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View Full Version : Pattaya has had it ....

August 23rd, 2010, 21:16
I was in Pattaya this weekend, it was absolutely "no activity", absolutely crap. BT was deserted as was Jomtien complex. As for Sunee, well not my scene. But wondered if any other threaders thought the same. There were a sprinkling of what I would call "local expats" in the area, with one foot in the .... I don't even bother acknowledged these type of guys, as some of them are living in the past, with their queeny facial expressions and comments. Anyway back to the subject, anyone else think the same, has Pattaya had it now or what?

August 23rd, 2010, 22:20
Well we all know it it the so called quiet season -I personally would never go there this time of year-arrive early October for 2 months-when every year I find plenty of nice boys. :king:

August 23rd, 2010, 22:21
, with one foot in the .... I don't even bother acknowledged these type of guys,

What's wrong with being an old amputee with literally "One foot in the grave"

We are a "type" - If you manage half the life that we have had, you will be very, very lucky.

We created what you now enjoy and take for granted.

August 23rd, 2010, 23:01
, with one foot in the .... I don't even bother acknowledged these type of guys,

What's wrong with being an old amputee with literally "One foot in the grave"

We are a "type" - If you manage half the life that we have had, you will be very, very lucky.

We created what you now enjoy and take for granted.

....and some of them fought in the War you know.....it can't have been fun fighting in Flanders against the Kaiser, you ungrateful young whippersnapper!


August 23rd, 2010, 23:31
There were a sprinkling of what I would call "local expats" in the area, with one foot in the .... I don't even bother acknowledged these type of guys, as some of them are living in the past, with their queeny facial expressions and comments.

Be honest CuteThaiBoi, you are not Cute, you are not Thai and you are not a Boi and thus non of the old expats even know you exist.

August 23rd, 2010, 23:47
We created what you now enjoy and take for granted.

Yeah, and you also created the global financial crisis, depleted our natural resources, and turned our world into a stinking shithole. Thank you very much, assholes. Hope you had a good life, because now we're stuck cleaning up after your shit.

August 24th, 2010, 00:07
matt you are becoming a nasty little colonial.......

August 24th, 2010, 00:08
Yeah, and you also created the global financial crisis, depleted our natural resources, and turned our world into a stinking shithole. Thank you very much, assholes. Hope you had a good life, because now we're stuck cleaning up after your shit.

Obviously your parents failed deplorably for you to bad mouth the older generation with such venom that has given you the freedom that you now enjoy. Pray do tell all the 'assholes' how you now contribute to help fix the global finacial crises and repair the depleted natural resources hiding away from the big bad world in K.K. using a computer and the internet that was developed by one of the 'assholes' to pay for the lifestyle that you now like to live?

August 24th, 2010, 01:08
I was in Pattaya this weekend, it was absolutely "no activity", absolutely crap. BT was deserted as was Jomtien complex.
Why would anyone come to Thailand to seek the company of other farang? I've visited the Kingdom at all different times of the year and there are always more farang than I care to deal with.

If CTB's insinuating there are no Thai men to rent, he's mistaken... the World's Oldest Profession is not likely to go missing as long as there's a demand for it.

*Sigh* Everyone's a critic.

August 24th, 2010, 04:03
I was in Pattaya in January this year. I wrote on this forum that Boyz Town was dead, at some venues I was the only customer. My question was what on earth is going on. On the next night I went to Sunee. As for Sunee if your into pubescent tattooed anorexics you would be in heaven, I was not. It is obvious that nothing has changed.

August 24th, 2010, 04:45
" ... I was in Pattaya this weekend, it was absolutely "no activity", absolutely crap . . . has Pattaya had it now or what? ... "
CTB ... it's the deepest of Low Season in Thailand right now. If you choose to venture into Shitsville in mid August then you'll just have to suck it up. Your fault ... your problem. Try January.

" ... Yeah, and you also created the global financial crisis, depleted our natural resources, and turned our world into a stinking shithole. Thank you very much, assholes. Hope you had a good life, because now we're stuck cleaning up after your shit ... "
Canadian Matt has now (officially!) morphed into a complete idiot. At one time in the last 12 months ~ he being a fellow Canuck and in the midst of (hopefully) establishing a LT relationship with his boyfriend ~ I thought it might be interesting and worthwhile to meet up with him one of these days.

But that was yesterday. His posts over the last 4 or 5 months have ~ for me, that is ~ verified a smarmy and controlling egotist . . . now metastasized into a dude who I'd travel two or three hundred miles around Khon Kaen (and environs) just in order to avoid.

August 24th, 2010, 05:07
" ... I was in Pattaya this weekend, it was absolutely "no activity", absolutely crap . . . has Pattaya had it now or what? ... "
CTB ... it's the deepest of Low Season in Thailand right now. If you choose to venture into Shitsville in mid August then you'll just have to suck it up. Your fault ... your problem. Try January.

" ... Yeah, and you also created the global financial crisis, depleted our natural resources, and turned our world into a stinking shithole. Thank you very much, assholes. Hope you had a good life, because now we're stuck cleaning up after your shit ... "
Canadian Matt has now (officially!) morphed into a complete idiot. At one time in the last 12 months ~ he being a fellow Canuck and in the midst of (hopefully) establishing a LT relationship with his boyfriend ~ I thought it might be interesting and worthwhile to meet up with him one of these days.

But that was yesterday. His posts over the last 4 or 5 months have ~ for me, that is ~ verified a smarmy and controlling egotist . . . now metastasized into a dude who I'd travel two or three hundred miles around Khon Kaen (and environs) just in order to avoid.

That's rich coming from a colonial prick who want's everyone he doesn't agree with barred........

August 24th, 2010, 05:23
" ... That's rich coming from a colonial prick who want's everyone he doesn't agree with barred ... "
No no silly billy ... I don't care who posts here, and I don't care if wish to schmooze with him. Go ahead, dive in.
Mine was a personal comment, as was made quite clear.

Hey, I think even you ~ a pre-defined low life ~ has a right to post on this cesspool.

August 24th, 2010, 06:04
Thank you for the warm welcome to your home.............

August 24th, 2010, 16:29
There were a sprinkling of what I would call "local expats" in the area, with one foot in the .... I don't even bother acknowledged these type of guys, as some of them are living in the past, with their queeny facial expressions and comments.

Be honest CuteThaiBoi, you are not Cute, you are not Thai and you are not a Boi and thus non of the old expats even know you exist.

... and you are ..... an old expat I take it!

August 24th, 2010, 16:32
Canadian Matt................. who I'd travel two or three hundred miles around Khon Kaen (and environs) just in order to avoid.

And for that, I'm sure, he is eternally grateful! I know I would be.

August 24th, 2010, 22:23
There were a sprinkling of what I would call "local expats" in the area, with one foot in the .... I don't even bother acknowledged these type of guys, as some of them are living in the past, with their queeny facial expressions and comments.

Be honest CuteThaiBoi, you are not Cute, you are not Thai and you are not a Boi and thus non of the old expats even know you exist.

... and you are ..... an old expat I take it!

Boy, did you set in the shit, post. Post Shit like that and you get what you got back. Now even God doesn't like you

August 24th, 2010, 22:26
We created what you now enjoy and take for granted.

Yeah, and you also created the global financial crisis, depleted our natural resources, and turned our world into a stinking shithole. Thank you very much, assholes. Hope you had a good life, because now we're stuck cleaning up after your shit.

Geez guys... Can't you tell he's joking? Humour?

August 24th, 2010, 22:30
now metastasized into a dude who I'd travel two or three hundred miles around Khon Kaen (and environs) just in order to avoid.

I hope you do me the same favour.

August 25th, 2010, 00:47
....and some of them fought in the War you know.....it can't have been fun fighting in Flanders against the Kaiser, you ungrateful young whippersnapper!

Der Kaiser hat den Krieg verloren!

Thanks to all the boys who died in the war !

Buried at Flanders Fields !

The rest to Pattaya ? :dontknow:

August 25th, 2010, 00:54
We created what you now enjoy and take for granted.

Yeah, and you also created the global financial crisis, depleted our natural resources, and turned our world into a stinking shithole. Thank you very much, assholes. Hope you had a good life, because now we're stuck cleaning up after your shit.

Geez guys... Can't you tell he's joking? Humour?

I think you'll find he wasn't. Our jinks is very proud of his long association with the glitterati of Shitsville.

August 25th, 2010, 01:07
Well aren't we lucky to be in such esteem company..............I bet his shit still smells though.............

August 25th, 2010, 06:45
interested in how Sunee is doing since raid @ Nice Boys?
they were really the only bar that was consistently packed every night

August 25th, 2010, 07:23
Geez guys... Can't you tell he's joking? Humour?

I guess I could have been more polite about it, but no, I wasn't joking.

In general, each generation is supposed to leave the world better off than they found it. Gotta say, the baby-boomer generation didn't do a very good job, but definitely had a good time while they were at it. I'm sorry, but it's true. Just look at the life they lived, and then at the current state of affairs.

Of course, 98% of the people on here are baby-boomers so I'll be scolded to no end, but that's ok. Even my parents agree with me on this, and they're baby boomers themselves. For example, my mom always says, they had the best of the best, but she'd never raise a kid in this day and age.

August 25th, 2010, 07:35
But that was yesterday. His posts over the last 4 or 5 months have ~ for me, that is ~ verified a smarmy and controlling egotist . . . now metastasized into a dude who I'd travel two or three hundred miles around Khon Kaen (and environs) just in order to avoid.

Considering how close minded, arrogant, and ignorant you portray yourself to be, I can only say thank you! :)

And come on, you've always been on my ass. Please don't go off about, "ohh, well I used to like Matt, but due to his posts in the recent while...". Come off it...

August 25th, 2010, 08:48
We created what you now enjoy and take for granted.

Yeah, and you also created the global financial crisis, depleted our natural resources, and turned our world into a stinking shithole. Thank you very much, assholes. Hope you had a good life, because now we're stuck cleaning up after your shit.

you must be a troll..or deranged.

Why waste time on this board...
posting your crap..??

Get on with it.. :protest:
Clean up all the shit!

Stay home...
There is no time to be wasted in or out of Thailand...
for you to get On With It!

If it weren't for my Father...and his landing at Normandy...
or for those who bravely fought and sacrificed at Pearl Harbor,
and tens of thousands of others who have and bravely fought for your freedom...and still doing so this day...
you would be posting in German...or Japanese...
not English.

Get a life..Get real!
Get Out Of Here... :protest:


August 25th, 2010, 12:52
There weren't many who fought at Pearl Harbour it was a surprise attack and you yanks were caught sleeping and had your ass kicked.........don't get your history from Holywood next you will be telling us you captured the Enigma machine and Rambo won the Vietnam War. :sign5: :sign5: :sign5: :sign5:

August 25th, 2010, 15:04
There weren't many who fought at Pearl Harbour it was a surprise attack and you yanks were caught sleeping and had your ass kicked.........don't get your history from Holywood next you will be telling us you captured the Enigma machine and Rambo won the Vietnam War. :sign5: :sign5: :sign5: :sign5:

You Brits are all the same . next you will tell us the UK were involved in the 1917/1918 and the 1941/1945 wars

August 25th, 2010, 17:44
If it weren't for my Father...and his landing at Normandy...
or for those who bravely fought and sacrificed at Pearl Harbor,
and tens of thousands of others who have and bravely fought for your freedom...and still doing so this day...
you would be posting in German...or Japanese...
not English.

I never said anything about the generation who were involved in WWII. From what I know, great people, raised in harsh times, good ethics, etc. They had to go through the Great Depression, plus WWII. Couldn't have been easy. Both of my grandpas were in the war as well. Everyone in that generation is either dead though, or haven't been in a position of power / influence for a good 20 years.

I was talking about baby boomers. The people born shortly after WWII. The people currently in power, but are now getting phased out due to old age.

August 25th, 2010, 22:43
But that was yesterday. His posts over the last 4 or 5 months have ~ for me, that is ~ verified a smarmy and controlling egotist . . . now metastasized into a dude who I'd travel two or three hundred miles around Khon Kaen (and environs) just in order to avoid.

Considering how close minded, arrogant, and ignorant you portray yourself to be, I can only say thank you! :)

And come on, you've always been on my ass. Please don't go off about, "ohh, well I used to like Matt, but due to his posts in the recent while...". Come off it...

That's true... he has always been after your arse... eh on your arse.

Pretty sure he called you a troll at the start.

August 25th, 2010, 22:46
Geez guys... Can't you tell he's joking? Humour?

I guess I could have been more polite about it, but no, I wasn't joking.

In general, each generation is supposed to leave the world better off than they found it. Gotta say, the baby-boomer generation didn't do a very good job, but definitely had a good time while they were at it. I'm sorry, but it's true. Just look at the life they lived, and then at the current state of affairs.

Of course, 98% of the people on here are baby-boomers so I'll be scolded to no end, but that's ok. Even my parents agree with me on this, and they're baby boomers themselves. For example, my mom always says, they had the best of the best, but she'd never raise a kid in this day and age.

Ok, well I think you're just out of your mind then LOL.

August 27th, 2010, 03:38
Thanks to all of you! I was worried because I missed the off-topic "discussion of farts and non-sequitor road signs to hell" (it was already deleted when I got to know about it) on gaybuttonthai, but this thread made me rejoice!

August 27th, 2010, 07:00
I was in Pattaya this weekend, it was absolutely "no activity", absolutely crap. BT was deserted as was Jomtien complex. As for Sunee, well not my scene. But wondered if any other threaders thought the same. There were a sprinkling of what I would call "local expats" in the area, with one foot in the .... I don't even bother acknowledged these type of guys, as some of them are living in the past, with their queeny facial expressions and comments. Anyway back to the subject, anyone else think the same, has Pattaya had it now or what?

I am waiting to see how the what the government does, if they can't once and for all, settle their differences, their fate there finished. I blame he government for a make a decision than anyone for the problems there. The BIB are the problem.and he government for not settling childishness items n Parliament where it should be settled.

August 27th, 2010, 23:07
I blame he government for a make a decision than anyone for the problems there.

A few too many gin-and-tonics today, Wesley?

August 27th, 2010, 23:40
I blame he government for a make a decision than anyone for the problems there..

Why the Italian accent Wesley (George's friend)? :occasion9:

August 28th, 2010, 02:25
I blame he government for a make a decision than anyone for the problems there..

Why the Italian accent Wesley (George's friend)? :occasion9:

