View Full Version : Gaybutton returns to form with his delete button

August 14th, 2010, 19:21
I thought there was a thread already on this subject but I can't seem to find it. Some of the people who have been rushing to post on Gaybutton's new forum should know that the internet's version of the Fuhrer is back to his old habits of deleting posts he doesn't like. I've had two posts deleted in the last few days, the latest of which said this:

"It's your board but don't you think you should lighten up on the "my way or the highway" posts ? You've made it abundantly clear in more than a dozen posts that you won't tolerate what you consider improper posting. Ease up and relax. The worst these guys can throw are words, not bombs."

The post disappeared without a trace. I got a note from GB telling me that all criticism should be in a private message to him, not a post. I have the feeling that there are plenty more that mine. GB won't be happy until everything on that board is written by him or by someone who agrees with him.

SoiVC Slut-old
August 14th, 2010, 20:41
I thought there was a thread already on this subject but I can't seem to find it. Some of the people who have been rushing to post on Gaybutton's new forum should know that the internet's version of the Fuhrer is back to his old habits of deleting posts he doesn't like. I've had two posts deleted in the last few days, the latest of which said this:

"It's your board but don't you think you should lighten up on the "my way or the highway" posts ? You've made it abundantly clear in more than a dozen posts that you won't tolerate what you consider improper posting. Ease up and relax. The worst these guys can throw are words, not bombs."

The post disappeared without a trace. I got a note from GB telling me that all criticism should be in a private message to him, not a post. I have the feeling that there are plenty more that mine. GB won't be happy until everything on that board is written by him or by someone who agrees with him.

Just curious, did you read the Rules Announcement in the Thailand Forum. I believe it is #5. I do agree with you that he has mentioned his stand on things quite sufficiently

August 14th, 2010, 21:16
"It's your board but don't you think you should lighten up on the "my way or the highway" posts ? You've made it abundantly clear in more than a dozen posts that you won't tolerate what you consider improper posting. Ease up and relax. The worst these guys can throw are words, not bombs."

I don't see anything unreasonable about what he did. You knew or should have known to expect it.

I also think the way you worded the post is none to bright if it really was your intention to influence his behaviour. He's made it pretty clear that his stance is to run a tight ship and he isn't open to discussion on it so what's the point of having a poke at it?

The "words, not bombs" argument doesn't have much merit either as we all know what these forums descend to even if it's "just words" being thrown about.

August 14th, 2010, 22:07
Personally I believe it's up to the owner/moderator how he keeps his own house clean. What I do have a gripe about is the way he lets LMTU post his continuous lies about this forum. In his latest diatribe he goes on about how others 'high-jacked his style of writing and posted here as him, as he hasn't posted here for some time'

http://www.gaybuttonthai.com/viewtopic. ... 1306#p1306 (http://www.gaybuttonthai.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=160&p=1306#p1306)

Gaybutton may well be keeping a clean house but allowing a prolific liar to deride this forum is just going a little over the top.

August 14th, 2010, 22:09
The pompous, arrogant, mouth-on-a-stick with an ego to match the size of his mouth, otherwise known as Gaybutton, is basking in the honeymoon peroid of the setting up of his new forum. He can never change and so it will just be a matter of time before everyone currently posting enthusiastically there wil tire of his continual butting-in, deleting, banning, opinion on just about every-fucking-thing, and slowly but surely it will settle down. It was the same when he was at Gaythailand, the traffic on the forum was very slow there because of what will eventually happen at his new home.

There is only so many times you can be bothered to listen to his rules and regulations on this and that, at the moment I doubt if there is one thread over there which doesn't have at least one post from him, he actually interupts the flow, just as Oogleman does over on his forum, both forums would be substantially better off without ANY comments from either of them, as we've all heard the same fucking rhetoric from them a million times.

I think if they were consistant and honest i would have more respect for their word, but the level of hypocrisy they induce is beyond beleif. Gaybutton blabs on about personal attacks...well just go over to Baht-stop and read ANY of the threads he has contributed to and it will be clear to all that he SAYS one thing but DOES another, insulting and bad mouthing right, left and centre.....exactly the type of thing he would apparently NOT TOLERATE on his own little cyber version of North Korea.

Both Gaybutton and Oolgleman over at GTT just LOVE the sound of their own voices and opinions and so have set up their forums so they can enable themselves to be able to spout off without fear of being deleted themselves or having anyone disagree with them, its as simple as that.

I am a member of both forums, as well as all the other gay forums, reading them all and taking out of them the info relevant and interesting to me. I also post on them from time to time, but at the end of the day both forums are rather pointless in the sense of free-speech and freedom to give your opinion...as soon as you either disagree with either of them or give a differing opinion it is censored.

I noticed here that the first large thread on Gaybuttons forum has disappeared from SGT, I just hope the owner and mods here dont think that Gaybuttons forum is any kind of good model to follow. Sure it will attract the lurkers and those timid to post here, but SGT is by far and away the best gay forum, and the most realistic in terms of mirroring life by taking the good, bad and ugly together without the ridiculous notion that grown adults need to be "protected" from all the nastly WORDS and comments out there, by full-of-themselves egocentric boors such as gaybutton and Oogleman. Spike has run this forum successfully longer than any, it is the busiest, gaybuttons no doubt will survive too as most posters read all the forums and contribute to all from time to time just as I do, but SGT will still be the place to come to for originality, honest opinions and enthusiastic debates without the interuption from any clueless, over-opinionated owners.

Just my humble opinion of course.

August 14th, 2010, 22:21
Personally I believe it's up to the owner/moderator how he keeps his own house clean. What I do have a gripe about is the way he lets LMTU post his continuous lies about this forum. In his latest diatribe he goes on about how others 'high-jacked his style of writing and posted here as him, as he hasn't posted here for some time'

http://www.gaybuttonthai.com/viewtopic. ... 1306#p1306 (http://www.gaybuttonthai.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=160&p=1306#p1306)

Gaybutton may well be keeping a clean house but allowing a prolific liar to deride this forum is just going a little over the top.

Don't forget his comments on how "sarine" it is over there.

LMTU is harping on and on there about how he was completely demolished here LOL.

August 14th, 2010, 22:22
slowly but surely it will settle down.

So you think the current level of activity on GayButtonThai, which is very high, is not sustainable and will be short lived?

It'll be interesting to see if that is the case or not.

August 14th, 2010, 22:38
Just curious, did you read the Rules Announcement in the Thailand Forum. I believe it is #5. I do agree with you that he has mentioned his stand on things quite sufficiently

I don't think reading or following the rules was in the game plan. The OP got exactly what it appears he was asking for. It's rather obvious the OP saved his deleted post ahead of time as he knew it was going to be deleted and then, as has happened before, he can run to another board and attempt to drum up some groundswell of indignation. Doesn't work for me.

August 14th, 2010, 23:01
I'm in total agreement with what 'Alaan' has written above. When you click on a forum and the first thing you see is lots and lots of posts from the moderator one begins to think as Alaan has pointed out that the moderator loves the sound (printed) of his own voice and hardly leaves any post without his input.

I like to visit all forums but this is my favorite.

August 14th, 2010, 23:18
I can agree with some of the things said about Gaybutton but certainly not all of them.

But I cannot agree this is the best forum until moderators take action to eliminate the hijacking of threads . I can't stand it when there is an interesting thread and certain posters here hijack it and it becomes a thread that has nothing to do with the original post.

Anyone who reads this forum would have to be Brain Dead not to know what and who I am talking about. These posters are free to start their own threads to carry on their diatribes but they should not be allowed to ruin the enjoyment of others.

The personal attacks here are just ridiculous and since I don't personally know any of those posters , I don't care why they have to carry on their arguments.

I just wish they would find someplace else to do it!!!

August 14th, 2010, 23:24
Guys ,that new forum managed to get 7 pages on the merits of a new york sandwich! By comparision OUR trailblazer TJ posted a "scoop" that The Bondi were giving an extra slice of ham with the breakfast, that little gem got the attention it deserved...jokes about such a posting.I am Not having a shot at TJ..in fact he accepted Smiles comments with a laugh. I had a giggle about it being posted...and the Bondi got their plug.

I think this forum has nothing to worry about....." I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints ", I'm staying here.

August 15th, 2010, 00:21
What's the big deal? Gaybutton has made his style clear for years. If you don't like the way he moderates his board, don't go there. I assume that folks who don't like the way this board is run don't come here. Why do you think there are so many flavors of ice cream? Some like chocolate, some vanilla. Same with the message boards, but isn't it infantile to whine because someone likes a flavor different from your's?.

August 15th, 2010, 00:40
" ...I noticed here that the first large thread on Gaybuttons forum has disappeared from SGT ... "
If this is the thread your are referring to, it's still here: gay-thailand-f9/new-gay-board-gaybutton-now-open-t19978.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/gay-thailand-f9/new-gay-board-gaybutton-now-open-t19978.html)
Our Mods don't cave in quite that easily.

Rich, as Alaan above mentions, the level of hypocrisy on Gaybutton's board is predictably astounding. There are many posts from members there who are ~ as we speak ~ taking fairly nasty pot shots at Sawatdee. I can understand that . . . Sawatdee has it's faults and they often surface dramatically in wave-like fashion ... it unfortunately being at a crest right now.
But Gaybutton lets it all go on and on. He deletes none of it, bans no member for bad mouthing Sawatdee (encourages it with silence), edits no post for denigrating this place. But criticise Gaybutton (Himself), or his moderation, and all of the above may well, no, will, land upon your head and/or your post.
As criticism of Gaybutton's board holds forth (rather gently actually) here ... the same behavior towards this place is happening there, and allowed. The difference is that the mob here often criticizes the way this place is run. Try that little exercise in message board democracy on Gaybutton and see how long it lasts.
This place, with all it's warts, has a refreshing free-wheeling honesty. Gaybutton's Board is already hidebound and trussed up as tight as a drum with it's Rules & Regs and Gaybutton's Opinions ... and it's only been open a few weeks.

Gaybutton is an insecure, dictatorial, and deeply defensive man: I think you will recall his reaction to various 'height' issues in a thread on Gay Thailand. Such unfortunate character traits ~ for message board owners and moderators at least ~ will come out in the wash sooner or later . . . the man simply can't help himself.
He runs his Board by fear and intimidation (see the recent thread on 'Pet Peeves' and his demeaning and threatening comments to Lvdeyes: << http://gaybuttonthai.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=109 >>), and folks with a reasonable sense of self or dignity will have to hold their noses to stay participating there.

I joined Gaybutton's board a few days after it opened. I too was getting really sick of the trolls which were attacking this Board. I (foolishly) hoped Gaybutton might think seriously about his authoritarian board philosophy.
But in the end, the seemingly small exchanges he had with Lvdeyes on the Peeve thread hit me between the eyes hard: this was unfortunately the same old Gaybutton who drove his own board into the ground some years ago ... driving everyone away over time ... insulting the dignity and maturity of his own members at every opportunity.
That those three or four days of membership, one post, reading lots, are now over. I'll stick around here in the anarchy, edgy humour, and lumpiness of Sawatdee. As you say ...

August 15th, 2010, 06:45
" ...I noticed here that the first large thread on Gaybuttons forum has disappeared from SGT ... "
If this is the thread your are referring to, it's still here: gay-thailand-f9/new-gay-board-gaybutton-now-open-t19978.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/gay-thailand-f9/new-gay-board-gaybutton-now-open-t19978.html)
Our Mods don't cave in quite that easily.

Rich, as Alaan above mentions, the level of hypocrisy on Gaybutton's board is predictably astounding. There are many posts from members there who are ~ as we speak ~ taking fairly nasty pot shots at Sawatdee. I can understand that . . . Sawatdee has it's faults and they often surface dramatically in wave-like fashion ... it unfortunately being at a crest right now.
But Gaybutton lets it all go on and on. He deletes none of it, bans no member for bad mouthing Sawatdee (encourages it with silence), edits no post for denigrating this place. But criticise Gaybutton (Himself), or his moderation, and all of the above may well, no, will, land upon your head and/or your post.
As criticism of Gaybutton's board holds forth (rather gently actually) here ... the same behavior towards this place is happening there, and allowed. The difference is that the mob here often criticizes the way this place is run. Try that little exercise in message board democracy on Gaybutton and see how long it lasts.
This place, with all it's warts, has a refreshing free-wheeling honesty. Gaybutton's Board is already hidebound and trussed up as tight as a drum with it's Rules & Regs and Gaybutton's Opinions ... and it's only been open a few weeks.

Gaybutton is an insecure, dictatorial, and deeply defensive man: I think you will recall his reaction to various 'height' issues in a thread on Gay Thailand. Such unfortunate character traits ~ for message board owners and moderators at least ~ will come out in the wash sooner or later . . . the man simply can't help himself.
He runs his Board by fear and intimidation (see the recent thread on 'Pet Peeves' and his demeaning and threatening comments to Lvdeyes: << http://gaybuttonthai.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=109 >>), and folks with a reasonable sense of self or dignity will have to hold their noses to stay participating there.

I joined Gaybutton's board a few days after it opened. I too was getting really sick of the trolls which were attacking this Board. I (foolishly) hoped Gaybutton might think seriously about his authoritarian board philosophy.
But in the end, the seemingly small exchanges he had with Lvdeyes on the Peeve thread hit me between the eyes hard: this was unfortunately the same old Gaybutton who drove his own board into the ground some years ago ... driving everyone away over time ... insulting the dignity and maturity of his own members at every opportunity.
That those three or four days of membership, one post, reading lots, are now over. I'll stick around here in the anarchy, edgy humour, and lumpiness of Sawatdee. As you say ...

With gaybutton, you know what to expect and you won't have to put up with the silly
geese who flock to this forum, while jinks in sleeping, and spew forth their nonsense,
their hate, their garbage. That doesn't happen on gaybuttonthai.com and unfortunately
we are in a world where a few bad apples do ruin the whole barrel.

Weak moderators who play games for clicks will end up looking at gaybuttonthai. com
as the #1 gaythailand forum and wonder what they did wrong... Just moderate mods.
there is no place here for hate, for malicious drunks and the personality disorderly...

August 15th, 2010, 08:57
I'm in total agreement with what 'Alaan' has written above. When you click on a forum and the first thing you see is lots and lots of posts from the moderator one begins to think as Alaan has pointed out that the moderator loves the sound (printed) of his own voice and hardly leaves any post without his input.

I like to visit all forums but this is my favorite.

True... I still like SGT best.

I've posted a bit at GayButton... The way he manages his board hasn't really bothered me at all yet... But I suppose, judging by what others say it's possible that might change. I'll just make my own judgement and see how it goes.

The level of activity is a bit freakish though. I don't think I've ever seen any message board at all take off that quickly.

August 15th, 2010, 09:39
There seems to be a very fine line between under and over moderation of these web sites, a task I certainly wouldn't want to tackle, and our site has always leaned to the more liberal and free-wheeling posture which is what pulled my boat in this direction to begin with.

I was the first one to complain about the escalating troll nonsense here - and still hold to those concerns, although hope that this is just a cyclic event which will clear itself up. Gaybutton seems to have rolled out the welcome mat for a few of the idiots who were causing most of the problems here, so maybe the solution we were seeking has already presented itself.

I want to see the trolls controlled - but will not put myself in a position where someone else is controlling me, my perspectives or my words - not in this life time.

August 15th, 2010, 10:41
Smiles, your post is demonstrating the very thing so many of us have found objectionable about SGT. You may like the freedom here to assassinate the character of a fellow gay in Thailand, but I find it distasteful and far more revealing of your own personality flaws than that of the target of your post. It's true, GB is one of those larger than life icons here in Pattaya, but hardly the misanthrope you describe. He runs his board according to his rules and is up front what those rules are. I've not noticed any inconsistency in spite of claims that there are some. Violate his rules, and the post is deleted. Some of us like that level of control. Those that don't will invest in other boards, like this one, and hopefully enjoy the quality of dialogue that takes place.

August 15th, 2010, 10:47
Gaybutton seems to have rolled out the welcome mat for a few of the idiots who were causing most of the problems here, so maybe the solution we were seeking has already presented itself.

Heh... It's like transferring them to the "maximum security" prison... em board.

August 15th, 2010, 11:03
In fairness... GB did just post this:

Yes it is so Sarine here, with out all the sanity gone mad over on the other Gay Web site
That's part of the point of this board. In all honesty, I am not interested in what is said on other boards. I would rather we leave other boards alone and let them do their thing. If we start the remarks about what's being posted on other boards, then I think we would be doing the very thing we criticize. What we say here isn't going to change what takes place on other boards. What is said on other boards isn't going to change what takes place on this board, so I really would prefer we just leave them out of it.

August 15th, 2010, 12:12
beachlover you should have posted LMTU full post. Talk about delusion

Yes it is so Sarine here, with out all the sanity gone mad over on the other Gay Web site, where the favorites are allowed to post what they like, insult who they like, just because they have sent a big donation, then they wonder why hardly any one apart from the Lunatic people are writing there now, its wonderful to see so many of the old posters return, because they could not stand the way it deteriorated there, even our all time favorite "Pearl of the Orient" welcome Home, now lets continue to give the readers the Trip Reports with Pictures and Posts they all love.

They even have one of the Lunatics, who have taken over the web site, because the owner has said Publicly he hates to be bothered with it now, it bores him, This Nut is saying GB is not allowing Lunatics to write here, and your dead right, he is not, with all the sane posters here, Cheering, you allow one and it will turn into another crazy place to go, stay there where you all belong in the NUT HOUSE.

I know there is room for a few Gay Web sites about Gay Thailand, but really no one misses the imbecile fringe over there, It got so Crazy, I was being accused of writing there and still am being told I am. even though I have not written there in some time, because some nutters even high jacked my style of writing and still do, so others can ridicule it, but here we all love what your doing and you say it only cost $90 dollars a year and to think they ask for readers to sponsor there, what a turn up for the books, after this revaluation, I don't expect any one will send them money again.

Keep up the Good work GB your A1 in my Book.

August 15th, 2010, 20:26
Well, Combat did post a link to that post. Most morons try to hide how brainless they are. But L... is such an out-lier on the moron scale that he tries to make it as widely known as possible.

Almost nobody replies to the ridiculous threads he starts. TJ politely once to point out blatant factual errors.

August 15th, 2010, 21:33
Pardon my repeating myself, but there's plenty of room for another gay Thailand forum. Of the three I read (SGT, TT and GB) Gaybutton's still holds the most promise, and thus far has the best marks in my book - freely admitting I'm just one opinion. To paraphrase Goldilocks and the Three Bears: SGT is too hot, TT is too cold and GB (so far) is just right.

For SGT and Ting Tong it IS a numbers game. Spike admitted he's bored with SGT, but I'd guess he still monitors traffic numbers and click-throughs. Ooogleman made no bones about it from day one, and that's good on him - I don't care personally for all the "adult" content everywhere on it... however, I enjoy reading many of the threads there and do participate, for a couple reasons of my own.

Many members here seem to have had problems with GB in the past but it's his ball, bat and field and they don't need to post there if they don't want to. He seems to have been up-front about the rules, and if he's consistent with them more power to him. YES, there's at least one boil on the forum's ass already - kissing ass and posting the near-unintelligible - but if GB keeps a leash on them their blathering can be passed over, too. It beats having to scroll past five or six posts past his to avoid the back and forth after them that isn't on GB.

SGT's been a slag-fest for close to a year. That's plenty long enough to figure it's going to remain as such, but so it goes.

People say "oh, I wish SGT could go back to the way it was - when people would share stories and experiences!" but it's no longer a hospitable place to do that, and that's the most lamentable shame about the whole thing, IMHO. That's why I deleted most of mine, pulled down 450+ photos from my album (and that took a while) and started the blog. I still read SGT every day, but more often than not I click "mark topics read" without reading more than a couple updated ones.

However,there's room for all boards - and best of luck to them all.

August 15th, 2010, 22:09
Bao Bao. I suggest you go and read that 'Peeve' post started by Gaybutton. It's a fairly good example ~ and a microcosm of 'attitude' ~ of how one member intuitively felt he had to massage Gaybutton's righteousness to stay in The Good Book.

The cost of posting on Gaybutton's board is to continually stay on pins and needles about what you write, and what the consequences will be: i.e. if you really want to stay and participate: the cost ~ let's call it what it is ~ is a niggling feeling of petty degradation hanging like a Damocles sword.

I agree lots of folks are seemingly OK with that. Perhaps they would disagree with my opinion on this.
No problem. I also agree that here's room for many 'styles' of Boards.
But because one cannot say a word like this on Gaybutton for fear of getting booted out, then I guess it'll have to be written here: it was by the way the topic of this thread, and it wasn't started by me.
(As an aside: I'd like to see any such commentary kept to the odd thread on that particular topic ~ like this one ~ rather than become a general bash session on unrelated threads.)

August 15th, 2010, 22:23
No doubt, Smiles will turn out to be a seer on this subject and gaybutton will slip back
into an extreme moderation style but, is it better than the endless garbage, nonsense
hatred and personal attacks permitted here all too often by the same offenders..

I think a middle road is the way to go and so far, gaybutton has taken a moderate
middle road. jinks is finally heading in the same direction and things here are remarkably
troll free with some blatant exceptions. jinks just takes too long to correct obvious
problem posters and waits until they self implode before taking action.
gaybutton can smell a troll with one post (as most of us vets can) and doesn't need
a week of shit being flung to take action..
I have been accused of brown nosing the mods here by some, as I do like to give kudos
when due, but have no problem dishing out the bitching when the sickos run amok.... :glasses7:

August 16th, 2010, 05:22
The cost of posting on Gaybutton's board is to continually stay on pins and needles about what you write, and what the consequences will be: i.e. if you really want to stay and participate: the cost ~ let's call it what it is ~ is a niggling feeling of petty degradation hanging like a Damocles sword.
I disagree with that. More often than not it's not what we say but how we say it. If posts and people are deleted merely because the owner doesn't agree with their opinion, any board will die.

I wasn't a participant or reader of his previous board, so all I have to base things on is what he says he's learned in his forum years and how things will be different than on the old board. You may well be right, but I think it's only fair to give it a chance. If it turns out to be somewhere I'd rather not participate, I don't have to.

I don't enjoy a board that's as bland as unsalted oatmeal, but I'd rather see a board guilty of "over-civility" than the usual mess here. Granted, it's been a bit better lately, but without regular vigilant moderation that won't last - having run one of these you know that better than most.

Not having the history with GB some members here obviously have I'm willing to give GB the benefit of the doubt. As you and I have discussed in the past SGT has had its ups and downs, but it's been down for months and months and I'm tired of the acerbic nastiness (read: abuse) that's being passed off as witty repartee. I guess some find entertainment in that, but I find it tiresome.

I'm not packing it in, but like I said - there are far more days than not the past few months where I just scan thread topics, mark the whole mess as "read" and log back out.

August 16th, 2010, 06:49
I notice that gaybutton is a member here and has been for 5 years, but has never posted once.

What is the history behind that. For a man thatlikes to dominate all forums why has he shied away from posting here.

Did smiles upset him too.

August 16th, 2010, 06:59
Bao Bao. I suggest you go and read that 'Peeve' post started by Gaybutton. It's a fairly good example ~ and a microcosm of 'attitude' ~ of how one member intuitively felt he had to massage Gaybutton's righteousness to stay in The Good Book.

The cost of posting on Gaybutton's board is to continually stay on pins and needles about what you write, and what the consequences will be: i.e. if you really want to stay and participate: the cost ~ let's call it what it is ~ is a niggling feeling of petty degradation hanging like a Damocles sword.

On the first point you make, I think you simply misread the thread. The thread and posts by GB were largely made with some humor that you apparently didn't pick up (besides, I'm wondering if you noticed the #8 pet peeve of GB's: "8. Message board owners who post their peeves and then try to get their board members to do the same thing . . .").

As to the second point you make (the pins and needles suggestion), I also don't agree with that description and I think your predisposition toward GB colored your comments. No problem with that but I simply don't believe that the vast majority of posters over there view things the way you do.

Yea, there's a difference between over-moderation and essentially no moderation such as occurs here. So far, GB hasn't over-moderated in my opinion. But, even if he ultimately goes in that direction a bit, it's a far better situation to some than the general experience of this board in the last year or two.

August 16th, 2010, 07:52
Sorry Bob, you`re genetic American naivet├й outweighs any good intention you may have ... kind of like thinking Thailand is a democracy (`just like home`).
I misread nothing, I just have a far different interpretation of it than you do.
I noticed it (number 8 that is). Why would I post a comment about it if I hadn`t already noticed. The interaction between Lvdeyes and Gaybutton would have made no sense.

I agree that Gaybutton and I are not buds, but I can assure you that if the man was not the controller he is I`d not be writing any of this. But I`ve seen all this before: he`ll not change.
You may notice I`m by no means the only person writing similar stuff.

August 16th, 2010, 09:16
You may notice I`m by no means the only person writing similar stuff.
No, not the only one, but even on your own board you are certainly in the minority (I counted two others who agreed with you amongst all the comments). Oddly, on a thread clearly created to castigate GB, there is far more criticism of SGT.

August 16th, 2010, 11:42
The interaction between Lvdeyes and Gaybutton would have made no sense.

Unless, as happens to be the case, there was no hostility between them [(1) had you paid any attention to GT over the last year or two, you would have known that, and (2) you apparently missed the GB post that he noted that he had no problem with the post in the first place]. You misread the situation and my guess is it's because of your predisposition, eh?

August 16th, 2010, 13:01
Reading the Peeves thread on Gaybutton, I am certainly in agreement with Smiles.
Having experienced his old board I am confident you will all be back here sooner or later.
A year from now it will be Herr GB and his little group of sycophants in a tightly controlled circle jerk. So before you drink the kool-aid, just remember - you have been warned.

August 16th, 2010, 13:38
I notice that gaybutton is a member here and has been for 5 years, but has never posted once.

What is the history behind that. .

He has the same reason to be registered here as I am there. The same reason why we register on any new board that pops up.

We protect our names, if any post is from "jinks" it is me, not a preditor using my handle.

August 16th, 2010, 16:21
I notice that gaybutton is a member here and has been for 5 years, but has never posted once.

What is the history behind that. .

He has the same reason to be registered here as I am there. The same reason why we register on any new board that pops up.

We protect our names, if any post is from "jinks" it is me, not a preditor using my handle.

I was wondering about that too..mystery solved. "Fiendishly clever my dear Watson"

Nice one paulg.

Khor tose
August 16th, 2010, 22:30
I misread nothing, I just have a far different interpretation of it than you do.
While I really hate to post on this shitty excuse for a message board, that sells itself to any advertiser, I just have to reply to you.

Funny, I agree totally with Bob on this one and do not see where your interpretation comes from, and I am no ones syncopate, especially, at times, Gaybuttons.

I agree that Gaybutton and I are not buds, but I can assure you that if the man was not the controller he is I`d not be writing any of this. But I`ve seen all this before: he`ll not change. You may notice I`m by no means the only person writing similar stuff.

At times, I have seen GB become overly controlling, but the majority of the time he does try to be balanced. Never had a bad day yourself? Come on now Smiles be honest. At times, I have had some nasty words with GB, but other times I agree completely with him. By your definition that makes me a suck ass, and I am too old to kiss anyone's ass (except my boyfriends frequently and often).
Finally, you may not have benefited from GB's old board, but I sure the hell did and I do not forget what a tremendous help he was to me and countless others on learning how to deal with Thailand. I like people and I will always take the bad with the good when the good is there, and GB has done a lot of good for an awful lot of people and I will always appreciate that. Yes others have said the same thing as you, and some of them have legitimate complaints, but if you look hard at some of these people who think like you, you may just wish to re-examine your thinking and especially you motives. You look a tad bit jealous of his success. :tongue2:

August 17th, 2010, 00:35
To be fair to Smiles, he is an equal opportunity moderator critic.

While Smiles does have an historical issue with gaybutton, he isn't shy to criticize
the mods here and has put his two baht in on the other gaythailand forums.
I seem to recall his criticisms at baht-stop ended his posting career there.(?)

The point is that I believe Smiles wants the moderators here and elsewhere to be fair,
to be consistant with following the rules and to avoid favoritism.
Of course, Smiles can and does speak for himself but as a fellow critic (good and bad),
I know it is nice to get a little support from the membership..

August 17th, 2010, 00:59
I have yet to understand why it is necessary to criticize any board on another board. If you have a problem with someone on another board, post your issue there. Most boards do not delete posts that are critical of things they need to work on. If you have a problem with GayButton, tell him on his board and let him defend himself. That seems to be the fair thing to do.

I have always said that the membership here as the most potential to make a successful message board. The problem lies in the threads that turn into bar room brawls and go off topic. When I first came to Thailand, I was able to get great information from this board. Now, I find it hard to wade through all the mean spirited comments that occur in every thread or the silly dribble that takes off after a few posts.

I understand Smiles will always defend this board (though he will also criticize it as times as well). It is his baby. He started it. He put love and attention into it and he wants it to succeed over all the other boards. I want all the board to succeed. Including this one. I find there are great things I can learn from people from all the boards. And, for those of you that give GayButton's board a try, you will find some great information there as well. You don't have to like him to benefit from his knowledge. And regardless of what anyone here says, he is one of the most intelligent people when it comes to Pattaya and the scene here. And, he shares that knowledge freely with everyone.

Instead of thinking of all the boards as competition, why is it impossible to be nice to each other and get along and encourage and support all of the boards. I certainly support this board and I give my compliments to Smiles for creating a very unique community and to Elephant Spike for continuing in his tradition.

August 17th, 2010, 02:50
While I really hate to post on this shitty excuse for a message board
Now, come on, let us hear what you really think about it! hehe

Funny, I agree totally with Bob
Whoa! That's a record! And probably an indication of your declining mental health? :tongue3:

August 17th, 2010, 05:42
GayThailand Wrote:

If you have a problem with GayButton, tell him on his board and let him defend himself. That seems to be the fair thing to do.

I agree totally with your definition of proper board protocal and the fact that we should like each other and all embrace with kisses and hugs etc., but had to scratch my a head when reading your statement above, as this is a direct contradiction to Rule # 5 on the Gaybutton Forum. You're not trying to get us in trouble with the Commander are you? Gaybutton has made it clear that if you disagree with him on a subject you should keep your opions transparent to the members of his forum by directing your comments to him privately via PM or e:mail.

In all reality, I would think a policy like this would probably work, that is in fact if the site moderator was of the transparent nature and not one who actively participated in the posts on the forum, especially a large number of the posted topics, which Gayubutton seems to enjoy. In-other-words, if a moderator is going to actively participate in forum discussions, than he, regardless of his personal preferences, should allow any and all responses to him to be just as public as the next guy...plain and simple.

Having said that, I wish Gaybutton the best of luck and agree that bickering and stone throwing between sites is about as usefull as a screen door in a submarine.

I choose this forum as my home because of the freedon we enjoy and the fact that we're not commanded to follow a rule # 5.

August 17th, 2010, 06:59
Ooogleman made no bones about it from day one, and that's good on him - I don't care personally for all the "adult" content everywhere on it... however, I enjoy reading many of the threads there and do participate, for a couple reasons of my own.

Yeah, what's the deal with GayTingTong.com on that?

I think I heard him mention once that the board does NOT make a profit. Yet there are porn links EVERYWHERE!

He's offering free banner ads to gay venues in Thailand now.

August 17th, 2010, 07:32
Ooogleman made no bones about it from day one, and that's good on him - I don't care personally for all the "adult" content everywhere on it... however, I enjoy reading many of the threads there and do participate, for a couple reasons of my own.

Yeah, what's the deal with GayTingTong.com on that?

I think I heard him mention once that the board does NOT make a profit. Yet there are porn links EVERYWHERE!

He's offering free banner ads to gay venues in Thailand now.

forum parties and charity get it all - and more.

August 17th, 2010, 11:01
Gaythailand: I have yet to understand why it is necessary to criticize any board on another board. If you have a problem with someone on another board, post your issue there. Most boards do not delete posts that are critical of things they need to work on. If you have a problem with GayButton, tell him on his board and let him defend himself. That seems to be the fair thing to do.

It might help if you read the thread before writing that. It's precisely because your friend Gaybutton deletes anything that's remotely crtitical of him that resort to other boards is made. This what I posted on GB:

"It's your board but don't you think you should lighten up on the "my way or the highway" posts ? You've made it abundantly clear in more than a dozen posts that you won't tolerate what you consider improper posting. Ease up and relax. The worst these guys can throw are words, not bombs."

That was my second post deleted (2 out of 4) with a message from GB that crticism of the board must be by private message, not posts. Who knows how many others he's been quietly deleitng because he doesn't leave any tracks. Do you understand now why posters go to other boards to complain about moderator abuse ?

August 17th, 2010, 14:30
Gaybutton has made it clear that if you disagree with him on a subject you should keep your opions transparent to the members of his forum by directing your comments to him privately via PM or e:mail.

Are you using a management consultant's definition of transparency? How does that compare to opacity?

August 17th, 2010, 17:37
...Yeah, what's the deal with GayTingTong.com.....I think I heard him (Oogleman) mention once that the board does NOT make a profit. Yet there are porn links EVERYWHERE!

Maybe he gets paid for the porn ads in kind?

If so, his right arm must resemble that of Charles Atlas.

Pity about the remainder.

Quite amusing to read a few complaints now about Gaybutton's new board - a week ago it was watertight, now it appears to be leaking like an old rustbucket.

:hello1: :hello1:


August 17th, 2010, 19:15
Gaythailand: I have yet to understand why it is necessary to criticize any board on another board. If you have a problem with someone on another board, post your issue there. Most boards do not delete posts that are critical of things they need to work on. If you have a problem with GayButton, tell him on his board and let him defend himself. That seems to be the fair thing to do.

It might help if you read the thread before writing that. It's precisely because your friend Gaybutton deletes anything that's remotely crtitical of him that resort to other boards is made. This what I posted on GB:

"It's your board but don't you think you should lighten up on the "my way or the highway" posts ? You've made it abundantly clear in more than a dozen posts that you won't tolerate what you consider improper posting. Ease up and relax. The worst these guys can throw are words, not bombs."

That was my second post deleted (2 out of 4) with a message from GB that crticism of the board must be by private message, not posts. Who knows how many others he's been quietly deleitng because he doesn't leave any tracks. Do you understand now why posters go to other boards to complain about moderator abuse ?

Dude, why bother?

You know what the policy is over there. You know that type of post will be deleted. Stick to the rules or vote with your own feet.

If you want to be a fuckstick, then fine, be a fuckstick. But don't be a fuckstick and then cry to everyone about your (non-existent in this case) "rights" and demand for fair treatment. It's like a red shirt leader crying about being shot at when he fully knows and accepts some of his protesters are deliberately using lethal firearms to provoke the soldiers.

August 17th, 2010, 19:18
Gaybutton has made it clear that if you disagree with him on a subject you should keep your opions transparent to the members of his forum by directing your comments to him privately via PM or e:mail.

Are you using a management consultant's definition of transparency? How does that compare to opacity?

I think that's him making a typo/mistake.

What's your problem with Dodger?

August 17th, 2010, 19:21
...Yeah, what's the deal with GayTingTong.com.....I think I heard him (Oogleman) mention once that the board does NOT make a profit. Yet there are porn links EVERYWHERE!

Maybe he gets paid for the porn ads in kind?

If so, his right arm must resemble that of Charles Atlas.

Pity about the remainder.

Quite amusing to read a few complaints now about Gaybutton's new board - a week ago it was watertight, now it appears to be leaking like an old rustbucket.


A lot of money over and above what is made by GTT is returned in forum parties and in charity works, I know he reaches into his own wallet on many occasions and does not make cheap shots at other people in his posts.
The support for the Streetkids by oogleman and his GTT members is marvellous and he/they do not deserve your cheap attempt at humour.

August 17th, 2010, 19:23
...Yeah, what's the deal with GayTingTong.com.....I think I heard him (Oogleman) mention once that the board does NOT make a profit. Yet there are porn links EVERYWHERE!

Maybe he gets paid for the porn ads in kind?

If so, his right arm must resemble that of Charles Atlas.

Heh... Putting in a lot of energy to get access to porn sites followed by putting in a lot of effort to use them.

August 18th, 2010, 04:53
......A lot of money over and above what is made by GTT is returned in forum parties and in charity works, I know he reaches into his own wallet on many occasions and does not make cheap shots at other people in his posts.
The support for the Streetkids by oogleman and his GTT members is marvellous and he/they do not deserve your cheap attempt at humour.

Are there any Roman Catholics on this board?

In the light of The Wombat's glowing testimonial, I was wondering how one goes about getting somebody beatified - does the person have to be dead or can they become a living saint?

Of course, in putting the person forward the various thinly- veiled threats that the candidate for sainthood has made (against me personally on this forum) in apparent support of certain "controversial" Boyztown publicans would have to be swept under the carpet - but The Wombat seems happy with that.

I thought my little comment was quite innocuous actually - sorry it got your frillies in a twist dear.


August 18th, 2010, 05:49
First of all I sincerely wish all the boardsтАЩ here in Thailand success. The more the merrier. :occasion9:

However, I personally refuse to post on boards where the owner and/or moderators delete a post that they donтАЩt agree with. Sure, we all know certain topics cannot be discussed but when a topic has nothing to do with the тАЬunspeakable areas of discussionтАЭ and are deleted, that is when I simply donтАЩt bother to take the time to post on that certain board.

Although I will continue to read all the boards, never will I post on a board that arbitrarily deletes without even a quick email explaining why.

The only gay board that has not deleted a post written by me is this board. I may not have a lot to share, but at least I feel free to post when I choose. I like that feelingтАж. That feeling of freedom. :love4:

Long live the Sawatdee-Gay-Thailand board.

Now that Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dumb have gone their separate ways, I do wish all the best to Twiddle DumbтАЩs new board. I personally wonтАЩt bother to post there because of his past egocentric behavior, his habit of shooting off his mouth later to be corrected, but I will occasionally pop in from time to time for a laugh. :lam:

I did notice the new owner of Twiddle DeeтАЩs board тАЬScooby Doo ???тАЭ did make a statement that she/he wonтАЩt be deleting posts unless it concerns the unspeakable topics, which is a move in the right direction.

I do wish him/her well with his/her Gay-Thailand board. I do hope he/she removes those mostly ugly boy/men photos from the flash page.

All the best to you all...... :bis:

Edit: You all should go back to the first page & read post #5 again by Alaan. Some very good points that I failed to mention.

August 18th, 2010, 09:20
I personally refuse to post on boards where the owner and/or moderators delete a post that they donтАЩt agree with.
Uhm... don't look now, but you just did. :cheers:

Rules are rules. By signing up, you agree to abide by them. I don't always like it - and have had a couple posts edited, (although not on GB's board) - but that's the deal.

August 18th, 2010, 14:10
The pompous, arrogant, mouth-on-a-stick with an ego to match the size of his mouth, otherwise known as Gaybutton, is basking in the honeymoon peroid of the setting up of his new forum. He can never change and so it will just be a matter of time before everyone currently posting enthusiastically there wil tire of his continual butting-in, deleting, banning, opinion on just about every-fucking-thing, and slowly but surely it will settle down. It was the same when he was at Gaythailand, the traffic on the forum was very slow there because of what will eventually happen at his new home.

There is only so many times you can be bothered to listen to his rules and regulations on this and that, at the moment I doubt if there is one thread over there which doesn't have at least one post from him, he actually interupts the flow, just as Oogleman does over on his forum, both forums would be substantially better off without ANY comments from either of them, as we've all heard the same fucking rhetoric from them a million times.

I think if they were consistant and honest i would have more respect for their word, but the level of hypocrisy they induce is beyond beleif. Gaybutton blabs on about personal attacks...well just go over to Baht-stop and read ANY of the threads he has contributed to and it will be clear to all that he SAYS one thing but DOES another, insulting and bad mouthing right, left and centre.....exactly the type of thing he would apparently NOT TOLERATE on his own little cyber version of North Korea.

Both Gaybutton and Oolgleman over at GTT just LOVE the sound of their own voices and opinions and so have set up their forums so they can enable themselves to be able to spout off without fear of being deleted themselves or having anyone disagree with them, its as simple as that.

I am a member of both forums, as well as all the other gay forums, reading them all and taking out of them the info relevant and interesting to me. I also post on them from time to time, but at the end of the day both forums are rather pointless in the sense of free-speech and freedom to give your opinion...as soon as you either disagree with either of them or give a differing opinion it is censored.

I noticed here that the first large thread on Gaybuttons forum has disappeared from SGT, I just hope the owner and mods here dont think that Gaybuttons forum is any kind of good model to follow. Sure it will attract the lurkers and those timid to post here, but SGT is by far and away the best gay forum, and the most realistic in terms of mirroring life by taking the good, bad and ugly together without the ridiculous notion that grown adults need to be "protected" from all the nastly WORDS and comments out there, by full-of-themselves egocentric boors such as gaybutton and Oogleman. Spike has run this forum successfully longer than any, it is the busiest, gaybuttons no doubt will survive too as most posters read all the forums and contribute to all from time to time just as I do, but SGT will still be the place to come to for originality, honest opinions and enthusiastic debates without the interuption from any clueless, over-opinionated owners.

Just my humble opinion of course.
This is an excellent characterization of "icon"(???)., "gentlemen and scholar" (?????) from Pattaya and pornography obsessed
Mother Teresa from Northern Ireland.
The only question that I have why so many feeble souls think that they can find a "safe heaven" under Gaybutton?

August 18th, 2010, 17:10

This is an excellent characterization of "icon"(???)., "gentlemen and scholar" (?????) from Pattaya and pornography obsessed
Mother Teresa from Northern Ireland.
The only question that I have why so many feeble souls think that they can find a "safe heaven" under Gaybutton?

I did not quote "ALAAN" to which Ikarus is referring,suffice to ask IKarus: which of these words most apply to you, BARKING or RAVING. Heaven knows we have our share of loonies here...but seriously you take the proverbial biscuit!

August 18th, 2010, 17:24
I don't see why people complain. If someone sets up a Message Board then they're free to run it anyway they want.

If you don't like their methods then don't post or visit it.

But spare us all this sanctimonious bleating from people who'd have no idea how to set up or run a message board but just like to moan because that's all they can be bothered to do.

August 18th, 2010, 17:41
I have read "ALAAN"S post and agree completely, he has bravely and eloquently put in words exactly how I feel ( and suspect many more who are a little "shy "probably feel the same) .
Once we are denied freedom to express our opinions and " guided" by some "paternalistic" personality it is no longer a forum..it is practically a Blog/cult!
On this forum you can say whatever you like! Yes your post will be deleted if it is"off the wall" but not to the point where you are checked /humiliated for using lines........or some other trivial nonsense,heaven help you if you have the audacity to actually disagree with someone..anyone!!

August 28th, 2010, 07:02
"It's your board but don't you think you should lighten up on the "my way or the highway" posts ? You've made it abundantly clear in more than a dozen posts that you won't tolerate what you consider improper posting. Ease up and relax. The worst these guys can throw are words, not bombs."

I don't see anything unreasonable about what he did. You knew or should have known to expect it.

I also think the way you worded the post is none to bright if it really was your intention to influence his behaviour. He's made it pretty clear that his stance is to run a tight ship and he isn't open to discussion on it so what's the point of having a poke at it?

The "words, not bombs" argument doesn't have much merit either as we all know what these forums descend to even if it's "just words" being thrown about.

damn, your avatar is so good looking, I have a problem disagreeing with anything you say,

August 28th, 2010, 18:05
This really makes me laugh - we now have FOUR PAGES of total crap on what is happening on another board?

How in hell can this have the slightest relevence?

:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:

August 28th, 2010, 18:34
The slightest relevance to what? It has relevance to those participating in the thread, and thats all you need to know, whether YOU dont feel it is worth discussing that is 'up to you' as they say.

I personally dont 'belong' to any of the boards but participate on them all. Where a subject cannot be discussed on another forum because of the pompous control freak owners wont allow it, it is in my opinion logical to carry that discussion where it cannot be simply deleted or censored. The very fact that there is FOUR PAGES and over 1500 reads shows it to be completely at odds with your interpretation of what is relevant to who and what is not.

It certainly has more relevance than having to trawl through all the 'total crap' about Betty Hutton? on a thread about Memories bar closing.....none of which really made me laugh, it was just simply IRRELEVANT to that thread title.

August 28th, 2010, 19:12
blah.... blah.....blah....blah...

You sad,sad,sad, and pathetic little man - you have just destroyed your own argument:


It certainly has more relevance than having to trawl through all the 'total crap' about Betty Hutton? on a thread about Memories bar closing.....none of which really made me laugh, it was just simply IRRELEVANT to that thread title


The slightest relevance to what? It has relevance to those participating in the thread, and thats all you need to know, whether YOU dont feel it is worth discussing that is 'up to you' as they say.

At least Betty Hutton has been heard of - unlike a total nonentity like yourself.

No offence.

:rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

August 28th, 2010, 19:39
I can agree with some of the things said about Gaybutton but certainly not all of them.

But I cannot agree this is the best forum until moderators take action to eliminate the hijacking of threads . I can't stand it when there is an interesting thread and certain posters here hijack it and it becomes a thread that has nothing to do with the original post.

Anyone who reads this forum would have to be Brain Dead not to know what and who I am talking about. These posters are free to start their own threads to carry on their diatribes but they should not be allowed to ruin the enjoyment of others.

The personal attacks here are just ridiculous and since I don't personally know any of those posters , I don't care why they have to carry on their arguments.

I just wish they would find someplace else to do it!!!

I totally agree with firecat69. This forum does seem to be a contest as to whom can be more bitchy than the rest. However, when you see the time that some of the members post their comments, one can only surmise that they are a little worse for wear.

August 28th, 2010, 21:38
I can agree with some of the things said about Gaybutton but certainly not all of them.

But I cannot agree this is the best forum until moderators take action to eliminate the hijacking of threads . I can't stand it when there is an interesting thread and certain posters here hijack it and it becomes a thread that has nothing to do with the original post.

Anyone who reads this forum would have to be Brain Dead not to know what and who I am talking about. These posters are free to start their own threads to carry on their diatribes but they should not be allowed to ruin the enjoyment of others.

The personal attacks here are just ridiculous and since I don't personally know any of those posters , I don't care why they have to carry on their arguments.

I just wish they would find someplace else to do it!!!

I totally agree with firecat69. This forum does seem to be a contest as to whom can be more bitchy than the rest. However, when you see the time that some of the members post their comments, one can only surmise that they are a little worse for wear.

Dont you think it is exciting that scottish-guy is taking his tremendous wit and insight to his new forum, and leaving us to enjoy the vacuam.

August 29th, 2010, 01:36
Dont you think it is exciting that scottish-guy is taking his tremendous wit and insight to his new forum, and leaving us to enjoy the vacuam.

You're even more of an idiot than I gave you credit for - my suggestion was for a new forum ON THIS BOARD.

Try drinking and reading at separate times.



August 29th, 2010, 02:25
At least Betty Hutton has been heard of - unlike a total nonentity like yourself.

I've never heard of Betty Hutton...

August 29th, 2010, 02:29
Dont you think it is exciting that scottish-guy is taking his tremendous wit and insight to his new forum, and leaving us to enjoy the vacuam.

You're even more of an idiot than I gave you credit for - my suggestion was for a new forum ON THIS BOARD.

Try drinking and reading at separate times.



LOL... He does this all the time... getting frustrated is futile.

August 29th, 2010, 05:53
LOL... He does this all the time... getting frustrated is futile.

Beachy Boy, when you get to my age, you'll realise that being frustrated is almost compulsory!!

:hello1: :hello1:

August 29th, 2010, 06:17
At least Betty Hutton has been heard of - unlike a total nonentity like yourself.

I've never heard of Betty Hutton...

She's world famous in Scotland.

:rolling: :rolling:

September 4th, 2010, 04:39
She's world famous in Scotland. :rolling: :rolling:

Scotland's the world?