going now. I could do this for the rest of my days, and I'm quite certain Kim could too.

It's at the point where it's slowly starting to soak in that this isn't just an "Issan boyfriend", but it's actually real, and we will be spending the rest of our lives together. It's good... really good, actually.

November 28th, 2010, 23:20
The longest relationship with any Thai is surely overnight. A new relationship begins when you rent him the next day

Brad the Impala
November 29th, 2010, 02:59
The longest relationship with any Thai is surely overnight. A new relationship begins when you rent him the next day

Is it just in Thailand that you have the problem of having to pay for any sex, friendship or relationships?

November 29th, 2010, 08:41
Ten years and continuing. At first we were in a long distance relationship, then we lived together in EU, and now in the UK. His best friend from Thailand is also living in the UK with his long term partner(around seven years).
Long term relationships with Thai men are no more abnormal than long term relationships with anyone else.
Brad and I have in common: (1) the length of time ... 10 ridiculously happy years, and (2) the general philosophy that long term relationships between Thai and Western men are quite possible indeed and that the many issues, problems, and misunderstandings which pop up on occasion are not all that different from the ones which occur in farang relationships.

November 29th, 2010, 09:03
Ten years and continuing. At first we were in a long distance relationship, then we lived together in EU, and now in the UK. His best friend from Thailand is also living in the UK with his long term partner(around seven years).
Long term relationships with Thai men are no more abnormal than long term relationships with anyone else.
Brad and I have in common: (1) the length of time ... 10 ridiculously happy years, and (2) the general philosophy that long term relationships between Thai and Western men are quite possible indeed and that the many issues, problems, and misunderstandings which pop up on occasion are not all that different from the ones which occur in farang relationships.

I'm sorry to disagree with you smiley, but when two different cultures/religions come together, disagreements are much more different than in farang relationships. Unless one is willing to almost completely give up their cultural background it is very difficult to come to a 'meeting of the minds.' This is why the Jews discourage marriage to Christians. Like the old saying, "A fish and a bird can fall in love but where will they build a nest?"

November 29th, 2010, 09:07
In early December, we will be celebrating the 18th anniversary of our first meeting - when we met, he was a waiter at Oasis Coffee Shop (that was the name of the Ambiance coffee shop then). For 10 years we had a long distance relationship and have lived together ever since I retired and moved here in November 2002.

November 29th, 2010, 13:49
About I year and a half ago I met a gogo boy he had all the attributes that appeal to me. I took him home and just being around him made me happy. He smiled liked what I like. I generally don't like people to spend the nite, but he asked if he could I agreed and we spent the next 5 months together. He never asked for more than I was wiling to give, I told him I would transfer some money every month to his family in Korat he said up 2 u. He enjoyed his own classic motorbike his english was pretty good and we really enjoyed each others company. He was good with my falang buddies, everyone liked him. His friends were few he said they only want me to give them money because they know I have a falang.
Over time we developed a real fondness and trust for one another predicated on mutual respect. Now he is in the Army and actually enjoys it. I am very happy for him and we both know that if need be we remain there for eachother. I consider myself fortunate to have known him!

November 29th, 2010, 16:09
am a real softy for a romance (I truly love hearing how gay couples met-especially in Thailand)
Yeah, I love hearing these stories too!

18 months now, and going strong. Actually, probably doing better than we ever have. Both happy & healthy in life, never fight anymore, trust each other, and got good energy going now. I could do this for the rest of my days, and I'm quite certain Kim could too.

It's at the point where it's slowly starting to soak in that this isn't just an "Issan boyfriend", but it's actually real, and we will be spending the rest of our lives together. It's good... really good, actually.
That's sweet!... Well done. You sure had to work hard for it! I'll drop by for a drink one day.

The longest relationship with any Thai is surely overnight. A new relationship begins when you rent him the next day
Not any "Thai"... it's any "Thai PROSTITUTE" damn it! There is a difference between most Thai people and the small percentage of them who are prostitutes or opportunistic money boys.

November 29th, 2010, 16:15
Ten years. I thought it was grand and I thought that the games that were played were being played with everyone but me. WRONG!!! Eyes open straight ahead and learn. I just wont go into details but VERY VERY wrong. When I moved here, everything came to light including two other falang that now he could no longer juggle!

November 29th, 2010, 17:49
Ten years. I thought it was grand and I thought that the games that were played were being played with everyone but me. WRONG!!! Eyes open straight ahead and learn. I just wont go into details but VERY VERY wrong. When I moved here, everything came to light including two other falang that now he could no longer juggle!

And of course, all the time you were being treated so despicably, you played the part of the faithful lover didn't you sweetie?

People in glass houses..........

:occasion9: :occasion9:

November 30th, 2010, 07:50
if you know what tis means you can add up:
now is the year of the tiger-and I am tiger. So is dear friend-but from another cycle. And we met also in the previous cycle year of the tiger. Not live together-I knew from the start that would be a loser. Anyway, I am only in LOS when winter strikes back home-and the cool season is here.

November 30th, 2010, 15:54
Ten years. I thought it was grand and I thought that the games that were played were being played with everyone but me. WRONG!!! Eyes open straight ahead and learn. I just wont go into details but VERY VERY wrong. When I moved here, everything came to light including two other falang that now he could no longer juggle!
Does he work in your gogo bar now? LOL :happy7:

November 30th, 2010, 15:55
if you know what tis means you can add up:
now is the year of the tiger-and I am tiger. So is dear friend-but from another cycle. And we met also in the previous cycle year of the tiger. Not live together-I knew from the start that would be a loser. Anyway, I am only in LOS when winter strikes back home-and the cool season is here.
No idea what it means.

November 30th, 2010, 16:07
Ken and I have lived together for 13 years now. Our story isn't much different from that of many of our friends who want a long term relationship. It's all a matter of commitment and a desire to value the relationship as much as we do each other.

December 1st, 2010, 04:06
if you know what tis means you can add up:
now is the year of the tiger-and I am tiger. So is dear friend-but from another cycle. And we met also in the previous cycle year of the tiger. Not live together-I knew from the start that would be a loser. Anyway, I am only in LOS when winter strikes back home-and the cool season is here.
No idea what it means.

The Chinese year of the Tiger comes around every 12 Years - This year is one, the last year of the cycle was 1998.

So we can figure out that Pong originally met his Thai friend in 1998. And in that year his Thai friend was probably 24 (or perhaps 36).

In 1998 pong was either 36 or 48, or maybe 60.

Would have thought a guy with an Asian background like yourself would have figured out the allusions in no time, Beachlover. :sharm:

December 1st, 2010, 14:20
Oh yeah! I forgot he was just trying to give a number answer the original question. Sidetracked by the details...

if you know what tis means you can add up:
now is the year of the tiger-and I am tiger. So is dear friend-but from another cycle. And we met also in the previous cycle year of the tiger. Not live together-I knew from the start that would be a loser. Anyway, I am only in LOS when winter strikes back home-and the cool season is here.
Cool... so been together 12 years! But you only spend half the year away from him? Do you ever visit during the other half of the year?

I think it's cool lots of people here have had some fairly lengthy relationships, as well as the diversity in the types of relationships.

December 3rd, 2010, 13:34
Just curious...

What's the longest relationship you've had with a Thai boy? What kind of boy was he? How did you meet?

Did you meet him in Thailand or overseas? If in Thailand, did you ever take him back to your home country? How did that go?

Are you still together? If not, how did it end? Still friends?

Back in 2001 I first saw him, working in the Juice Bar behind Delifrance on Silom. 18, very shy, just up from the village to Bangkok, and very horny! In the 40+ times I have since visited Bangkok we always meet 1st night and every following one, as it will be again Dec 22 when I am back next. Straight from airport to hotel then quick shower and change and taxi to The Balcony, where he will be waiting or arrive soon after.

I still do not know whether he is totally gay or bi, certainly has many girlfriends and goes to straight discos. So shy early on that when I one night took him for a drink at Young Man in Soi 2 [where I had many long time friends working], he ran away to McDonalds in Robinson, now he often goes to DJ Station on weekends.

We are great friends and always enjoy our times together but there is no jealousy [he enjoys himself at the steam room at my hotel quite often, sometimes i unashamedly use him as a bit of a magnet to get at something that may normally be outside of my normal availability]. We are very comfortable together.

As I do not live in Thailand he also has his own life to live, but he is always there for me whenever I arrive, even if it means a rush trip back from the village on Cambodian border.

One day, if my financials ever take a turn for the better, I would love to bring him for a holiday to Bali.

December 3rd, 2010, 19:39
Back in 2001 I first saw him, working in the Juice Bar behind Delifrance on Silom. 18, very shy, just up from the village to Bangkok, and very horny!
Cool... thanks for sharing. Interesting relationship. How did you first chat him up and ask him out?

December 8th, 2010, 12:33
Ten years. I thought it was grand and I thought that the games that were played were being played with everyone but me. WRONG!!! Eyes open straight ahead and learn. I just wont go into details but VERY VERY wrong. When I moved here, everything came to light including two other falang that now he could no longer juggle!

That reminds me of a very worldy lady then married to one of Brittains leaders of industry. She said that her husband was often away, and she assumed he had girls when he was away, but every time he returned she MET him at the airport and he always said how GOOD it was to be back and she believed him, and after all wasn't that all that mattered. The time they spent together was perfect! Why do so many selfish people demand ownership...particularly Farangs in Thailand!

December 8th, 2010, 16:29
That's a good point. However I do think there is an issue if the boy is telling the farang one thing and doing another thing.

December 10th, 2010, 04:37
Ten years. I thought it was grand and I thought that the games that were played were being played with everyone but me. WRONG!!! Eyes open straight ahead and learn. I just wont go into details but VERY VERY wrong. When I moved here, everything came to light including two other falang that now he could no longer juggle!

That reminds me of a very worldy lady then married to one of Brittains leaders of industry. She said that her husband was often away, and she assumed he had girls when he was away, but every time he returned she MET him at the airport and he always said how GOOD it was to be back and she believed him, and after all wasn't that all that mattered. The time they spent together was perfect! Why do so many selfish people demand ownership...particularly Farangs in Thailand!

Yup that's the real world.It's just a sad fact of life that many guy's discover Asia and particularly Thailand later in life. It's easy to become possessive. It also destroys relationships. My Thai guy is with me right now in Dubai and we are having a ball sharing the fun...you just need a happy balance and a reality check.

December 10th, 2010, 06:46
.....And a lack of hypocisy helps too....

To complain about the infidelity of your long-distance "lover" when you yourself are getting it up the bum 10x daily from a variety of cocks, is laughable.

:sharm: :sharm:

December 10th, 2010, 14:24
That's a good point. However I do think there is an issue if the boy is telling the farang one thing and doing another thing.

It's even worse when the boy has a lowlife Farang like LMTU doing the letter writing for him, helping the boy screw even more money out of the absent Farang. He admitted doing this in one of his rambling posts in which he also commented how proud he was of himself which again sums up the mans total lack of integrity, not that he had any in the first place.

http://www.gaybuttonthai.com/viewtopic. ... 4&start=90 (http://www.gaybuttonthai.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=544&start=90)

December 10th, 2010, 16:07
.....And a lack of hypocisy helps too....

To complain about the infidelity of your long-distance "lover" when you yourself are getting it up the bum 10x daily from a variety of cocks, is laughable.

Yeah, I've never quite understood that either. Some guy from Europe will show up in Pattaya, fall in love with a go-go boy, shower him with money for a month, then say, "Ok, I have to go back to Europe for 4 months, but I love you, and want you to be mine, ok? So I'll goto Europe, and you stay here in one of the largest red light districts in the world, and be faithful to me, ok?"

December 11th, 2010, 10:41
when you yourself are getting it up the bum 10x daily from a variety of cocks
Wow... all that convenience you get wearing a kilt really does something huh? :occasion9:

It's even worse when the boy has a lowlife Farang like LMTU doing the letter writing for him, helping the boy screw even more money out of the absent Farang. He admitted doing this in one of his rambling posts in which he also commented how proud he was of himself which again sums up the mans total lack of integrity, not that he had any in the first place. http://www.gaybuttonthai.com/viewtopic. ... 4&start=90 (http://www.gaybuttonthai.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=544&start=90)
Oh yeah, I remember that. I suppose after a life of conning people he's decided to go on consulting circuit and assist others to con people huh? I think the wasp buzzing around my room has more morale sense and ethical principles than LMTU. Not as ugly too.

December 15th, 2010, 03:12
Well generally I dont care how long the Thaiboy is as long as he has one. Generally I said..

December 15th, 2010, 17:50
10 years.