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View Full Version : Sunee in Bangkok?

August 19th, 2010, 15:26

I have been to the odd gay 'gogo' bar in Bangkok and too be honest, for me there is nothing better than the ambience and bars of Sunee.
I love young guys and the whole boyish fun of Sunee.
Is there anything at all like this in Bangkok? Or should I just skip Bangkok and head to Sunee?

Mind you, I have to spend a few days in BKK, so if you can't suggest anything I will just go sing Karaoke in Saphan Kwai. :)

August 19th, 2010, 16:21

I have been to the odd gay 'gogo' bar in Bangkok and too be honest, for me there is nothing better than the ambience and bars of Sunee.
I love young guys and the whole boyish fun of Sunee.
Is there anything at all like this in Bangkok? Or should I just skip Bangkok and head to Sunee?

Mind you, I have to spend a few days in BKK, so if you can't suggest anything I will just go sing Karaoke in Saphan Kwai. :)

Given your criteria - "Super A" is your best bet.

If you don't know where it is (can be difficult to find) - pm me.

August 19th, 2010, 21:40
Why not just throw a 6 and go straight to jail........ :sign5: :sign5:

August 19th, 2010, 22:06
totally agree,shouldnt even need a dice.

August 19th, 2010, 23:51
You know its funny eh.. I knew that we would have a few brain dead fuck wits post in this thread but I didn't think it would happen so soon.

Why would one need to go to jail? Why do YOUR minds immediately assume I am searching for something underage? Where does it say that?
Are you aware that prostitution is illegal in Thailand so every time YOU off a boy you are breaking the law?

For the purposes of clarity and because braindead fuckwits are never far away;
18 is the accepted age at which a young man may prostitute himself in Thailand.
I am looking for guys 18+, if they happen to have that boyish fun streak then all the better.

August 20th, 2010, 00:14
You know its funny eh.. I knew that we would have a few brain dead fuck wits post in this thread but I didn't think it would happen so soon.

Why would one need to go to jail? Why do YOUR minds immediately assume I am searching for something underage? Where does it say that?
Are you aware that prostitution is illegal in Thailand so every time YOU off a boy you are breaking the law?

For the purposes of clarity and because braindead fuckwits are never far away;
18 is the accepted age at which a young man may prostitute himself in Thailand.
I am looking for guys 18+, if they happen to have that boyish fun streak then all the better.

It's the judge you'll need to convince not the forum members......

August 20th, 2010, 03:18
You know its funny eh.. I knew that we would have a few brain dead fuck wits post in this thread but I didn't think it would happen so soon.

Why would one need to go to jail? Why do YOUR minds immediately assume I am searching for something underage? Where does it say that?
Are you aware that prostitution is illegal in Thailand so every time YOU off a boy you are breaking the law?

For the purposes of clarity and because braindead fuckwits are never far away;
18 is the accepted age at which a young man may prostitute himself in Thailand.
I am looking for guys 18+, if they happen to have that boyish fun streak then all the better.

It's the judge you'll need to convince not the forum members......

It would be easier to convince the Judge - they are educated and sufficiently intelligent to realise that their function is to apply the law rather than personal prejudice - a marked contrast to the rabid, knee-jerk reactions from the hysterical pitchfork-waving mob which follows even the merest mention of Sunee Plaza on this board.

But then again, we have a pretty good idea why they do it, don't we?


August 20th, 2010, 07:47
Diao maa,

I'm not a Bankokian and no expert on BKK venues, but have never come across a bar there with the types of boys you describe. Classic Boys Gogo in Soi Twilight is probably the closest match, although it's been 2 years since I entered that place. I also prefer the types of boys you describe, thus the reason I usually hang my hat in Pattaya versys Bangkok during my holidays.

I wonder how many farang there are out there who prefer Thai guys who not extremely younger than they are...as to date, I have never met a single one. I guess that's why the average age of the gogo boys is between 18-23, and once they turn 24 their careers begin to reach their apex.

BTW...I understood from your comments that you were referring to "young" as meaning 18+, and that works for me as well.


August 20th, 2010, 08:55
[quote="Diao maa":f72jirfn]Hi

I have been to the odd gay 'gogo' bar in Bangkok and too be honest, for me there is nothing better than the ambience and bars of Sunee.
I love young guys and the whole boyish fun of Sunee.
Is there anything at all like this in Bangkok? Or should I just skip Bangkok and head to Sunee?

Mind you, I have to spend a few days in BKK, so if you can't suggest anything I will just go sing Karaoke in Saphan Kwai. :)

Given your criteria - "Super A" is your best bet.

If you don't know where it is (can be difficult to find) - pm me.[/quote:f72jirfn]

Oh Dear me,Scittish Got I would NEVER have communicated with you had I known you were into this type of thing.It is beginning to add up now...carrying all those Mars bars ( lollies) around with you.....very Bad Scittish. Please never reply or direct posts to me again!

August 20th, 2010, 11:25
In Bangkok you will find what you are looking for at Solid!!!

August 20th, 2010, 15:52
In Bangkok you will find what you are looking for at Solid!!!

Not if he's looking for any kind of activity or a decent seat to sit on.

There are some nice boys but it's deadly. deadly boring and none of them are the legal-aged but skinny and boyish types to be found in Sunee - which is what I think the OP is looking for.


August 20th, 2010, 16:41
they are all legal aged and on the skinny side and can be a lot of fun if you open your wallet and buy a few drinks.

I agree the seats are not very comfortable but the drinks are less then 1/2 of soi twilight and the boys better looking then what you find in Sunnee IMHO

August 20th, 2010, 16:52
Anyone who wasn't blinkered in their defence of paedophiles ....


For the record, I am not of the opinion that you defend paedophiles, :

I now feel compelled to retract my comment above supporting Scottish-Guy.In the light of fresh comments made on this thread by a different set of posters on the same topic.
I do NOT wish to be associated directly or indirectly with SCOTTISH-GUY. I do not know him and have never met him personally.

While I do not pass judgement or make accusations,it is curious how Scottish -Guy has departed from his usual M.O in his reply.He normally responds in a one liner sarcastic tone attempting to make the poster the butt of a joke.
However , on this occasion ...where a poster has asked specfically for information on Young Boys ,Scottish -Guy has been very forthcoming. Indeed he has given information for that "particular Criteria" and then invited the OP to PM him inorder to discuss the matter away from prying eyes.
In normal Gay parlance we use the term "boys" it is accepted and understood we refer to legal of age guys.This term was not used here,it was specifically stated the information requested was in relation to young Boys ! If in the hetro community someone asked for information on young girls it would also set off alarm bells..and rightly so.

Scottish -Guy, I now consider you to be :Persona Non Grata

August 20th, 2010, 17:33
While I do not pass judgement or make accusations,it is curious how Scottish -Guy has departed from his usual M.O in his reply.He normally responds in a one liner sarcastic tone attempting to make the poster the butt of a joke.
However , on this occasion ...where a poster has asked specfically for information on Young Boys ,Scottish -Guy has been very forthcoming. Indeed he has given information for that "particular Criteria" and then invited the OP to PM him inorder to discuss the matter away from prying eyes.
In normal Gay parlance we use the term "boys" it is accepted and understood we refer to legal of age guys.This term was not used here,it was specifically stated the information requested was in relation to young Boys ! If in the hetro community someone asked for information on young girls it would also set off alarm bells..and rightly so.

Scottish -Guy, I now consider you to be :Persona Non Grata

WTF are you talking about you silly excuse for a puppet on a spring. If you go back and read the OP's question he refered to 'Young Guys' it is you that has distorted this post so that you can again have a go at someone who doesn't agree with most of your other stupid postings. If indeed the post had been about what you think, or indeed wish it was about what you think then it would have been deleted within minutes by the moderators. Your continuous ranting and raving about other posters leaves no doubt in my mind that you indeed do need to have your 'spring' tightening up!

August 20th, 2010, 18:02
Combat you really should not be allowed to post unsupervised !
It is abundantly clear to all what that post was asking.And I did not determine that..it was others on the thread of which I am in agreement with! Stop trying to defend the indefensible . The cat is out of the bag, I understand your wish to support him..as I have done ..but now... well it is clear.
In the wider community we Gays have been dragged down because of "certain elements " it is important we do not lend support to these people or even associate with them. I realise it is difficult for you but you have to accept that there are people like that..just move on!

August 20th, 2010, 18:31
"I agree the seats are not very comfortable but the drinks are less then 1/2 of soi twilight and the boys better looking then what you find in Sunee IMHO"

Is that before or after the drinks ?

August 20th, 2010, 18:41
Combat you really should not be allowed to post unsupervised !
It is abundantly clear to all what that post was asking.And I did not determine that..it was others on the thread of which I am in agreement with! Stop trying to defend the indefensible . The cat is out of the bag, I understand your wish to support him..as I have done ..but now... well it is clear.
In the wider community we Gays have been dragged down because of "certain elements " it is important we do not lend support to these people or even associate with them. I realise it is difficult for you but you have to accept that there are people like that..just move on!

Whatever you might think or like to think you have absolutely no right what-so-ever to tar someone with your very poisonous allegations of which you only have your own interpretation to go by and absolutely no proof at all. Yesterday you were bad mouthing, by I might add, using very foul language, another poster so who I wonder will it be next? I might also add that I would rather you didn't use the "we gays" as I would hate to be known to be a part of your nasty little group.
I might also add that my only difficulty is to accept that there are still 'pietistical fish wives' such as yourself who queue to be first in line to throw rocks at others!

August 20th, 2010, 18:44
"I agree the seats are not very comfortable but the drinks are less then 1/2 of soi twilight and the boys better looking then what you find in Sunee IMHO"

Is that before or after the drinks ?

Bravo TOQ, you are doing your best to diffuse a "situation".I remember when CHAO worked in Monty"s pool. put the word on him...all I got was No, no, my BF taxi driver come from US soon.
It was obvious( even then) he is devoted to you!

August 20th, 2010, 18:50
Combat you really should not be allowed to post unsupervised !
It is abundantly clear to all what that post was asking.And I did not determine that..it was others on the thread of which I am in agreement with! Stop trying to defend the indefensible . The cat is out of the bag, I understand your wish to support him..as I have done ..but now... well it is clear.
In the wider community we Gays have been dragged down because of "certain elements " it is important we do not lend support to these people or even associate with them. I realise it is difficult for you but you have to accept that there are people like that..just move on!

Whatever you might think or like to think you have absolutely no right what-so-ever to tar someone with your very poisonous allegations of which you only have your own interpretation to go by and absolutely no proof at all. Yesterday you were bad mouthing, by I might add, using very foul language, another poster so who I wonder will it be next? I might also add that I would rather you didn't use the "we gays" as I would hate to be known to be a part of your nasty little group.
I might also add that my only difficulty is to accept that there are still 'pietistical fish wives' such as yourself who queue to be first in line to throw rocks at others!

Oh God! Combat Piss off you fool!!

August 20th, 2010, 18:52
"I agree the seats are not very comfortable but the drinks are less then 1/2 of soi twilight and the boys better looking then what you find in Sunee IMHO"

Is that before or after the drinks ?

Bravo TOQ, you are doing your best to diffuse a "situation".I remember when CHAO worked in Monty"s pool. put the word on him...all I got was No, no, my BF taxi driver come from US soon.
It was obvious( even then) he is devoted to you!

thank you, that is very nice to hear :)


August 20th, 2010, 19:03
Oh God! Combat Piss off you fool!![/i]

I don't think so Zebedee, not as long as there are idiotic 'puppets on a spring' like you around. You should also remember that throwing stones in glass houses is not a wise thing to do.

August 20th, 2010, 19:05
You know TOQ, no offense but you are now regarded (by me ) as one of the "old timers", remember WOW POW and his Cut 'n Paste? But the guy was so inoffensive we all forgave him.
And mony's dog inthe mornings, farting..although that could have been Monty! I wonder where Lek ...monty's manager is now?I liked him.

August 20th, 2010, 19:18
You know TOQ, no offense but you are now regarded (by me ) as one of the "old timers", remember WOW POW and his Cut 'n Paste? But the guy was so inoffensive we all forgave him.
And mony's dog inthe mornings, farting..although that could have been Monty! I wonder where Lek ...monty's manager is now?I liked him.

I feel like an Old Timer at times.. Yes, it was Monty, not the dog. Last I spoke to Lek he was in CM with his family.


August 20th, 2010, 19:39
You know TOQ, no offense but you are now regarded (by me ) as one of the "old timers", remember WOW POW and his Cut 'n Paste? But the guy was so inoffensive we all forgave him.
And mony's dog inthe mornings, farting..although that could have been Monty! I wonder where Lek ...monty's manager is now?I liked him.

I feel like an Old Timer at times.. Yes, it was Monty, not the dog. Last I spoke to Lek he was in CM with his family.


I am getting a little nostalgic now, but it was soo easy back then ,you could ask someone a question or make a comment,and it was taken at face value....not so now ...vipers.
Anyway i read your blog regularly...actually....I wish you would update it more often!
It seems you have cracked it TOQ, country living with the love of your life,interpersed with visits to Pattaya.No doubt you have earned it.

August 20th, 2010, 20:37
Tell Doug to please continue with his Blg also,and where is is Boy God now?What is doing? Is he married? Is he...???

Doug...j'ai non regret rein"
My school french.

August 20th, 2010, 21:40
Diao maa,

I'm not a Bankokian and no expert on BKK venues, but have never come across a bar there with the types of boys you describe. Classic Boys Gogo in Soi Twilight is probably the closest match, although it's been 2 years since I entered that place. I also prefer the types of boys you describe, thus the reason I usually hang my hat in Pattaya versys Bangkok during my holidays.

I wonder how many farang there are out there who prefer Thai guys who not extremely younger than they are...as to date, I have never met a single one. I guess that's why the average age of the gogo boys is between 18-23, and once they turn 24 their careers begin to reach their apex.

BTW...I understood from your comments that you were referring to "young" as meaning 18+, and that works for me as well.


August 20th, 2010, 21:57
Oh God! Combat Piss off you fool!![/i]

I don't think so Zebedee, not as long as there are idiotic 'puppets on a spring' like you around. You should also remember that throwing stones in glass houses is not a wise thing to do.

Hiya Combat! how are ya do'in?
Seriously do you fantasie about wrapping your lips around Beachlover's.....? We all know you do... it is sooo obvious!! It's ok relax, you just have to take your time ..ok! He might not be ready...he is very busy.
Although..how old are you Combat? You do realise Beachlover is young Asian spunk! He is not going to waste his time with an old FALANG....no matter how much you grovel....and boy you have set the limits on that!
Actually I think I might have offed BL in a pub in Oxford St ....we use to call a certain section of the pub the "take away" it was great, all these SLAPHEADS were there for the picking!!!!

August 20th, 2010, 22:05
Diao maa,

I'm not a Bankokian and no expert on BKK venues, but have never come across a bar there with the types of boys you describe. Classic Boys Gogo in Soi Twilight is probably the closest match, although it's been 2 years since I entered that place. I also prefer the types of boys you describe, thus the reason I usually hang my hat in Pattaya versys Bangkok during my holidays.

I wonder how many farang there are out there who prefer Thai guys who not extremely younger than they are...as to date, I have never met a single one. I guess that's why the average age of the gogo boys is between 18-23, and once they turn 24 their careers begin to reach their apex.

BTW...I understood from your comments that you were referring to "young" as meaning 18+, and that works for me as well.



Gogordongo,get a fcking grip! That is Dodger ,he is beyond reproach! He has nailed his colours to the mast over a period of YEARS.You are out of order!!

August 20th, 2010, 22:21
Diao maa,

I'm not a Bankokian and no expert on BKK venues, but have never come across a bar there with the types of boys you describe. Classic Boys Gogo in Soi Twilight is probably the closest match, although it's been 2 years since I entered that place. I also prefer the types of boys you describe, thus the reason I usually hang my hat in Pattaya versys Bangkok during my holidays.

I wonder how many farang there are out there who prefer Thai guys who not extremely younger than they are...as to date, I have never met a single one. I guess that's why the average age of the gogo boys is between 18-23, and once they turn 24 their careers begin to reach their apex.

BTW...I understood from your comments that you were referring to "young" as meaning 18+, and that works for me as well.



Gogordongo,get a fcking grip! That is Dodger ,he is beyond reproach! He has nailed his colours to the mast over a period of YEARS.You are out of order!!
Do you wanna be in my gang, my gang, my gang "GARY GLITTER"

August 20th, 2010, 22:24
Dear me, little Zebedee's spring is so tightly coiled today that I feel he may launch himself into orbit at any moment.

Let me summarise for the benefit of the educationally sub-normal:

1. The OP asked if there were any bars in BKK which matched what he liked i.e. "..there is nothing better than the ambience and bars of Sunee. I love young guys and the whole boyish fun of Sunee...."

2. I gave him an answer based upon my own opinion and I invited him to PM for directions as the bar in question is not on a main soi. Quite simply, if you did not know it was there, you would not find it. Can you imagine the crap I would have got if I had started posting stuff as boring and mundane as directions to a bar in the main forum?

3. The OP did PM me and I did give him directions - I told him he could probably find legal-aged younger-looking skinny lads there - as that was what I reckoned he was looking for. I am quite willing to post the entire PM.

So, Zebedee, if you are going to try to attack me - and the significant word is "try", then please get your facts right before you do so - all you are doing is slinging muck around and making a complete arse of yourself.

When you go back to school tomorrow, tell them the teacher marked "Must Try Harder" on your jotter.

:hello1: :hello1:

August 20th, 2010, 22:27
...Do you wanna be in my gang, my gang, my gang "GARY GLITTER"

How do I break the news to you... Gary Glitter (like most of his type) is heterosexual.


August 20th, 2010, 22:38
...Do you wanna be in my gang, my gang, my gang "GARY GLITTER"

How do I break the news to you... Gary Glitter (like most of his type) is heterosexual.

What are you saying "Being gay is an EXCUSE"

August 20th, 2010, 23:49
Although I almost never have reason to post, I read the Thai boards daily--this board daily until recently.. There has been much discussion lately about boards and posting. After reading this post I had to respond. WHAT A BUNCH OF A**HOLES!! Are you people all on on medication?? One nasty, useless post after another, after another. What, in Gods name, motivates you folks? Your not funny. Your not clever. Your not witty. Your not entertaining. Your bitter and your boring and your sad to observe. STOP!! Get a life. Get medication. Get out of Thailand, if necessery. Can't you see what everybody else can= your misrable. Thank God for Gaybutton's new board.

August 21st, 2010, 00:22
Although I almost never have reason to post, I read the Thai boards daily--this board daily until recently.. There has been much discussion lately about boards and posting. After reading this post I had to respond. WHAT A BUNCH OF A**HOLES!! Are you people all on on medication?? One nasty, useless post after another, after another. What, in Gods name, motivates you folks? Your not funny. Your not clever. Your not witty. Your not entertaining. Your bitter and your boring and your sad to observe. STOP!! Get a life. Get medication. Get out of Thailand, if necessery. Can't you see what everybody else can= your misrable. Thank God for Gaybutton's new board.

It's taken you FIVE YEARS to realise this?


August 21st, 2010, 00:24
...Do you wanna be in my gang, my gang, my gang "GARY GLITTER"

How do I break the news to you... Gary Glitter (like most of his type) is heterosexual.

What are you saying "Being gay is an EXCUSE"

Ehhhh I'm, saying most paedophiles are heterosexual.

How you can draw any other conclusion from what I said, puzzles me.


August 21st, 2010, 00:32
...Do you wanna be in my gang, my gang, my gang "GARY GLITTER"

How do I break the news to you... Gary Glitter (like most of his type) is heterosexual.


August 21st, 2010, 00:34
...Do you wanna be in my gang, my gang, my gang "GARY GLITTER"

How do I break the news to you... Gary Glitter (like most of his type) is heterosexual.


Which means:

Gary Glitter, (like most paedophiles) is heterosexual.

It's a simple statement of fact!

Are you on medication?


August 21st, 2010, 00:54
But the don't hang out in Sunee Plaza. Jeez it's no wonder you kilted gits get early heart attacks........

August 21st, 2010, 01:16
But the don't hang out in Sunee Plaza. Jeez it's no wonder you kilted gits get early heart attacks........

Who the hell said Gary Glitter hung out in Sunee?

Oh to hell with it!


August 21st, 2010, 02:24

I last spoke to Lek (from Monty's) a couple of days ago in the Sunee area. He has a profile on Gayromeo: "kingfisher96" or something close to that name.

Nice guy and great cook....that is for sure. :love4:

August 21st, 2010, 22:37
Actually I think I might have offed BL in a pub in Oxford St ....we use to call a certain section of the pub the "take away" it was great, all these SLAPHEADS were there for the picking!!!!

Hello Andyinoz... You still around you fat old ugly loser?

How does it feel to have to pound the pavement finding parking tickets to write on Sydney's freezing cold, windy, chilly streets while the better lot of us work out of a slick warm office with smart talented people?

August 21st, 2010, 22:39
Let me summarise for the benefit of the educationally sub-normal

Forget about it... Zebedee was just the troll formerly known as Andyinoz.

August 21st, 2010, 22:41
you indeed do need to have your 'spring' tightening up!

LOL... He's been sprung out of here!

August 26th, 2010, 08:01
[quote="Diao maa":3an9xz5d]You know its funny eh.. I knew that we would have a few brain dead fuck wits post in this thread but I didn't think it would happen so soon.

Why would one need to go to jail? Why do YOUR minds immediately assume I am searching for something underage? Where does it say that?
Are you aware that prostitution is illegal in Thailand so every time YOU off a boy you are breaking the law?

For the purposes of clarity and because braindead fuckwits are never far away;
18 is the accepted age at which a young man may prostitute himself in Thailand.
I am looking for guys 18+, if they happen to have that boyish fun streak then all the better.

It's the judge you'll need to convince not the forum members......

It would be easier to convince the Judge - they are educated and sufficiently intelligent to realise that their function is to apply the law rather than personal prejudice - a marked contrast to the rabid, knee-jerk reactions from the hysterical pitchfork-waving mob which follows even the merest mention of Sunee Plaza on this board.

But then again, we have a pretty good idea why they do it, don't we?


Amen to those that throw litter from the Gutter trash, quite a good post here I think. At least it spares and intellectual thought or two.

August 27th, 2010, 06:20
.....Amen to those that throw litter from the Gutter trash, quite a good post here I think. At least it spares and intellectual thought or two.

Any chance you could repeat that in English?

Have you been down at the booze boutique?

:bot: :bot: :bot: :bot:

August 27th, 2010, 06:49
Let me summarise for the benefit of the educationally sub-normal

Forget about it... Zebedee was just the troll formerly known as Andyinoz.

And boy is he annoying, all the time. Good shot, wish there were more clever people to shoot guys like him down.

August 27th, 2010, 07:16
Yes... if only there were more loving, caring people like me. The world would be a better place lol.