View Full Version : Comparing the venues, stars, dancers and sightlines

August 28th, 2010, 11:35
Our companion at drinks almost exploded when I mentioned the drag queens at the Venue.
He almost drowned me with his G&T admittedly only a half and happy hour as well.
THEY ARE NOT DRAGS, THEY ARE LADY BOYS he sniffed and departed.

I mentioned I am glad I never stated my poor opinion of the male dancers who are rather old for the role and one "boy" has the hairiest legs, which is not a good look in shorts.

Of the venues the Venue stands out for quality of presentation , the music, the costumes, the layout but suffers as it is anti social like a theatre you cannot have a conversation and it is difficult to get a refill except between shows. Sight lines are annoying because of those two pillars.

Copa is clearly second. Also very professional but has good table service and pillars not as intrusive. Enough time between shows for drinks, chat or pay bar bill and move on.

I had written Wildwestboys off after my 2 previous visits this year. The shows were awful and during showtime almost no farang , mainly asians in attendance. They have wasted some money on the viewing area , reduced the size of the stage, placed an unnecessary curtain that does little except to further reduce sight lines of the stage.
It is desirable to get there early so as to get a seat facing the stage and if you do so, you will not be disappointed.

Finally my experience of Wonderland was spoilt by PR photos interfering with the show.
http://www.suneeplaza.info/cgi-bin/page.pl?p=Wonderland Free plug.

The stage is side on to most viewers and it hard to work, but it was not as bad as a few hinted. Overall better than I had hoped for and will obviously improve.

Back to the subject that upset my elderly friend

The Venues 4 lady boys are beautiful, stunningly dressed and can dance as needed with polish.

On the night I thought Wonderland had the next most attractive lady boys, slim well dressed and I rated them as my second.

Wildwestboys may surprise you but I preferred their lady boys to Copa, who I rated fourth, almost inclined to use the term drag here.

Last and not surprising, I rated the drags at Bondi last by a long margin.

But it is the male/boy dancers rather that the lady boys I go to these shows for and
both Venue and Copa backing dancers are well drilled as support dancers and Wonderland might improve but their stage is limiting.They are mostly limited in what they do but Copa boys are younger and seem more enthusiatic than the Venue.

But Wildwestboys male dance troup are not just backing dancers but have 2 and sometimes 3 numbers with male dancers only in each show.. They tend to dance bare feet and topless most of the time .There is a new face who might be the new dance captain who has put a lot of variety into their routines. I class the WWB male dancers number 1 of the 4 venues .

As for comedy routines [ugh those fat and/or ugly drag routines] most leave me for dead. But several of the comedy routines at WWB get very close to the bone almost shocking. I really enjoyed their take on the old Japanese song where a beautiful boy is stolen from an ugly middle aged woman by a stunning girl.The fights on stage with a twist at the end were well done.

Summing up The Venue is totally professional, extremely well dressed,well drilled and in my opinion let down by male dancers that do not match the quality of the show. Drink service is very sloppy.
Gopa is similar on a lower scale, the younger boy dancers balancing the older female stars.
WWB is work in progress but I prefer it to Copa and it will be interesting to see how it is sorted out between the two,in high season.
Wonderland might survive there seems to be a serious attempt it make it work.

I have intentionally not included or considered BBB

August 28th, 2010, 17:53
I have pointed this out so often I am almost blue in the face:

Ladyboys = female impersonators = glamourous e.g Danny La Rue

Drag = parody = grotesque e.g. Divine

August 28th, 2010, 21:40
I have pointed this out so often I am almost blue in the face:

Ladyboys = female impersonators = glamourous e.g Danny La Rue

Drag = parody = grotesque e.g. Divine

tell it to someone who cares.

August 29th, 2010, 01:33
tell it to someone who cares.

Rest assured I have absolutely no problem leaving you to your ignorance - I guess it's de rigueur where you come from.

August 29th, 2010, 01:56

I'm not a show person at all but agree with your assessment of The Venue. I stumbled in one night during my last holiday to say hi to an old friend and was really impressed...professional choreography...great looking performers...and one hot waiter to boot.

I'll stop back again some time for sure.

August 29th, 2010, 11:43
Wombat we were going to the venue last night and changed our mind when we saw your post. Thought we would put the stick right up you as it could not have improved in just 5 weeks, since our last visit. I apologise.

We went for the 10.30 show and it was fantastic.I appreciate now your remarks about real dancing compared to backing
dancers. They were mostly with minimum clothing, barefoot, not sexy, but it showed off their fine bodies and very strong legs.

We are indeed lucky to have 4 quality shows coming into high season and WWB is back to its best.

September 4th, 2010, 08:23
I have been back several times to Wonderland the early show time of 10PM is appealing and it is so convenient when it is raining. Several of the dancing boys and gogo appeal to me but there is one very handsome dancer that is my type of eyecandy. Several locals that I have chatted with agree, but whether he is available it yet to be discovered.

September 12th, 2010, 03:53
The Chinese funny song with the 2 ladyboys toying with the "boy" is from the Copa, not the Venue, unless they have copied it? which is not uncommon amongst all of the showbars. We went last Monday to the Venue, and including us, there were 15 customers there, and i am sorry to say, but it doesn't matter how many feathers you stick on someone's head, a show it does not make! the boys, all of whom were ugly, looked totally dissintersted, almost robotic, and because the place was empty, there was no atmosphere at all, I appreciate this is low season, so i suspect most place's are like wise, but it doesn't really make for a lively evening, roll on high season!

September 12th, 2010, 09:26
The Chinese funny song with the 2 ladyboys toying with the "boy" is from the Copa, not the Venue, unless they have copied it? which is not uncommon amongst all of the showbars. We went last Monday to the Venue, and including us, there were 15 customers there, and i am sorry to say, but it doesn't matter how many feathers you stick on someone's head, a show it does not make! the boys, all of whom were ugly, looked totally dissintersted, almost robotic, and because the place was empty, there was no atmosphere at all, I appreciate this is low season, so i suspect most place's are like wise, but it doesn't really make for a lively evening, roll on high season!

Can you not get your hole in low season?

Have you considered a wank?

:occasion9: :occasion9:

September 12th, 2010, 10:26
Men pretending to be women bores me.

Men making a joke of being dressed as a woman, I find entertaining.


September 12th, 2010, 14:47
The Chinese funny song with the 2 ladyboys toying with the "boy" is from the Copa, not the Venue, unless they have copied it? which is not uncommon amongst all of the showbars. !

If I remember correctly it was first performed in Boyztown in the old Cockpit early 90's. Most likely as a lot of acts were , it was performed at one of the big lady boy shows first. Alkazar most likely. I am positive it was Japanese .

September 15th, 2010, 06:20
I have been back several times to Wonderland the early show time of 10PM is appealing and it is so convenient when it is raining. Several of the dancing boys and gogo appeal to me but there is one very handsome dancer that is my type of eyecandy. Several locals that I have chatted with agree, but whether he is available it yet to be discovered.

Had a PM asking what were the names previously for Wonderland. Youve got me. I am sure someone can help.

Yes that was me at the door of Wonderland. I was resisting going in again because of the fat farang smoking just inside the door. Maybe it is the new owner.

September 15th, 2010, 08:15
I have been back several times to Wonderland the early show time of 10PM is appealing and it is so convenient when it is raining. Several of the dancing boys and gogo appeal to me but there is one very handsome dancer that is my type of eyecandy. Several locals that I have chatted with agree, but whether he is available it yet to be discovered.

Had a PM asking what were the names previously for Wonderland. Youve got me. I am sure someone can help.

Yes that was me at the door of Wonderland. I was resisting going in again because of the fat farang smoking just inside the door. Maybe it is the new owner.

Wonderland was formerly CockTails....and originally TopMan.

Yes, sadly they are allowing smoking inside...
I saw one show recently, enjoyed it, but soon left as
a customer smoked cig after cig during the show.

So sad...but TIT where laws are rarely enforced... :protest:
whether it be non-smoking, helmet wearing, speeding, licenses,
drinking, stopping at stoplights, you name it!

So much for my soapbox... :dontknow:
